Russia through the hidden eye (continuation)


Nov 8, 2022
Neuro-V - Covid Neurorehabilitation Complex
Neurobotix has developed 7 groups of innovative medical devices for neurorehabilitation and assistive care for people with various neurological and psychosomatic diseases. The six-channel mobile neuroheadset NeuroPlay H6C uses dry electrode technology that does not require the use of a conductive gel or saline solution. NeuroPlay connects to a computer, smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth protocol.

A person uses a series of 20 neurotrainings, during which he learns to effectively relax based on the use of alpha training (the rhythm of rest of the brain), fall asleep, and control his reaction to stress. Classes are conducted under the control of speech artificial intelligence. As a result of training, the quality of sleep improves, efficiency and stress resistance increase, strength, positive emotions are restored, psychosomatic disorders disappear.

The headset is convenient for use in the hospital, at home, in the office, in nature. In 2021, small-scale production was established in Zelenograd, more than 500 neuroheadsets were produced.

Project's website


The All-Russian Open Festival of Technologies NeuroNet for schoolchildren is an educational holiday where a team of schoolchildren can take part in various competitions in the following areas: robotics, neurotechnology and biofeedback, technical vision and cognitive sciences. The final of the competition is April 30.

Polite robots Alice
An anthropomorphic robot with a portrait resemblance is made by copying an appearance from a living prototype or recreating an appearance from a photograph or portrait. Alice is the first anthropomorphic robot from Neurobotix. The prototype of today's Alice was created in November 2011 For 7 years, the company's developers have made significant progress in both software and hardware of the robot. Already, Alice can be useful as a secretary, personal assistant and even a doctor's assistant.

The outer shell is made of liquid silicone, which allows you to convey in detail the texture and features of the skin and makes the face and facial expressions of the robot realistic. The robot is equipped with 17 mimic and positional drives: smile + sadness frown+surprise; Eye rotation and tilt squinting and blinking jaw movements, opening and closing of the mouth The robot is controlled by RoboStudio software, the main functions of which include: control of facial expressions Speech Generation Playback of audio files Automatic articulation Object and face tracking Dialog Mode Screenplay Determination of emotions by face

EmoDetect software allows you to conduct non-verbal communication with the robot. With the help of this software, the robot reads the emotion from a person's face and copies it to its own.

Robot "Pushkin" Anthropomorphic robot with developed facial expressions and portrait resemblance. The image of the great classic is recreated from paintings and memoirs of contemporaries, a self-portrait and a death mask.

Anthropomorphic robot with developed facial expressions and speech. AIRA is able to maintain a dialogue, recognize and copy emotions by facial expressions, and also has non-verbal communication skills.

Robot Betsy-Physician Assistant
The Betsy robot physician assistant was developed in conjunction with the Scientific and Educational Center for Modern Medical Technologies. Benefits of Using a Robot Assistant for Doctors • Minimizing contact with patients or carriers of the virus.

Stroke Signs Simulator Robot
The anthropomorphic robot simulator is designed to teach you how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Robots of this series are relevant for teaching both senior students and school-age children.

Projection Robot A projection robot is a social anthropomorphic robot designed to communicate. The robot's face is fully animated, which allows you to use different faces on the same device and display facial expressions without restrictions

Robotic skull


EmoDetect mobile Face analysis module using Google machine learning algorithms.



Nov 8, 2022
The federal territory "Sirius" has its own coat of arms

The main figure of the new symbol was a winged golden dog. The Council of Sirius approved the coat of arms of the federal territory. The key figure of the new symbol was a winged golden dog with a scarlet apple in his teeth. It represents the constellation Canis Major, in which the brightest star is Sirius. The coat of arms of the federal territory reflects the educational, spiritual, cultural and other meanings of Sirius. The project has passed the appropriate examination in the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

The new symbol was adopted unanimously by the members of the Council of the Federal Territory. Work on the coat of arms was carried out for almost two years together with leading Russian heraldists.

"It was a very difficult task to create the coat of arms of the federal territory. To do this, we even launched an open competition, and based on its results, we collected a lot of graphic solutions and meaningful proposals from people from all over the country. They really helped us a lot with their ideas, which were then finalized and designed by professional heraldists. As a result, the coat of arms turned out to be very organic: it corresponds to all the canons both in terms of the use of various symbols and in terms of description. We can be proud that we were able to embody in it all the meanings of the federal territory "Sirius", associated with the constant pursuit of knowledge, disclosure of talents, spiritual and cultural development, "said Elena Shmeleva, Chairman of the Council of the Federal Territory "Sirius".

In February 2022, the federal territory "Sirius" announced an open competition for the best idea for official symbols. About 200 people from 40 regions of Russia took part in the competition.

For more information about how the coat of arms of Sirius was created, see the material of Sirius Magazine. Information about the meanings and symbols of the coat of arms of the federal territory can be found here.

At a meeting of the Council on September 12, 2023, the coat of arms of the federal territory "Sirius" was approved. The new official symbol will be used on flags, awards, in the design of public events, arenas during sports competitions and in other cases.

In the azure field is a galloping golden winged dog holding In the teeth is a scarlet apple on a silver stalk with a leaf.

The coat of arms of the federal territory "Sirius" is a golden winged dog. It represents the constellation Canis Major, in which the brightest star is Sirius.

In his teeth he has a scarlet apple on a silver stalk with a leaf. In heraldry, the dog symbolizes loyalty, friendship, nobility, courage, intelligence, interest in everything new. The coat of arms is made according to the rules of heraldry and reflects historical, cultural and other local traditions. The project has passed the appropriate examination in the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Symbolism of the coat of arms The image of the winged dog refers to Eastern and Slavic mythology, where the winged sun dog Simurg (Senmurv, Simargl) acts as the guardian of the Tree of Life (Tree of Knowledge), seeds and shoots, including spiritual ones, which it gives birth to. This creature is known for its help to the most worthy who need it. At the moment, this is the only new coat of arms in Russia with Simurgh as the main coat of arms.

Gold is the noblest of all metals and colors used in heraldry, it represents the sun, the source of life and wealth, both material and spiritual.

A scarlet apple on a silver cutting, which is held by a winged dog, means a constant pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, devotion to the goal.

Silver is a symbol of purity of thoughts, openness and eloquence.

Scarlet symbolizes courage, vitality and fortitude.

The combination of gold and azure in the coat of arms personifies the light pouring from heaven and giving life, material and spiritual wealth.

About the federal territory "Sirius"

The territory is located in the Imereti lowland between the Mzymta and Psou rivers, surrounded by the Caucasus Mountains and a unique nature reserve. The 2014 Winter Olympics were held here, and on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Sirius Educational Center was created on the basis of Olympic heritage sites for talented children from all over the country.

Now the Sirius University, the Presidential Lyceum, modern laboratories, cultural and sports infrastructure are also being developed here. Not only children study here, but also their teachers and mentors. Scientists create innovative developments using the wide capabilities of the Science and Technology Center. Engineers are working on their application in urban space. In the educational, scientific, cultural, sports and other spheres, national standards are being created that are scaled throughout the country.

The open federal project "Sirius" serves to reveal talents of all ages in the interests of the whole of Russia and each of its residents.

To implement priority state tasks in the most important areas of the country's development, the campus city was given the status of a federal territory (Federal Law No. 437-FZ of 22.12.2020 "On the Federal Territory "Sirius").

Sirius University of Science and Technology was established by the Talent and Success Educational Foundation on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on July 1, 2019.

Scientific Center for Cognitive Research
The Center's activities are aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the individual differences of people (at all stages of development starting from birth) in different characteristics that are associated with success in science, sports or art.

Research of scientists in this direction will help to develop recommendations for the creation of individual training programs, which will make it possible to train specialists who are able to effectively respond to the challenges of modern society, economics and science.

Scientific Center for Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
The paramount importance of research activities in this direction determines the active development of the digital economy and the digitalization of many spheres of life, including medicine, education, transport and even culture.

International Research Center for Ecology and Climate Change
The Center will conduct scientific research in the field of ecology, study new technologies and methods of their implementation, as well as implement applied projects. The platform for testing solutions will be the federal territory "Sirius". Also, on the basis of the International Center for Ecology, retraining of personnel in the field of environmental and climate research will be carried out.

The tasks of the Center include the elimination of objects of accumulated environmental damage, the improvement of the ecosystem, and the creation of a low-carbon economy.

Scientific Center for Translational Medicine
The Scientific Center for Translational Medicine of Sirius University is engaged in the development of medical products and technologies, using the results of fundamental scientific research in the field of life sciences, and also implements educational programs to train specialists with the necessary competencies.

The scientific center solves the following tasks:

  • implementation of research and scientific and technological projects in the field of life sciences aimed at creating prototypes of products and technologies demanded by the market and/or society;
  • creation and improvement of technological platforms necessary for a prompt response to emerging biological threats and challenges;
  • development and implementation of educational programs aimed at training medical researchers and highly qualified specialists with engineering/technological competencies in the field of life sciences;
  • conducting contract research in the interests of high-tech companies;
  • ensuring the most effective exchange of information between representatives of the medical community, practitioners, related specialists and academic scientists;
  • improvement of the experimental legal regime in the federal territory of Sirius in the field of genetic engineering, circulation of medicines, biomedical cell products and medical devices to accelerate patients' access to breakthrough treatments.

Scientific Center of Genetics and Life Sciences
The equipment of the Scientific Center makes it possible to conduct world-class research in the field of genomics, immunobiology, biomaterials, create gene therapy drugs, and conduct research in the field of plant genome editing.

The entire spectrum of the industry is not fully represented anywhere else in Russia.

Scientists have at their disposal high-performance next-generation sequencers for genomic research, chromatography-mass spectrometers for characterizing complex biological molecules, state-of-the-art equipment for flow cytometry, climatic chambers for working with plants, high-tech equipment for manipulating animal embryos and much more."



Nov 8, 2022

The 6G mobile communication system will provide high throughput in the face of radio interference

July 19, 2023
In June 2023, in Geneva, a representative of the GRFC participated in the meeting of the Working Party 5D of the Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union. One of the main outcomes of the event was the finalization of a recommendation defining the shape of the sixth generation IMT-2030 mobile system.

Sixth-generation communication networks will be based on a set of physical, biological and digital representations, combining human experience in all aspects. The technologies of the IMT-2030 system are expected to be the driving force behind a new wave of digital and economic growth, as well as major changes towards achieving digital equality and security.

Russian manufacturers of telecommunications equipment should already take into account the technical features of the new generation of mobile communication systems. The timely creation of a promising base of electronic components will ensure the digital and technological sovereignty of our country and the qualitative growth of key sectors of the economy, regardless of external factors.

The main goal of the development of the IMT-2030 system is to overcome the existing digital divide as soon as possible by providing everyone with ubiquitous broadband access to socially significant communication services at affordable rates.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will be widely used in the implementation of the IMT-2030 air interface, including to eliminate mutual unacceptable radio interference. An AI-based radio network will enable intelligent data processing and on-demand resource provision.

The system will provide the possibility of wireless communication between devices with ultra-high bandwidth with ultra-precise positioning and low latency of transmitted messages. Advanced modulation and coding techniques can be used to achieve very high throughput when exposed to radio interference. A distinctive feature of the sixth generation systems will be computing services, as well as data transfer services. Data processing will be carried out close to its sources in order to reduce waiting times for a response, reduce data transmission costs, improve energy efficiency and privacy.

Achieving the goal of ubiquitous connectivity will require the use of integrated communication network technologies that ensure the interoperability of the IMT-2030 system with satellite communication systems, high-altitude platform station systems and unmanned aircraft systems.

With the help of augmented and mixed reality technologies, the effect of immersing a person in an artificially created environment will be created and a rich interactive video sequence will be provided. Communication for multi-sensory telepresence and holographic communication should be widely used.

The IMT-2030 system will provide high bandwidth and a wide range of services with data rates of up to several Gbit/s. A wide frequency range from 1 GHz to subterahertz (100-300 GHz) will be used for the operation of the system, the development of which will allow for ultra-high speed in local areas.

The detailed technical requirements for IMT-2030 will be finalized by 2027 and the standardization process will be completed by 2030."
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Nov 8, 2022
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) SPbGETU "LETI"
within the framework of the PRIORITY 2030 program

New technologies of information connectivity of objects and territories
The goal of the project is to enter the labor division system of the TOP 5 clusters (R&D + production) in the global NewRadio| 6G market by 2030, in terms of creating new principles and structural components of the NET–2030 ultra-broadband high-speed communication networks, including cognitive, hybrid, adaptive reconfigurable, heterogeneous, solving the problem of mastering new frequency bands, including subTHz.

Objectives of the strategic project
Development of hardware and software complexes of the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks.



Nov 8, 2022
About us
The world-class Eurasian Research and Education Center is a new cluster model of scientific, educational, production, technological, spatial, innovative and cultural transformation of the Republic of Bashkortostan into a key agent of the country to ensure the global competitiveness of education, research, business, quality of life and harmonization of economic and humanitarian ties in Eurasian integration projects, an active participant of which is Russian Federation.

