Satanism in ART [Trigger Warning]


Dec 1, 2019
ARTIST we think who are under control of satanism. Please read about MK ULTRA -- it would be easier for you to spot them.

Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open states that memories stored in right hemisphere.

Thruthiracy — learn satanic symb recommended by Fiona Barnett herself

After the script are various other relevant links that Victoria provided. Victoria also mentions some others to which I have provided links.
  • MK ULTRA recovery Deprogramming wiki
  • mentions Fiona Barnett [links to Fiona’s work and book] Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye [9]
  • Svali’s first blog Svali Speaks [6]
  • Svali’s Second Blog Svali Speaks Again [7]
  • cfb Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control [101]
  • cfb Child Trafficking by the Jesuits [102]
  • Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler cfb Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers [4]
  • Fighting monarch
All these people are MK ULTRA victims themselves and give us insider infromation about symbolism too.

Please safe and cope and share. Easier to spot them this way.
explains. Full article
Symbol close to the fleur-de-lis: for the fleur-de-lys, it's the ring.
Symbol of power, sovereignty, honor and loyalty, and purity of body and soul. It is used in the scout movement, freemasonry, alchemy and in some religions. In Scouting, the three petals take up the three adventurers of the Scout promise, the three principles and duties (God, Country and Home) and the three virtues (Self-denial, Loyalty and Purity) and the North indicated by one of the petals in The way young people should go, always up.

BEE Symbolism @Shuna explains
The bee is in the working context, as the hive is a reference to the building of the Goddess. To the Mother Goddess, because the shape of the hive also refers to the old buildings that allowed ice to be stored. Example: Freemasons are workers, who work for the Goddess. The beehive is also considered a representation of the Temple.

The victims are also represented as flowers, the bees bringing the liquor from the flowers back to the hive to create the honey, which is considered, in many representations, to be a "sacred" product. For example, honey, along with other foods, was used to create sweets for the Egyptian Gods. Knowing that Venus accompanies in the first quarter, that of the earth. While the flowers feed on the sun.

FLEUR-DE-LYS SYMBOLISM@Shuna Explains fleur-de-lis:
I had seen this image a while ago. I zapped it. For my part, I thought about the evolution, which Freemasonry is doing by following the act of Odin. When he sacrifices his body, for the spirit. And when I think about it, the members who "marry" the Goddess, may in some cases have tattoos, which is a symbol of contract. And the evil bee, who sleeps with the Queen, dies of exhaustion. Whereas in religion, God is light, is hidden after reproduction with the Goddess, since he integrates her body. As confirmed: "the bee seems to disappear in winter". What is interesting with the nine Muses is that she represents a characteristic of the first Goddess. Whereas the number nine, which approximates the number of Satan (of the Mother Goddess). The fleur-de-lis symbolizes precisely: The Lis (or Lys) in my dictionary:
The lily is synonymous with whiteness and, consequently, with purity, innocence, virginity. It is found in Boehme or Silesius as a symbol of celestial purity: The betrothed of his soul desires to enter; blooms: the lily does not come to bloom.
However, the lily lends itself to a completely different interpretation, It would be the metamorphosis of a cute, Apollo. Hyacinthos, and as such would recall forbidden loves; but this is the martagon lily (the red lily). It is by picking martagon (the red lily). It was while picking a lily (or a narcissus) that Persephone was dragged by Hades, in love with her, into a sudden opening in the ground, to her underground kingdom; as such, the lily could symbolize temptation or the gate to Hell. In his Mythology of Plants, Angelo de Gubernatis considers that the lily is attributed to Venus and the Satyrs, no doubt because of the shameful pistil and, therefore, the lily is a symbol of generation; which, according to this author, would have made him chosen by the kings of France as a symbol of the prosperity of the race. Besides this phallic aspect, Huymans denounces in La Cathédrale its heady scents: its perfume is absolutely the opposite of a hunting scent; it is a mixture of honey and pepper, some mixture of honey and pepper, something pungent and sweet, pale and strong; it comes from the aphrodisiac preserve of the Levant and the erotic jam of India. We could recall here the Baudelairean correspondences of cas parfums: which sing the transports of the spirit and its. This symbolism is rather lunar and feminine, as Mallarmé felt so well:
"And you made the sobbing whiteness of lilies.
Who rolls on seas of sighs that she brushes.
Through the blue incense of pale horizons.
Ascend dreamily to the weeping moon!
This symbolism is further clarified by being internalized, in another poem, Hiérofiade:
As near a basin in the water iron welcomes me
The pasta lilies that are in me...

The symbolism of the waters is added here to that of the moon and dreams to make the lily the flower of love, of an intense love, but which, in its ambiguity, can be unrealized, repressed or sublimated. If sublimated, the lily is the flower of glory.
This motion is not foreign to the equivalence that can be established between the lily and the lotus, raised above muddy and informal waters. It is then a symbol and informal. It is then a symbol of the realization of the antithetical possibilities of being. Perhaps we should interpret in this sense the words of Anchises to Aeneas, predicting to him the marvelous destiny of his race: You will be Marcellus. Give threads with both hands, that I scatter dazzling flowers (Virgil, Aeneid, 6, 884). This offering of lilies, in memory of the young Marcellus, during the descent of Aeneas into the Underworld, illustrates all the ambiguity of the flower: seeing it at the edge of the Léché (6, 706), Aeneas is traversed by a shiver sacred before the mystery of the; on the other hand, these dazzling flowers offered to the adopted son of Augustus, help to rekindle in the heart of Aeneas the love of his future glory. Both funereal and exalting value of the symbol. The heraldic lily with six petals can still be identified with the six spokes of the wheel whose circumference is not traced, that is to say with the six rays of the sun: (GUBC, GUES) flower of glory in source of fertility.
In the biblical tradition, the lily is the symbol of the election, of the choice of the loved one:
Like the lily between thistles, like my beloved between young women.
(Cantique des Cantiques, 1 - 2).
Such was the privilege of Israel among the nations, of the Virgin Mary among the women of Israel. The lily also symbolizes abandonment to the will of God, that is to say to the Province, which provides for the needs of its elect:
Observe field lilies as they grow; they neither toil nor spin. (Matthew 6:29). Thus abandoned in the hands of God, the lily is however better dressed than Solomon in all his glory. It would symbolize the mythical abandonment to the grace of God.

