Satanic Temple Protests Ten Commandments Monument With Goat-Headed Statue


Mar 18, 2017
I was kidding. But in regards to Albert Pike, I think he was completely misunderstood. Now I'm not saying every argument against him was a Strawman, but it seems like he got strawmanned pretty badly.

Also, it doesn't matter what degree you are. No one person speaks for Freemasonry. And I've already tried explaining the Biblical differences between Satan and Lucifer. I've tried explaining the symbolic differences too. But most of you are convinced Freemasonry is evil so keep running with that.

I see Masons as Christians who learned mysticism. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mysticism is enchanted ground. Better to stay away, i suppose? If Freemasonry doesn't want to be viewed as evil, the veil of secrecy should be rent. The 3 Abrahamic faiths aren't plagued by secret rituals, handshakes et al
Apr 12, 2017
Mysticism is enchanted ground. Better to stay away, i suppose? If Freemasonry doesn't want to be viewed as evil, the veil of secrecy should be rent. The 3 Abrahamic faiths aren't plagued by secret rituals, handshakes et al
Freemasonry is just a mens' club for most members. It's mainly a way to network for business reasons. The mystical aspects are not taken very seriously and the rituals are seen mostly as male-bonding experiences. They are not even aware of the fact that their low-level, mostly innocent and law-abiding business networks are only a small portion that happen to be the first doorways into a network that is much larger and worldwide.

the biggest secret, the one that is kept hidden from all but the highest levels, is ironically the fact that their secrecy is only an illusion that is upheld by common systems of belief. In reality there are no secrets, and the truth can never be hidden from anyone. This is the cult, or more accurately group of cults in an ever-shifting hierarchy, that have kept this secret in order to create what we now know as modern civilization. The reason people do evil things behind closed doors is because they believe they are truly hidden, and unfortunately those who would otherwise put a stop to their actions believe in it too, making real abilities such as telepathy, remote viewing etc. impossible for the majority of people
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May 3, 2018
Exactly. But this is why these strategies are effective in getting these things removed. What you find is that the state doesn't really want it all to be equal and just. The state will remove it's own statues, just so another statue doesn't end up next to it.

I see it as a strategy of appeasement, not inclusivity. And we know that strategies of appeasement don't work. Whatever you are trying to appease will just keep taking more and more.
The sad thing is, the state is appeasing an ideology of cruel genocide and enslavement through banking interest.... That's why the world is what it is today...
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Mar 18, 2017
The sad thing is, the state is appeasing an ideology of cruel genocide and enslavement through banking interest.... That's why the world is what it is today...
Would the state, as it functions today, exist without that appeasement?

Freemasonry is just a mens' club for most members. It's mainly a way to network for business reasons. The mystical aspects are not taken very seriously and the rituals are seen mostly as male-bonding experiences. They are not even aware of the fact that their low-level, mostly innocent and law-abiding business networks are only a small portion that happen to be the first doorways into a network that is much larger and worldwide.

the biggest secret, the one that is kept hidden from all but the highest levels, is ironically the fact that their secrecy is only an illusion that is upheld by common systems of belief. In reality there are no secrets, and the truth can never be hidden from anyone. This is the cult, or more accurately group of cults in an ever-shifting hierarchy, that have kept this secret in order to create what we now know as modern civilization. The reason people do evil things behind closed doors is because they believe they are truly hidden, and unfortunately those who would otherwise put a stop to their actions believe in it too, making real abilities such as telepathy, remote viewing etc. impossible for the majority of people
All of that sounds sweet and noble and i don't doubt that there are many people that join for the many perks that come with membership.

To state that the mystical aspects aren't taken seriously is to undermine their own literature. I think that if Pike or Manly P. Hall read your post, they would laugh.
I haven't fully read both of their books, but some how iam supposed to believe that the contents of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" aren't to be taken seriously?

Harder still, to believe, is that the rituals are for male-bonding. They can simply bond over a weekly lunch at the lodge or at equestrian or falconry sports.


Jan 22, 2018
Some forum members would have you all believe that if Hollywood was gone, our problems would be gone.
And other forum members (namely you) would have you all believe that they know what they're talking about...but you ain't fooling me dude.

I'm thinking of starting my own Church though. With one goal being to counter the Satanic Temple
So with you claiming you're a 33 Degree Free Mason does that mean you will be countering the Satanic Temple with the guidance of Lucifer? My oh my what a sad act you are.