Mission of the Center
striving to consolidate the Republic of Bashkortostan as a key center of academic, scientific, technological and entrepreneurial superiority of the Russian Federation in the Eurasian space, based on ensuring the technological leadership and sovereignty of the country, concentrating the efforts of the center's participants in the development of "locking" built-in researchersdevelopment and implementation of educational programs, including on a network basis, attractive educational services in the international market and ensuring the growth of non-resource exports, socialization of public urban space and the formation of a comfortable environment for life, education, research and business, including a single university campus, a technological valley and infrastructure for business.


Digital and Green Chemistry, Energy

Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Engineering

A new living environment

Biomedicine and Genetics
Biomedicine and Genetics
Advanced Implantable Restorative and Regenerative Medicine Devices
Genomics and Digital Predictive Analytics for Personalized Medicine

The House of the Eurasian REC hosts the First All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Personalized Medicine and Modern Genetic Technologies"


Geneticists work in the House of the Eurasian REC today.

The First All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Personalized Medicine and Modern Genetic Technologies" has started, where leading scientists will make presentations on the molecular genetic aspects of monogenic and multifactorial pathology.

Today, genetics plays an important role in the development of almost all spheres of industry and human life. And scientific Bashkiria has something to be proud of:

The republic has a leading scientific school on population and medical human genetics, headed by Elza Kamilevna Khusnutdinova (one of the top 5 best geneticists in Russia). Elza Kamilevna - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Head of the Department of Genetics and Fundamental Medicine of the University of Ecology and Technology, Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Specialist of the Russian Federation in the Field of Population and Medical Genetics.

As part of the program of activities of the Eurasian REC, projects in the field of "Biomedicine and Genetics" are being implemented under her leadership.

More than 100 geneticists and heads of universities of the Eurasian REC gathered at the site of the House of the Eurasian REC, implementing breakthrough projects in the scientific field studying the patterns of heredity and variability of organisms.

"Scientists from seven cities of Russia, as well as far abroad, are participating in our conference today. These are our students who have completed their postgraduate studies with us, defended their PhD dissertations and are now working in scientific departments in France and the UK. We hope that the conference will serve as a new impetus for new research and collaborations. I wish you all successful and fruitful work," Elsa Khusnutdinova greeted the participants of the scientific event.

"The scientific school of genetics operating in Bashkortostan is our great pride. Our geneticists are the founders of many breakthrough discoveries in the field of genetics and can be proud of major victories in attracting federal grants and implementing regional programs. A large genetic center will also be created within the framework of the Interuniversity Campus of the Eurasian REC. With the participation of Elza Kamilovna and scientists from the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research and discoveries in the field of genetics are flowing into the practical plane in terms of the development of services for our citizens - this is the detection of orphan, socially significant diseases, birth diagnostics, neonatal screening, etc. It is very important to note that in the context of today's discussions, we also talk about the merging of genetic breeding areas, big data and artificial intelligence. Such interdisciplinarity will help to strengthen and provide answers to many challenges of the time.

The prospects for the development of the genetic school in the region are enormous. But we should not forget about horizontal partnership in terms of cooperation with leading research centres where genetic schools are successfully functioning. It is very important that, as part of the sanctions pressure, you continue to work hard with the whole world, with leading scientists who are engaged in the development of genetics. Within the framework of the conference, I wish to find the ground for new projects and initiatives," said Ruslan Kazykhanov, Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan on Science, at the opening of the conference."

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Nov 8, 2022
Bashkiria is among the 17 regions where carbon polygons have been created. The Eurasian Carbon Polygon project is being implemented as part of breakthrough projects in the Volga Federal District. At 7 sites of the carbon polygon of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a group of scientists is conducting research in the forest zone, on arable and fallow lands, swamp ecosystem and feather grass steppe.

In 2021, the Eurasian Climate Consortium was established in Bashkortostan, it is engaged in the development and implementation of a program for the creation and operation of a carbon test site. The Eurasian Consortium includes the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, leading universities and industrial partners of the Eurasian REC.

The main activities of the consortium are joint scientific and educational events and support for research infrastructure in the field of decarbonization, the introduction of carbon balance control technologies into production.

Scientists of the Petroleum University of the Eurasian REC within the framework of a megagrant project have developed an assessment of carbon sequestration in various ecosystems

The USPTU research team engaged scientist Shamil Maksyutov, who lives and works in Japan, to implement a megagrant project to create a methodological framework for assessing the greenhouse gas balance and determining the potential for carbon sequestration in ecosystems. Invited scientist is an expert from the National Institute for Environmental Research of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.

"Based on world experience and our own research, we have developed a comprehensive method for assessing carbon sequestration in various ecosystems, for example, unused farmland, steppe areas, swamps, etc. In terms of abandoned farmland, there are no such methods anywhere in the world," Pavel Shirokikh, deputy head of the Laboratory for Monitoring Climate Change and Carbon Balance of Ecosystems at USPTU, told Bashinform.

Eurasian REC Develops Artificial Intelligence

"AI-based products help to increase the efficiency of entire sectors of the economy, to bring them to a qualitatively new level. It is very important for us that they are created in Russia. This is necessary to ensure independence from foreign suppliers and strengthen the security of our country," Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at the strategic session "Development of Artificial Intelligence" held the day before.

The world-class Eurasian REC is an active participant in all processes of development of a new type of knowledge - Artificial Intelligence

Lexema, an industrial partner of the Eurasian REC, creates unique software solutions that are based on artificial intelligence algorithms, and universities of the REC integrate new educational programs on artificial intelligence and digital twins into their development trajectories.

On the basis of the universities of the Eurasian REC, a project is being implemented - "Digital Department". This means that university students will be able to obtain additional qualifications in the IT profile for free, studying under the proposed professional training programs.

For example, USPTU trains specialists in the field of 3D modeling, and future doctors are trained at BSMU under the program "Data Mining in Medicine Based on the R Programming Language". In 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Sterlitamak branch of UUNiT opened a new bachelor's degree program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis in cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University. BSAU studies intelligent information systems.

Bashkortostan entered the top 5 regions in terms of the number of submitted projects for the Student Startup competition. It is noteworthy that most of the winning projects are related to digital technologies and artificial intelligence.

Currently, students are implementing the following projects:

  • An intelligent system for training to drive vehicles and UAVs with immersion in virtual reality (VR);
  • Development of software tools for monitoring compliance with safety requirements;
  • Development of a voice-controlled bionic prosthetic hand using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies
  • Training neural networks to create interactive video content.

In the future, we are sure that we will move forward with more confident steps!

Bashkortostan prepares the republican Strategy for the Development of the Social Sphere

To develop one of the main documents that determine the development of the social sphere, from September 20 to 23, 2023, the House of the Eurasian REC will host a strategic session "Strategy for the Development of the Social Sphere of the Republic of Bashkortostan until 2035: New Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life of Citizens".
For 4 days, experts will work in 6 strategic areas: "Healthcare", "Education", "Opportunities for Work and Business", "Comfortable and Accessible Environment", "Social Services and Social Support", "Culture and Youth Policy".

Based on the results of the strategic session, breakthrough initiatives will be developed in key areas of the social sphere. It is expected that they will form the basis of the Strategy and ensure the transition from the current state of the social sphere to the desired future.

A strategic session on the development of the republican Strategy for the Development of the Social Sphere was held in the House of the Eurasian REC

Experts and specialists from various fields worked in the House of the Eurasian REC for four days. They initiated projects that will become the foundation of the Strategy for the Development of the Social Sphere of the Republic of Bashkortostan until 2035.
The participants of the strategic session proposed about 30 initiatives, which, in their opinion, can respond to the new challenges of the time and make the lives of citizens more comfortable, better and better.

Thus, the group in the direction of "Healthcare" proposed to introduce a single ecosystem for health preservation, which includes, among other things, proactive information, improving the feedback between doctors and patients, the introduction of digital assistant doctors, as well as the creation of a digital platform for participants in the special military operation.

To launch practices that will help residents of the republic receive education of the future, the group in the direction of "Education" proposed. To do this, according to experts, it is necessary to determine target indicators and main tracks that should form the basis of the program for the development of schools in the region, expand the social package of teachers and launch a new program of career guidance and lifelong learning, according to which every resident of the republic can receive additional education in the most popular areas in the labor market.

But the most important result of a scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of neuroscience is the achievement of a new quality in communications. The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neuonet, people will finally agree on solving the world's problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception. New opportunities will open up in teamwork and improving the effectiveness of educational programs.
The roadmap for the development of the Neuronet for the period from 2014 to 2040 is shown.


BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024)
The onset of the Neuronet (2025-2035)
Full-Fledged Neuronet (2035+)
When Biometrinet becomes commonplace, the "Neuronet Offensive" will begin (2025-2035), during which communication protocols based on digital models of mental processes will be developed and approaches to organizing a “collective consciousness” capable of “brainstorming” and solving tasks that require the concerted efforts of many people will be found.

A full-fledged Neural network, according to the drafters of this roadmap, will arise only after 2035."


Nov 8, 2022
MOSCOW, October 12, 2023. The state compensates scientific organizations, enterprises and companies for up to 70% of the costs of developing technologies for the production, transportation and storage of hydrogen, which will then be used in the implementation of major projects in the field of hydrogen energy.

The decree approving the rules for providing subsidies for these purposes was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reports.
"Such a measure of state support will make it possible to stimulate the innovative activities of research centers, enterprises and companies working in the field of hydrogen energy," explained Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak."

Victoria Abramchenko took part in the Russian Environmental Forum

October 10, 2023
Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko took part in the events of the Russian Environmental Forum, organized by the Russian Environmental Operator. During the plenary session, the Deputy Prime Minister drew attention to the current results of the implementation of the Ecology national project, strategic initiatives of the Government, and also spoke about the progress of the extended producer responsibility reform.

"We, a large team of like-minded people, managed to solve many of the problems that have not been solved for decades thanks to the national project "Ecology". We have already reached the finish line of its implementation. But the environment does not end in 2024 with the completion of the national project, we will prepare a federal project for urgent environmental tasks with a implementation period until 2030. After all, people demand a comfortable and safe environment to live in, and this cannot be done without a healthy environment," said Victoria Abramchenko.

Denis Manturov took part in the Biotechmed forum

October 9, 2023
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov took part in the Biotechmed forum. Within the framework of the forum, the Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade inspected the exposition of the Biotechmed exhibition, took part in the plenary session and signed a aimed at developing the production of radiopharmaceuticals.

At the plenary session of the forum, dedicated to the readiness of the Russian industry to meet the needs of the healthcare system, Denis Manturov spoke about the main aspects of the Pharma-2030 strategy, a key document in the development of the pharmaceutical industry until 2030.

"At the stage of implementation of the Strategy-2020, which we began in 2010, the emphasis was placed on an extensive path of development, on the creation of production sites that meet all mandatory requirements and conditions, on the production of analogues of foreign medicines. This stage has become capital-intensive: since 2010, 73 new sites have been launched – in some places it was a deep modernization, and in others it was the construction of a new enterprise from scratch in industrial zones and special economic zones. More than 500 billion rubles were invested in the industry. As a result, a strong production base was formed: production has increased sixfold since 2009 – this is the potential that today ensures the prompt introduction of new vital drugs and has shown itself especially vividly during the covid period. Since 2014–2015, we have been focusing on the development of our own innovative drugs, in addition, as part of the new stage of our strategy, we are working not only on innovative developments, but also on substances and low-tonnage chemicals. Today, we set ourselves the task and goal of providing ourselves with our own components, our own substances from our raw materials," said the Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

It is also planned to focus on the creation of our own biotechnological drugs - these are MABs, vaccines, insulins, blood products, drugs for the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases; drugs for the treatment of viral diseases (HIV, hepatitis and others), as well as painkillers (this year the first harvest of the necessary raw materials has already been obtained). ..."

September 19, 2022
Manturov called for a change of mentality and to evaluate the meat from the fly larvae

In the future, consumers will add more and more vegetable raw materials to their diet instead of animal proteins. The state needs to support this direction, and Russians need to change their attitude to alternative meat, Manturov believes

“Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov believes that the production of alternative products from vegetable protein in Russia needs to be supported, and consumers need to change the “mentality” in relation to these products. The official said this at a session of the Indofood exhibition held in Sochi."

The Ministry of Finance said that ESG principles cannot be abandoned

As noted in the department, this is a global trend

MOSCOW, October 3, 2023.
The principles of sustainable development (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, ESG) are a trend that cannot be abandoned, despite its Western origins. This opinion was expressed at the conference of the All-Russian Union of Insurers ESG-Insur 2023 by the head of the financial policy department of the Ministry of Finance Ivan Chebeskov.

"The three letters of ESG - they have lately, of course, have a negative connotation, because these three letters, as well as many other standards, came to us from Western practice. But perhaps it is worth separating politics from the essence a little bit, and sustainable development is really a global trend, from which <... > we should not refuse, we should continue to act in it," Chebeskov said.

He also noted that over time, the ESG agenda, sustainability standards, as well as ESG reporting are becoming the new norm in the financial market. According to the head of the department, it is necessary to use sustainable development standards in Russia, since they are used all over the world, including by Russia's friendly partners.

