Putin officially threatens Nuclear War


May 21, 2021
The numbers add up, my question is what's the direct plan of action? We all know a war between Ukraine and Russia will impact everyone, but what is the end game goal? If Putin really wants the USSR to be back to it's former glory Ukraine would just be the start right? So many other countries would fall with that mindset. Of course it would affect us, but the implications on eastern Europe would be catastrophic. The world would be a different place in a matter of months...
I feel that in the midst of war, there will be a big disruption by very important figure(s). I don't know how to explain this more in depth, but that's just clairvoyance based. I'm always going to keep in mind that what I'm feeling could pretty much be wrong, but this is how I see it. What if the endgame is to cause a new system to be put in place after the inauguration of said important figure(s)?

We, the "lower" people wouldn't know unless a higher power informed us about it.

I remember when I used to think back in 2017-2018 that those were the days everything would escalate, but boy was I wrong. THESE DAYS however is totally more plausible.


Jul 28, 2021
Im Estonian and i've heard in the news that "Russia is about to attack ! "" for 30 years . It's nice to have a boogeyman to scare and distract people with.

Putin pushes his graphene-oxide vaxx just like every other world enslavement forum puppet.

I doubt Ukrainians want any war with russia but they dont have any say in this -Ukraines president,prime minister,defense minister etc are all coincidentally jewish.Eastern part of ukraine is 90-95% russian ,while western part is mostly ukrainians and the J's are trying hard to make them hate and kill each other.


Feb 7, 2020
And what's funny is, in the EST time zone, Biden began a speech at exactly 2:22! Numbers really matter guys.

And the events unfolding right now are catalysts for more extreme events that could take place in March/April.

Keep in mind what happens in America will also affect other countries that depend on it's economy as well.
I thought it was funny how he was late to the scheduled press conference and it started at 2:22 pst ;
Im Estonian and i've heard in the news that "Russia is about to attack ! "" for 30 years . It's nice to have a boogeyman to scare and distract people with.

Putin pushes his graphene-oxide vaxx just like every other world enslavement forum puppet.

I doubt Ukrainians want any war with russia but they dont have any say in this -Ukraines president,prime minister,defense minister etc are all coincidentally jewish.Eastern part of ukraine is 90-95% russian ,while western part is mostly ukrainians and the J's are trying hard to make them hate and kill each other.
The Jewish/USSR percentage explains why Putin was able to declare parts of Eastern Ukraine as separatist states and mobilize his military so easily?!


May 21, 2021

Edit: Hold on, hold on, I don't know if we can call this WW3 but as of now, it's looking pretty serious. Don't doubt!
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May 21, 2021
Hearing reports border stations have been overrun. It looks like it’s really happening
They're still talking about it right now, I'm watching the news. They keep reporting that they're hearing explosions. This is serious. We don't know how long this is going to last either. What if it's serious now but calms down later due to...an important figure of some sort? Or some sort of agreement? We don't know, but just in case it becomes severe, be prepared. That's why I'm no longer buying things I want, I'm focused on buying things I need.
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Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
They're still talking about it right now, I'm watching the news. They keep reporting that they're hearing explosions. This is serious. We don't know how long this is going to last either. What if it's serious now but calms down later due to...an important figure of some sort? Or some sort of agreement? We don't know, but just in case it becomes severe, be prepared. That's why I'm no longer buying things I want, I'm focused on buying things I NEED.
Missile strikes in Kiev. It’s looking like full scale total war. Not sure how the west reacts but it’s going to be a brutal bloody couple of weeks. Russia likely can occupy and force a puppet government but they should be prepared for a massive insurgency with billions in outside funding. Hopefully it won’t spill over and hopefully no one is crazy enough to press the big red button


Sep 8, 2018
Im Estonian and i've heard in the news that "Russia is about to attack ! "" for 30 years . It's nice to have a boogeyman to scare and distract people with.

Putin pushes his graphene-oxide vaxx just like every other world enslavement forum puppet.