We will have to construct our sigils out of something. It could all be done virtually, but I think we still need large symbols that exist in physical space.
Can you get your sigil to magically make your points coherent to all us non wizards? You don't make any sense most of the time.

The real problem with the Demon statues is people don't want to teach what it means.
C'mon then, enlighten us all. What does it mean?

Your position of anti-masonry has been made pretty obvious. So your ill-informed comments aren't surprising.
And your position of distraction and diversion is patently obvious. Karly's posts make sense, yours don't. If anybody is ill informed it is you.

Considering most members are Christian anyway, what you say makes no sense.
You seem to be unaware/oblivious/in denial that the most evil and corrupt organisation's in the world all wear the cloak of benevolence and philanthropy. This enables them to sucker people in under false pretences ....just like your posts.

So maybe get your facts right (I won't hold my breath).
But every time somebody posts straight facts regarding Freemasonry you just start talking rubbish hoping to sidetrack them to Aero world.

The writings of Albert Pike have been completely debunked.
Your morals and dogma proves otherwise.

Considering Freemasonry doesn't go against any religion.
Ever heard of subversion?...Google it.

Completely unfounded claim. It's just more Albert Pike shit that nobody believes except the gullible hyper-partisans.
You forgot to insert fallacy into the above's your favourite're slipping

And the idea that they are giving out disclaimers is comical at best.
...not as comical as your desperate attempts to avert people's eyes, you're like the Tommy Cooper of the magic world.

I think of it like this. Man seeking Godhood is like walking through a room with a tall ceiling. Where we cannot walk on the ceiling or hold onto it for any length of time. But we can jump up and touch the ceiling ever so briefly
People with wisdom would use a step ladder, one crap analogy deserves another.

Idk, why you toss aside your knowledge of Christianity. Convenience I guess.
Karly appears to be a lot more knowledgeable than you on every topic, that's an honest opinion reading both your posts, but for comedy win hands down.

I'm part of the lodge that doesn't shit our pants everytime a new music video comes out.

The defeatist attitudes are really a drag. But I guess I can't expect much else here.
If there is a lodge in the land that accepts balloons like you then that gives me reassurance that perhaps they aren't as "enlightened" as they claim.

Nobody "shits their pants" when a music video comes out, that's just you on the defensive...again.

Speaking up against this particular conspiracy is in no way being defeatist, on the contrary, that's your fallacy.

I see a lot of positive music videos and positive movies. The way some of you focus on negativity is not healthy. And I refuse to ever fall into that trap.
...there's nothing to see here!...move along please...move along.

Let's all pretend everything's fine shall we?

When I post about real-world situations that we can actively try to impact. VC members would rather go back into the LaLa land of music videos and really old conspiracy theories.
So what the hell are you doing on a forum like this then? What do you think the purpose of the VC forum is if it isn't looking more closely at the music industry?

Have you read the About section? If you can solve the world's problems with your silly little sigil get cracking...Nobody here is stopping you.

If any of you don't like my perspective. I say good, go fuck yourself.
Thanks for your valuable input.
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Mar 13, 2017
Wow looks like I struck a nerve.

Hey awoken, I recommend getting out more and popping your cherry.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Wow looks like I struck a nerve.

Hey awoken, I recommend getting out more and popping your cherry.
Your ego has been a bit much of late, Aero. Longtime regs have had to witness this cycle before and it usually ends with someone calling you a fraud. We have discussed these fantasies in the past, so no need to dredge them back up and pollute the board. If you keep high stepping and swinging that pocket watch like pimp daddy, someone is going to put you in your place.
Apr 12, 2017
Would the state, as it functions today, exist without that appeasement?

All of that sounds sweet and noble and i don't doubt that there are many people that join for the many perks that come with membership.

To state that the mystical aspects aren't taken seriously is to undermine their own literature. I think that if Pike or Manly P. Hall read your post, they would laugh.
I haven't fully read both of their books, but some how iam supposed to believe that the contents of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" aren't to be taken seriously?

Harder still, to believe, is that the rituals are for male-bonding. They can simply bond over a weekly lunch at the lodge or at equestrian or falconry sports.
I am just saying that the average joe mason, who happens to be in the majority, doesn't care a bit about reading or understanding any of that stuff, nor is he even aware of what goes on among more exclusive and secretive compartmentalized groups within masonry