LGBT+ movement starting to backfire [part 3]


Mar 15, 2017
Parents: please note how to fight against teenagers abusing the system, using gender identity!!!


My granddaughter, T, is 14. She has a friend from school, B, also a 14 yr old girl. B is pretending she's a boy and playing the "respect my gender identity or you're a bigot game" with everyone around her. T wanted B to sleepover. My daughter, T's mom said "no boys allowed." +

B argued, saying that rule doesn't apply because she doesn't have a penis & they can't have sex. If she were truly a boy (and of course she's not), the fact that she's allowed to do things only girls are allowed to do should cause her dysphoria. +

She's claiming trans identity purely as a power play, to control people in her life, and when it suits her. In other words, it's all a bullshit game. It's ALL a bullshit game!
5:10 AM · Feb 11, 2023·


Mar 15, 2017
Perhaps researchers need to consider ulterior motives when investigating WHY so many young women are suddenly deciding they are anything but straight....

Some replies to above the Tweet:
Egg Box

This ideology is gifting teens a way to control & manipulate others. In my line of work I see plenty of these girls flip flip in their identities & have everyone around them on eggshells. One case, having been through 3 names & 2 pronouns, admitted it was all about power.

Yep I pointed this out to my kid about one of their friends who is a girl identifying as a boy but on a school trip is roomed with girls. Like when it /really/ matters everyone knows.

Old Sandstone

The local school had a problem with girls self identifying to get round the uniform rules, they wanted to wear trousers rather than the skirt.


There is a kid in my daughter's class at school (1st year secondary) & they have stayed they are trans. However, they change their name regularly (Shadow being the latest) & can't understand why the teachers won't indulge. The name is more important than the gender.
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Jun 26, 2022
A great whistle-blower in this story!
Wow, that article is a must-read.

I've read A LOT about this topic and i was completely unaware of some of those side effects and risks. How horrific!

Here's another article about the same whistleblower, this one doesn't include as much about the effects and risks, mostly focusing on the ease of getting a child started on these hormones, and how vulnerable children with mental health conditions are being prayed upon.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has launched an investigation into the Washington University Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital after a former employee went public with a story that may turn the tide against the treatment of minors with gender dysphoria.

A former clinic employee, Jamie Reed, has blown the whistle on the clinic, alleging hospital employees at the transgender center of lying to the parents of patients, among many other issues.

Reed describes herself as a “queer woman and politically to the left of Bernie Sanders.” She was a caseworker at the gender clinic for four years and what she saw during that time shocked and frightened her.
Until about eight years ago, the patient population of teens suffering from gender dysphoria was made up of a few young boys who wanted to “present” as girls. But then, something strange happened.

Until 2015 or so, a very small number of these boys comprised the population of pediatric gender dysphoria cases. Then, across the Western world, there began to be a dramatic increase in a new population: Teenage girls, many with no previous history of gender distress, suddenly declared they were transgender and demanded immediate treatment with testosterone.
I certainly saw this at the center. One of my jobs was to do intake for new patients and their families. When I started there were probably 10 such calls a month. When I left there were 50, and about 70 percent of the new patients were girls. Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school.
Reed noticed that many of these teenage girls suffered from “comorbidities” like depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, and obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism. A British pediatric transgender center conducted a study last year and found that about one-third of the patients referred there were on the autism spectrum.

Many of the patients claimed they had conditions and diseases they clearly didn’t have, like Tourette Syndrome or multiple personalities.

All these self-diagnoses point to social contagion. But the doctors at Washington University Gender Clinic refused to recognize transgender claims as social contagion. They called it “innate.”

To begin transitioning, the girls needed a letter of support from a therapist—usually one we recommended—who they had to see only once or twice for the green light. To make it more efficient for the therapists, we offered them a template for how to write a letter in support of transition. The next stop was a single visit to the endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription.
That’s all it took.
One of the major side effects of testosterone is sterility. Reed didn’t believe the teenage girls fully grasped what that meant. She also didn’t think the girls understood the impact of other effects of testosterone on their bodies.
Reed relates stories of severely mentally disturbed adolescents being sent to the gender clinic with diagnoses like schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. The doctors’ solution? Gender transition.

Finally, the issue of parental consent is given short shrift by the doctors at the clinic. Reed relates one story of a mother who brought her daughter to the clinic. The woman was divorcing her husband and she wanted custody so her daughter could undergo a gender transition.

I had done the original intake call, and I found the mother quite disturbing. She and the father were getting divorced, and the mother described the daughter as “kind of a tomboy.” So now the mother was convinced her child was trans. But when I asked if her daughter had adopted a boy’s name, if she was distressed about her body, if she was saying she felt like a boy, the mother said no. I explained the girl just didn’t meet the criteria for an evaluation.
Then a month later, the mother called back and said her daughter now used a boy’s name, was in distress over her body, and wanted to transition. This time the mom and daughter were given an appointment. Our providers decided the girl was trans and prescribed a puberty blocker to prevent her normal development.
Jun 26, 2022
The failure and complication rate of sex reassignment surgery is high. Wonder if patients are informed of the risks?

Over half of men who surgically “transition” experience so much pain they need medical attention, according to a new study.

Vaginoplasty, a surgery that typically involves inverting the penis and clearing a void between the urethra and rectum to create a fake vagina, often results in significant medical complications.

Fifty-five percent of men who pursue the surgery report being in so much pain that they need medical attention, even a year post-operation, according to a study from the Women’s College Hospital in Ontario, Canada. The study tracked 80 patients and checked in with them three months and five years after the operation.

