
Seeking Jesus

Apr 30, 2022
So true. I have heard many people abandon their faith because they met a gay or trans person who were just so nice and lovely, how could they be bad people. It must be God who is bad bc these sinners are so nice. But everyone I know is a sinner and some of them are also capable of being or maybe just appearing to be lovely. I am a sinner and my head is sometimes full of terrible thoughts, but I’m still able to be lovely and nice on the outside. Doesn’t make me any less of a sinner and it definitely doesn’t make God any less holy and righteous. We don’t worship the creature we worship the Creator.
Amen, brother. I too am a sinner. Those without sin cast the first stone! However, we should try to refrain from sinning, and that is very difficult and even impossible, which is why we must thank Jesus for His sacrifice.


Jun 28, 2020
That was the 1970s, not 80s. By the early 80s, elementary kids knew "gay" meant homosexual.
Perhaps it has something to do with your location in the world? I was born in 79. Gay meant happy in my house and pretty much the same with all the kids in my neighborhood.

The gay agenda didn't really get a strong push until they started introducing gay characters into tv shows, normalizing this deviant lifestyle. WIll and Grace was a popular one and i think it came out in 98. I don't remember any programs before this with a strong queer lead. But today its hard to find a cartoon without a queer character, let alone sitcoms meant for adults.

Sadly kids today are completely brainwashed, to the point where they can literally have a penis and still be unsure of what sex they are.
Its all about satans promise to change Gods creation. Society is ever creeping towards complete and total depravity.


Jul 31, 2017
It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia. In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade, so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better word).

However I'm still really confused about the borderline racist ideology among the "conspiracy theorist" community. Some of it is subtle and easy enough to ignore, and a lot of it can simply be misinterpreted, but there was a topic here a few years ago where several people were arguing against interracial relationships. It got so bad that it seemed like we'd gone back in time to the 1960s. :rolleyes: Admittedly I was very offended since I'm biracial, so reading arguments about how White people and Black people shouldn't marry each other was like reading people saying that I shouldn't exist.

Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia. In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade, so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better word).

However I'm still really confused about the borderline racist ideology among the "conspiracy theorist" community. Some of it is subtle and easy enough to ignore, and a lot of it can simply be misinterpreted, but there was a topic here a few years ago where several people were arguing against interracial relationships. It got so bad that it seemed like we'd gone back in time to the 1960s. :rolleyes: Admittedly I was very offended since I'm biracial, so reading arguments about how White people and Black people shouldn't get together was like reading people saying that I shouldn't exist.
There is no borderline about it. The conspiracy movement is just a smokescreen for white supremacy.

Seeking Jesus

Apr 30, 2022
It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia. In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade, so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better word).

However I'm still really confused about the borderline racist ideology among the "conspiracy theorist" community. Some of it is subtle and easy enough to ignore, and a lot of it can simply be misinterpreted, but there was a topic here a few years ago where several people were arguing against interracial relationships. It got so bad that it seemed like we'd gone back in time to the 1960s. :rolleyes: Admittedly I was very offended since I'm biracial, so reading arguments about how White people and Black people shouldn't get together was like reading people saying that I shouldn't exist.
I think there's definitely been a push to create racial diversity in formerly homogeneous countries. I recall reading that the UK accepted around 3,000 immigrants in 1952, I think it was, and in 2006 it was around 300,000! So in one year in 2006 the UK received as many immigrants as would have arrived in a century had immigration remained at early 1950s levels.

The economic reasons for such mass-immigration are spurious and can all be debunked. Over the same time frame as immigration was being increased indigenous people were being encouraged to have abortions and use contraception - sex education was a huge thing at my school and this will definitely have reduced the birth rate, especially when coupled with feminist ideology and the idea that materialism and careers are more important than raising a family.

Now, is that the immigrants' fault? Absolutely not. It's part of the elite's agenda to fragment society and destroy nations in preparation for the coming Luciferian One World Government.

When I was growing up, I was taught that race didn't matter. That's a noble idea. However nowadays kids are being taught that White Privilege does matter. The satanic elite are working assiduously towards creating as much disharmony as they can. With the coming food shortages and economic turmoil this will likely see race riots and violence in our cities. Then they can step in with their solution.

As for mixed race marriage, I'm not opposed to it. I think I would prefer my children to look like me and my ancestors. However, I find black and Asian women attractive and, if they shared my values, and I fell in love their racial heritage wouldn't matter. We are ultimately children of God.


Jun 17, 2017
It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia.
its not like the trans agenda is being shoved down the publics throat, right?

In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade
right. we see all of these trans- whatever people shunning all the publicity, trying to keep quiet on social media. none of them are parading around, publicizing their trans-ness.

so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better word).
the pushback is not because of the newness of the 'fad', its because conservatives dont want gender politics (and the other trans agendas) affecting their life.

