Russian/USSR Soviet's Movies & T.V. - Symbolism [Trigger Warning]


Jul 27, 2017
Подранки / Русское название

Год выпуска: 1976
Жанр: Драма

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Full Movie

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"Sadness and joy, faith and despair are closely intertwined in the mind of the writer Alexei Bertenev, when his memory brings him back to childhood. And the childhood of this generation was not easy - it fell on the harsh years of the war."

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Wtf? This screams pedo af.
Russians are crazy.


Nov 24, 2020
It all bad as Hellwood. Bodarchuks always were hand to hand with satanist.
Outstanding observation on show here. I've seen a bit of soviet cinema but would never have made these links. It is, indeed, disturbing to see these same themes and visual tropes recur again and again across the years. It's remarkable that the Soviet Union, which was on the surface quite a secular society, had so much occult signalling taking place beneath the surface.

A thought. The Komsomol uniform with the red scarf was also worn by pioneer groups in other communist countries and is similar in turn to the boy scout neckerchief, also often red.


Nov 24, 2020
Again, respect for your powers of observation. There's likely additional material in the wolf / cub symbolism within the scouts. Cubs are separated into sixes with a leader who is a sixer.

I have a slight problem when I respond because I don't want to sidetrack the thread from its focus on Soviet films, but I do want to contribute if possible. So in that spirit, the movies above had me thinking of Western counterparts. Maybe the Tarzan movies and the later TV series? There's a consistent man / boy theme there. Some are black and white so the colour symbolism may not be apparent.

Horrible once you see this pattern you then start thinking of the films and tv of your childhood in a completely different way :(

MOVIE KINGDOM OF CRUVED GLASSES. Based on a book Alice through the Looking Glasses.
More red cape symbolism.

One of my favourite Russian novels is 'The Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov. There's a lot of occult references and some Masonic ones also. I wonder if this article is of interest for background on how much Masonic ideas were influential in the Soviet Union?



Nov 24, 2020
Mikhail Bulgakov was killed in 10 march 1940, by satanists because he revealed them in The Master and Margarita FIRST script, which was now burned. Anyway we have some hits left in the variation we can see now. Streets Bulgakov mean have satanic themes names and there are now satanist lived.
-- Street of the Dead (Coffins exact word) house 5A (manson), there are nearby Holy street. Flat of used to be Faberget he referred in the book was considered to be cursed and in the novel there was a Satanic ball.
-- Mikhail Bulgakov was scripted to marry with his wife in the Street of the Dead house 6. Sergei Esenin was scripted with his wife Isedorah Duncan there too and both him and his wife died by hands of satanists. Sergei Esenin has wrote a few about satanists just like Mikhail Bulgakov did.
-- Not far away there are manson of satanists Gagarins.
-- he din't like Slexey Tolstoy who sussposed to be a mason.
-- all manson have underground levels. At least 3 floors of levels.

On the same street in the same house was killed famous sculptor Vera Mukhina in 1953. Mikhail Bulgakov have been visited Vera Mukhina house and they rumored to be friends.

Mikhail Bulgakov was cremated and in his gravestone there are a stone whic used to be on Nikolai Gogol's grave. Gogol was killed by satanists.
I've never heard of a conflict between Bulgakov and satanists before. He always appeared a heroic figure to me, partly because he devoted so much time and energy to a novel (a masterpiece) which he knew would not be published in his lifetime. Also by the way he lived with dignity and kept his faith throughout the Stalinist period. The story of how he wrote the book was almost as affecting for me as the book itself.

I had a quick look at the video but of course I don't speak Russian. I did notice the mansion that they were looking at seemed to have an Ouroborus snake on the wall as well as the Lion...