"We understand that carbon regulation, environmental risks are what awaits us in the future, our closest and largest trading partners are developing appropriate systems to work with climate change, systems for accounting for carbon units. This is something that we will also need to do and go through. At least in order to interact with our trading partners," Chebeskov concluded.

The implementation of ESG strategies stems from the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. ESG is a set of tools used by companies, they are focused on environmental, social and governance."


Nov 8, 2022
Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS Member States
A meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Bishkek.

October 13, 2023

The summit of the CIS leaders began with a meeting in a narrow format. It was attended by President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan, Chairman of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS in 2023 Sadyr Japarov, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and CIS Secretary General Sergey Lebedev.
Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Zhang Ming also joined the work of the CIS Heads of State Council in an expanded format.

Following the summit, the leaders signed a number of joint documents.

List of documents signed at the meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State
October 13, 2023

5. Decision "On the Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Cooperation in the Field of Digitalization in Public Administration".

Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Cooperation in the Field of Digitalization in Public Administration

October 13, 2023

We, the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States,

as a follow-up to the Agreement on Information Interaction of the CIS Member States in the Field of Digital Development of Society dated November 6, 2020 and the Strategy for Cooperation of the CIS Member States in the Construction and Development of the Information Society for the Period up to 2025 dated October 28, 2016 to build a system of interaction and harmonization of public administration in the field of digital technologies,

Aware of the relevance of the issue of creating a digital infrastructure for the further development of society, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the work of state bodies in order to stimulate the creation of innovative technologies that provide unique opportunities for improving the standard of living of the entire population,

Noting that in modern conditions the Internet is a global resource, the potential of which is used, inter alia, in the interests of the digital transformation of public administration systems,

Emphasizing the importance of increasing the number of socially important services available electronically,

Noting that draft digital codes are being developed in the CIS member states, digital documents are entering into force and are recognized as legally significant, the process of communication between citizens and state institutions is being simplified, and e-government concepts are being formed,

Recognizing that the development of the digital environment is associated with the emergence of new challenges in the field of observance of human rights and freedoms, as well as the existence of relevant gaps in international law that require special attention on the part of the CIS member states,

Reaffirming that the mechanism for the formation of universal international legal norms should be based on the freely expressed will of sovereign States and that the political authority to implement public policy is the sovereign right of States,

declare our intention to increase cooperation in the field of digitalization in public administration and ensuring respect for human rights in the context of digitalization;

emphasize the importance of digitalization issues not only for the social life of the country, but also for global integration and socio-economic processes, as well as countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes;

advocate deepening cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of digital transformation of the public sector, which contributes to improving the efficiency of public services and ensuring information security;

We are in favor of further development of cooperation in the field of the use of "electronic signature" ("electronic digital signature"), which makes it possible to use electronic public services online;

Note the importance of organizing a system of electronic interaction between government agencies, legal entities and individuals of the CIS member states in the provision of state and municipal services, as well as ensuring transparency and simplification of the procedure for obtaining public services, reducing the burden on the population and business, as well as the need for legal regulation in the digital sphere to ensure respect for human rights in the context of digitalization;

advocate deepening cooperation in the field of exchanging information on the latest trends and achievements in the field of digitalization, advanced national experience in countering threats to information security, and ensuring the rule of law in the context of the development of the digital environment;

support interaction and exchange of best practices in improving the management system of national segments of the Internet to ensure the safe use of digital services and technologies by the population and business users, as well as to prevent and counteract illegal actions in the information environment, including in solving problems to ensure the protection of personal data of citizens;

We express confidence that the cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of improving public administration in the field of digital technologies will make a significant contribution to international efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

* * * *
COVID-19 pandemic as a trigger for the acceleration of the cybernetic revolution, transition from e-government to e-state, and change in social relations

Authors: Leonid Grinin (HSE University, Moscow; Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Anton Grinin (Moscow State Lomonosov University, Russia), Andrey Korotayev (HSE University, Moscow; Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

Received 7 April 2021, Revised 4 November 2021, Accepted 7 November 2021, Available online 12 November 2021, Version of Record 19 January 2022.

• COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the MANBRIC-convergence.
• MANBRIC-convergence involves medical, additive, bio-, nano-, info-, robotics, and cognitive technologies.
• COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating start of final phase of Cybernetic Revolution.
• Final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution will begin in the 2030s.
• A special role will be played by socio-technical self-regulating systems (SSSs).

Among many influences that the pandemic has and will have on society and the World System as a whole, one of the most important is the acceleration of the start of a new technological wave and a new technological paradigm in the near future. This impact is determined by the growing need for the development of a number of areas in medicine, bio- and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and others, which we denote as “MANBRIC convergence”. It is shown that the experience of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed that the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution will begin in the 2030s at the intersection of a number of medical, bio, digital and several other technologies, with medical needs as an integrating link. Among the multitude of self-regulating systems in the economy and life (which, in our opinion, will flourish during the Cybernetic Revolution) socio-technical self-regulating systems (SSSs) will play a special role. Thus, COVID-19 becomes a powerful impetus not only in terms of accelerating technological development and approaching the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution, but also in changing sociopolitical (and socio-administrative) relations in the forthcoming decades.

world economic forum, 07 Jan 2022:
Klaus Schwab Releases “The Great Narrative” As Sequel To “The Great Reset”
2022, 27 Jan
According to the World Economic Forum, Leonid E. Grinin and Anton L. Grinin are included in the list of 50 “foremost global thinkers and opinion-makers”. Their and other thinkers' interviews concerning the vision of the future world contributed to the new book "Great Narrative For a Better Future". The book is now widely discussed around the world, while the contributors received a personal gratitude from the chairman of the forum, who noted that the interviews became “a great inspiration to the book, making it intellectually rich and diverse”.


Nov 8, 2022
Denis Manturov and Dmitry Chernyshenko held a strategic session of the Technopolis Council of VIT "Era"

October 7, 2023
A strategic session was held at the Era Military Innovation Technopolis of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Anapa under the leadership of Denis Manturov, Chairman of the Board of VIT Era, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade. The session was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, First Deputy Defence Minister Ruslan Tsalikov, Deputy Defence Minister General of the Army Pavel Popov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Kirill Lysogorsky, President of Kalashnikov Concern Alan Lushnikov, members of the Defence Industrial Complex Board, representatives of federal executive bodies, military authorities, industrial enterprises and research centres.

The meeting participants discussed a number of important issues to strengthen the axis of science production using the latest artificial intelligence technologies aimed at improving key developments of military robotic systems.

"Today we are holding another strategic session and will discuss issues related to the development of artificial intelligence technologies in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. This topic has a direct impact on the content of the program documents that will determine the technical appearance of weapons, military and special equipment for the next ten years. For the first time, the state armaments program for 2025-2034 will provide for a separate section on artificial intelligence. Increased attention to artificial intelligence technologies is justified by the new realities of warfare. The practice of using samples of armaments and military equipment in the SMO [Special Military Operation] shows that often not minutes, but seconds are allotted for decision-making. Without the transfer of a number of functions from military personnel to the machine, it is simply impossible to ensure such efficiency," said Denis Manturov.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed us to ensure the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in all sectors of the economy and the social sphere. Based on the current situation, the demand for AI is obvious not only in the civilian sector, but also in the field of security. Currently, the country is actively developing a market for AI-based technologies that have the potential for a wide range of applications, and it is advisable to develop them, among other things, to increase the country's defense capability and protect our citizens. To do this, it is necessary to organize an effective transfer of technologies that will be available both for the security sector and for the entire market. This will be done by the Government of Russia together with VIT Era and industry leaders. The solutions that we will develop today should be taken into account in the updated National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2030. We expect its approval in the near future," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

He recalled that the main directions of the National Strategy for the Development of AI were approved in September at a strategic session chaired by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin."

Particular attention of the session participants was paid to interaction with research centers for the development of artificial intelligence and the organization of testing in the Era technopolis for the transfer of technologies for controlling intelligent systems for military purposes.

In the final part of the meeting, Denis Manturov awarded the most distinguished employees of the technopolis with state and departmental awards.

In continuation of the trip, the participants of the strategic session visited the exhibition of unmanned aerial vehicles and other developments using artificial intelligence technologies, where they were able to get acquainted in detail with the products and software and hardware complexes of leading defense industry companies."

The government has allocated more than 632 million rubles for the development of equipment for mobile base stations

October 7, 2023
More than 632 million rubles will be additionally allocated for the creation of solutions for telecom operators based on OpenRAN. An order to this effect has been signed.

The work is carried out within the framework of the "road map" "Modern and Promising Mobile Communication Networks" until 2030. One of its directions provides for the development of equipment for 4G/5G mobile base stations with an open carrier-class OpenRAN architecture.

The government has allocated another 3.5 billion roubles for mobile base stations

August 7, 2023
An additional 3.5 billion rubles will be allocated for the equipment of mobile base stations, including the use of the Russian electronic component base. The order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The decision will make it easier for operators to transition to fifth-generation mobile networks.

Work in this important area is being carried out on behalf of the President as part of the roadmap "Modern and Promising Mobile Communication Networks" until 2030. It includes several state support programs, including subsidies for the manufacture of high-tech devices for the provision of modern communication services.

On behalf of the President, the Government has also developed a draft long-term strategy for the development of the communications industry.

It is based on a systematic approach to building a modern information infrastructure, taking into account global challenges and restrictions, for the creation of which domestic telecommunications systems and equipment will be used."

The government will allocate about 1,2 billion rubles to support the artificial intelligence industry

October 9, 2023

An additional 1.2 billion rubles will be allocated to support developments related to artificial intelligence. An order to this effect has been signed.

Of these, more than 800 million rubles are provided for grants to small enterprises - developers of products and services based on artificial intelligence. They will be able to use the funds to implement their solutions.

Another 250 million rubles will be spent on the formation and updating of data sets that are in demand in commercial turnover, as well as the infrastructure for access to them.

Funding is also provided for the launch of the second wave of research centers in the field of artificial intelligence. For these purposes, the order provides for a little more than 100 million rubles.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced the decision to allocate funds at a meeting with deputy prime ministers on October 9.

According to him, the development of the artificial intelligence industry creates additional opportunities for launching new promising domestic solutions, which is especially important for achieving technological independence."


Nov 8, 2022
The investor admitted that the Middle East conflict could lead to an increase in Russia's oil revenues
Kyle Shostak, director of the American investment company Navigator Principal Investors, explained that such a scenario is possible if the United States tightens sanctions against Iran

NEW YORK, October 15, 2023. /TASS/. A further escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a potential restriction of energy supplies by Middle Eastern countries could allow Russia to significantly increase its oil profits. This opinion was expressed in an interview with a TASS correspondent by the director of the American investment company Navigator Principal Investors Kyle Shostak.

According to him, if the United States decides to tighten sanctions against Iran against the backdrop of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis, then only the Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia will be able to fully meet the global demand for hydrocarbons, but "geopolitics can significantly reduce the desire and ability of the Saudis to supply oil to Western markets."

"If Saudi Arabia's leaders are at some point forced to contradict Western interests in the region, having already signaled, in particular, that their process of rapprochement with Israel has actually stopped, the country may limit oil supplies to both Europe and the United States," Shostak said. "At the same time, Russia, unencumbered by such political considerations, will be able to derive significant economic benefits by offering key buyers additional oil products, determining the price and volume of supplies on favorable terms."

As the investor notes, "such a scenario looks quite realistic, even despite the existing restrictive ceiling on the price of Russian oil," since the latter "has almost exhausted its effect, its effect on Russian budget revenues is no longer the same as it was a year ago." In this regard, changing the price ceiling of $60 per barrel of Russian oil to a higher level or its abolition seems very, very relevant," Shostak concluded."


Nov 8, 2022
September 29, 2023, Sustainability and responsible consumption

DOM.RF Places Russia's First Issue of Sustainable Development Mortgage Bonds

The issue of mortgage bonds in the amount of 29.8 billion rubles is secured by social and "green" housing loans

MOSCOW. DOM.RF, together with Gazprombank, completed the first transaction for sustainable securitization of the mortgage portfolio. The issue of mortgage bonds in the amount of 29.8 billion rubles was secured by social and "green" housing loans issued by Gazprombank, and a guarantee from DOM.RF, the press service of DOM.RF reported.

According to DOM.RF, the issue is included in the Sustainable Development Sector of the Moscow Exchange and entered the top 5 largest placements of ESG bonds in the Russian market. According to Elena Muzykina, Director of the Securitization Division of DOM.RF, Gazprombank is one of the key partners of the state corporation in the securitization market, about a third of the bank's mortgage portfolio is securitized with the help of DOM.RF securities. "The inclusion of social and green mortgages in the mortgage coverage, issued under programs with state support and under Gazprombank's own programs, made it possible to form the issue of a new type of mortgage bonds for the Russian market - sustainable development," the press service quotes her comment. According to the top manager, DOM.RF plans to further expand the range of securitization instruments and increase the volume of mortgage bond issuance to ensure the development of the housing and mortgage market.
In turn, Marina Slutskaya, Director of the Sustainable Development and International Cooperation Division of DOM.RF, clarified that the DOM.RF Group is the largest issuer and at the same time, for the second year in a row, the number one arranger of ESG bond issues in Russia. "At the same time, we appreciate the opportunity to share our own expertise when placing our partners' securities," she said. According to Slutskaya, this issue expanded the line of ESG products of DOM.RF, becoming the first issue of sustainable development bonds in the country. Loans securitized through this issue of the MBS have improved the living conditions of more than 26,000 citizens and reduced almost 900 tons of greenhouse gases annually.
The criteria for selecting loans included in the collateral for sustainable development bonds comply with the Concept of Social Bonds and the Concept of Green Bonds of the Mortgage Agent DOM.RF. According to Vladimir Mamakin, First Vice President of Gazprombank, Gazprombank is actively involved in the implementation of the sustainable development agenda, providing both expert support to clients on ESG transformation issues and developing products and services taking into account responsible financing practices.

