Satanism in WESTERN animation [Trigger Warning]


Dec 1, 2019
Thruthiracy — learn satanic symb recommended by Fiona Barnett herself




After the script are various other relevant links that Victoria provided. Victoria also mentions some others to which I have provided links.
  • MK ULTRA recovery Deprogramming wiki
  • mentions Fiona Barnett [links to Fiona’s work and book] Fiona Barnett’s Long Goodbye [9]
  • Svali’s first blog Svali Speaks [6]
  • Svali’s Second Blog Svali Speaks Again [7]
  • cfb Svali, Illuminati Structure and Mind Control [101]
  • cfb Child Trafficking by the Jesuits [102]
  • Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler cfb Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier – Illuminati Whistleblowers [4]
  • Fighting monarch
All these people are MK ULTRA victims themselves and give us insider infromation about symbolism too.

Please safe and cope and share. Easier to spot them this way.

Satanists: The whole post
Someone just asked me "Who are the #Hivites?" Ansewer: All of the terrorists in the entire world, including ISIS & Antifa, and every deep state ever, are part of an ancient Babylonian cult family who have dominated&ruled every civilization on earth since biblical times 6000+years

They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain's line, &that Cain's parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) &a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil). #Hivites #HivitesGetLit #Phoenicia #PhoeniciaisFalling #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #Welcome2Wonderland #ItEndsNow #MAGA #SayBraveThings

They claim to follow the "true" religion of Abraham, and they describe Abraham as a "friend of God" which should be taken literally, as if Abraham was "God's" contemporary. They also call themselves "Children of God" and "The Family" #Hivites

My family tells me that we are descended from this same line, from Abraham by way of David/Solomon and on through Mary, mother of Jesus. My family also claim Constantine & Charlemaigne (i.e. ROME) as ancestors #Hivites

I believe there is one true God and I believe Jesus taught us how to connect with God directly, which saves us from looking to the #Hivites to tell us what God is or wants. The #truth resonates. We all must look within for these answers, not without, lest we become controlled.

They use neuro-linguistic programming tactics and are often in positions of authority (addicted to seretonin, dopamine, and adrenalin) they are rude and uncaring, fake, and dishonest. LEARN HOW TO SPOT THEM, LEARN HOW TO STOP THEM.

Mary, mother of Jesus is descended from Naomi through Kind David/Solomon. Thus, Jesus, like me, was born into a #Hivite family & was likely tortured & dissociated as a child just like I was. This practice has perpetuated itself in FAMILIES since Babylon. #Phoenicia #Hivites

Cain was the first murderer, and one of the #Hivite mantras is "Murder is death, death is murder" meaning that none of them die a natural death, everyone in the cult is murdered, because they aim to overturn & corrupt everything that is "natural"

"Not dying" to them means everyone in the cult is murdered, no one dies a natural death. Living forever is in name only. The first death is when your body dies. The second death is the last time someone speaks your name. Whoever is most famous lives longest & is therefore God.

You may also know the #Hivites by other names: freemasons, illuminati, Khazarian, Ashkenazi, Antifa, Isis, Mormon, Scientology, Roman catholic, Muslim brotherhood, CIA, monarchy, deep state, shadow government, luciferian, etc. They will never identify themselves as #Hivites

They have deliberately obscured their existence and their practices throughout history to ensure their survival and they perpetuate their system in a terrifyingly successful way through torture and mind control of their own children.

Later in the line of Cain, we reach Joseph in Genesis (of the technicolor dreamvcoat fame, not the step father of Jesus). Jospeph marries a woman named Asenath who is a Hivite priestess, described in Apocryphal texts as a "pagan" who undergoes a "ritual" with bee hive elements

This is to 'convert' Asenath from her #Hivite pagan occultist pedo rapist human sacrificing heritage so that she can marry Joseph. She and Joseph end up ruling over the Isrealites during the exile in Ancient Egypt.

They give birth to a son, Ephraim, and later in this line comes Noah and his wife Naomi of the Ark fame. This is how the #Hivite culture married into State rule (Egypt) & found it's way into the modern era after the great flood (through the #Hivite priestess Naomi) #Phoenicia

I believe Jesus woke up from the mind control, started teaching people to resist #Hivite control, & they crucified him (ritual sacrifice) & co-opted his message of self-reliance/empowerment & personal direct relationship with God and twisted it, just as he warned they would do.

Many know the #Hivites by other names, such as "the 13th illuminati blood line" or the "lost tribe of isreal" and they are all connected and coordinated with each other. Even now, ISIS, Antifa, Elites, The Royal Families, the Masons and every other secret society ARE #Hivites

They push false narratives (like reptilians and Satan and whatever works best at the moment) to incite fear &outrage in order to control the masses. They trick the public into thinking they need #Hivite leaders to protect them when in reality they only need protection FROM them.

They wrote the Gnostic gospels &(I believe) made up the Annunaki/Nephilum/Reptilians &other false narratives to obscure &hide their existence. They only need the sacrifice ritual to secure and consolidate political and civic power. They are pedophiles and want to normalize it.

But this is all just part of the false narratives to make them seem superhuman & externally powerful & authoritative - the rituals and practices are nothing more than self hypnosis and mind control of people who were all tortured the same way I was as children. #Dissociation

A #Hitive named #Zoroaster brought this practice into what is now Iran (ISIS anyone?) and the Zoroastrian theology is very close to the doctrine they follow today = Dualism. #Hivites

Their aim is to achieve "the great work" (ie: NWO, one world gov't under "benevolent despotism") - which would only serve THEM in seizing total control of humanity, normalizing p***philia &ritual human sacrifice, &depopulating Earth through mass extermination of humanity (90%)

They play humanity and culture like an alternate reality game (ARG anyone?) and it's ALWAYS a "choose your own adventure" game, where free will reigns supreme & they let you make your own choices (even though heavily influenced by post-hypnotic suggestion) #MindControl #Hivites

I say #Phoenicia because this is the last society in which they existed openly and practiced these methods of torture, mind control, and human sacrifice for consolidation of civic power. #Hivites

Also, you can spot a #Hivite pretty easily. They usually have ancient symbols tattooed on their bodies, especially Phoenician & Egyptian symbols, or runic & viking symbols, anything ancient & esoteric is what they cling to #Hivites Know how2 spot them them, know how2 stop them