LIS (of the valleys)
According to a mythical interpretation of the number s, the valley of Song of Songs means the world, the lily designates Christ. The son of the valleys is related to the tree of life planted in Paradise. It is he who restores pure life, the promise of immortality and salvation).

Satanists: The whole post
Someone just asked me "Who are the #Hivites?" Ansewer: All of the terrorists in the entire world, including ISIS & Antifa, and every deep state ever, are part of an ancient Babylonian cult family who have dominated&ruled every civilization on earth since biblical times 6000+years

They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain's line, &that Cain's parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) &a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil). #Hivites #HivitesGetLit #Phoenicia #PhoeniciaisFalling #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #Welcome2Wonderland #ItEndsNow #MAGA #SayBraveThings

They claim to follow the "true" religion of Abraham, and they describe Abraham as a "friend of God" which should be taken literally, as if Abraham was "God's" contemporary. They also call themselves "Children of God" and "The Family" #Hivites

My family tells me that we are descended from this same line, from Abraham by way of David/Solomon and on through Mary, mother of Jesus. My family also claim Constantine & Charlemaigne (i.e. ROME) as ancestors #Hivites

I believe there is one true God and I believe Jesus taught us how to connect with God directly, which saves us from looking to the #Hivites to tell us what God is or wants. The #truth resonates. We all must look within for these answers, not without, lest we become controlled.

They use neuro-linguistic programming tactics and are often in positions of authority (addicted to seretonin, dopamine, and adrenalin) they are rude and uncaring, fake, and dishonest. LEARN HOW TO SPOT THEM, LEARN HOW TO STOP THEM.

Mary, mother of Jesus is descended from Naomi through Kind David/Solomon. Thus, Jesus, like me, was born into a #Hivite family & was likely tortured & dissociated as a child just like I was. This practice has perpetuated itself in FAMILIES since Babylon. #Phoenicia #Hivites

Cain was the first murderer, and one of the #Hivite mantras is "Murder is death, death is murder" meaning that none of them die a natural death, everyone in the cult is murdered, because they aim to overturn & corrupt everything that is "natural"

"Not dying" to them means everyone in the cult is murdered, no one dies a natural death. Living forever is in name only. The first death is when your body dies. The second death is the last time someone speaks your name. Whoever is most famous lives longest & is therefore God.

You may also know the #Hivites by other names: freemasons, illuminati, Khazarian, Ashkenazi, Antifa, Isis, Mormon, Scientology, Roman catholic, Muslim brotherhood, CIA, monarchy, deep state, shadow government, luciferian, etc. They will never identify themselves as #Hivites

They have deliberately obscured their existence and their practices throughout history to ensure their survival and they perpetuate their system in a terrifyingly successful way through torture and mind control of their own children.

Later in the line of Cain, we reach Joseph in Genesis (of the technicolor dreamvcoat fame, not the step father of Jesus). Jospeph marries a woman named Asenath who is a Hivite priestess, described in Apocryphal texts as a "pagan" who undergoes a "ritual" with bee hive elements

This is to 'convert' Asenath from her #Hivite pagan occultist pedo rapist human sacrificing heritage so that she can marry Joseph. She and Joseph end up ruling over the Isrealites during the exile in Ancient Egypt.

They give birth to a son, Ephraim, and later in this line comes Noah and his wife Naomi of the Ark fame. This is how the #Hivite culture married into State rule (Egypt) & found it's way into the modern era after the great flood (through the #Hivite priestess Naomi) #Phoenicia

I believe Jesus woke up from the mind control, started teaching people to resist #Hivite control, & they crucified him (ritual sacrifice) & co-opted his message of self-reliance/empowerment & personal direct relationship with God and twisted it, just as he warned they would do.

Many know the #Hivites by other names, such as "the 13th illuminati blood line" or the "lost tribe of isreal" and they are all connected and coordinated with each other. Even now, ISIS, Antifa, Elites, The Royal Families, the Masons and every other secret society ARE #Hivites

They push false narratives (like reptilians and Satan and whatever works best at the moment) to incite fear &outrage in order to control the masses. They trick the public into thinking they need #Hivite leaders to protect them when in reality they only need protection FROM them.

They wrote the Gnostic gospels &(I believe) made up the Annunaki/Nephilum/Reptilians &other false narratives to obscure &hide their existence. They only need the sacrifice ritual to secure and consolidate political and civic power. They are pedophiles and want to normalize it.

But this is all just part of the false narratives to make them seem superhuman & externally powerful & authoritative - the rituals and practices are nothing more than self hypnosis and mind control of people who were all tortured the same way I was as children. #Dissociation

A #Hitive named #Zoroaster brought this practice into what is now Iran (ISIS anyone?) and the Zoroastrian theology is very close to the doctrine they follow today = Dualism. #Hivites

Their aim is to achieve "the great work" (ie: NWO, one world gov't under "benevolent despotism") - which would only serve THEM in seizing total control of humanity, normalizing p***philia &ritual human sacrifice, &depopulating Earth through mass extermination of humanity (90%)

They play humanity and culture like an alternate reality game (ARG anyone?) and it's ALWAYS a "choose your own adventure" game, where free will reigns supreme & they let you make your own choices (even though heavily influenced by post-hypnotic suggestion) #MindControl #Hivites

I say #Phoenicia because this is the last society in which they existed openly and practiced these methods of torture, mind control, and human sacrifice for consolidation of civic power. #Hivites

Also, you can spot a #Hivite pretty easily. They usually have ancient symbols tattooed on their bodies, especially Phoenician & Egyptian symbols, or runic & viking symbols, anything ancient & esoteric is what they cling to #Hivites Know how2 spot them them, know how2 stop them

You can also spot a #Hivite by their behavior. They use mind control tactics (look this up to guard against it). They talk fast, pressure you to make decisions, they throw you off & then ask you to make split decisions #mindcontrol #PhoeniciaisFalling #ItEndsNow

They goad the masses into killing each other, and they are happy when people die. They want only enough people alive to serve them. When the population grows too large, the people rise up and oppose them, and their constructed civilization falls (Babylon, Egypt, #Phoenicia etc)

So all of these monarchies and evildoers and terrorist are all one group: #Hivites. They hide in EVERYTHING and their goal is to corrupt and destroy everything and anything natural. They model themselves after Bee/Hive themes, they have queens and drones and workers. #Phoenicia