The development of the mortgage bond market is one of the main tasks of the Institute for Development in the Housing Sector DOM.RF and is one of the key tools for achieving the indicators of the country's national development goals for the period up to 2030 and the national project "Housing and Urban Environment". Since December 2016, DOM.RF has placed 59 bond issues worth more than 1.98 trillion rubles. Of these, four issues for a total of 47.4 billion rubles are social, green bonds and sustainable development bonds.

Rosatom will take part in the training of personnel for the "Smart City"

Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC (RIR, part of Rosatom State Corporation) and the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod signed a cooperation agreement within the framework of the Digital Chairs project. According to the document signed in September 2023, RIS and UNN will cooperate in the development and implementation of educational programs for the digital economy, including for advanced training of state and municipal employees.
The organizations intend to create joint educational programs to train a new generation of specialists, promote and teach advanced technologies, and exchange experience and knowledge. In addition, the parties agreed to conduct research, create methodological materials, and draft regulatory legal acts.

RIS is actively involved in the development and updating of two educational programs for professional retraining of the Digital Chairs project on Smart City technologies: Modern Technologies for Data Acquisition and Analysis in Smart City and Digital Technologies for Smart City Management. From October 1, about 1000 students will start studying under them.

"RIR solutions that have already proven their effectiveness expand the ecosystem of Smart City products, solving the most important task of achieving technological sovereignty. In the program "Digital Technologies for Smart City Management", much attention is paid to lean smart city and process mapping. Rosatom has practical experience in this area, introducing lean technologies in the regions of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the program together with such an industrial partner will allow students to gain real skills for work," says Maria Bogomolova, Head of the Digital Department, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod.

Moscow companies have created a device for the safe transportation of vaccines

A Moscow-based manufacturer of electronic equipment and a software developer in the field of the Internet of Things have created a domestic solution that can significantly improve the safety of vaccine transportation. This was told by Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.

"The joint development of the capital's companies ATB Electronics and Komnet is a compact device that is installed on a cargo transportation container to monitor parameters that affect the quality of storage and transportation of vaccines. The tracker has passed several stages of testing and has shown a high degree of efficiency and safety of use. Today, the joint solution of the capital's companies is already available for order," said Vladimir Efimov.

The device tracks the location of the unit, including deviations from routes, as well as temperature conditions. In addition, it is used to control the overturning of the container and strikes on it. The Safe Transportation Complex also generates reports on trips and involves the installation of a panic button in the driver's cab.

"At all stages of development and testing, full compatibility and correctness of the software bundle with the monitoring device have been recorded. The technical capabilities of the tracker allow you to expand its functionality by installing additional control sensors, such as vibration, humidity, light level, and much more. The customers of the solution are carriers, in particular, those specializing in the transportation of goods of special categories," said Vladislav Ovchinsky, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.


Nov 8, 2022
78% of Moscow residents use services based on artificial intelligence technologies
78% of Muscovites use services based on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in their daily lives, SberStrakhovanie found out. Most often, AI-based services are used by young people aged 18 to 30 — in 88% of cases.
Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov, Vice President of Sberbank and Chairman of Moscow Bank:

"In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, which has changed a number of sectors of the economy. Many companies have begun to implement AI technologies in business processes, as the automation of routine tasks increases not only profitability, but also competitiveness and manufacturability of the business."

According to the study, most of those who use AI-based services (smart speakers, navigators, voice assistants, smart home systems, text generators, chatbots, etc.) were in Moscow (78%), St. Petersburg (77%), Kirov (74%), Togliatti (73%) and Ryazan (68%). Men are more likely than women to use AI services — 66% and 34%, respectively.

Almost every second (45%) of the surveyed Russians use systems based on artificial intelligence technologies on the road, 27% in their free time, and 22% at home. And 18% use AI technology to make purchases in online and offline stores.

Navigation and online road map systems turned out to be the most frequently used services, using them by 57% of respondents. 16% of Russians use smart speakers in their daily lives, and 4% use voice assistants. 3% of Russians use smart home functions on a daily basis, another 1% use chatbots.

AI-based services are trusted by 45% of Moscow residents. Between the ages of 18 and 40, such services are trusted by every second Russian surveyed.

41% of respondents said there is a need to use AI in the field of security. One in three (31 percent) would prefer the use of such technology in healthcare, and one in five (20 percent) would prefer the use of such technology in education. One in eight (12%) believes it is necessary to use AI technologies in the banking and insurance sectors.

Evgeny Shcheklanov, Managing Director of Sberbank Life Insurance:

"AI technologies make it possible to change the lives of Russians for the better. Their implementation and interaction with state services allowed Sberbank Life Insurance to reduce the loss settlement period to an average of 11 calendar days. To improve the customer experience, it is important to offer a person not only the opportunity to issue a life insurance policy online and online settlement of an insured event, but also the opportunity to receive personalized offers. According to the study, every ninth Russian (11%) has already announced their readiness to receive offers from insurance companies with individual rates calculated thanks to the use of AI technologies."

Digital Ruble for Individuals: If It Presses To The Heart, It Will Send To Hell

Russians, at least in the near future, will not want to transfer rubles to digital - the Central Bank has created all the prohibitive conditions for this. But if the state transfers all payments to the authorities, budgetary institutions and state-owned companies into digital rubles, the new national digital currency willy-nilly "will go to the people".

Without fiat money, all these structures will begin to pay salaries in digital rubles. Some time ago, something similar happened with bank cards: the infrastructure of ATMs and POS terminals was still weak, but pensions and salaries in the public sector began to be transferred to cards. And people were forced to master "plastic".

Last week, the prospects for using the digital ruble were discussed by the participants of the sixth meeting of the Digital Principle Digital Lawyers' Club. According to Andrey Borisenko, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of the Bank of Russia, the purpose of introducing the digital ruble is to create a convenient payment system that is free for individuals and with a low commission for legal entities. But from the point of view of the Civil Code, these are, in terms of their legal status, non-cash rubles. This is directly written in the amendments to the legislation that we have prepared and adopted. There is no "wallet", there is an account of the digital ruble with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation," said Andrey Borisenko.

However, a representative of the press service of the Bank of Russia in September, a month after the start of the pilot with the digital ruble, told a ComNews correspondent that the pilot is progressing according to plan - testing of all operations provided for this stage continues: opening and replenishing digital wallets, transfers between citizens, paying for purchases using a QR code, simple automatic payments. That is, in the words of representatives of the Central Bank about the digital ruble, there is a wallet, that is, then it does not exist. It seems that even the state does not yet have a clear understanding of all the mechanisms. A representative of the press service of Promsvyazbank (PSB) also said that since the beginning of the project to pilot the digital ruble, the members of the pilot group (employees of this bank) have opened more than 40 digital wallets and successfully made several thousand transfers and several dozen payments using a QR code using the digital ruble.

As individuals, the experiment with the digital ruble involves mainly employees of the banks participating in the pilot. It is not yet obvious to an ordinary citizen of Russia what the digital ruble can be useful for, given that interest is not accrued on the account balance in digital rubles, bank deposits cannot be opened, and cashback for purchases is not visible. On the other hand, the digital ruble will ensure full traceability of transactions with it, which poses obvious threats to individual freedom. All these factors do not attract, but only repel an ordinary user from testing a fashionable novelty. MTS Bank, which is participating in the pilot, said that it wants to understand what products using the digital ruble the bank could offer customers in the future. I wonder why banks and their customers need it. In order to force the use of the bank's new product with the digital ruble, MTS Bank and other credit organizations of the country will clearly have to invent some "goodies" themselves, since the Central Bank does not offer them, and this is only additional costs for the bank. Probably, the Central Bank will still come up with some profitable solution for commercial banks.

The only advantage for a citizen when using the digital ruble could be the security that the Central Bank guarantees to users. Andrey Borisenko stressed that the advantage of the digital ruble is higher reliability compared to the usual cashless. An account is opened directly with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which actually begins to perform a new, not quite characteristic function of a retail bank. At the same time, since the digital ruble is an obligation of the Bank of Russia, there is no need to insure funds placed on digital ruble accounts.

In other words, the Central Bank directly says that it will not go bankrupt, since it is part of the state. With such a phrase, the Central Bank gives people the idea that all other banks are extremely unreliable structures. This neuro-linguistic programming may become a reality in the near future. It is convenient for the state to reduce transaction costs and transfer money directly without intermediary banks. In the Central Bank's pursuit of traceability of payments and reduction of transaction costs, banks will begin to experience a shortage of liquidity and will begin to burst. In the future, such a scheme of actions may lead to the creation of a single State Bank in the country - as it was in the days of the USSR. Moreover, the Central Bank has publicly admitted that it has left the role of a neutral regulator and turned into a retail bank, creating a direct conflict of interest with traditional commercial banks.

Andrey Borisenko stressed that banks will not be affected by the introduction of the digital ruble, at least because digital rubles do not pay interest on deposits, they do not issue loans, and it is impossible to receive bonus points for transactions with them, so people simply do not have incentives to keep large amounts in this form. In addition, direct limits have been set on the transfer of funds from bank accounts of individuals opened with credit institutions to replenish accounts in digital rubles.

But banks will obviously suffer - because the Central Bank will take away part of their liquidity, which it will turn into a form of digital ruble. Limits for converting "simple" rubles into digital ones have been determined only for now, at the time of the pilot, but then everything may change. Banks themselves, even at the stage of discussing the idea of a digital ruble, have repeatedly spoken out against and estimated how many losses they will incur due to the introduction of digital currency.

Andrey Borisenko stressed that the issue of the digital ruble itself will not lead to inflation, because it is carried out only when a person transfers part of the money from his bank account into digital rubles (this function will be implemented in the applications of the banks participating in the project). But this statement is true only if each "ordinary ruble" received for digital currency is repaid by the Central Bank - until now, no one has publicly talked about such a procedure. If the Central Bank begins to issue a digital ruble, and put the ordinary ruble received for it into circulation, this will lead to a doubling of the money supply, turned into digital rubles - and this is a direct path to inflation.

However, the volume of money supply in Russia is constantly growing, so its increase from the introduction of the digital ruble may not be very noticeable. In the last two years alone, the money supply in the country has increased by 37%. According to the Bank of Russia, the volume of all cash in circulation and non-cash funds (this indicator is called the M2 aggregate) in the Russian Federation on January 1, 2022 amounted to 66.253 trillion rubles, and by the end of September 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation estimated the M2 aggregate at 90.7 trillion rubles. The annual growth rate of the money supply in Russia, according to the Central Bank, exceeds 20%.

Since the blockchain technology underlying the digital ruble ensures the traceability of government payments, this allows for more effective control over the spending of subsidies and other budget allocations, notes the Central Bank represented by Andrey Borisenko. It seems that only in the public sector at first the digital ruble will become widespread, and what it will result in will become clear only in a few years. Probably, receiving funds from the state in the form of digital rubles, budgetary institutions will begin to pay salaries to employees with them. On the one hand, this will cover up all the fraudulent schemes of managers with the "writing" of bonuses for themselves, the accrual of salaries to non-existent employees or extortions from subordinates by bosses, on the other hand, it will force Russian individuals to use digital currency without receiving interest on it and other bonuses that are given by commercial banks.

Anton Ivanov, Research Professor of Digital IP, Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, doubts that the digital ruble will take root in domestic circulation, but sees the prospect of international settlements with its help as interesting. However, in the situation of sanctions in which Russia finds itself, such calculations still look dubiously necessary and hardly possible. In addition, there is a trend in the world towards the formation of separate currency and financial zones. The question is in which zone Russia will find itself, with whom it will be able to cooperate, and whether someone will need the digital ruble outside the Russian Federation. In any case, it is necessary to have a national digital currency in a tested and ready state. There is no need to stand still - it is worth trying with all our might to carve out a place for Russia in the international economic arena. The only question is by what methods: should the Central Bank be transformed from a regulator into a monopoly commercial bank, crossing the path of the Russian banking system?

As long as the Central Bank does not give individuals an incentive to use the digital ruble, banks are out of danger (although this also depends on the volume of mutual settlements in the digital ruble between the state and the public sector). However, if people (at least state employees and employees of state-owned companies) are forced to receive salaries in digital rubles or receive interest on the account balance in digital rubles and cashback for transactions with them, banks will have to strain and come up with even more favorable conditions for customers to retain them. But the Russians, in turn, will not rush to move away from commercial banks - after all, the use of digital currency will lead to total transparency of settlements."