You can also spot a #Hivite by their behavior. They use mind control tactics (look this up to guard against it). They talk fast, pressure you to make decisions, they throw you off & then ask you to make split decisions #mindcontrol #PhoeniciaisFalling #ItEndsNow

They goad the masses into killing each other, and they are happy when people die. They want only enough people alive to serve them. When the population grows too large, the people rise up and oppose them, and their constructed civilization falls (Babylon, Egypt, #Phoenicia etc)

So all of these monarchies and evildoers and terrorist are all one group: #Hivites. They hide in EVERYTHING and their goal is to corrupt and destroy everything and anything natural. They model themselves after Bee/Hive themes, they have queens and drones and workers. #Phoenicia

They are the only terrorists and they are all FAMILY. They lure non-family members into the cult too, but it is families who perpetuate the practice and keep it working in the world through their bloodlines. They obsess over genetics and strictly control who is allowed to "breed"

They eat flesh and kill babies because it desecrates everything natural. They use blood for parabiosis to try and live forever, but "not dying" to them is not the same as living forever as we have come to understand it. Everything they do and say is SYMBOLIC #EsotericWidsom

In their eyes, This IS the Apocalypse as described in the biblical book of Revalations - Apocalypse = the uncovering of something hidden, a revealing of that which has been obscured. #Hivites

They intermarry all the time and have several unique genetic markers (like Ashkenazi DNA and Coloboma of the eye). They obsess over the "reptile brain" aka amygdala because it houses the pineal gland (Reptilians anyone?) #Hivites

Here's a #Hivite doozy of a lie: G.O.D. = Guild of Doom. One head at the top of the pyramid is God (most powerful hivite aka most awful person of them all who's done any and everything to gain that position) 12 other heads at "the table" then on down the pyramid from there.

They gravitate to sales and often are in the real estate field. Beware anyone who talk s too much and then pressures you to make a decision, especially a big one! This is suggestion and mind Control! #followthewhiterabbit #wonderland

Some additional thoughts: they use symbols like the butterfly to denote Monarch MK ultra programming. They use cats to denote Beta sex slave mk ultra programming. They call themselves Lions, Snakes, and reptiles. They worship will and intellect above all and are Godless. #Hivites

Because they've not yet been identified as a single group, they have been able to pit humanity against itself with false dichotomies, identity politics (race baiting anyone?), appeals to authority and other fallacies that fuel tension and aggression among the masses. #Hivites.

They are also responsible for the New Age movement, Born Again Christianity, and likely all of the cults you are familiar with. #Hivites #PhoeniciaisFalling #ItEndsNow #pizzagateisreal #SurvivorsUnite #followthewhiterabbit #Welcome2Wonderland

They have infiltrated our government at all levels including the military, and they have been actively working to euthanize 90% of humanity. They are into epigentics and eugenics and illegal human experimentation (MKUltra anyone?) #ItEndsNow #PhoeniciaisFalling #Wonderland

They do a self sacrifice and rebirth (resurrection) ritual. Once you complete it, you are "Born Again" in the awareness of the cult. From what I can tell, I believe that, to them, I've done this now by waking myself up from the mind control. #Hivites

We must consider every narrative to be Symbolic. These hivite assholes speak in riddles and symbols.
Learn their symbolism
RED SHOES by Christopher Lord - Truthiracy House of Widsom
Saturn (EL) rules time and Zodiac. CROWN of EL = Cronus, Crone, Old (time). Phoenician = "Cronus" (EL), Latin "Corona", German = krone (scull cap), Greek = Cronus or Kronos = Saturn, Father of time.
In Pizzagate scandal many people are wondering what the Red Shoes stand for in the group picture with Tony Podesta. I have to first to teach you about the esoteric meaning of color Red and meaning of shoes.
1. LIFE. Red is the color of natural sexual arousal. So red represents Fertility of Nature (LIFE) or LOVE and Passion. Red is the color of Love and romance. Red District of Amsterdam -- SEX (XXX). This is why strippers and prostitutes wear RED to signal their nasty sexuality.
Red is the color of Blood. Red represents female menstrual cycle that startes at teen (of Age). Red means you are of age to have sexual intercourse. This is the age of a teen begins to wear RED lipstick.
Our Red Bloody Heart is what we are LOVE and HATE with. The symbol of our SOUL, our LIFE. The Heart of LOVE, DEATH and Sarcrifice.
The SUN is the center of our Solar (SUN) System. SOL = SOUL = SUN. This is why the center of our human body is called the SOLAR Plexus.
The Sun God is the OFFspring of Mother nature. Isis (ICE, Winter, Death) -- Cow Godess. Apis - Egyptian BULL God, green one. ORphan -- OFFspring, Son. Traveling Fool (Sun, SON) left all alone to pass from one status to another. Jester, Jack sharacter.
ORE (Hebrew Light) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold). Sunrise -- SUN RA EYES.
The Travelling Fool! The Character of Nature! The FOOL KING of the SUN! First BORN of the DEAD!
RA (RE) was the Sun God the Travelling Fool on his annual journey. The ancient belived the Sun God walked across the sky! REd ROse.
The Sun is: RA (RE), Apollo (Apple EL) the Bull (Ball, Bol), Apollyon Devil of the Bible! Diablo is the Devil! DIA - Bull one of two BI - BULLS, TWO seasons Summer and Winter, Blue and Red. Apple (EL) -- Knowledge (to KNOW) -- SEX, LIFE!
OBELisk of the Egyptian RE. BEL = BAAL= BULL. SUNDIAL = SUN -- Die- EL. Obelisk symbolized Sun god RE|RA. The Word "Obelisk" is Greek rather than Egyptian.
These massive stone shaft were built from red granite and polished with sand and often their tops were capped with gold.
The Wachington Monument is the OBELisck (penis) of the God of nature, the Agricultural God of Death and REsurrection!
Feet are symbol of ones LIFE. Shoes reflect who you are, your personality. By their shoes you will know them. Our feet are what we use to walk through life, they symbolize our heart and our SOUL. This is why our shoes have SOLES. Sole = Soul, bottom of a shoe (Hell).
Feet (shoes)Walk -- life. Soul (Sole). Life& Death. RED SHOES -- SUN Walker. Red Shoes of Jesus -- Passover, End.
Agape (love) -- A GAPING hole, vagina. Passover -- Door, Portal, Tunnel of EL-- Red door -- Blood Way -- Vagina or anus. Pizza Gate. P izza Gate. [P] is a Gate. Open says me. (Sarah Ashcraft). Sex Magic.
Now you will understand why SOLE is our SOUL from your HEART (life) and why our SOUL is the SOL of the SUN.