They are the only terrorists and they are all FAMILY. They lure non-family members into the cult too, but it is families who perpetuate the practice and keep it working in the world through their bloodlines. They obsess over genetics and strictly control who is allowed to "breed"

They eat flesh and kill babies because it desecrates everything natural. They use blood for parabiosis to try and live forever, but "not dying" to them is not the same as living forever as we have come to understand it. Everything they do and say is SYMBOLIC #EsotericWidsom

In their eyes, This IS the Apocalypse as described in the biblical book of Revalations - Apocalypse = the uncovering of something hidden, a revealing of that which has been obscured. #Hivites

They intermarry all the time and have several unique genetic markers (like Ashkenazi DNA and Coloboma of the eye). They obsess over the "reptile brain" aka amygdala because it houses the pineal gland (Reptilians anyone?) #Hivites

Here's a #Hivite doozy of a lie: G.O.D. = Guild of Doom. One head at the top of the pyramid is God (most powerful hivite aka most awful person of them all who's done any and everything to gain that position) 12 other heads at "the table" then on down the pyramid from there.

They gravitate to sales and often are in the real estate field. Beware anyone who talk s too much and then pressures you to make a decision, especially a big one! This is suggestion and mind Control! #followthewhiterabbit #wonderland

Some additional thoughts: they use symbols like the butterfly to denote Monarch MK ultra programming. They use cats to denote Beta sex slave mk ultra programming. They call themselves Lions, Snakes, and reptiles. They worship will and intellect above all and are Godless. #Hivites

Because they've not yet been identified as a single group, they have been able to pit humanity against itself with false dichotomies, identity politics (race baiting anyone?), appeals to authority and other fallacies that fuel tension and aggression among the masses. #Hivites.

They are also responsible for the New Age movement, Born Again Christianity, and likely all of the cults you are familiar with. #Hivites #PhoeniciaisFalling #ItEndsNow #pizzagateisreal #SurvivorsUnite #followthewhiterabbit #Welcome2Wonderland

They have infiltrated our government at all levels including the military, and they have been actively working to euthanize 90% of humanity. They are into epigentics and eugenics and illegal human experimentation (MKUltra anyone?) #ItEndsNow #PhoeniciaisFalling #Wonderland

They do a self sacrifice and rebirth (resurrection) ritual. Once you complete it, you are "Born Again" in the awareness of the cult. From what I can tell, I believe that, to them, I've done this now by waking myself up from the mind control. #Hivites

We must consider every narrative to be Symbolic. These hivite assholes speak in riddles and symbols.
Red Shoes
RED SHOES by Christopher Lord - Truthiracy House of Widsom
Saturn (EL) rules time and Zodiac. CROWN of EL = Cronus, Crone, Old (time). Phoenician = "Cronus" (EL), Latin "Corona", German = krone (scull cap), Greek = Cronus or Kronos = Saturn, Father of time.
In Pizzagate scandal many people are wondering what the Red Shoes stand for in the group picture with Tony Podesta. I have to first to teach you about the esoteric meaning of color Red and meaning of shoes.
1. LIFE. Red is the color of natural sexual arousal. So red represents Fertility of Nature (LIFE) or LOVE and Passion. Red is the color of Love and romance. Red District of Amsterdam -- SEX (XXX). This is why strippers and prostitutes wear RED to signal their nasty sexuality.
Red is the color of Blood. Red represents female menstrual cycle that startes at teen (of Age). Red means you are of age to have sexual intercourse. This is the age of a teen begins to wear RED lipstick.
Our Red Bloody Heart is what we are LOVE and HATE with. The symbol of our SOUL, our LIFE. The Heart of LOVE, DEATH and Sarcrifice.
The SUN is the center of our Solar (SUN) System. SOL = SOUL = SUN. This is why the center of our human body is called the SOLAR Plexus.
The Sun God is the OFFspring of Mother nature. Isis (ICE, Winter, Death) -- Cow Godess. Apis - Egyptian BULL God, green one. ORphan -- OFFspring, Son. Traveling Fool (Sun, SON) left all alone to pass from one status to another. Jester, Jack sharacter.
ORE (Hebrew Light) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold). Sunrise -- SUN RA EYES.
The Travelling Fool! The Character of Nature! The FOOL KING of the SUN! First BORN of the DEAD!
RA (RE) was the Sun God the Travelling Fool on his annual journey. The ancient belived the Sun God walked across the sky! REd ROse.
The Sun is: RA (RE), Apollo (Apple EL) the Bull (Ball, Bol), Apollyon Devil of the Bible! Diablo is the Devil! DIA - Bull one of two BI - BULLS, TWO seasons Summer and Winter, Blue and Red. Apple (EL) -- Knowledge (to KNOW) -- SEX, LIFE!
OBELisk of the Egyptian RE. BEL = BAAL= BULL. SUNDIAL = SUN -- Die- EL. Obelisk symbolized Sun god RE|RA. The Word "Obelisk" is Greek rather than Egyptian.
These massive stone shaft were built from red granite and polished with sand and often their tops were capped with gold.
The Wachington Monument is the OBELisck (penis) of the God of nature, the Agricultural God of Death and REsurrection!
Feet are symbol of ones LIFE. Shoes reflect who you are, your personality. By their shoes you will know them. Our feet are what we use to walk through life, they symbolize our heart and our SOUL. This is why our shoes have SOLES. Sole = Soul, bottom of a shoe (Hell).
Feet (shoes)Walk -- life. Soul (Sole). Life& Death. RED SHOES -- SUN Walker. Red Shoes of Jesus -- Passover, End.
Agape (love) -- A GAPING hole, vagina. Passover -- Door, Portal, Tunnel of EL-- Red door -- Blood Way -- Vagina or anus. Pizza Gate. P izza Gate. [P] is a Gate. Open says me. (Sarah Ashcraft). Sex Magic.
Now you will understand why SOLE is our SOUL from your HEART (life) and why our SOUL is the SOL of the SUN.