, but there was a topic here a few years ago where several people were arguing against interracial relationships.
ah, one of my favorite threads. however, this is about the trans agenda. id be happy to reopen the discussion, though.
May 18, 2018
The pushback against transgenders imo is because
1. There’s no such thing as transgenderism and everyone knows it. Gender isn’t a spectrum. It’s a discontinuous spectrum
<————————-male—- /dividing line\ —-female————————>
you can be a feminine male or masculine female, but you can never be such a feminine man that you become a biological woman. So the corporate pop culture saying this is the way it is, obviously people will push back because it’s obviously untrue.
2. It’s normal to be wary of mentally ill people. If a man believes he’s a woman, you should be careful of him because he’s psychologically messed up. That’s why there’s massive rates of violence by transgendereds and suicides, because it’s an untreated mental illness. It’s not a phobia to be careful of loony’s, just prudent.

homosexuals isn’t a phobia either, it’s a mechanism of disgust. It’s just revolting. And again, that is based on normal instincts because homosexuals carry strange diseases due to having thousands of partners normally. Also more than half of serial killers are homosexual, so again, human basic instinct is justified, corpo-satanic brainwashing is not


Jun 23, 2021
It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia. In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade, so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better word).

However I'm still really confused about the borderline racist ideology among the "conspiracy theorist" community. Some of it is subtle and easy enough to ignore, and a lot of it can simply be misinterpreted, but there was a topic here a few years ago where several people were arguing against interracial relationships. It got so bad that it seemed like we'd gone back in time to the 1960s. :rolleyes: Admittedly I was very offended since I'm biracial, so reading arguments about how White people and Black people shouldn't marry each other was like reading people saying that I shouldn't exist.
I'm biracial too so I get what you're saying. I think it's a nice idea that regardless of race a couple can fall in love, but it's not that simple in reality. There are a lot of factors that come into play such as in my parents case differing religions, cultures, language. Ultimately my parents divorced when I was 3 and my father was set up in an arranged marriage to my step mother. My dad's side of the family refused to even meet my mom let alone accept her and my grandfather threatened to disown my dad. Your experience might have been better than mine...but being mixed has been hell for me. I don't condone being racist of course, but I'm not going to act like interracial relationships don't have a slew of problems. It's hard enough to make a relationship work and some folks rather just be with their own...I don't judge them for that.
May 18, 2018
Bull shit. Its proven that its a mental illness. Gender dysphoria has been considered a mental illness.

Guess science is as fluid as the gender blurring now.
Homosexuality was classed as a mental illness too. It was taken off the DSM manual because of political pressure, not because it was proven not to be a mental illness through scientific methods


May 23, 2017
Perhaps it has something to do with your location in the world? I was born in 79. Gay meant happy in my house and pretty much the same with all the kids in my neighborhood.

The gay agenda didn't really get a strong push until they started introducing gay characters into tv shows, normalizing this deviant lifestyle. WIll and Grace was a popular one and i think it came out in 98. I don't remember any programs before this with a strong queer lead. But today its hard to find a cartoon without a queer character, let alone sitcoms meant for adults.

Sadly kids today are completely brainwashed, to the point where they can literally have a penis and still be unsure of what sex they are.
Its all about satans promise to change Gods creation. Society is ever creeping towards complete and total depravity.
where is that promise? i would like to know more about that.


Jun 28, 2020
where is that promise? i would like to know more about that.

They actually invoke none but a rebellious Satan, cursed by Allah—who said, “I will surely take hold of a certain number of Your servants. I will certainly mislead them and delude them with empty hopes. I will order them and they will slit the ears of cattle and alter Allah’s creation.” And whoever takes Satan as a guardian instead of Allah has certainly suffered a tremendous loss. (4: 117 - 119 Quran)


Jun 28, 2020
Invoke Satan how exactly? So because some one does not conform to the Liberal Lefts views they are Satan worshippers....Newsflash buddy! I do not believe in your Satan.
It doesn't matter if you believe or not, it does not change the reality. There is no god but God and satan is ever trying to lead people away from the path to the Almighty.

To answer your invoking question.. Lets take a look at Hindu's. They have 100's of "gods". They worship statues among other things and they will tell you these statues do speical things like bleed, cry, ect. The reality is, it is nothing more then djinn in these statues producing those effects. So technically they are literally worshiping devils, ie, satan.

None of them will admit to this, but when you look into the fact that cow dung is very holy to them... one has to ask what kind of "god" they actually worship.


Jun 17, 2017
Lets take a look at Hindu's. They have 100's of "gods". They worship statues among other things and they will tell you these statues do speical things like bleed, cry, ect.
the gods they worship are aspects and facets of the ONE god. its like luke skywalker in his hoth uniform, his tattooine robe, and also having luke skywalker in his x-wing fighter outfit. they all look different and you can have a favorite, but its the same luke.
they do have idols; thats true.