Possible New Years Eve Conspiracy in California?

Oct 20, 2021
I spent New Years Eve stumbling around my apartment with a small flashlight worrying about my food in my refrigerator spoiling because the power went out for about 6 hours. I realized my life without electricity doesn't really exist. I couldn't even read this forum lol. But what are the odds this would happen on New Years Eve? Was this planned out by the Evil Ones as a form of psychological terrorism and a harbinger of things to come and is 2023 going to get really weird? Covid has lost its shock value, people are bored with fake Ukraine war so is shutting off our power the next step? Also there is the potential problem of grocery stores having their food spoil because of power shut off. At least all my tablets and phones were fully charged so I could play games etc. But unfortunately that made the realization that without electricity I really have no reason to exist. But without food I no longer need to worry about having a reason to exist so that problem solves itself?
Oct 20, 2021
Possibly the worst thing I experienced was I had to watch the local NBC MSM news anchors babbling about when the power would be restored on my phone. Maybe I am a little paranoid but I could swear they were enjoying it.


Jul 24, 2022
You wrote, "I had to watch ...."

No, you didn't. You would have done just fine without the mindless babbling on your "phone." Or would you have convulsed from withdrawals?
Jun 26, 2022
Are you possibly in Nor Cal? (dont have to answer)

Supposedly there was an earthquake, possibly could be related to power outages.

I wouldn't worry about the grocery stores food spoiling, they probably have heavy duty generators.

But as for us peasants, when they banned gas powered leaf blowers i think they also banned gas generators and any small gas engines. We got a solar generator but i wouldnt say i trust it.