2. DEATH. Red is the color of Blood sacrifice. SacRED -- Sacrifice RED. The color Red can also represent death.
SOL DIER (SUN DIE) "One who Dies for the Sun". Soldier dies in WAR. WAR -- RAW, RA is the SUN God. Soldier -- SOL (SOUL) DIER One who dies as a Sacrifice to the SUN (SOL) God!
War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square
Scull and Bones -- DEcapitation. Scull eating the CROSS of TIME . Red (Bloody) shoes of EXECUTIONER.

Re/ Ra -- Egyptian Solar Deity (God)
Light RAY. Red light ray = right eye sun. War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666.
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square. 12 (6), 12x12 = 144, 18, 216, 6x6, Magic Sun, 36, 111, 666.
ORE (Hebrew Light 216) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold).

Green one: Fertility, Nature. Apis (Bull God), Osiris, Baal, Tammuz, Dionysus, Saturn, Jesus.
REsurrection Gods: DEath & REbirth
DEscend to the underWORLD (Winter)
REborn again OFFspring (Summer)

Duality: Life & Death of the Nature, Fertility Game. Hearts (cards) -- Life, Spades -- Death.
Summer Winter, December -- DEath of the YEAR
White, Day, SUN (RA - RED)= LIGHT, LIFE Night -- MOON, EVEning, BLUE
EL- light. Light No EL -- No Light
Sunrise -- Life Underworld = Sun down = Darkness, Death
Spring -- Green nature, Rise. Flame Autumm -- Fall. EMBER, ORANGE.
Good (God) -- RA/ RE, Summer Winter (Evil) Bad: Satan, DEVIL, Saturn, Set En
FIRE (HOT SUN) Summer EMBER (Cold, BRRR) Winter, BLUE = Ice
LIFE (Start) DEATH (Finish)

Autumm-- Death of the YEAR, Cyce. EMBER, ORANGE month.
SeptEMBER (7 & 9) September is the beginning of fall.
OctoBER (8 & 9) The colors ORAnge and black represent Haloween.
NovEMBER (9 & 11) Eleven = EL even. EVE of November (9, 11), NOV = 9 (11th month)
DecEMBER (10 & 12) DEath.