Nov 8, 2022

The development of scientists from UNN will help create neuroprostheses for damaged areas of the brain

OCTOBER 13, 2023
Scientists from the Department of Neurotechnologies of the Institute of Biology and Biomedicine of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod) have developed a technology that will help in the creation of neuroprostheses to replace damaged areas of the brain. The use of neuroprostheses can restore brain activity in injuries, improve memory, and stimulate the ability to learn.

To create the technology, the scientists determined the parameters at which brain cells control the activity of an artificial neuron. At the same time, the neural network and the source of neuron-like signals work as a single unit.

A fragment of the mouse's hippocampus – these are brain structures responsible for learning, spatial orientation and memory – was connected to a generator of artificial nerve impulses. The circuit plays signals that mimic brain activity. They stimulated living neurons, and they sent a response signal. The generator went from excitable to oscillatory mode, starting to work as an extension of the hippocampus.

"Scientists from Lobachevsky University, in cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, have managed to achieve a real scientific breakthrough. The new technology opens up wide opportunities in the field of neuromorphic applications: from the development of "smart" and adaptive robots to the creation of revolutionary medical devices for the treatment of neurological diseases," commented the project's scientific consultant, Professor of the Polytechnic University of Madrid Alexander Pisarchik.

According to the head of the project, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurotechnologies at Lobachevsky University Albina Lebedeva, in the future, the development can be used to normalize the work of the brain with epilepsy:

"If the experiment succeeds in suppressing abnormal bursts of activity of neurons in the hippocampus with the help of pulse generators, it will open the way to the creation of neuroprostheses for the treatment of patients with epilepsy."

The study is carried out as part of the participation of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod in the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Priority 2030" (national project "Science and Universities").
The scientists published the results of their work in the journal Sensors:
Living-Neuron-Based Autogenerator
Department of Control Theory and System Dynamics, Neurotechnology Department, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, 603022 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Center for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 Madrid, Spain

Sechenov University has created "artificial muscles" powered by alternating current

OCTOBER 5, 2023
Specialists of the Laboratory of Controlled Bionic Systems of the Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation have developed "artificial muscles" based on polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel, activated by alternating current. Lightweight and silent devices with good mechanical properties are able to withstand heavy loads. They will be useful for the creation of bionic prostheses, rehabilitation devices, as well as for soft robotics and aerospace applications.

The created devices are actuators (devices) capable of swelling, compression or bending under the influence of electricity. When exposed to alternating current, the ions do not move towards the electrodes, but oscillate in place, so the entire hydrogel is heated evenly and the actuator changes in shape; It takes about 3 seconds.

"Hydrogels consist of a polymer of polyvinyl alcohol and water. When we exert an alternating current on the hydrogel, the water ions begin to vibrate locally, which causes the entire hydrogel to heat up. As a result of heating in a certain range of temperatures, the water abruptly turns into a gaseous state and is released from the hydrogel. When the action of the current stops, the water is quickly absorbed back. The hydrogel is coated with an elastic, airtight shell that expands in the process, like an inflatable balloon. In order to expand linearly, we used two types of external reinforcing meshes – braided and spiral-shaped," explained Tarek Dayub, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Controlled Bionic Systems.

Actuators have a low activation (actuation) rate. They are very sensitive to the magnitude of the voltage and can easily fail if the electrical voltage is exceeded. To control the change in shape, the scientists used an elastic material and two types of external reinforcing meshes with special weaving geometry.

In the near future, scientists plan to find a way to reduce the electrical voltage required to activate actuators - now actuators are able to operate in the range of electrical voltage of 50÷200 V and current frequency of 50÷500 Hz. Researchers will have to figure out how to make the use of new actuators safer while maintaining functionality. Artificial muscles were created at Sechenov University as part of the Priority 2030 program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (the national project "Science and Universities").

A New Approach to Studying Neural Connections Could Help Fight Depression

Scientists from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University have presented a new method for analyzing neural connections based on functional MRI data. As part of it, the authors reconstructed functional brain networks for healthy people and patients with depression, and then compared the calculated characteristics. This method is called the "consensus approach" and has revealed significant differences between healthy people and patients with major depressive disorder. By doing so, it will help facilitate the diagnosis of the disease.

The difficulty in diagnosing MDD is that there are no tests that confirm the presence of depression. The diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist based on the results of an examination, interview, and anamnesis. At the same time, it is known that in MDD, there is a failure in the production of molecules with the help of which information is exchanged between brain cells. Therefore, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be used to diagnose major depressive disorder. It allows you to analyze functional neural connections and observe the activity of all brain structures. With this approach, it is possible to compare how different areas of the brain that are far apart react to external stimuli and how brain structures interact with each other.

Scientists from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad), the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Madrid) and the Medical University of Plovdiv (Plovdiv) have developed a new approach to studying the functional connections of the brain, which made it possible to identify differences between the results of fMRI in healthy people and people diagnosed with MDD. Eighty-five subjects underwent fMRI, the results of which were evaluated by the researchers in terms of standard group analysis and the new consensus approach.

Both experiments involved the analysis of various characteristics of the functional network of the brain: the average degree of the node (the union of neurons), the distribution of the degrees of nodes throughout the network, and others. In the group approach, characteristics were first calculated individually for each subject, and then statistical analysis was used to look for similarities and differences. In contrast, the consensus approach required less effort: for each of the two experimental groups, one common characteristic functional network was built with the connections inherent in 95% of the subjects in the group, and then the characteristics for each of the networks were calculated and directly compared. Thus, in the case of the conventional group approach, it is necessary to apply additional methods, whereas in the case of the consensus approach, the differences between the healthy and the sick are already visible directly from the calculated network characteristics.

The combined use of group and consensus approaches has the potential to create an fMRI-based system for automatic recognition of MDR.

"We obtained a wider range of parameters at which it was possible to find differences between sick and healthy people, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis of the disease," says Andrey Andreev, a senior researcher at the Baltic Center for Neurotechnologies and Artificial Intelligence at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a mental illness that has a serious impact on people's quality of life. The disease has a negative impact on a person's ability to work, their activity, appetite, concentration, sleep and even self-esteem. According to WHO statistics, 3.8% of the world's population is currently struggling with depression. There is a threat that by 2030, major depressive disorder will become the disease causing the greatest material and intangible losses, measured in financial costs, mortality, morbidity, and other indicators.

The study is carried out within the framework of the strategic projects "Puzzle" and "Cognitive Longevity" of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Priority 2030" (national project "Science and Universities"). The study was also supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).

The Priority 2030 program will make it possible to concentrate resources to ensure the contribution of Russian universities to the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, to increase the scientific and educational potential of universities and research organizations, as well as to ensure the participation of educational institutions of higher education in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The goal of the Priority 2030 program is to form more than 100 progressive modern universities in Russia by 2030 - centers of scientific, technological, socio-economic development of the country.


Nov 8, 2022
The First International Forum of Digital Solutions in Transport "DIGITAL TRANSPORTATION" will be held in Moscow on December 19
On December 19, the Lomonosov Cluster, the Lomonosov Cluster, will host the DIGITAL TRANSPORTATION International Forum, an event that brings together digital industry leaders. The event was organized by the Digital Transport and Logistics Association with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

For the first time, representatives of companies that are active participants in the industry's digital transformation, federal and regional authorities from Russia and friendly countries will gather at one site.
As part of the business program, the forum participants will present the main results and discuss the immediate tasks in all key areas of the industry's digital agenda: import substitution, electronic document management, digital solutions for multimodal freight and passenger transportation, the introduction of unmanned vehicles in all environments, data-based management, cybersecurity, and others.

A separate track of the forum is devoted to the export of domestic digital solutions for the transport and logistics industry and technological cooperation within the framework of the BRICS+ association and with friendly countries in the interests of jointly solving common problems of technological sovereignty, the development of new transport corridors and the integration of national digital platforms in the field of transport and logistics.

A distinctive feature of the forum is a comprehensive approach to discussing digital projects: from the development of digital platforms and services to the legal regulation of their implementation and the use of the "regulatory sandbox" mechanism, from assessing the economic efficiency of digital solutions in mass operation to ensuring cybersecurity. Within the framework of the forum, pitch sessions of digital startups and regional digital solutions in the field of transport are planned.

"Over the 4 years of our Association's work, we have accumulated extensive experience in the development and promotion of digital solutions in the field of transport and logistics, primarily an effective and constant dialogue between industry business and public sector bodies in solving common problems of digital transformation, a list of key and promising digital projects within the country and in cooperation with partners from friendly countries has been formed. I am sure that the time has come to expand the format and raise the level of discussion of our common digital agenda," says Polina Davydova, Director of the Digital Transport and Logistics Association.

ANO "Digital Economy" compared AI for Russia with the nuclear industry for the USSR
These are large industries that have developed rapidly thanks to the most powerful state support, said the organization's general director Serhiy Plugotarenko

MOSCOW, September 28, 2023. Artificial intelligence technologies are for today's Russia what the nuclear and space industries were for the USSR. This opinion was expressed by the general director of the ANO "Digital Economy" Sergey Plugotarenko at a press conference in TASS.

"I have a feeling that artificial intelligence today, in the good sense of the word, for the state, society and business is about the same as in the Soviet Union at one time there was the atom, space - large industries that suddenly rose because there was the most powerful state support," Plugotarenko said.

The head of the organization stressed that a person should always be at the head, and technology, including artificial intelligence, should help him. A recent strategic session with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, according to Plugotarenko, showed that Russia is indeed embarking on the path of AI.

"There are a lot of issues there, and [about] where work will be needed, but it is clear that there is a consensus between business and the state," he said. "It remains to work with society, to explain what "benefits" a particular person can receive. And then everything will be fine," the head of the Digital Economy concluded.

TSU Scientists Create a Platform for 3D Printing of Individual Implants

Tomsk State University will have a specialized site for the manufacture of medical implants from titanium nickelide using additive technologies. Two methods will be worked out on it – direct laser growth (NDE) and selective laser sintering (SLS). The mini-enterprise is created by young scientists with the support of the Student Startup grant. The use of new technologies will make it possible to create complex geometric shapes, ensure high manufacturing accuracy, taking into account the anatomical features of the patient, and reduce the risk of material rejection.

– In Russia, tens of thousands of people need restorative bone reconstruction surgeries every year. Such a need arises for various reasons – as a result of congenital diseases, injuries, oncopathologies that require the removal of a bone section," says Alexander Garin, project leader, TSU PhD student, employee of the TSU Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces. "The goal of this project is to create new innovative approaches that will make the care of such patients personalized and at the same time sufficiently prompt.

Scientists of the Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces have already developed different compositions of medical alloys and have created a large reserve for the production of implants for the closure of bone tissue defects. The new project will make it possible to switch to 3D printing of products. On the basis of the established organization, the researchers will conduct a practical comparison of selective laser sintering and direct laser growth.

The first method has been used for a long time to create three-dimensional models for medical purposes, while NDEs are traditionally used in other areas, such as aviation, automotive, and energy.

The method has a number of advantages over traditional production methods. Firstly, NDEs make it possible to create complex geometries that are difficult or impossible to achieve using conventional methods such as milling or turning. Secondly, additive manufacturing reduces waste because only the material that is needed to create the facility is used. Thirdly, thanks to the ability to create objects with complex internal structures, it is possible to obtain parts with improved mechanical characteristics and reduced weight.

"On the basis of the created organization, prototypes will be made using these two methods, this will allow us to choose the best one," explains Alexander Garin. "We study new structures using various methods to assess their structure, biocompatibility, functional and other properties. The project will make it possible to achieve maximum compliance with the mechanical and chemical parameters of the patient's body. As a result, the resulting implants will take into account the needs of each medical case and meet all the requirements of safety, efficiency and ease of use, which will improve the quality of life of patients.

For reference: The TSU Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces was created with the support of a megagrant from the Russian government. The laboratory team is engaged in the creation of implants for bone and soft tissues, drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, bioceramics, bioactive and bioinert coatings, as well as bioresorbable materials for implantation. The laboratory staff is represented by specialists with experience in the field of materials science, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.

About the Laboratory
The Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces was created to solve complex scientific problems in the field of medical materials science. The main direction of the laboratory's work is fundamental and applied research, the development of advanced biocompatible materials and the solution of problems of replacing soft and hard tissue defects arising from injuries, acquired diseases or congenital pathologies. The research work includes the study of the chemical, biological and mechanical properties of natural tissues and implant materials, computer modeling, modern methods of cell culture under in vitro conditions and in vivo tests. The laboratory team works in the field of bone and soft tissue implants, drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, bioceramics, bioactive and bioinert coatings, as well as bioresorbable materials for implantation. The laboratory team is represented by multidisciplinary specialists with experience in the field of materials science, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, studying and creating materials to solve urgent problems in the field of biomedicine. The leading scientist of the laboratory, Volynsky Oleksiy Aleksandrovich (University of South Florida, USA), is a recognized specialist in the field of biotechnology, who has publications in high-ranking international journals and is a reviewer and guest editor in top scientific materials science journals.