2. DEATH. Red is the color of Blood sacrifice. SacRED -- Sacrifice RED. The color Red can also represent death.
SOL DIER (SUN DIE) "One who Dies for the Sun". Soldier dies in WAR. WAR -- RAW, RA is the SUN God. Soldier -- SOL (SOUL) DIER One who dies as a Sacrifice to the SUN (SOL) God!
War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square
Scull and Bones -- DEcapitation. Scull eating the CROSS of TIME . Red (Bloody) shoes of EXECUTIONER.
Re/ Ra -- Egyptian Solar Deity (God)
Light RAY. Red light ray = right eye sun. War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666.
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square. 12 (6), 12x12 = 144, 18, 216, 6x6, Magic Sun, 36, 111, 666.
ORE (Hebrew Light 216) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold).

Green one: Fertility, Nature. Apis (Bull God), Osiris, Baal, Tammuz, Dionysus, Saturn, Jesus.
REsurrection Gods: DEath & REbirth
DEscend to the underWORLD (Winter)
REborn again OFFspring (Summer)

Duality: Life & Death of the Nature, Fertility Game. Hearts (cards) -- Life, Spades -- Death.
Summer Winter, December -- DEath of the YEAR
White, Day, SUN (RA - RED)= LIGHT, LIFE Night -- MOON, EVEning, BLUE
EL- light. Light No EL -- No Light
Sunrise -- Life Underworld = Sun down = Darkness, Death
Spring -- Green nature, Rise. Flame Autumm -- Fall. EMBER, ORANGE.
Good (God) -- RA/ RE, Summer Winter (Evil) Bad: Satan, DEVIL, Saturn, Set En
FIRE (HOT SUN) Summer EMBER (Cold, BRRR) Winter, BLUE = Ice
LIFE (Start) DEATH (Finish)
Autumm-- Death of the YEAR, Cyce. EMBER, ORANGE month.
SeptEMBER (7 & 9) September is the beginning of fall.
OctoBER (8 & 9) The colors ORAnge and black represent Haloween.
NovEMBER (9 & 11) Eleven = EL even. EVE of November (9, 11), NOV = 9 (11th month)
DecEMBER (10 & 12) DEath.

Haloween (Samhain) OctoBER 31st. Druidic celtic festival New year.
Whole = Hallow, Holy. Sam = SUN = Summer. Fiun = End. End of the Chain (Hain)
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Dec 1, 2019
DISNEY BOOLDLINE FROM 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images. They have created great images for things Disney, incl. Walt Disney, Disney movies, and Disney’s Amusement parks.
In some cases these things have been overrated, in other instances the sinister side to them has been carefully hidden. In order to make movies that contain the typical smut of Hollywood, sex and violence, Disney did a slight of hand and created subsidiaries which Disney runs, which has allowed them to keep their good image. They also never showed the public the hard core porn that was made for years in secrecy for the elite.
Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. Disney’s involvement in these kind of things will be explained in this chapter. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers.
Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp and woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment. For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a “triumph of the human spirit” (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney’s movie “Alive” featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism).
Under the disguise of entertainment and showing us how “triumphant” the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism. Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.”
And yet when this author has suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents come unglued and have gotten angry with this author. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is a triumph in Illuminati deception.
Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons.
In Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” the castles are male sexual organs. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown without comment clearly snorting cocaine. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films.
Disney operates in a clandestine manner regarding the promotion, distribution and rating of the films produced by their subsidiaries.
For instance, Kenneth Anger in his book Hollywood Babylon II, p. 192,
“Some animators stated that the boss [Walt Disney] seemed to have fallen in love with the boy. There may be some truth in this...”
The boy, who Walt fell in love with, was a small young attractive boy actor named Bobby Driscoll who signed up in 1946 with Disney. He acted in Song of the South, Treasure Island and Bobby’s voice was used in Peter Pan.
Bobby Driscoll was very intelligent and attractive.
  • Did Disney help or abuse him?
  • If Disney was such an upbuilding wholesome atmosphere, and this child actor had everything going for him, why did Bobby become a methamphetamine addict at 17 and die within just a few years?
  • Why didn’t his talent and early career lead to something positive in his life?
From those who knew Walt personally one learns that he had an obsession with the buttock part of anatomy.
He enjoyed jokes about this part of the anatomy, which he told to his staff quite frequently. The staff edited out many of his crude posterior jokes from cartoon scripts. Two examples that got by the editors are a Christmas special where a little boy is unable to button the drop seat of his pajamas. The little boy’s problem in maintaining his modesty is the running gag of the cartoon.
In the end, Santa gives him a champer pot. The 2nd example is the paddling machine used on the wolf in The Three Little Pigs.
Numerous Disney cartoons feature buttocks of characters provocatively twitching.
More: Disney, Not so wonderful world of Disney
Some of DISNEY’S blatantly OCCULT MOVIES
  • Aladdin. A wisecracking all-powerful genie is shown.
  • Bednobs and Broomsticks (1971) A witch finds a magic formula from a lion king. The magic formula raises a ghostly army of armor in a museum which stops a band of German commandos.
  • Beyond Witch Mountain (1982) A pair of twins leave Witch’s Mountain and have to use their special occult powers to outwit a character named Deranian.
  • The Black Cauldron (1985), A Horned King uses his magic to fight a clairvoyant pig and the pig’s keeper. This animation cost $25 million, but was a box office failure.
  • Bride of Boogedy (1987) An evil spirit visits the Davis family and puts the father under a spell. Directed by Oz Scott.
  • Child of Glass (1978) A glass doll must be found to set a ghost free in a haunted house.
  • The Gnome-Mobi1e (1967). A multimillionaire and his grandchildren encounter gnomes. In the end the multimillionaire deeds the forest to the gnomes for eternity.
  • Halloween Hall of Fame (1977). Jack-o-lanterns come to life.
  • Halloween Treat (1982). Cartoons about Halloween. This was followed the next year with a film Haunted Halloween which talked about the origins of Halloween.
  • Misadventures of Merlin Jones (1964) A genius tries to help other students. He tries to also use hypnotism and ESP which backfire on him.
  • Richest Cat in the World (1986) A wealthy man leaves his fortune to his cat, who the relatives later discover can talk.
Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron fueled by the spirit of the dark lord Arawn, who was once an evil overlord who ruled over the land of Prydain, the cauldron has the ability to raise the dead.