Haloween (Samhain) OctoBER 31st. Druidic celtic festival New year.
Whole = Hallow, Holy. Sam = SUN = Summer. Fiun = End. End of the Chain (Hain).
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Dec 1, 2019
KIM NOBLE PART 2 Ryan Nieves, Danial Ryan, Andre Martins de Barros, Sally Mann, Zdzisław Beksiński, Michael Hussar, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Norman Rockwell, J.C. Leyendecker, Dick Sargent, Thomas Eakins, André-Henri Dargelas (1828 - 1906), Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Alex Grey, Andrew Ferez, André Breton, Hilma af Klint, Alan Clarke, Harry Clarke, Ruth Borum Loveland, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Maria Rubinke, Halloween, Lisbet Zwerger, Robert Ingpen, Arthur Rackham, Garth Knight, Adolf Hitler, Monica Piloni, Patricia Piccinini, biljana djurdjevic, Jakub Schikaneder, Ken Wong, Nicoletta Ceccoli, KuKula, Isabella Mazzanti, Brian Froud, Jean-Baptiste Monge, JIM HENSON, Daniel Carranza, Mary Ellen Mark, Mark Powell, Hajime Sawatari, Jock Sturges, Alain Laboile, Christer Karlstad, Solongo Monkhoori, Toshio Saeki - 佐伯俊男, Barry Moser, Krzysztof Iwin, Xue Wang, Yulia Taits, antonio-rizzi, Miles Teves, Abigail Rorer, Joseph Mugnaini, Julio Ruelas, Jaroslava Panušky, Harry O Morris, Wilfried Satty , MidnightZodiac, Henry Canine, David Herrerias, Johfra Bosschart, Rose O'Neill, Charles Keeping, Harry Borgman, Julius Evola, colin-murray, Geoffrey Gersten, McLean Kendree, Rafal Wechterowicz, Manuel Nuñez, Ryan Begley, Kate O’Hara, Dan Fletcher, Nathan Ota, Shannon Bonatakis, Kazuhiro Hori , Sugar fueled art, Andy Paciorek, Matt Gordon, Kirsty Mitchells, Tama aka Fallen Princess, Naoshi, Travis Bedel aka Bedelgeuse, Agim Sulaj, Rick Baker, Jarosław Datta, sara-kipin, Yosuke Yamaguchi, Peter Croy , Andrzej Wróblewski, Tadeusz Makowski, Kate Zambrano, Lapo, Peter Newell, Paweł Jońca, Lui Lui, Isuri Merenchi Hewage, Irina & Silviu Székely, Babs Webb , Noell Oszvald, Polly Nor, Giona Fiochi, Lev Ani, Daan Botlek, Italia Ruotolo, Chuck Jarman, Tht-tne, Vergvoktre, Etam Cru, Yari Di Giampietro, Nikos Gyftakis, Becky Cloonan, Akiya Kageichi, Pauline Krier, Matt Rockefeller, Ciou, Kris Knight, Dugald Stewart Walker, Lori Nelson, Robert Oscar Lenkiewicz, Nathalia Suellen, Renee French, Dug Stanat, Robin Van Valkenburgh, Mercer Mayer, Wallace Smith,
Tarmasz, Dieric Bouts, Frederick Ruysch, Christian Baron, Førtifem, Andy Kehoe, Martin Tomsky, Lisa Lach-Nielsen, C7, Giulio's Dreamworlds, Bruce Pennington, Peter Birkhauser, Beresford Egan, Henry Holliday, Phlegm, James Kimrey Hindle, Niki Boon, Ball Jointed Dolls , Alyssa Monks, Khalil Chishtee, Cobweb Mehers, elberto-pinto-pabon, David Moreno Zepeda, Murray Kimber, Eugenia Loli, Lars Krause, Edie Roberson, Alessia Mannini, Chelsea Greene Lewyta, Jhon aka David Avendaño, Shadi Ghadirian, Rebecca Hampton, The Wild Rose’s Mesmerizing Stories, Nynewe, Les Deux Garçons, Cendrine Rovini, Erika Sanada, Julia deVille, Asger Carlsen, Samuel Araya, Antonio Lorente, Sibylle Ruppert, Bertil Nilsson, Rik Garrett, Elizabeth Shupe, Gabriella Barouch, Ernest Gayac, Mab Graves, Bror Anders Wikstrom, Franz Wacik, Marcel Roux, Guillermo Lorca, Courtney Brooke, Fortunio Liceti, Arent van Bolten, Ferenc Helbing, Roberto Innocenti, Violeta Hernández, Femke Hiemstra, Isa Marcelli, Mr Finch, Soner Çakmak, Elias Santis, Jessica Ann White - JAW Tattoo, José Luis Carranza Gonzalez, Abigail Brown, Naomi Devil, Wiener Werkstätte Petra Svager, robyn-cumming, Jesús Gabán Bravo, Charles Vess, Mœbius & Alejandro Jodorowsky, Milton Glaser, Carl Otto Czeschka, Jacob Bannon, Quint Buchholz, lynd-ward, Ofra Amit, Alex Garant, Felicien Rops, Barbara Bargiggia, Sarah Lucas, Hristo Yotov, Guy Billout, Seymour Chwast, Alberto Andreis, Nathan Chesshir, Blood milk jewels, Chris Weston, Anupong Chantorn, Prateep Kochabua, Mirka Mora, Jed Leiknes, Risa Mehmet, Morg Armeni, William Holbrook Beard, Stacey Rozich , Jane Long, Kana Handel, Keita Morimoto, Jens Galschiot, Anchalee Arayapongpanich , elke-wassmann, Theofilos Katsipanos, Bill Domonkos, Irini Iliopoulou, Les amants trépassés, Kostas Dios, Simen Johan , Mieke Werners, Kunkka, Cristina Burns, Brian Vu, Miwa Yanagi, Henk Sentel, Rory Kurtz, Mateo Dineen, Shoji Tanaka, Lourdes Leite , OuZo Kim, Tove Jansson, Shintaro Kago, Jana Heidersdorf, Jake Waldron, Karen Hsiao, Bruno Pontiroli, José Luis López Galván, Jordu Schell, Michelle Kingdom,andrey-drozdov, Uriel Valentin, jake-fried, Ryan Hanley, sandra-arteaga, Jean Jullien, Benjamin Mackey from Society 6, Mike Kuchar, Leah Emery, Mark James Porter, Romualdas Požerskis, Aubrey Beardsley, Aaron Horkey, Caitlin McCormack, Uno Gomez, Ernst Fuchs, Man Ray, Agan Harahap, Natalia Drepina, Cathy Cullis, Damian Michaels, Kim Holm, Giulia Bersani, Glyn Smyth, John D. Batten, Sungwon Hwang, Apollonia Saintclair, Manuel Sanjulián, Tina Lugo, Glenn Fagertveit, Christopher Lovell, Paul Yore, Xueguo Yang, Dorote Zaukaite, George Quaintance, Mrzyk & Moriceau, Shae DeTar, Elias Aquino, Scytheprayer, Mark Cooper, Amandine Urruty, Wanda Wulz, Jeff Jordan, elisabet-stienstra, Katerina Plotnikova, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Alfred Kubin, Chien-Chi Chang, Franz Marc, René François Ghislain Magritte, Jeff Simpson, Tip Toland, Anita Anti, maria-ionova-gribina, Lukáš Kándl, Frodo Mikkelsen, Catalin Precup, Anastasia Radevich, Stu Mead, veda-wildfire, Yasam Sasmazer, Clayton Keyes, Costantino Di Renzo, Mandy Tsung, Javier Aguilera, George Klauba, Duma, Riikka Sormunen, Anna Conway, Mike Wilks, Wainer Vaccari, Jennifer Nehrbass, Eteri Chkadua, Helen Flockhart, Michael Reedy, Lola Gil, Frank McLean Docherty, Juan José Surace, Magdalene Gluszek, Sicioldr, Costa, Bob Doucette, Ada Dobrzelecka, Juul Kraijer, Akiko Endo, Veks Van Hillik, Alexandr Kumpan, Yoko Tanaka, Grindesign, csaba-mullner, Alexandre Nicolas, Richard Willenbrink, Albert Robbe,kuji-yukari, Van Arno, Ray Richardso, Jono Rotman, Frank McNab, Tom Haring, Jim Collier, F. Scott Hess, Alicia Baladan, Billy Norrby, Lilly Piri, Irvine Peacock, Maki Horanai, Shulzhenko Vasily Vladimirovich, Alexander Lyamkin, Alice Wellinger, Robert Osti, Oki-Chu, Marcela Bolivar, Symbolika, Vasilis Avramidis, Eikoh Hosoe, Franz von Stuck

Children, alone, vulnerable, threatened.
Animal/Human hybrids. Animal heads on human bodies.
Iconography associated with death. Coffins. Skeletons.
One eyed symbolism
Obscured/Distorted faces. Alternates
Empty faces devoid of expression
Mutilated bodies
Pyramid/Egyptian iconography
MK Ultra / Monarch references butterflies, Alice in Wonderland etc
Horned people
Large faced children/women often masked.
Clowns and clown masks
Bondage/restraint references
Candygore is pure satanic, guys.
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Dec 1, 2019

Harry Potter
demonstrates Ether, the gas with light.

During my own PTS Integration I had seen Ether with my Third eye and them the memory has been restored.
0009_nedetskie_risunki_001-17.jpgscreen-shot-2022-02-01-at-3.48.22-pm.pngunnamed (1).png
More ETHER, how I see it with my Third eye vision
Alex Grey

I can see people likt that too. Two yeyes picture and that Third eye added. If I close my eyes I will see the Ether silouette -- this light silouette.
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp. The work is widely regarded as a Modernist classic and has become one of the most famous of its time. Before its first presentation at the 1912 Salon des Indépendants in Paris it was rejected by the Cubists as being too Futurist. It was then exhibited with the Cubists at Galeries Dalmau's Exposició d'Art Cubista, in Barcelona, 20 April–10 May 1912.[1] The painting was subsequently shown, and ridiculed, at the 1913 Armory Show in New York City.

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 was reproduced by Guillaume Apollinaire in his 1913 book, Les Peintres Cubistes, Méditations Esthétiques. It is now in the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.[2]
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Nov 24, 2020
Here's some suggestions, not certain they're occult, but the spidey sense is tingling...