Nov 8, 2022
MEPhI has learned how to create silicon nanoparticles against coronavirus
Porous compounds are similar in size and structure to virus particles, which made it possible to use them to neutralize the pathogen, the university explained

MOSCOW, October 23, 2023.
Scientists from NRNU MEPhI have patented a method for obtaining nanoparticles to combat coronavirus infection. As the press service of the university told TASS, the research was carried out jointly with specialists from the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology (NRCEM).

The idea of using porous silicon nanoparticles to inactivate coronavirus infection arose due to the similarity in the size and morphology of the surface of these particles and virions (viral particles), MEPhI said. The researchers set themselves the task of selecting the size and structure of the surface of nanoparticles and effectively binding them to coronavirus virions like the "key-lock" system, which is often used in biosystems. By binding to the nanoparticle, the virion loses its ability to infect the cell.

MEPhI scientists have proposed a new method for obtaining aqueous suspensions of silicon nanoparticles. The optimal parameters of the particles were determined using a neural network that analyzed the images of an electron microscope, said one of the authors of the patent, chief researcher at the Engineering Physics Institute of Biomedicine MEPhI, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Viktor Timoshenko.

"As a result, we selected modes for obtaining stable aqueous suspensions of silicon nanoparticles with average transverse dimensions of about 100 nm and representing aggregates (assemblies) of silicon nanocrystals with dimensions of 10-20 nm. These nanoparticles are stable for several weeks, highly effective in inactivating the coronavirus and have low toxicity," he said. The researchers' conclusions were confirmed by the scientists of the Research Center for Epidemiology and Epidemiology. According to the authors of the patent, the nanoparticles obtained by the proposed method can be used in the development of new antiviral drugs and safe disinfectants.

The interuniversity campus in Bashkiria will produce biomedical implants

This is a project of the laboratory of additive (3D printed) technologies of the Bashkir State Medical University, the press service of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan reported

October 23, 2023.
The interuniversity student campus in Bashkiria plans to start the production of ceramic biomedical implants in 3D printing technology. This is stated in a message distributed by the press service of the government of the republic.

"In the interuniversity student campus, it is planned to produce promising ceramic biomedical implants in 3D printing technology. This is a project of the laboratory of additive technologies of the Bashkir State Medical University, which will be located on one of the floors of the IQ park, the first stage of the campus under construction," the report says.

One of the main tasks of the laboratory's research is to create a smart implant that is thought out at all stages: from the beginning of design to the full cycle of interaction with a person. According to the head of the laboratory, Mars Galautdinov, work in the laboratory will make it possible to start the production of medical devices that will be used throughout Russia.

The report says that the laboratory's researchers are engaged in the creation of implants from promising materials that tend to be replaced over time by the person's own tissues. Researchers have already printed more than 6,000 samples that have passed preclinical tests on cell cultures, and animal studies have already begun.

Currently, the laboratory manufactures spacers, temporary prostheses, and prostheses for surgical departments. Molds for prostheses are produced according to the method developed in the laboratory, after production the product is sterilized and transferred to operating rooms.

The construction of the interuniversity student campus of the Eurasian Research and Education Center (REC) is being carried out under the federal program for creating an innovative educational environment using public-private partnership mechanisms and concession agreements under the national project "Science and Universities".

Russia has developed a technology for rehabilitation of patients after a stroke using AI

According to the press service of MTUCI, the "virtual trainer" evaluates the quality of patients' exercises and develops their confidence in their abilities

MOSCOW, October 21, 2023.
Scientists from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) and the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology have developed a technology for rehabilitating patients after stroke using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine vision. This was told to TASS in the press service of the university.

As the head of the press service Alina Khakimzyanova noted, the development is especially relevant for the regions of Russia, where rehabilitation centers are located far from patients. According to her, the "virtual trainer" with artificial intelligence developed by scientists evaluates the quality of patients' exercises and develops their confidence in their abilities, a responsible attitude to the activities carried out for rehabilitation. The device is provided for temporary use, which significantly reduces the cost of recovery after a stroke.

The system can be deployed on almost any home computer and will have constant communication with the attending physician. The program part is a set of exercises with an assessment of the correctness of their implementation. A medical specialist prepares an individual rehabilitation program. According to the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies of MTUCI, Ph.D. Mikhail Gorodnichev, a computer with Internet access is required for the work of a "virtual trainer". In addition, it is planned to use a central computer combined with the clinic's information system to summarize information on each patient and track the dynamics of treatment.

Every year, about half a million people suffer a stroke, after which 31% of patients require assistance for self-care, while 20% are unable to walk independently."


Nov 8, 2022
The first smart standard was approved in Russia
October 25, 2023
According to the press service of Rosstandart, the national standard PNST 864-2023 "Smart (SMART) standards. General Provisions" became the first document of the national standardization system and one of the first documents in the world that introduces the concept of a smart standard, as well as establishes the main approaches to SMART standardization and determines the further vector of its development.

SMART standards and services built on their basis will help you search for information faster and more accurately, analyze it more efficiently and automate the application of regulatory requirements. The introduction of SMART standards will make it possible to turn a standardization document into a working digital tool that significantly increases labor productivity and reduces the number of errors.

The document defines a smart standard as a set of data contained in a standardization document, presented in machine-readable, machine-interpretable and machine-intelligible formats, which ensures, along with the possibility of human readability, the possibility of direct processing and use by information and cyber-physical systems.

PNST 864-2023 was developed by Kodeks JSC with the active participation of members of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation and the Institute for Standardization within the framework of the relevant technical committee for standardization No. 711 "Smart (SMART) Standards" (SOFTWARE 711) and comes into force on February 1, 2024 for a period of three years. It is assumed that these three years will be a testing time, during which feedback from users of the standard will be collected and analyzed. The active participation of various economic entities in this process is necessary, since both the NST under consideration and the entire series of standards that follow it are developed primarily in the interests of enterprises in the real sector of the economy."

Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Russian cities will be offered algorithms to solve problems

October 20, 2023
ASI and the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) have begun to form an Atlas of Service and Infrastructure Solutions, which will help solve many problems in Russian cities. This was announced by the developers at the first expert session of the project, where the lack of services and infrastructure for residents was discussed.

The purpose of the Atlas is to help cities select infrastructure and services that have proven their effectiveness, and to provide an algorithm of actions that will allow them to design the result and a roadmap for achieving it. The Atlas will be useful for public, educational and enlightenment organizations, expert, professional and business communities, state corporations and development institutions.

"In the context of increased competition for qualified personnel within the regions, creating conditions for a balanced life has become the main task and challenge for many Russian cities. The Atlas of Service and Infrastructure Solutions will allow decision-makers in the framework of urban management and development to access best practices implemented in similar demographic and economic conditions, and recommendations for their implementation in their own countries. Understanding that municipalities care not only about what kind of facility is created, but also about what services it is filled with, we in the Atlas will offer a clear, simple and understandable algorithm for finding solutions. Our task is to make the tool convenient and in demand for any city in the country, from the smallest to megalopolises," said Olga Zakharova, Director of the Urban Economy Division of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

The Atlas will take into account the climatic and demographic features of cities, as well as economic conditions. It will be focused on the development of the settlement in the interests of the residents and economy of the region.

According to Tatyana Karavaeva, Deputy Director General of the Center for Strategic Research, when developing the Atlas, they will primarily focus on people and their needs. "The best practices for using infrastructure in cities are, first of all, a high-quality convenient service that is needed and demanded by residents. A fundamentally important task is not only to collect successfully implemented projects, but also to describe how and at what means they are implemented. This is what municipal teams are interested in," Karavaeva said.

"When developing the Atlas, it is necessary to create a user-friendly interface, as well as to prescribe such implementation algorithms so that users do not experience difficulties in finding solutions, and the high level of quality of practices motivates users to implement it," said Jemal Surmanidze, Head of the Department of Regulatory and Methodological Work of the Federal Project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment".

More than 50 federal and regional experts are working on the formation of the Atlas, which is expected to be released in the first half of 2024. The expert community and cities are invited to participate in the development of the Atlas.

The new approach will give impetus to the development of cities, provide millions of residents with modern infrastructure and advanced services. Proper planning for the development of territories, the construction of modern facilities or the emergence of new spaces will help attract new residents, stop the outflow of labor resources, attract investment for the construction of industries, housing, social and tourist infrastructure, and help the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Experts from ASI and CSR will hold visiting expert sessions to collect best practices throughout the country – from Kaliningrad and the Moscow region to Vladivostok and Murmansk. The first trip (to Zelenogradsk, Kaliningrad region) will take place on October 23.

Yandex was the first in Europe to test an unmanned car without a driver

Representatives of Yandex reported that in Tatarstan, on the territory of Innopolis, tests of unmanned vehicles have begun.

October 25, 2023

Thus, Yandex has begun the final stage of work on its self-driving cars.

Previously, there was a test driver in the cabin, who in the process moved to the passenger seat and controlled the car from there, but now the unmanned vehicle is accompanied by another car with an operator: he can instantly and remotely make an emergency stop.



Nov 8, 2022
A neural network will be developed in Russia for the safety of pedestrians near schools
It will include data from the study of traffic near schools in the largest cities of Russia

MOSCOW, October 21, 2023. Scientists have begun to develop a neural network that will help plan safe traffic near schools. It will include data from traffic studies near schools in the largest cities of Russia, the press service of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) told TASS.

"The neural network will make it possible to prioritize tasks to ensure road safety in real time. It will be based on mathematical models and algorithms based on open data, which were used to conduct research on road safety near schools in the largest cities of Russia. In cases of planning new territories, the results of the neural network will make it possible to avoid offenses, victims and even achieve high energy efficiency in cities," the report says.

At the end of last year, the Laboratory of Urban Technologies and Spatial Development of MIIGAiK University published a study on road safety near schools in the largest cities of Russia.

"In our study, we relied on open data, that is, on already existing in the public domain, which helped us not only to see, but also to prioritize the tasks that cities potentially face: we understand which streets in which city right now need the immediate attention of road safety authorities, in the provision or change of road markings, speed limit signs and other things," said the head of the laboratory, Alexei Kurlov, whose words are quoted in the message.

With the help of spatial data, MIIGAiK scientists have also learned to predict the planning needs of the urban areas being created, including economic and budgetary ones. The processing of high-intensity spatio-temporal data streams is a cornerstone issue in the development of the territories of the future.

"We did this on the basis of mathematical models, algorithms, processed big data and visualized it on maps. The next step will be the use of artificial intelligence in predictive models, on the basis of which municipal and state leadership will be able to make specific management decisions and introduce new legislative norms. The territorial development of so-called smart cities or simply new districts implies not only residential development and infrastructure, it also takes into account potential internal and external migration," Kurlov added.

Chelyabinsk International Airport to be equipped with biometric access controllers

October 24, 2023
JSC Chelyabinsk Aviation Enterprise posted information on the procurement website for the supply of 10 biometric access controllers. The initial cost of the contract is 885.3 thousand rubles. Applications will be accepted until November 14, the winner will be announced on November 16, 2023. Only small and medium-sized businesses will be able to participate in the purchase.

As indicated in the terms of reference, biometric controllers should recognize up to 10 thousand passengers, measure temperature, determine the presence of protective masks on the face and warn airport employees about their absence.

The equipment will be installed at 5 entrances to the airport building. In addition to protective masks, controllers must recognize goggles and hats on visitors at a distance of up to three meters. In addition, the sensors will be able to identify up to 10,000 fingerprints.

The Contractor must deliver the devices within 120 calendar days from the date of signing the contract."

Russian Science Foundation
October 19, 2023

The all-inclusive drug will help in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

Scientists have proposed a hybrid compound that is activated by laser irradiation and inhibits a protein involved in the development of many neurodegenerative diseases 71 percent better than its predecessors. At the same time, the authors noted a fairly strong difference in the nature of luminescence for non-irradiated and laser-irradiated hybrids, thanks to which specialists will be able to control the activity of these compounds in the human body. In addition, the location of the proposed hybrids can be easily detected in the body due to their luminescence. The results of the study, supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), are published in the journal Nanomaterials.
All-in-One Photoactivated Inhibition of Butyrylcholinesterase Combined with Luminescence as an Activation and Localization Indicator: Carbon Quantum Dots@Phosphonate Hybrids

Photopharmacology is a new approach in medicine in which the biological activity of substances is controlled by light. For example, with the help of a light beam, researchers "start" or "stop" the work of a photopharmacological agent. At the moment, such drugs consist of two components - a pharmacophore, that is, the active ingredient itself, for example, an antibiotic, and a photoswitch.

Under the influence of light, the photoswitch changes its shape and optical properties, and the pharmacophore attached to it interacts directly with the biological target. However, preparations that contain formacophores in close connection with photoswitches turn out to be much less effective than the active substances in their pure form. Therefore, researchers are trying to develop compounds that have both high biological activity and the ability to change their functions after exposure to light.

Scientists from St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) have developed a substance whose biological activity can be controlled by light and whose distribution in the body can be easily monitored. The drug is based on a hybrid nanomaterial that combines phosphonate and carbon quantum dots. Phosphonate is a bioactive substance that reacts to light and inhibits the activity of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). Increased concentrations of this enzyme can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease, and BChE has been linked to various skin conditions. Carbon quantum dots are biocompatible carbon nanoparticles, a million times smaller than a centimeter, that are capable of intensely glowing. It is thanks to them that it is possible to track the movement and metabolism of hybrid compounds.