Mind-control features in Disney movies
The elements within Disney movies that are intentionally put in for mind-control would take volumes to describe. A detailed description of how just one Disney movie is used as a programming script soon follows. Fantasia was selected as the example.
A random sampling of features in Disney movies for mind-control programming could include:
  • Cogworth the enchanted mantle clock in Beauty and the Beast.
  • The character Door Knob, which is a doorknob portrayed as a person in the Disney cartoon Alice In Wonderland, is useful for programming door knob alters.
  • The Blue Yonder is a Disney movie on time travel of a young boy. Time travel movies are used for programming to mess up the victim’s sense of time.
  • Disney film "Animated Alphabet" has letters which come alive, which is useful for programming. And what about the ‘82 Disney movie "Computers are People, Too!" ?
  • All the Illuminati members this author is aware of who have received trauma-based total mind-control were taught to astrally project and study on the astral plane what they needed to learn. A Disney movie that portrays this is Goofy over Dental Health. This is an educational film released by Disney in ‘91 and again in ‘93, where Goofy places a magical toothbrush under a child’s pillow, so that the child astral projects to a dentist office and while on the astral plane studies how to have healthy teeth.
  • Illuminati alters believe that trees and flowers are alive. The 1932 Disney film Flowers and Trees is a story about two trees who fall in love. The film portrays the occult belief that trees can talk and sing. Internally, alter systems will be constructed with singing trees and flowers that represent people and which are alters. The singing trees give out internal codes to move alters internally where they need to go. Return to Oz. (1985) This Disney film begins its story line about a girl who is thought to have psychological problems because of her tales of Oz. She is warned not to talk about Oz by her relatives. She is taken to a psychologist who wears a big ruby ring, who tells Dorothy that electroshocks won’t hurt her, and that we are at the "dawn of a New Age." Dorothy is told that her memories are "just dreams" that stem from excess electrical current in the brain. She is sent to a mental institution to receive shock treatments for talking about Oz. A lightening storm allows her to escape the shock treatments and when she sleeps, she awakes in Oz.
In Oz she goes through many mind-control scenarios, ruby slippers, mirrors, etc., and toward the end visits with evil Mombi, Princess of Oz who keeps Ozma (Dorothy’s twin) as a slave. Mombi eventually casts a spell and enchants Ozma into a mirror.
Sci-Fi author J.D. Vinge in her Return to Oz based on the screen play writes on pg. 211-212,

"Dorothy gazed at herself in the mirror, seeing her own reflection, and remembering the moment when she had looked at herself and seen someone else there, someone so like her that it could have been her sister."
Parts of this film were filmed near Stonehenge, Eng. Disney has put out several films on the Wizard of Oz theme, all of which were used for programming. The original series of Oz books were by Baum.

In ’39, MGM did the famous Wizard of Oz film. In the Disney movie Tron (1982), a young computer genius goes into an altered state where he ends up becoming a computer program. After defeating the MCP, he returns to the real world. This is simply a programming script.

A special effects team created a 3-D world, showing how talented Disney special effects people can be in making something seem real. This movie should show people their mind-control capabilities. Mathematical Applications Group, Inc. (MAGI) were one of the groups that created the graphics. Disney came out with 3 videos of new adventures in Wonderland which are mind-control programming.

In the mornings here 9-9:30, on channel 21, Disney has a Wonderland Show every morning which is mind-control programming for children. Within a few minutes, this author had seen a girl walk through a mirror, the 3 lives of Thomasina mentioned, and a little ditty "I’m a little tea-pot" where a person becomes a tea pot. They also had an "under the umbrella" scene.

This was all pure programming, right on TV. Of course, they show the White Rabbit as a central figure. ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. film Wild Palms which depicts Illuminati mind-control and life. One reader of Vol. 2 stated that the Wild Palms movie would have made no sense except that having read the Vol. 2 book, the movie made lots of sense in the light of Vol. 2’s revelations.

The film depicts how children are kidnapped, switched at birth, programmed via TV cartoons, programmed to kill and use stun guns etc.

The film depicts Illuminati bloodlines and arranged marriages. Although the name "Illuminati" is not used, if viewers substitute in the name "the Fathers" for Illuminati fathers, they will get an insider’s view of life at the top. The main controllers are addressed by their slaves as "Papa" or "Daddy" or "Mother". This is true to life.

A person opposed to the Fathers states,

"One day we will wake up and discover we don’t own this country and no one will care."
The movie states that events are not happening randomly. The movie shows an underground tunnel system which has an entrance hidden by a swimming pool. Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, "down, down, down through the pool of tears..." and "we’re going to go down the yellow brick road now."

The movie was created by Bruce Wagner, who obviously is an insider concerning trauma-based total mind-control. The fact the movie was made shows the arrogance of the programmers’ beliefs that their criminal acts in programming thousands of little children will not be exposed, and that people will be too stupid to realize that what is put out as fiction is actually mirroring what is happening.

It’s like they believe their own script that IF people did find out "no one will care."

Because so much of the Illuminati programming involves the creation and programming of 3 alters linked into trinities, it is not surprising that Disney has helped such triad programming with a series of movies about threesomes, including:

  • 3 Blind Mouseketeers
  • Three Caballeros
  • 3 little pigs
  • Three Little Wolves
  • 3 Lives of Thomasina
  • The Three Musketeers
  • 3 Ninjas
  • Three Orphan Kittens
For Mickey Mouse programming they came out with Thru the Mirror, where Mickey Mouse steps through his bedroom mirror and ends up in another world (altered state).

Not all of the Disney movies that have mind-control programming themes got released to the public. One unreleased cartoon had Penelope fleeing from a sinister looking Grandfather Clock which is carrying her to another world, and has another scene where Penelope tries to hold onto someone who personifies the Wind.

George Lucas, who directed the movie Star Wars, which was a movie planned by the Illuminati and used for Illuminati programming, also directed Disney’s movie "Captain EO". Captain EO (who looks like a demonic entity) goes to rescue the Queen (who looks like the harlot describes as Mystery Babylon in the Bible).

The Queen is in captivity simply because she and her people believe in black and white (which represent good and evil). When they renounce such a belief, they are saved by Michael Jackson (in actual life a mind-controlled slave) playing Captain EO. It’s a New Age witchcraft film through and through.