I doubt Ukrainians want any war with russia but they dont have any say in this -Ukraines president,prime minister,defense minister etc are all coincidentally jewish.Eastern part of ukraine is 90-95% russian ,while western part is mostly ukrainians and the J's are trying hard to make them hate and kill each other.
It’s much bigger than the small hats, but the world government is NOT fighting itself. I agree with most of what you said.

The Masonic brotherhood is just doing regular business. Chaos x order.


Jul 27, 2017
Missile strikes in Kiev. It’s looking like full scale total war. Not sure how the west reacts but it’s going to be a brutal bloody couple of weeks. Russia likely can occupy and force a puppet government but they should be prepared for a massive insurgency with billions in outside funding. Hopefully it won’t spill over and hopefully no one is crazy enough to press the big red button
The first over reaction by a western country and it’s doom time i’m afraid. It’s out of our control now. Just remain vigilant and focus on your surroundings


May 21, 2021
Keeping everyone updated. Various sources are saying that the capital has been the main target, and a few missiles are being sent to around that area. Others are saying Martial Law is being enforced for the Ukrainians safety. This is the most recent photo update: A strike. :(


Not to scare anyone, but just to keep us all attentive. If any person, even if it's just one person, if sharing these photos is triggering, I will stop but I will continue sharing tweets and such (text only) if it progresses to something more serious.


May 21, 2021
Russian tanks from Crimea have crossed the border, Russian AND Belarusian troops have attacked Ukraine, and Russian military have hit all military airports in Ukraine. Biden is aware, he will be gathering the world leaders to talk about this in a couple of hours.

Just keep in mind, if any of the NATO countries get involved, Putin will see no error in declaring WW3. I don't know what's going to happen as I do not have the gift of vision, but try to remain calm just incase your countries get involved soon- IF it'll even get to that point.

Didn't the Bible say the antichrist would appear in the midst of something like this and announce world peace? It's plausible, but as I've been saying over and over again, I truly don't know but we all might as well accept any possibility at this point. This could escalate to anything, but this is too much of a big event for it to just happen and stop without any sort of global agreement.
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Jul 28, 2021
copy paste from Jim Stone's page ,this is couple hours old-
America's doomsday plane has taken off
Amphibious landing at Odessa
Russia knocked CNN's reporters offline in Kiev
America has moved the government into bunkers (too bad)
RUMOR: An hour and a half into the attack, Ukraine's entire navy has been sunk.
UPDATE: NOT RUMOR, all ships sunk and Russia is now, less than two hours in, occupying all naval bases.
Not rumor: Russia has blown up so many ammo depots they can't even be kept up with.

2.5 hours into the attacks and Russia has declared Ukraine's entire military disabled.
Only two hours into this, and Russia is already beginning to capture Ukranian officials


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May 21, 2021
People are now worried about China and Taiwan. Some have theorized if China sees Russia being very successful pertaining to Ukraine that China will eventually (and I'm not saying tomorrow, it could be weeks) begin it's battle with Taiwan. Several countries are feeling skeptical towards China now as they are seeing what's happening between Russia and Ukraine. Will China somehow get involved? We don't know. That's why when I update you guys, I make sure to add in a "don't know" if something isn't fully confirmed, as to not spread misinformation or cause panic.



May 21, 2021
Biden has stated clearly he will not get involved militarily. Sanctions only.
You're right, but we don't know how this will end. Anything is a possibility. I don't see America getting involved right away either, because Biden already confirmed he's actually going to talk this out with the other world leaders which means none of NATO will be using the military to handle Russia- at least not initially.

But another thing: Putin doesn't seem to care much about sanctions. He is now seen as a war criminal and it's obvious why.


Apr 13, 2019
Putin said the following:

"Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events from the outside," Putin said. "Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never experienced in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope that I will be heard."

So he's changed his tune and is now apparently willing to risk everything for this power grab, and attack anyone. He seems to have lost the plot.