The researchers tested how the hybrid reacts to laser ultraviolet light. The bioactivity of the obtained substance after irradiation increased from 38 to almost 100 percent. In comparison, pure unirradiated phosphonate inhibited the enzyme activity by only 29 percent. Thus, the authors obtained a compound that inhibited the activity of the enzyme with varying efficacy before and after laser irradiation. In addition, the hybrid retained the ability of phosphonates to be activated by light, which could simplify its use in medical practice.

Also, using a complex biological matrix — a cut of chicken breast — the scientists showed that irradiated and non-irradiated hybrids glow in different colors and with different brightness, and luminescence attenuates at different rates. Thus, the luminescence kinetics can be used to assess the biological activity of the resulting compounds.

Such a result will potentially allow researchers to track the ratio between irradiated and non-irradiated hybrids in the human body, and therefore monitor the activity of the drug and its localization in the patient's tissues.

"Previously, we demonstrated photoswitchable and bioactive compounds. The fact that we have now managed to combine such substances with biocompatible and luminescent carbon dots and at the same time not only preserve, but also multiply the properties of the resulting hybrids is a big step forward, important for photopharmacology. We call the resulting hybrids "all-inclusive" because they provide four important functions at the same time: bioactivity — BChE inhibition, photoswitching, luminescence, and indication of the state of bioactivity," says Alina Manshina, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Laser Chemistry and Laser Materials Science at St. Petersburg State University, head of the project supported by the RSF grant.

Scientists from the Center for Environmental Safety of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), the St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (St. Petersburg) and the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)."
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Nov 8, 2022
Russian Science Foundation:

Russian scientists tell whether vaccination with Sputnik V is safe

October 19, 2023
A team of scientists from the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) explained that antibodies formed after vaccination with Sputnik V cannot cause malfunctions in the body. The results of the research, supported by a grant from the Presidential Program of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), were published in the journals Vaccines and the International Journal of Molecular Science.

During the coronavirus pandemic, vaccines helped fight the disease. In Russia, three of them were created, the most famous of which was Sputnik V.

Scientists have dispelled the myth that after vaccination, catalytic antibodies are formed with pathological activities that are characteristic of autoimmune diseases (when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body), such as lupus.

In fact, antibodies are produced against the S protein and its fragment RBD. They neutralize (immobilize) the virus. Some of these antibodies hydrolyze (cleave) the SARS-CoV-2 S protein, literally "cutting into pieces" the envelope of the virus.

The researchers conducted the study on four groups of people, each of which included 25 participants. The first group consisted of unvaccinated people who had previously had coronavirus. The second group consists of test subjects who had the disease and were then vaccinated with Sputnik V. Participants in the third group were vaccinated before the start of the study, but did not get sick, and the fourth, control group, did not get sick and were not vaccinated.

The researchers analyzed the content of antibodies against the S protein in the subjects' blood samples for the presence of catalytic antibodies. It turned out that such pathologically active antibodies are not really formed as a result of vaccination. This confirms the efficacy and safety of Sputnik V. In the future, scientists plan to continue research and discover new aspects of the formation of an immune response to viral infections.

Allergies are not an obstacle to vaccination: scientists refute myths about the dangers of vaccination

October 23, 2023
The "vaccination mythology" in Russia is taking on serious proportions. Patients believe in numerous myths about the dangers of vaccinations and ask for medical exemptions, and doctors often issue them unreasonably, trying to avoid conflicts and other possible consequences. The most common myths about vaccination say that allergies and vaccinations are incompatible. In fact, in most cases, allergic diseases do not create any obstacles to vaccination and are even an additional indication for it.

"Myths about vaccination only harm," says Igor Nikitin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Scientific Advisor at the Nacimbio Holding of Rostec State Corporation, "because of them, many people refuse to vaccinate themselves and their children, as a result, the incidence of dangerous infections increases." In a new article for Naked Science, Igor Nikitin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Igor Nikitin, Scientific Advisor of the Nacimbio Holding of the Rostec State Corporation, debunks the most common misconceptions about immunization of patients suffering from allergic diseases. ..."

Ministry of High Education and Science of the Russian Federation
New Scientific Achievements That Have Been Implemented in the Economy: Results of the Work of Technology Transfer Centers at Universities

Russian universities continue to develop science. Technology Transfer Centers, a project of the Ministry of High Education and Science of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which special units are created on the basis of the best universities and scientific organizations to integrate developments into the economy, are designed to implement the achievements of scientists in real life. There are already 38 such centers in the country. Next, we will tell you about five new projects implemented with their help.

There are no analogues: a new security system
The first integrated security system in Russia for universities, industrial enterprises and shopping centers was developed by Tomsk State University and GLONASS with the assistance of the Technology Transfer Center. It includes navigation, video surveillance, a fire safety system, and an organization situation center. The software and hardware are entirely made in Russia. There are no analogues in the country.

The system will allow emergency services to quickly identify and respond to possible threats, provide navigation in emergency situations and save people's health and lives. The development has already been tested in one of the TSU academic buildings. It was highly appreciated by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Alexander Kurenkov. Now the system will be worked out on the basis of the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy - for this purpose, a special pilot training ground will be launched.

The Rector of TSU, the Governor of the Tomsk Region and the General Director of GLONASS signed an agreement on the implementation of an integrated security system in universities, shopping centers and enterprises in the region.

Psycho-emotional simulator
The Institute of Innovative Development of Samara State Medical University offered the ReviSide simulator to stabilize the psycho-emotional state. The device immerses the patient in a virtual reality scene: a special sensor reads breathing and displays inhalations and exhalations in the form of an animation. The user visually monitors this process, understands his psycho-emotional state and trains to control it.

The Technology Transfer Center promotes the development among medical institutions and potential partners, as well as at exhibitions and conferences. Thus, the development has already been presented at an international scientific conference in Yekaterinburg.

(the picture from Ministry of High Education and Science of the Russian Federation's website)

Data Guard Quanta
With the assistance of the Technology Transfer Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University sold a non-exclusive license to Infotecs for a development in the field of data encryption. Scientists have created a hardware and software complex that can simulate the secure process of delivering quantum encryption keys. They are received by subscribers of the communication network, in which information is protected by the laws of quantum mechanics. In this way, it is possible to prevent the encryption key from falling into the hands of an attacker and, therefore, to protect the transmitted data, which is a key task of cryptography.

Diagnosing Infants
Scientists from ETU "LETI"* have created a digital low-dose complex for X-ray diagnostics of infants. The development makes it possible to more qualitatively diagnose a number of diseases and assess the condition (for example, the degree of lung dilation) in newborns weighing 500 grams or more. The complex even works in special incubators and incubators, which is designed to reduce child mortality.

The university's Technology Transfer Center accompanied the development process and is now transferring the results to the Techno-Med Research and Production Association for bringing the complex to the market and its serial production.

More for ETU "LETI"*:
"MISSION AND STRATEGIC GOAL OF SPbSETU "LETI" within the framework of the PRIORITY 2030 program

Project "New technologies of information connectivity of objects and territories"
The goal of the project is to enter the labor division system of the TOP 5 clusters (R&D + production) in the global NewRadio| 6G market by 2030, in terms of creating new principles and structural components of the NET–2030 ultra-broadband high-speed communication networks, including cognitive, hybrid, adaptive reconfigurable, heterogeneous, solving the problem of mastering new frequency bands, including subTHz.
Objectives of the strategic project:
Construction of new radio access technologies (NewRadio|6G) of NET-2030 networks based on effective signal-code constructions and improved methods of multiple access.

Search for new principles of construction and development of cognitive reconfigurable systems of heterogeneous location and navigation.

Development of hardware and software complexes of the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks.
Project "Technologies of strong hybrid intelligence for applied medicine"

The aim of the project is to develop the fundamentals of Strong Hybrid Intelligence (SHI) with the construction of a technological stack based on it for the intellectualization of economic sectors and its testing in the field of applied medicine.

Objectives of the strategic project
Fundamental research. Development of a mathematically based concept of strong hybrid intelligence; approaches to ensuring the interoperability (compatibility) of human and machine intelligence in solving complex problems; principles of modeling and description of cognitive functions.
The concept of interoperability (compatibility) of interacting intelligent agents based on human and machine intelligence at different levels (neural interfaces, cognitive and semantic communication)
A system of remote monitoring of human health based on the model of the digital twin of the human body and the concept of federated learning
A biointerface harmonized with a person
Express diagnostic systems based on multimodal biochips


The signal will go further
Scientists from St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications are developing a communication module for transmitting service signals in railway automation control systems. It will increase the range of information transmission to 20 km and, consequently, reduce capital costs for the modernization of existing communication lines.

Prototypes of the module have already been created. With the assistance of the Center for Technology Transfer, the university signed an agreement with the small state-owned enterprise IMSAT. Based on the test results, it is planned to prepare for serial production of products.

About Technology Transfer Centers
The task of the centers is to involve specialists and scientists in solving the priority tasks of the region's economy and to promote their implementation. They identify the results of intellectual activity in universities and scientific organizations, attract customers and partners, develop strategies for the legal protection of developments (for example, patenting), and conduct licensing and commercial research, development and technological transactions.

As a reminder, technology transfer centers are created by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the federal project "Development of large-scale scientific and scientific-technological projects in priority research areas" of the national project "Science and Universities". Since 2021, 38 organizations participating in the project have been selected, 20 of them in 2023. The development of an interregional network of centers is approved by the Concept of Technological Development for the period up to 2030."


Nov 8, 2022
Neural Interfaces in Russia: How to Regain Movement and Regain Your Voice with the Power of Thought

Today, paralysis, limb amputation and loss of communication skills are no longer a death sentence. Thanks to advanced advances in neurointerface technologies, patients have the opportunity to re-master lost abilities bypassing obstacles that have arisen in the body.

The editors of PharmMedProm analyzed the achievements of Russian researchers in the context of the development and implementation of neural interfaces in medical and rehabilitation practice.

Neural interface — how it works
A neural interface is an innovative technology that allows you to intercept brain signals and convert them into computer-friendly commands. The establishment of direct interaction between the brain and the computer opens up new opportunities for the treatment of neurological diseases, the rehabilitation of patients and the restoration of body functions lost due to injuries and pathologies.

The innovative technology allows people with paralyzed or lost body parts to send signals to the muscles of the arms, legs, head and the body as a whole. This is achieved with the help of neural implants, robotic prostheses, and entire exoskeletons that perform the functions of missing limbs and organs such as eyes or ears. These innovative developments open up new horizons for the restoration of human motor and sensory capabilities, returning the seemingly lost joys of life and improving its quality.

In Russian medical practice, neural interfaces are already used for the treatment of neurological diseases, as well as for the rehabilitation of patients after strokes and brain injuries. There are many research projects in the field of neural interfaces, for example, the development of brain computer interfaces (MCIs) and neuroprostheses. In Russia, there is even a specialized industry union "Neuronet", which is developing within the framework of the National Technology Initiative and unites professionals in this field.

Leading Russian developments


Perhaps one of the most striking developments in this area is NeuroChat, a Russian startup that originated in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neural Interfaces at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

It provides an opportunity for people with severe speech and motor impairments to interact with the world around them. With the help of electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis and special software, NeuroChat recognizes brain commands and converts them into text so that users can express their thoughts and needs.

The system allows you not only to communicate with others, but even to correspond via SMS and messengers, it is also integrated with the social network VKontakte.

Neurobotics works on motor neurorehabilitation for patients with central nervous system disorders of various origins. Over the years of active research, a number of key products have been released:
  • neurosimulators for rehabilitation of various specializations;
  • a motorized neuro-wheelchair with the ability to control movement; an exoskeleton that allows people suffering from paralysis or partial atrophy of the leg muscles to walk on a flat surface, climb stairs, sit down and stand up;
  • a neuroheadset designed to restore psychosomatic regulation of patients. It is designed to improve the understanding and control of internal mental processes.

Within the framework of the startup, neural interfaces have been created for post-stroke rehabilitation, as well as for improving sports performance using artificial intelligence. The startup is moving towards the development of the international market. Thus, iBrain products are already purchased by organizations in Germany and Israel.

One of the vectors of work is the creation of solutions to restore movement and improve the quality of life of people who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury. For example, a neurocomplex has been developed that is designed to restore mobility in people with movement disorders of the upper limbs. This complex includes advanced machine learning methods and algorithms that provide rapid recognition of brain signals in real time using EEG (electroencephalography).

This allows the patient to make movements through the mental control of the prosthesis or simulator, since the same areas of the brain are activated when the movements are represented in thoughts as during real movements.

Today, there is an active interest in their development in the sports industry, including football, basketball, Paralympic sports and many others. Mastering and honing new sports techniques is also possible thanks to the mechanism of imagining movements. The company's plans include the use of the neural complex in sports training and competitions. This opens up new horizons for athletes and allows them to achieve even higher results.


Earlier, PharmMedProm talked about Motorica, a company that develops neural interfaces for upper limb prostheses. Their technology allows users to control prosthetics with mental commands, making it easier to adapt and increase the mobility of amputees.