By the way, Michael Jackson has gone to Disney amusement parks many times, sometimes in disguise.

It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has been very abusive mentally and physically to their children. Disney has put out several movies on how the mind works, such as the educational film The Brain and Nervous System in 1990. Their film Runaway Brain is a cartoon where Dr. Frankenollie transplants Mickey’s brain into a monster’s body and vice-versa.

A 1994 film, Puppet Masters shows the govt.’s secret Office of Scientific Intelligence trying to save the U.S. from aliens who live in human bodies. In recent years, Bette Midler has been Disney’s main actress.

In the Vol. 2, it was exposed that she is possibly a Monarch Mind-controlled slave. She is famous for her "mood swings" (switches in personality), and she had a "mental breakdown" in 1985. Her eyes and body gestures are those of a programmed multiple. She has gone out on tour for Disney without making -money, and she is best of friends with Jeffrey Katzenberg (second in command at Disney).

Jeffrey Katzenberg by the way is extremely disliked by his counterpart Sid Sheinberg. Bette Midler plays Stella in the movie Stella. Stella is an occult name. In the movie, the script seems tailored for Bette Midler and for someone who is a programmed slave, rather than the actress fitting the role.

At the movie’s end, Stella (Bette Midler) attends her own daughter’s marriage by peeking in a window and watching from the outside.

This is the script they give so many of the parts of a slave, so that they feel unworthy and feel like they are always on the outside looking in at life. Many parts (personalities) of slaves find it hard to connect with real life, because they feel they are on the outside looking in. And then in true Disney fashion, Disney had Bette Midler play the role of the lead witch in Hocus Pocus.

The movie Hocus Pocus does some hocus pocus of its own.

While pretending to make fun of witchcraft, they actually teach witchcraft. They do make the 3 witches look comical. By the way, the 3 witches stand for the maiden, mother, crone combo that the Illuminati reverence. Disney subtly works in deep occult things, such as the all-seeing eye on the cover of the book, the little girl promising the cat (who is a familiar spirit) that her descendants would always care for it (true, because the cat was a generational spirit).

The cat is killed in the movie but can’t die. And Bette Midler as lead witch in her costume, which has some Mother-of-Darkness symbology on it, states as she gets ready to take the life force from an innocent girl, "We want to live forever, so we take children’s lives." This is wholesome entertainment for children?

The Disney capacity for deception extends to its own workers. PR men recruit young people for its Disney College program. They tell the young people what a great stepping stone it will be for their careers. They have been known to make it sound like the greatest thing in your life. Kids come from all over the country due to the slick recruiting tactics to work for Disney.

They are then housed in Disney housing, given menial jobs, and paid low wages. Most people in the College Program leave disillusioned. If the worker happens to think of a great idea, Disney officials have been known to steal the idea, and because the worker was working for Disney the worker will find that they are unable to get any credit or money for the idea that Disney steals and makes millions off of.

One unaccredited creator of a Disney sale item said, " literally, they’re using everybody for everything." (Inside the Mouse, p. 239.)

Next, will be the script for how the Disney film Fantasia has been used as a standard programming tool since the 1940’s by the Illuminati.

Kids disappearing all time there. Security reports.