Ulric Collete


Petecia Le FawnHawk
-possible source of the Utah monolith that made the news recently

Stairways, arches, eyes, dark/light dualism

Jaume Plensa
Not overtly occult, but this artist is featured in high profile urban settings and has a repeated motif of a sleeping face. In this instance accompanied by a masonic silencing gesture. I think they're saying something about most of the world being asleep, perhaps they're designed to show that or to perpetuate it? I don't know, but again an intuitive feeling that this artwork supports the powers that be rather than challenges them.



Dec 1, 2019
The Hivites are hiding the truth about what occurred in 1812. This is when Atlantis was destroyed. The Hivites
destroy 1812 events memory and works and it's authors like Carrol, Mikhail Bulgakov and lord Byron. Visit links.

Planetar catastrophy come in stages:
1 -- Fire from the sky, bricks have black color. People run away, cities were emprty.
2 -- Clay waves has come. First floors in glay. 100 metres at least. HIVITES HAVE TAKEN THESE BUILDINGS FOR RUTIALS.
3 -- The Great Flood of water. Houses have been in water.
4 -- Cities were empty for some time. Empty cities theme.

AFTER 1812:

1 -- CLIMATE CHANGED Winter has come to EUROPE and ATLANTIS (Russia) wich were winterless. 1816 -- Year Without a Summer
2 -- HIVITES SPREAD ACROSS THE GLOBE. Because they were mason, construction workers they services were needed and HIVITES HAVE TAKEN THESE BUILDINGS FOR RUTIALS.

have EMERALD CITY. Prototype in the story was 1812 buildings with actual Emeralds or crystals or glass of EMERALD COLOUR, allowed to take electricity out of air.
View attachment 74611
GREEN is the color of HEART CHAKRA which is 4 th chakra.
HEART CHAKRA activated by love and blocked by grief. (YOGA as I understood it when I was child).
POWER OF LOVE comes from these knowledges.
EYES WIDE OPEN states that introduction to the CORE integrates from MK ULTRA immidiately.

All myth said that your SOUL is in your CORE which is THIRD EYE. Feelings are electricy frequency and hormone pumping in the blood.
Shuna writes you give eyour enegry to your right arm and take the enery by your left one. If I understand YOGA correctly here.
POWER OF LOVE, activating HEART CHAKRA essential in MK ULTRA Deprogramming.
My father has freed himself from his MK ULTRA | MK DELTA programming by power of love to my mother and then to me and my brother. I doubt he has acess to actual deprogrammer.

Colours Parts in MK ultra
GREEN or EMERALD GREEN. These are cat altars. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.

DARK EMERALD GREEN. This colour is assigned to the Antichrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult colour for Satan and is the most sacred colour. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other colour.

LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in sets of three.



1812 MARBLE:

BEE HIVE = HIVITES! Laborous Delivery Barberini family symbolism.
People are dead here: muscules relaxed, mouth opened
Rome in the Footsteps of an XVIIIth Century Traveller
A Laborious Delivery - the puzzling coats of arms of Urban VIII (1623-1644) by Bernini in S, Pietro
from BERBER has lived near Carthago.

Cymmerian art school. Depict Cymmeria which name ahs been replaced at Crimea by Hivites. Special note on Konstantin Bogaevsky who was murdered for the truth.

Authors were shadow banned them just like this forum. No advertisments, no good translation, no good edition, not possible to buy legally and even libraries didnt' accept it.


Hieronymus Bosh “Garden of Earthly delights” and Pieter Bruegel Massacre of the Innocents (Bruegel)
Both artists have the same art style and themes. BOTH LIVED AFTER 1812 and stylized as earlier authors to pass HIVITES censorships.
Their works look exactly as post 1812 authors. Both were silenced in Russia, since 1991 my country is ruled by satanists. Both shadow banned by Hivites just like this forum. No advertisments, no good translation, no good edition, not possible to buy legally and even libraries didnt' accept it.
Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights (ca. 1500) thanks to SIBI.

Massacre of the Innocents (Bruegel) --1812 catastrophy events.

“Child Eater" (Kindlifresser) fountain statue in Bern, Switzerland.
Red and green clothing -- Hivite's coloring.

Turner, Joseph Mallord William

Carl Brullov The last day of Pompei. Attention to sky and technoligies.

Lord Byron poem Darkness

Vladimirov Ivan. 1812 heritage destroyed by HIVITES.

1824 year THE GREAT FLOOD in
Petersburg by Fyodor Alekseyev
The Flood of 1824 in the square at the Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre (his last painting). The most disastrous floods occurred in 1824 (4.21 m or 13 ft 10 in above sea level, during which over 300 buildings were destroyed
Atlantis have Rome as predessor. It it known that Atlantis and Roman Empire had war prior Roman Empire fall. Please read PLATO. Rome had two states descend from it after the falling: Atlantis and Eastern Roman Empire ruled by HIVITE Constantine the Great.
Atlantis in pre 1812 catastrophy had climate just like Roma.
Crimea in the Roman era. Crimea was named Cymeria (Conan from Cymmeria) and Cymmeria had Roman legion and settlements. Crimea had 1812 catastrophy including drowned buildings.
Cymmerian art school. Depict Cymmeria pre 1812 events.
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Nov 24, 2020
Aleksandra Waliszewska
Very disturbing, nasty images also of cannibalism found here (warning they are awful)

She worked with Athina Rachel Tsangari (Athena?) on this project:

I think this Palma based site has further indications of a wider network of fellow travellers.

For example, this Palma restaurant advertises there, look at the logo, pyramid and triangle references also a swirl pattern bottom right:
Here is their site:
Landing image Red trainers / Red shoe reference hand signalling?
Estrella t-shirts incorporate the star logo
strange artwork on walls
Chef / founder 'Jonay Hernandez' strange tattoos. full reduction 6
Owl logo travellers choice award from TripAdvisor

They have a link / sponsorship to the Shamballah foundation, which frankly looks like a front. The website is unfinished, full of holder text.

There's a link to UNICEF - which is a big red mark.

Then the Botucin Foundation, which is also creepy a biomedical research unit with an interest in odd art exhibitions

Sorry if this is going away from the core purpose of this thread. I just wanted to illustrate how connections can be made between the art itself and those that support and feature it.

Nothing definite, just suggestive. Maybe the sort of clues that you would lead to allow other people who had similar 'values' to be able to find you?

Other artist featured:

Kim Byung-Kwan

MK Ultra / Beta Kitten references:

Mickey Reset: Mickey Mouse creepy as....