In addition to improving the control of the prosthesis, specialists are working in another advanced direction. For example, the system of transmission of sensations through electrodes will allow the owner of the prosthesis to receive sensations from the limb.

In early June, Motorika presented new results obtained in collaboration with scientists from Skoltech and the Far Eastern Federal University. Thanks to modifications in the prosthesis, patients were able to recognize the size of the object by touch, receiving electrical stimulation in the shoulder area. It also provided suppression of phantom pain in amputee patients. The results of the new study have already been published in the international journal Brain Stimulation.

In the future, the company's specialists plan to teach the patient to distinguish between a hot or cold object through the prosthesis, and in the future - up to all the tactile sensations we are used to. Similar studies are also underway in the context of prosthetic legs.

Universities and research centers
The National Research Center Kurchatov Institute has also made a significant contribution to the development of neural interfaces. One of their projects is the development of a brain computer interface based on neural implants, which can be used to restore the motor functions of paralyzed people.
Russian Nanotechnologies, 2021, Vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 787-792

The Central Generator of Ordered Activity (CGUA) is one of the key elements of the vertebrate nervous system, which determines the motor, respiratory, swallowing, and other cyclic motor patterns of the body that require continuous maintenance and prompt (or immediate) recovery in the event of injury. In this regard, in order to build neuroprosthetics systems, it is necessary to develop an electronic analogue corresponding to the CSUA. It is proposed to use memristive devices as adaptive elements with continuously tunable characteristics in this system, since they have a property similar to biosynaptic plasticity. A CGUA model has been developed that demonstrates output activity similar to that observed in biological objects. There are also requirements for the time characteristics of the rearranged elements for their successful use as artificial synapses. The Langmuir–Schaeffer method has been used to produce a new type of memristive devices based on the benzothieno[3,2-b] [1]-benzothiophene (BTBT) dimer as an active layer. BTBT-based devices have demonstrated the ability to switch conduction at low voltages and currents, which is important for building energy-efficient neuroprosthetic systems, and the characteristic switching times were on the order of several hundred milliseconds, which indicates the possibility of using them as analogues of synapses in the hardware implementation of CGUA.

The implant can replace the damaged fragment of the spinal cord by acting as a connection between the damaged neural structures that produce a sequence of impulses for each step and ensure proper coordination of movements.

The Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Brain-Computer Interfaces at Lomonosov Moscow State University is currently studying the mechanisms of mental activity in the brain, such as directed attention and imagination. The result of these studies was the previously mentioned NeuroChat.

The laboratory continues active scientific work in the key of studying the human imagination. There is a connection between the movement imagined by the patient and the mechanisms of its mastering in real life. This mechanism opens up prospects for the creation of simulators for the restoration of movements.

The Laboratory of Medical Neural Interfaces and Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Applications at the Higher School of Economics was created as part of the Neurocampus 2030 project. The main goal of the laboratory is to introduce the developed medical neural interfaces into clinical practice.

Centre of Excellence (Medical) Neurotechnology
The Neurocampus project is being implemented as part of the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership program. We are creating a neurological consortium of scientific and medical organizations, the flagships of which are the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main areas of research are the testing of new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, as well as the development of systems for prosthetics of speech function, that is, the creation of a "speech prosthesis". Brain activity will be read using electrodes less than a millimeter thick inserted into the desired area of the skull to provide access to brain activity signals. Such implantation can be performed even under local anesthesia.

Researchers from the Research and Technology Center for Neurotechnologies of the Southern Federal University (SFU) have developed a neural interface designed to control technology using thought.

SFedU Scientists Are Creating a Neural Interface That Can Control Technology Using Thoughts

Scientists of the Scientific Research and Technology Center for Neurotechnologies of the Southern Federal University (headed by Professor Kiroy V.N.) are investigating the possibility of creating a brain-computer neural interface based on brain activity generated during the mental pronunciation of command words.

The first results of these studies are published in the journal Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.


This development is designed to help patients who have lost real speech due to stroke, head and spinal injuries or other pathologies that impair the verbal function of a person. Solving the problem of social isolation of the patient that arises in such situations is a priority for SFedU specialists.

The key advantage of the SFedU researchers' approach is the use of neural network algorithms and a non-surgical method of recording the electrical activity of the brain.

Future prospects for the development of neural interfaces
The current state and prospects for the development of neural interfaces in Russia indicate a significant potential in this area. For the further successful development of neural interfaces, active cooperation between scientists, developers, doctors, and government agencies, as well as investment in research and development, is required.

It is also important to pay attention to the legislative and ethical aspects of the use of neural interfaces in order to ensure their safe and effective use in the future."
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Nov 8, 2022
Tyumen State Medical University
Tyumen Medical University Creates VR Glasses for Early Neurorehabilitation

Scientists of the Tyumen Medical University are improving the methods and technical means of early neurorehabilitation of patients.

Virtual reality glasses with visual imitation to help patients with acute cerebral circulation disorders are being developed by Olga Alexandrovna Shukalovich, assistant of the Department of Medical Prevention and Rehabilitation of TMU. Her project won the Umnik competition and received grant support from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

VR glasses will be used to restore the motor activity of patients after a stroke in the acute period of the disease, both in a separate rehabilitation complex and together with the Velomed simulator.*

- The choice of VR glasses and helmets is great today, but these are gaming models. They do not meet the requirements of a medical device, they cannot be used by patients in serious condition. The device under development is intended exclusively for medical purposes and will be equipped with an accelerometer, a laser positioning sensor, a proximity sensor, a motion controller, and two screens that give a total record resolution. It is possible to adjust the width of the frame, focal length and proximity to the eyes, as well as symmetrically change the interpupillary distance. The glasses will be light and safe for the patient and the medical worker, such a product will be in demand," said Olga Shukalovich.

The team for the development of the device included the head of the Department of Medical Prevention and Rehabilitation of TMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elena Faridovna Turovinina, it is planned to involve an engineer and an IT specialist in the work.

It is planned that the production of VR glasses for early neurorehabilitation of patients will begin in 2024."

VR glasses will be used to restore the motor activity of patients after a stroke in the acute period of the disease, both in a separate rehabilitation complex and together with the
Velomed simulator.*

TMU Scientists Presented a Simulator for Patient Rehabilitation at the Technoprom Exhibition

The Velomed simulator for restoring the motor activity of patients was demonstrated by specialists from the Tyumen Medical University at an exhibition as part of the X International Forum for Technological Development TECHNOPROM-2023. It opened in Novosibirsk today, August 22.

One of the first visitors to the Tyumen honey stand was the Governor of the Tyumen Region, Alexander Viktorovich Moor.

Scientists at the university have been developing the rehabilitation device for several years. The embodiment of the idea in the form of a specific product became possible thanks to the university's participation in the Priority 2030 program.

The simulator is a software and hardware complex designed for the rehabilitation of patients after diseases associated with cerebral circulation disorders: strokes and craniocerebral injuries.

According to statistics, stroke is one of the most common causes of death and disability in Russia. Movement disorders are observed in 80% of patients with this diagnosis.

To put them on their feet, Tyumen scientists use virtual reality and velokinesis. The patient puts on VR glasses and pedals on a bedside trainer in a lying position. The original program Neuro-VIAR.R.100, which simulates cycling, was created under the guidance of the head of the Department of Medical Prevention and Rehabilitation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Faridovna Turovinina.

- Innovations that will help a person overcome the consequences of the disease must be introduced into the clinical process. Our virtual complex, despite the seeming obviousness, is not so simple. The fact is that vision is an important component of the movement control process. The patient sees that he is riding a bicycle and has a feeling of movement. This helps to restore neural connections, engage the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, the inclusion of a visual analyzer in the rehabilitation process when performing exercises on cycling kinesis has shown high efficiency in restoring the health of patients," said Professor Turovinina.

After a year-long study of the effectiveness of Velomed, an industrial partner was involved in the implementation of the project - the Tyumen company Galakom, which has extensive experience in the development and creation of VR simulators, including medical ones.

After a year-long study of the effectiveness of Velomed, an industrial partner was involved in the implementation of the project - the Tyumen company Galakom, which has extensive experience in the development and creation of VR simulators, including medical ones.

The device was improved: it was equipped with sensors for monitoring the patient's condition, which give a hint to the doctor that the process is going effectively. As well as a sensor for measuring muscle strength, which allows you to assess the progress in rehabilitation. In addition, it became possible to develop both the muscles of the legs and arms.

- Now the university registers the simulator as a medical device. We expect that as early as 2024, Velomed will be supplied to Russian rehabilitation centers and will help improve the quality of life of hundreds of patients," said Ivan Mikhailovich Petrov, Rector of the Tyumen State Medical University."

Acceptance of applications for participation in the large-scale medical design program "Symbiosis" has started.

Acceptance of applications for participation in the large-scale medical design program "Symbiosis" has started.

The free accelerator program is aimed at generating project ideas and forming project teams at the intersection of engineering, biomedical and information technology, their cooperation with industrial partners to form innovative products in MedTech and BioTech.

Young scientists and researchers of Russian universities engaged in medicine and biotechnology, medical practitioners and representatives of the pharmaceutical business, engineers and IT specialists from different regions of the country are invited to participate, who will unite in teams at the program site and, under the guidance of experienced experts, will be able to create projects from scratch, bring existing developments to a final product ready for implementation, and present them to industrial partners.

The organizers of the program are the Tyumen Medical University, the Skolkovo Foundation and the Skolkovo Open University, which implements the educational block of the first two modules of the program. Speakers and trackers of the program will help generate and finalize project ideas, form teams and quickly launch technology startups, talk about support measures and opportunities to include projects in the regional and federal innovation ecosystem. Among the key speakers:

Dmitry Razbegaev, entrepreneur, Skolkovo expert, speaker of programs at the Skolkovo Open University, Federal Business Coach of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, tracker of technological startup projects.

· Maria Galyamova, Head of the Infrastructure Center of HealthNet NTI,

· Leonid Chernigov, co-founder and head of IT startups, tracker of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, speaker of the programs of the Open University Skolkovo.

During the program, experienced economists and marketers, as well as industry experts, will help participants understand the financial indicators of the project, make practical calculations and prepare the project for presentation.

Ideas can be developed in one of four directions:

1. Cell Technologies and New Materials
2. Medical Device Development and Medical Instrumentation
3. Digital Solutions in Healthcare Based on Big Data
4. Technologies of active longevity.

It is not necessary to have a ready-made project. Anyone can submit an application - participants will be able to formulate an idea and find like-minded people during the program.

Participation in the program is free of charge.

The best teams will receive funding for the implementation of projects and the opportunity to implement them on the basis of the Tyumen Medical University with access to the laboratories and research centers of the university.

The educational program of the first module starts on November 29 at the Tyumen Technopark.

Applications are accepted until November 21, 2023.

Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is an advanced scientific and educational center that unites 6 institutes and 2 clinics, more than 6,700 students from different regions of Russia and from 40 countries of the world study here. In 2023, Tyumen State Medical University celebrated its 60th anniversary. Within the framework of the state program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030", university scientists are developing technologies in the field of biomedicine and biopharmaceutical sciences, a competency-based model of education is being implemented, and the "Digital Department" project is being implemented on the basis of the university.

Skolkovo (VEB.RF Group), Russia's largest innovation center, plays a significant role in strengthening the foundation of the national economy. Startups developing their business with the support of Skolkovo supply domestic high-tech products for industry, medicine, transport, information technology and many others. Among the Skolkovo residents who have become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad: ExoAtlet, Biorg, RapidBio, Motorika,, Yaklass, VisionLabs, Vocord, S-Innovations, Gepatera, STC Innovations, Sputnix and many others. The Skolkovo ecosystem is the sum of specialized customer-oriented services for innovative industries: from acceleration and programs to support private investors and university startups to foreign patenting and customs clearance of export/import. The Skolkovo Technopark is the largest in Eastern Europe. In 2021, Skolkovo University, the scientific heart of Skolkovo, was renamed one of the best young universities in the world according to the Nature Index, taking 65th place, and for the first time being ranked 35th in the physics ranking. In 2022, named Skoltech the best university in Russia in the fields of computer science, genetics, and molecular biology.

In 2022, the revenue of Skolkovo residents increased by almost 42% compared to 2021 and amounted to 351.9 billion rubles. At the end of 2022, the number of Skolkovo resident startups exceeded 3500. The number of jobs in the ecosystem has exceeded 79 thousand.

The Open University of Skolkovo (OtUS) is a program of the Skolkovo Foundation to attract, involve and integrate students, graduate students, young scientists with scientific, technological and entrepreneurial competencies into the innovation ecosystem of Russia. OtUS implements a series of programs for the development of youth technological entrepreneurship in the regions of the Russian Federation (SkLab and Innovator's Navigator programs), as well as special projects in the field of BioMedTech (Pharma's cool and Mathematical Modeling in Pharmaceuticals). Participants of OtUS projects are students, graduate students and young scientists from leading universities, research institutes and research centers, employees of technology startups, young entrepreneurs, innovators and engineers.


You can find out more and apply for participation on the project website:

Digital Solutions in Healthcare Based on Big Data

Cell Technologies and New Materials"