Good morning, I am writing this on my phone so please have patience with any grammatical or formatting errors. This post got removed originally and I messaged the mods, they said they have no idea how it happened, but I've been finding small silhouettes of Mickey Mouse outside of my house. Here's the repost and an update is in the works.
To start off with, I now reside in a completely different State after leaving my job with the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando. I used to be what one other Redditor described as a "suit," I am one of the guys that walks around the park in plain sight yet hidden to the public. I am part of the elite group of black polo-sporting undercover security officers that specialize in worse things than shoplifters and unruly park guests. You see, as stated prior to this post on /r/nosleep, if you are at Disney World and you more than a few guys in one place wearing black polos then you are most likely in danger and you should leave the area immediately. The sad part is we are so good at blending in with the woodwork that you wouldn't even notice us. Anyway let me cut to the chase here. I have seen some pretty weird things at Disney World during my time, these "anomalies" that everyone speaks of, well they are true but the least of our concerns. see the thing is when you take hundreds of thousands of people and cram them into a relatively small space, weird shit is going to happen. We have had kids, even adults get lost in the park, cryptozoological sightings, alien sightings, ghost sightings, and just generally unexplainable things happen all the time.
I was a Senior Special Security Officer during the height of my time there, and got called for some pretty dark shit. Many of you think we, as in the security detail I was in, were covering up for Disney Corp. but in our true nature we were damage control and were kept out of the loop on things and were trained not to question but to diffuse. There was one thing though that to this day still bothers me. A Cast Member called us on the Nextel to report that a group of four children had gone missing on The Land. Of course I thought, another one of those anomalies. For those of you who don't know the eerily calming nature ride called Living With The Land, it is located in the Land and The Sea pavilion over by Soarin' the odd thing about this report is that we have never received one of these complaints before, and of course we are issued cover up stories to tell cast members or guests to calm them down. My colleague calmly came up with a story and explained that the kids were part of an educational program and they exited the boat with a guide and were escorted into the botany lab that exists on the ride. I told her not to ask any questions or talk about the incident as to not spread "false rumors," and had my colleague escort her to a nearby security office to have her sign some forms. My human nature took over and I got curious and entered the ride on the next boat alone.
Living With The Land is boring and not particularly popular so I can understand how the kids would be on the boat alone and also how I could get on the boat by myself. I noticed absolutely nothing until I came to the part of the ride that has the prairie farmhouse, it looks like a faux house, but something about it just never sat right with me. As I have done hundreds of times before on rides, I jumped off the boat and onto the scene where the house is. I noticed something funny though, there were no pressure mats and the boat went away, allotting about a good 30 seconds before the next boat got to the scene. I have never seen a ride with no pressure mats to detect if anyone disembarks the ride.
So quick recap, kids disappear on ride, I show up and feed the Cast Member who reported it some story about how they disembarked mid ride and are on a tour of the lab and for her not to question it. Colleague of mine takes her away to debrief. I contacted the new Cast Member operating the ride and tell him to put some space between the next boat as I am looking for a lost wedding ring, bull I know but so what.
I slowly started to walk up to the faux house; climbing the steps up to the porch I noticed a small emblem on the left window. It's a small square and compass symbol, interesting that a Masonic symbol is hidden here. I figured whoever build the ride was a Freemason and brushed it off. I looked in the windows of the house and it was nothing but curtains with black plywood behind them. I thought that there was nothing to see here, but still something inside me decided that wasn't good enough. The front door glided open to a bright room with a black and white checkerboard floor. There was a marble alter like table on the opposite end of the room with some kind of Weird throne like chair built into the front of it and a gold cup on the table top. The only other thing that was noticeable was a heavy wooden door on the other end of the room that was locked; there were no windows or anything else. I thought I was weird because I was always under the impression that this house was fake. Human nature took over again and against my better judgment I tried the door in the room, but I was relieved that it was locked. I tried my keys but none of them work. Here's the thing, at Disney we use a lock system called Best, this had interchangeable cores that have assigned numbers and/or letters. This is so we can issue keys only to certain areas. I have the General Master key, which essentially is the real key to the kingdom. Interesting thing about this lock was that my master didn't open it. I looked closer and it was a Best Lock, but the inscription said “C.C.” on it, which I've never seen before. Since the door wasn't open I decided to just to leave. On my way out I noticed in the floor there was a fast pass printed out for Soarin'. I picked it up and pocketed it; it's amazing how trash works its way into odd places. I'm going to figure out where these kids went.
I rode the boat back out to the platform and went back to the EPCOT security office to playback some footage from the DVR. It took me a while, but I zeroed in on the period where the kids entered the Land and Sea Pavilion, and followed them. There were four kids total, 3 girls and one boy. The girl’s actions were almost robotic, and it sent a chill up my spine. They walked in a straight line through the pavilion, but what scared me was there was man with them escorting them through the place. I paused and looked closer when I realized the man was wearing a black polo and kakis, the same thing I was wearing. Holy shit, I even recognized him, it was one of my colleagues.
Allen is the guy that was at the scene before I got there, the same guy who fed the Cast Member at the control podium the bullshit about the kids going on a tour. I thought maybe he did actually send them on the tour of the Botanic lab and lost track of them, until I hit play on the film. The boy was not walking in line and I could tell he was giving Allen problems, he keeps venturing away and getting distracted various things in the Pavilion. The benefit of the doubt I gave Allen subsided when I say the kid go press the button for the Fast Pass on Soarin’ and take the paper Fast Pass almost like a prize. Allen then tugged him away and stood back and observed as the kids walked to Living With The Land. I saw them get on the boat. I saw them through the storm scene, through the rain forest scene, then through the desert scene. After the desert I lost the boat on camera. The ride stopped momentarily, you could see it on the other scenes, and once it resumes I saw the boat again in the scene with the pictures of farmers. The boat was empty. I also saw freakin’ Allen looking down off of the observation deck… which explains how he responded so quickly. I switched the cameras back to live view and left that area. I haven’t been exactly honest with you thus far, I know a lot of things of what Disney does and things that we respond to that a regular security officer wouldn’t deal with. I have seen them experiment so many things such as eugenics, pharmaceutical engineering, even experimenting with gas. Have you ever noticed that on both Space Ship Earth and the Monorail that you get a strange calm feeling on those rides? Well they are pumping low doses of laughing gas in those areas. Ever heard of Room 0? They were wearing gas masks for a reason. Ever hear of Gascots? Well that’s not important right now, I would encourage you to research it. I never thought that what we did was okay by containing these dark secrets, but it paid well. I have seen them quickly inject some experimental drug on guests and throws them back out there, our job was to monitor and contain them if things went haywire. I know that I am the bad guy, but this wasn’t normal, this wasn’t procedural.
First thing I did was go over to the room where we keep the keys; I looked through the logbooks for the core labeled “C.C.” I found it but it had no zone or specific location issued to the core and the number of copies was marked as 1. This key was in our system but my Master Key didn’t open it. I grabbed the “Core Key” and a few Zone 1 Cores, The Core Key is a specific key that when inserted into the lock will remove the core so it can be replaced with another. I put this in my pocket and make a beeline for the Land and Sea Pavilion. I may be paranoid but I swear I saw Allen following me in the shadows.
I got to the ride and got to the house and back in the front door to the Masonic Room, and locked the front door as I entered. I inserted the Core Key into the lock on the wooden door, removed the core, and inserted the Zone 1 core into the lock. Now my Master Key will open the door, and boy did it. The door glided open, it was heavy and steel on the other side of the wood face. There was a velvet red carpeted staircase leading down to some kind of utilidor, but we are in EPCOT, what the hell. There is one small utilidor in EPCOT, but it doesn’t go this deep. I descended the stairs and walked down the red-carpeted hallway to these two double doors. Behind these doors was my answer and the truth as to what happened to these kids. Through these doors was the darkest side of Disney, a side of Disney that even I couldn’t believe. Would Walt be in favor of this? Or is this one of Eisner’s little idea of making more money off his guests.
Behind these doors was an empty dimly lit room with a small circular platform in the center. The carpet was the same lush red velvet carpet from the hallway. There were 6 leather armchairs around the circular platform, all with telephones and card readers on the table next to the chair. Inside I knew what was going on, I knew what was happening here. This is one thing I will not cover up for the Disney Corp. I stood there in disbelief and horror and noticed a small door towards the back of the room. I went over and popped out the “C.C.” core, put it in my pocket, and put in a Zone 1 Core. I heard someone clear their throat from the front of the room. It was Allen, he had an annoyed look on his face and held a gun trained at me. I slowly propped the door open on the latch and turned to face him.
“You never should have come here.” He said to me when he was stepping towards me.