Sep 9, 2020
Very disturbing, nasty images also of cannibalism found here (warning they are awful)

She worked with Athina Rachel Tsangari (Athena?) on this project:

I think this Palma based site has further indications of a wider network of fellow travellers.

For example, this Palma restaurant advertises there, look at the logo, pyramid and triangle references also a swirl pattern bottom right:
Here is their site:
Landing image Red trainers / Red shoe reference hand signalling?
Estrella t-shirts incorporate the star logo
strange artwork on walls
Chef / founder 'Jonay Hernandez' strange tattoos. full reduction 6
Owl logo travellers choice award from TripAdvisor

They have a link / sponsorship to the Shamballah foundation, which frankly looks like a front. The website is unfinished, full of holder text.

There's a link to UNICEF - which is a big red mark.

Then the Botucin Foundation, which is also creepy a biomedical research unit with an interest in odd art exhibitions

Sorry if this is going away from the core purpose of this thread. I just wanted to illustrate how connections can be made between the art itself and those that support and feature it.

Nothing definite, just suggestive. Maybe the sort of clues that you would lead to allow other people who had similar 'values' to be able to find you?

Other artist featured:

Kim Byung-Kwan

MK Ultra / Beta Kitten references:

Mickey Reset: Mickey Mouse creepy as....
the name of that restaurant lavieja remind me Lavey , the surname of founder of the satanic church


Dec 1, 2019
Yes, portraits have vibes.
pluse half humans half animals have tatoo on their bodies.
Salvador Dali have been mentioned by Springmeir.
Salvador Dali & Alice in Wonderland

View attachment 48720
View attachment 48720

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali's BD
Salvador Dali & Alice in Wonderland

Yes, portraits have vibes.
pluse half humans half animals have tatoo on their bodies.

Pablo Picasso


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Dec 1, 2019
Ophelia is a painting by British artist Sir John Everett Millais, completed in 1851 and 1852 and in the collection of Tate Britain in London. It depicts Ophelia, a character from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, singing before she drowns in a river in Denmark.
The work encountered a mixed response when first exhibited at the Royal Academy, but has since come to be admired as one of the most important works of the mid-nineteenth century for its beauty, its accurate depiction of a natural landscape, and its influence on artists from John William Waterhouse and Salvador Dalí to Peter Blake, Ed Ruscha and Friedrich Heyser.

She lays in rutualistic cross pose. Ophelia's pose—her open arms and upwards gaze—also resembles traditional portrayals of saints or martyrs, but has also been interpreted as erotic.
Researchers are sure theat in right angle we can see a scull

Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Baronet, PRA (UK: /ˈmɪleɪ/ MIL-ay, US: /mɪˈleɪ/ mil-AY;[1][2] 8 June 1829 – 13 August 1896) was an English painter and illustrator who was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.[3] He was a child prodigy who, aged eleven, became the youngest student to enter the Royal Academy Schools. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded at his family home in London, at 83 Gower Street (now number 7).
Cherry Ripe (1879), Private Collection. PINK + BALCK+WHITE. Cherry is Pizzagate code.

Autumn Leaves (1856) is a painting by John Everett Millais exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1856. It was described by the critic John Ruskin as "the first instance of a perfectly painted twilight."[1] Millais's wife Effie wrote that he had intended to create a picture that was "full of beauty and without a subject".

The picture depicts four girls in the twilight collecting and raking together fallen leaves in a garden, a location now occupied by Rodney Gardens in Perth, Scotland. They are making a bonfire, but the fire itself is invisible, only smoke emerging from between the leaves. The two girls on the left, modelled on Millais's sisters-in-law Alice and Sophie Gray,[3] are portrayed in middle-class clothing of the era; the two on the right are in rougher, working class clothing.
The painting has been seen as one of the earliest influences on the development of the aesthetic movement. [4]
A sculpture in Rodney Gardens, known as "Millais Viewpoint", recreates the view through two lower corners of a picture frame, made of stone.[5]
Red scarf -- RED = BLOOD. She holds and apple -- reference to Eve. Blakc and white clothing. Leaves reference to child sacrifice -- leas is a small part of a tree.
The apple held by the youngest girl at the right may allude to the loss of childhood innocence implied by reference to original sin and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.[8]
After a positive review from F.G. Stephens, Millais wrote to him that he had "intended the picture to awaken by its solemnity the deepest religious reflection. I chose the subject of burning leaves as most calculated to produce this feeling."[9]

Lisbet Zwerger, Robert Ingpen
Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo
Her husband
Diego Rivera

Arthur Rackham, Garth Knight
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Dec 1, 2019

Maurice Sendak liked to scare children.

Here you can an illustration from his book: Presto and Zesto in Limboland.
Maurice Sendak said of The Nutcracker,

When I did read it, I became very interested, because it was a very bizarre story. It’s a very bizarre story.
Maurice Sendak compared the piece to Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
Zdzisław Beksiński, Zdzisław Beksiński II

Zdzisław Beksiński's drawings

Jakub Schikaneder, Ken Wong, Andrew Ferez

André Breton
Hilma af Klint

Adolf Hitler
According to critics
"They are prosaic, utterly devoid of rhythm, color, feeling, or spiritual imagination. They are architect's sketches painful and precise draftsmanship; nothing more. No wonder the Vienna professors told him to go to an architectural school and give up pure art as hopeless "

The Nightmarish Works of H.R. Giger

Monica Piloni

Tony Podesta favorite artists
Patricia Piccinini

biljana djurdjevic
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Dec 1, 2019
Alfons Maria Mucha[1][2] part 1 part 2
(Czech: [ˈalfons ˈmuxa] (listen); 24 July 1860 – 14 July 1939),[3] known internationally as Alphonse Mucha, was a Bohemian and Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist, living in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, best known for his distinctly stylized and decorative theatrical posters, particularly those of Sarah Bernhardt.[4] He produced illustrations, advertisements, decorative panels, and designs, which became among the best-known images of the period.[5]

In the second part of his career, at the age of 50, he returned to his homeland of Bohemia region in Austria and devoted himself to painting a series of twenty monumental canvases known as The Slav Epic, depicting the history of all the Slavic peoples of the world,[3] which he painted between 1912 and 1926. In 1928, on the 10th anniversary of the independence of Czechoslovakia, he presented the series to the Czech nation. He considered it his most important work. It is now on display in Prague.
In January 1898 he joined the Paris masonic lodge of the Grand Orient de France.
Mucha sounds like Mukha in Russian means Flie. Belzebub the lord of flies!
Alphonse Mucha

Naïve art
Naïve art is usually defined as visual art that is created by a person who lacks the formal education and training that a professional artist undergoes (in anatomy, art history, technique, perspective, ways of seeing).[1] When this aesthetic is emulated by a trained artist, the result is sometimes called primitivism, pseudo-naïve art,[2] or faux naïve art.[3]
Naïve art[7] is often seen as outsider art that is by someone without formal (or little) training or degree. While this was true before the twentieth century, there are now academies for naïve art. Naïve art is now a fully recognized art genre, represented in art galleries worldwide.