I've heard Gogol named as a possible inspiration for The Master because he burnt some of Dead Souls just as the Master burned his manuscript, though of course we know that manuscripts don't burn ;)

Incidentally, I read your signature about the Soviet Union. I met many good people when I visited there and have some good memories of that trip. I also studied the literature and history of the period, which was how I found Bulgakov. Whatever you may have read or what has happened over the years there are many people in the West that think well of Russia and its peoples. :)


Dec 1, 2019
Astrid Lindgren was widely promoted in USSR.
Pippi Longstocking -- Peter Pan
Pippi is red-haired, freckled, unconventional and superhumanly strong – able to lift her horse one-handed.At the start of the first novel, she moves into Villa Villekulla: the house she shares with her monkey, named Mr. Nilsson, and her horse that is not named in the novels but called Lilla Gubben (Little Old Man) in the movies.

Малыш и Карлсон
Red milk barrel. The boy in red and black. White rabbit and white dog.

Дядюшка Ау
Scary movie about Imp sort of

Spokoynoy nochi, malyshi!
Here we are -- another movies full of satanism.

Rabbit -- white rabbit
Dog -- God
Pig -- code world for kid.
Crow -- well crow is often symbol of death.
Rainbow coding.
Balk and white coding a lot.
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Nov 24, 2020
VMORT, the more I dig the more I find. This appears to be vast. There is still so much more to come. In time, the history of Soviet Childrens' (Communist) movies/TV programming will be re-written. Students of Film Production and Art will have a reference database to draw upon. Knowledge is the only power. Symbolism will be their downfall.

The repetition of images and situations is incredible.

I wonder if the State control of the film industry made it easier to ensure movies reflected their objectives? Hollywood, as vile as it is, was also trying to make as much money as possible, maybe the Soviet equivalent had a bit more freedom to pursue these dubious goals?


Sep 9, 2020
i wonder if there's scenes with women and kid too, nothing surprised me anymore


Nov 24, 2020
Kudos to #Octozone for these further examples and thanks again to @Vmort for highlighting them. It's amazing how bringing together clips from different movies, separated by decades, can reveal these repeating images, time after time, regardless of what the surface storyline may be. Science fiction, adventure, drama, it's as if the stories only exist in order to allow these images to be produced and distributed.

They have a cumulative power. You could see one or two and dismiss it as coincidence, but as more and more examples appear it's clear that there's a hidden purpose and real organisation and direction involved in repeatedly recreating these scenes of young barely clothed boys and men, dogs, red clothing, E's and 3's and 8's etc.

I am wondering if it's possible to track the producers / scriptwriters / directors / casting agents etc to see if there's certain people that were involved in many or most of the films featured here. Could it be that having a few people placed in prominent roles within the decision making of the film studios would be enough to get this level of control? Surely most who were working on these thought the were simply making a movie about a boy, not some form of occult signalling or opinion shaping?


Nov 24, 2020
Spokoynoy nochi, malyshi!

Here we are -- another movies full of satanism.

Rabbit -- white rabbit
Dog -- God
Pig -- code world for kid.
Crow -- well crow is often symbol of death.
Rainbow coding.
Balk and white coding a lot.

I was thinking about some of the tv shows I watched as a child and whether if I saw them now I'd spot similar themes. I think I would. :(

I am aware you are working hard on this and the art thread and I would like to help more. At the moment however I'm avoiding most tv and film as I'm finding it not helpful to me whilst dealing with the lockdown etc. Anyway, please don't think your work isn't appreciated.


Sep 9, 2020
Tolstoy are made in Russia retelling Pinoccio by Collodi.
Mikhail Bulgakov didn't liked him.

Satanic agenda Tolstoy pushed. I will give you some notes -- author is russian.

Tolstoy have issues with his biograph and even have been rumored to be incest child.
Buratino in Tolstoy version:
-- Theatre theme and Golden Key -- the whole story are circling around that. Collodi's are growing up story.
-- Underground initiation -- Buratino are coming Underground with Golden Key to open a theatre.
-- Theatre named Lightning -- MK ULTRA torture reference also Lucifer.
-- Girl named Malvina are gives him MK ULTRA torture -- she locked Buratino in in her cellar with spiders, which are singning a song.
-- Artemon Black Poodle. In Collodi we knew nothing about his color.
None of that have been done in Collodi.
you mean Pinocchio