“So this is what you and your scumbag friends resorted to? We did some pretty fucked up shit Allen, but this is a new low for you and your disgusting friends.” I had my hand at my side and blocked the view of me slipping the Zone 1 Core out of the handle, and into my pocket.
“It’s not going to matter because no one is going to find out.” He raised the gun and like something out of an action movie I ripped the door open as he pulled the trigger as a bullet hit the door. I jumped backwards through the doorway and shut it behind me. That asshole was stuck because I had both cores in my pocket so there was no way he could open the door. He started shooting the door, and I moved forward. I walked down a hallway with these small cell-like rooms lining the hall and inside were those playschool chairs and a few toys. I checked every one of them and they were all empty. I got to the end of the hall and there was this huge metal vault like door, I popped the last Zone 1 core into the door to replace the “C.C.” core and pulled the steel door open to be hit in the face with sunlight. I was outside on some side utility road off premises of EPCOT. The road led away, I was too late they were already gone for good.
I called the police but they never came, I called the FBI but they never took me seriously, hell I even called the CIA but they said they didn’t deal with domestic issues like that and referred me back to the FBI. I showed up at the Orange County police department HQ and they took a report but I heard something fall in the trash when I was leaving. Disney is good at what they do, they are good at keeping secrets, and they are good at controlling any outside force that attempts to bring their secrets to light. I am lucky I saw the sunlight again, and am lucky to have had time to leave the State before they got to me. If you go there, please keep your kids close. Watch out for the guys in the black polos. They may be monitoring you, they may be responding to something that will put you in danger. As far as I know, they aren’t the ones that pick out the merchandise… I don’t even know who does that.
Pictures of the house I've found on the web (I did not take these pictures)-
The second story of the house is seemingly normal, but I don't know how they access it. You'll also notice that there is an observation deck; this area was undergoing "maintenance" at the time. It was closed off to guests, but CCTV footage revealed nothing was happening in that area. The camera points back onto the observation area and not at the house, there are no cameras in that portion of the ride.
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Dec 1, 2019
During the 1950’s, ‘60’s, and ‘70’s at least 90% of the Illuminati’s trauma-based mind-controlled slaves were subjected to watching Disney’s Fantasia film in order for them to build the foundational imagery of the mindcontrol.
Child mind-control victims had their eyes taped open, and then sat one-on-one with their primary programmers so that the programmers could give the scripts as the child watched Disney’s Fantasia over and over.
What made Fantasia unique as a programming tool is that it had almost everything the programmers needed to create the foundational imagery for their trauma-based mind-control. To build a dependable alter system means that the worlds need a solid foundation. Fantasia has provided the means to get a solid foundation for the internal worlds that the Illuminati slaves build in their mind. It is also a masterpiece in coordinating color and music.
The Disney film Fantasia which premiered on Nov. 13, 1940 (at Broadway Theater in NYC) was a financial disaster as a movie, but was an Illuminati programming masterpiece. The film was released to theaters in ‘40, ‘46, ‘56, ‘63, ‘69, ‘77, ‘82, ‘85, ‘90 in order to catch every generation of children. The video was released in 1991.
During programming much of the child slave’s mind will watch the film. One particular part (alter) will be forced to memorize everything in the film. This small part (small alter) is well hidden in each victim’s mind. This small alter, who has a vivid and total recall of the film Fantasia, is locked carefully away so that ONLY an access code will pull him/her up. Watching the videotape Fantasia is not going to pull this alter up. The programmers pull this alter up when they have a clean slate alter. When they are taking a clean slate of the mind, they will pull the clean part up and have the alter who has memorized Fantasia throw its memory onto an internal big screen. The internal Outer space (aka Rubicon) is shaped like an amphitheater, and functions as a big vast screen for replay. There is an internal ball or sun created via the lighting effect of the movie Fantasia, so that the movie appears projected in the mind as on a globe.
And the Fantasia film images hit this internal globe and go circular in the mind and spin through the system. The programmer will then say to the new part "THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO CREATE. THIS IS WHAT WE NEED." In this fashion, Fantasia has provided the programmers with their primary tool for taking a dissociated
clean slate part of the mind, and manipulating it to become a new workable part within the system. The young part that holds the entire Fantasia memory is strategically placed in the system so that it can be called up from anyplace in the system. No matter where the programmer is working in the system, he can access this small alter whose function is to remember the movie. Most of the system will go into a trance sleep if shown the movie. The front (as well as most of the system’s alters) will be totally amnesic to having ever seen the movie. Since the programming put in with Fantasia is so fundamental it should come as no surprise that the programmers have done an excellent job in protecting this programming from everyone, including the slave. Abreacting the film for many alters could rip the system apart, because after the film is memorized severe trauma begins to be overlaid and attached to the film. There may be some small alters that still carry tiny bits and pieces of memory of the movie, but only one will really remember it.
The following script will be a running account of how Fantasia has been used as an important preparatory film for Illuminati trauma-based mind-control to train the mind-control victim’s mind to be able to visualize the programming that will be layered in. The time clock will begin when the feature film’s action begins, and then will run its entire 116 minutes. This will give the researcher of mind-control a blow-by-blow description of how a Disney movie is used for programming. The film was often shown to child victims around 3 to 4 years of age with a wide screen while the child was under a guided LSD trip. (Prior to the use of LSD some other drugs were used.)
A Grande Dame or Mother-of-Darkness often worked with the Illuminati programmer as an Assistant Programmer.
The scripts & the programming have already been discussed prior to showing the child the film, so the programmers know the direction they want to take the child, & will tailor some of what is said to the child victim to individualize the programming. When a three or four year old is shown Fantasia on a hypnotically-prepared and controlled LSD trip, the colors & effects of Fantasia are increased about 1,000 times. The film is realer than real to the child. The movie will not be shown just once, but over and over so that the scripts are ingrained into the mind.
The imagery for the child’s internal world will be well established, because the big screen movie enhanced by both the drugs and the bright colors of the art work will seem more real that life itself. At this time, the child is a multiple, but the walls between the various parts of the mind are not solid, but similar to the walls between ego states in an adult non-multiple. A large part of the 3 or 4 year-old child’s system will be allowed to view the system,including the Christian parts. Then the entire system (with the single exception of the alter carrying the entire memory of the film) will be hypnotically told to forget having seen the film. Years later, the front alters will not remember having seen the movie, but they may have a strange dislike for the film. They may find that they can’t identify where their feelings of dislike of the film stem from. The child victim wil watch the movie with its programmer and assistant programmer one-on-one, with no other children in the room. The child will watch the film repeatedly and be grilled about what is in the movie.
The child will see the movie so many times in such a vivid form and will be tested to the point that the movie will be memorized. But it will be hypnotically locked up in the subconscious by the programmers, so that it forms a base for the mind to begin building programming, but will remain hidden from the conscious. At the time the Fantasia film was made, the Illuminati had been creating trained multiples for years, but they knew they wanted to program the different personalities in accordance with the best mind-control techniques of the day. For this reason,the Fantasia film was planned ahead of time, so that it could possibly serve as a programming aid. The film is silent (almost no words) except for music so that it can be used for hypnotic visualization, so that the Mother of Darkness & the programmer can fill in the programming script with the child victim as they watch the movie. As it turned out, their plans were successful. The New Age author David Tame states in his book The Secret Power of Music (Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1984, p. 292), that Fantasia is. . . "A superb marriage between the visual and musical arts.
Most of the sequences.. .are what New Age cinema was intended to be!" The power of the movie to influence the mind stands out. In order to make the film, Disney used some strong arm tactics on a few people. The movie was a box office flop when first released in the 1940’s, but then it was made for the occult world anyway. By the 1960’s, the Illuminati had create a drug culture and had lots of undetectable mind-controlled slaves running around that had been programmed with Fantasia. In the 1960’s, Fantasia became a hit with the drug culture which had its share of Illuminati slaves deeply involved in it. One more reminder, the sentences that are "ALL CAPS" in the script are things that the programmers are saying to the child victim as the child watches the film. (Bear in mind, that the child watches the film over & over, so not everything indicated in this script by caps that the programmer says will necessarily be said in one showing.)
00 minutes. Curtains open. Action begins with an orchestra. The Conductor upon a step pyramid is the center of the scene, and is shown to be the center of authority. Master Programmer Dr. Joseph Mengele liked Fantasia because he was a musician and a violinist. Mengele (Dr. Green) liked Bach, Beethoven, and Schubert and orchestra music.
He enjoyed taking what he liked & using this music to make slaves. He would portray himself during programming as being the conductor, & all the orchestra were his children. The film will allow for a repetition of this theme.