The characteristics of naïve art have an awkward relationship to the formal qualities of painting, especially not respecting the three rules of the perspective (such as defined by the Progressive Painters of the Renaissance):
  1. Decrease of the size of objects proportionally with distance,
  2. Muting of colors with distance,
  3. Decrease of the precision of details with distance,
The results are:
  1. Effects of perspective geometrically erroneous (awkward aspect of the works, children's drawings look, or medieval painting look, but the comparison stops there)
  2. Strong use of pattern, unrefined color on all the plans of the composition, without enfeeblement in the background,
  3. An equal accuracy brought to details, including those of the background which should be shaded off.
Simplicity rather than subtlety are all supposed markers of naïve art. It has, however, become such a popular and recognizable style that many examples could be called pseudo-naïve.

Whereas naïve art ideally describes the work of an artist who did not receive formal education in an art school or academy, for example Henri Rousseau or Alfred Wallis, 'pseudo naïve' or 'faux naïve' art describes the work of an artist working in a more imitative or self-conscious mode and whose work can be seen as more imitative than original.
Henri Rousseau

Used in META commertion

Primitivism is a mode of aesthetic idealization that either emulates or aspires to recreate "primitive" experience. It is also defined as a philosophical doctrine that considers "primitive" peoples as more noble than civilized peoples and was an offshoot of a nostalgia for a lost Eden or Golden Age.[1]

ART SOCIETY 6. Pleanty of art with satanic themes.
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp. The work is widely regarded as a Modernist classic and has become one of the most famous of its time. Before its first presentation at the 1912 Salon des Indépendants in Paris it was rejected by the Cubists as being too Futurist. It was then exhibited with the Cubists at Galeries Dalmau's Exposició d'Art Cubista, in Barcelona, 20 April–10 May 1912.[1] The painting was subsequently shown, and ridiculed, at the 1913 Armory Show in New York City.
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 was reproduced by Guillaume Apollinaire in his 1913 book, Les Peintres Cubistes, Méditations Esthétiques. It is now in the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.[2]
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Dec 1, 2019
Vera Mukhina. Mukha in Russian means Flie. Belzebub the lord of flies!
The queen of Soviet sculpture died 6 October 1953 (aged 64). Occlut numbers.
She looks like transsexual herself

Bertran from Rose and Cross (1916)

Worker and Kolkhoz Woman
It is 24.5 metres (78 feet) high, made from stainless steel by Vera Mukhina for the 1937 World's Fair in Paris,[1] and subsequently moved to Moscow. It also borders Moscow Botanical Garden and a smaller Ostankino Park. Ostanki -- human body parts.
Scythe and harvest -- Saturn themes.

Cube of Saturn both sides.
Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy
Have satanic signs all over it. Octogon, Saturn and harvest themes are here.

We have few on cite Nicoletta Ceccoli

Nicoletta Ceccoli

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Dec 1, 2019
Ophelia is a painting by British artist Sir John Everett Millais, completed in 1851 and 1852 and in the collection of Tate Britain in London. It depicts Ophelia, a character from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, singing before she drowns in a river in Denmark.
The work encountered a mixed response when first exhibited at the Royal Academy, but has since come to be admired as one of the most important works of the mid-nineteenth century for its beauty, its accurate depiction of a natural landscape, and its influence on artists from John William Waterhouse and Salvador Dalí to Peter Blake, Ed Ruscha and Friedrich Heyser.

She lays in rutualistic cross pose. Ophelia's pose—her open arms and upwards gaze—also resembles traditional portrayals of saints or martyrs, but has also been interpreted as erotic.
Researchers are sure theat in right angle we can see a scull

Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Baronet, PRA (UK: /ˈmɪleɪ/ MIL-ay, US: /mɪˈleɪ/ mil-AY;[1][2] 8 June 1829 – 13 August 1896) was an English painter and illustrator who was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.[3] He was a child prodigy who, aged eleven, became the youngest student to enter the Royal Academy Schools. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded at his family home in London, at 83 Gower Street (now number 7).
Cherry Ripe (1879), Private Collection. PINK + BALCK+WHITE. Cherry is Pizzagate code.

Autumn Leaves (1856) is a painting by John Everett Millais exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1856. It was described by the critic John Ruskin as "the first instance of a perfectly painted twilight."[1] Millais's wife Effie wrote that he had intended to create a picture that was "full of beauty and without a subject".

The picture depicts four girls in the twilight collecting and raking together fallen leaves in a garden, a location now occupied by Rodney Gardens in Perth, Scotland. They are making a bonfire, but the fire itself is invisible, only smoke emerging from between the leaves. The two girls on the left, modelled on Millais's sisters-in-law Alice and Sophie Gray,[3] are portrayed in middle-class clothing of the era; the two on the right are in rougher, working class clothing.
The painting has been seen as one of the earliest influences on the development of the aesthetic movement. [4]
A sculpture in Rodney Gardens, known as "Millais Viewpoint", recreates the view through two lower corners of a picture frame, made of stone.[5]
Red scarf -- RED = BLOOD. She holds and apple -- reference to Eve. Blakc and white clothing. Leaves reference to child sacrifice -- leas is a small part of a tree.
The apple held by the youngest girl at the right may allude to the loss of childhood innocence implied by reference to original sin and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.[8]
After a positive review from F.G. Stephens, Millais wrote to him that he had "intended the picture to awaken by its solemnity the deepest religious reflection. I chose the subject of burning leaves as most calculated to produce this feeling."[9]
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