Pain is not the only byproduct of genital mutilation. In fact, nearly 43 percent reported “bleeding,” nearly 34 percent reported “sexual function concerns,” and 32.5 percent reported “vaginal discharge.”
The most commonly reported issues are pain (53.5 percent), bleeding (42.5 percent), and dilation issues (46.3 percent), but there was a significant number of respondents who reported sexual problems (33.8 percent), poorly healing wounds (21.3 percent), and difficulty urinating (22.5 percent).

According to the study, these issues are classified as “minor” but have the potential to worsen into more significant medical problems.

Many skeptical of the surgeries and their mental health effects say they often do not achieve the goals hoped for by those with gender dysphoria.
While some doctors on the left advocate for hormone treatments, puberty blockers, and genital mutilation surgery as the proper avenues for treating young persons who believe they are transgender, a new study suggests that such methods actually spike the already high likelihood of transgender youth suicide.
Oh, i guess no informed consent...
Often, patients are not made aware of these side effects before choosing to go forward with the notoriously complicated surgeries.


Oct 23, 2018
Perhaps researchers need to consider ulterior motives when investigating WHY so many young women are suddenly deciding they are anything but straight....

Some replies to above the Tweet:
Egg Box

This ideology is gifting teens a way to control & manipulate others. In my line of work I see plenty of these girls flip flip in their identities & have everyone around them on eggshells. One case, having been through 3 names & 2 pronouns, admitted it was all about power.

Yep I pointed this out to my kid about one of their friends who is a girl identifying as a boy but on a school trip is roomed with girls. Like when it /really/ matters everyone knows.

Old Sandstone

The local school had a problem with girls self identifying to get round the uniform rules, they wanted to wear trousers rather than the skirt.


There is a kid in my daughter's class at school (1st year secondary) & they have stayed they are trans. However, they change their name regularly (Shadow being the latest) & can't understand why the teachers won't indulge. The name is more important than the gender.
I heard recently on a Christian podcast (can't remember the name, maybe John MacArthur?) that the reason girls are doing this is because it's become the popular thing to do. To fit in, and to manipulate (mess with teachers and adults), they do this.


Mar 15, 2017
Wow, that article is a must-read.

I've read A LOT about this topic and i was completely unaware of some of those side effects and risks. How horrific!

Here's another article about the same whistleblower, this one doesn't include as much about the effects and risks, mostly focusing on the ease of getting a child started on these hormones, and how vulnerable children with mental health conditions are being prayed upon.

Although the Daily Mail is the "Jerry Springer" of online newspapers for now, it seems to be the only free-to-access one giving the non-PC's viewpoint [especially on the Alphabet community] more and more. This year I have got the impression it is slowly allowing comments on those controversial topics. Pro-LBGT+ commenters are few and far between, and they get a massive amount of downvotes ALL the time.

I have read some detransitioners' Twitter entries, and they are heart-breaking. I need to keep an eye out for them.


Mar 15, 2017
I heard recently on a Christian podcast (can't remember the name, maybe John MacArthur?) that the reason girls are doing this is because it's become the popular thing to do. To fit in, and to manipulate (mess with teachers and adults), they do this.
I think that is one of many reasons for why girls have fallen for calling themselves TQ+ instead of gay/bi [in the x/Y generation].

I agree with other commenters who suggest for young women this is the new anorexia/ bulimia nervosa craze.
I am glad my niece who has autism is in her mid-20s. Girls with autism appear to be at very high risk of being convinced they are trans because they "feel different" to most girls.

I also wonder how much young women are simply running away from being expected to be porn stars in the bedroom. If they decided to be trans, that would be an easy way out of being pressured to do what is repulsive/ frightening to them. In a way I don't blame them, if young men think hard-core porn is normal.
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Oct 2, 2017
Perhaps researchers need to consider ulterior motives when investigating WHY so many young women are suddenly deciding they are anything but straight...

Old Sandstone

The local school had a problem with girls self identifying to get round the uniform rules, they wanted to wear trousers rather than the skirts

Let's see. I can understand why girls would trans. Take the quote above. Sexual assaults from boys and male teachers who eye up girls ( yes it happens don't deny it. Any woman can tell you there was at least one male teacher who was a prv in their school) is on the rise. No wonder girls choose to trans so they can wear trousers.

Not to mention girls are being hyper sexualised from earlier and earlier ages. Again no wonder they would take the exit route that is trans.

Not to mention girls are not taken seriously. Never have been. While boys are pushed to have careers girls are at best ignored and at worst told they aren't fit to be X career.

So yeah I get why they see trans as a way out. It's still wrong. Instead we should listen to girls as to why they don't want to wear skirts. Why they don't want to be seen as female.

The reasons for older men transing and girls are poles a part.


Mar 15, 2017
Please read the whole thread. It is very disturbing but it makes sense.
I used to look after elderly residents who had had to have limbs removed for medical reasons. It is sometimes very disabling.
It is hard to imagine anyone would choose have healthy limbs amputated, let alone get a sexual thrill from it! What a sick world we live in now...


Mar 15, 2017
As for the end of the universe… I say let it come as it will, in ice, fire, or darkness. What did the universe ever do for me that I should mind its welfare?
You still have the power over the words you use. You control what comes out of your mouth and keyboard.
How you treat others will generally either reward you or punish you.
From a purely self-focused viewpoint, what are you actually gaining from negative attention? What **do** you actually win?


Mar 15, 2017
You still didn't answer my question. What has made you resort to trolling many times on the forum? How desperate for attention you must be...