00.5 minutes. The instruments begin playing. The musicians are silhouettes which cast shadows upon the wall. Alters will often see themselves in this fashion too, as merely a shadow or merely a silhouette.
01.5 minutes. The MC (named Taylor) begins talking. He begins grooming the viewer. He says that the film may suggest to your imagination "geometric figures floating in space."
02. minutes. The M.C. says there are 3 kinds of music. He says some music is to create definite stories, some to create definite pictures, and some music exists for its own sake.
02.5 minutes. The M.C. introduces us to the "Absolute music."
03. minutes. He states that ,,Abstract images that might pass through your will suggest other things to your imagination..." The Philadelphia Orchestra begins playing "Toccata and Fuge" by Bach in the background. As a cartoon for children (or adults) the film has already lost the normal audience at this point. (There is no way that Disney could have escaped realizing that the film starts out losing the normal audience.)
03.5 minutes. The conductor is standing out and everyone else is a silhouette with shadow mirror images (like so many of the alters become). Leopald Stokowski is now standing as the rising sun rises. This is an allusion to sun worship and the sun rising in the east. The music is going up and down, and this music at this point is used to train the child to go up and down the trance ladder (that is to go deeper or lighter in trance).
04. minutes. The conductor opens his hands and waves them in an Illuminati hand signal. The music begins.
06 minutes. A row of violinists play, they are merely silhouettes with shadows.
06.5 minutes. A harp scale is played in the background
that is used in the programming. Triggers are attached to this harp scale, or the harp scale is used as a foundation identifier for a piano scale. More children can be taught the piano than the harp, so this scale is usually transferred to a piano scale.
07 minutes. A series of 3 musicians is shown.
07.5 minutes. The conductor (the programmer) becomes invisible. The Prog. Assistant will ask the child, "WHO IS GREEN? GREEN BECOMES INVISIBLE."
08 minutes. First lines representing bows are shown (the violinists are invisible), then the Golden Gate Bridge. "REMEMBER THE BOW, NOT THE VIOLINIST." The bow lines flashing on the screen represent energy.
08.5 minutes. Colored disks are flashed onto the screen. The lights are represented to the child victim ‘THAT’S DR. GREEN’S ORCHESTRA." Geometric shapes and flashes of lines explode onto the screen. Concentric rings that will pattern the concentric worlds appear. (See Vol. 2 p. 196 for an illustration of this.)
10. minutes. Asst. Prog. will say, ,,YOU ARE HIS STAR." as stars flash on the screen. Many hidden alters (parts) are stars. Swirling lines arrive, and then colors and then more concentric lines.
11 minutes. Worlds within worlds are shown. Water is shown. Concentric circles that are the pattern for the worlds are presented. A varying number (5 or 7) of Castle-like structures materialize and then disappear. (These will form the pattern for some of the internal castles.) A quick flowing yellow line comes down the center of the screen, ‘THAT’S THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD."
11.5 min. Lots of stars emerge.
12 minutes. Various worlds are shown, and an illusionary castle. Lots of stars are shown, which will be how the victim will model many of their alter parts after. Lots of purple stars appear, representing royal star alters.
12.5 minutes. Spiral splotches of cloud-like colors appear and disappear in dissociative colors. This is the Kingdom of the Gods during programming. The Asst. Programmer takes the opportunity to ask, "WHOSE ORCHESTRA?"
This scene is used for the internal heaven where the kings are. Then the camera shows the conductor finishing.
13 minutes. The programmer has finished building his basic worlds.
13.5 minutes. The MC talks about Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.
14 minutes. 13 circling lights come into view circling around and around. (The 13 lights are something like 4 yellow lights, 3 white lights, 4 orange, 2 blue-something like this. They don’t have to be all the different programming colors at this point, because that programming will come in its own time.) Stars turn into fairies. A fairy with lots of fairy dust whirls around. ("Make a wish" the slave will be told later on, create what you want.) Flowers grow into butterflies. Hypnotic music plays as the fairy throws fairy dust. Soon, the Fairy spins a web.
15 minutes. The cabalistic tree of life is made with lights, and then the many colors of the ribbons are flashed up on the screen quickly. A compass image is very quickly flashed on the screen.
16 minutes. Lights multiply on the screen, and a spider web appears in the background. There are lots of stars which shine as lights in a spider web. (Stars will serve as alters in programming, the spider web serves as a system within the system, see Vol. 2.) There are several shots of multitudes of stars on a spider web. 16.5 minutes. There is an explosion of light which has a splintering effect (which will fit in well with an electroshock later on to create alters.) Around and around go 6 big mushrooms dancing, with a little one trying to participate. The programmer will point out that the mushrooms are "A FAMILY". When the splintering effect is done with real electricity in the future, the mind will splinter into a family.
17.6 minutes. Concentric circles appear in water. Flashing pedals emerge as if they were dissociation spreading through the water. The flowers are the top spinners (see the pages in Deeper Insights on spin tortures to create spinner families), they dance, & then they float away in the bubbles (of dissociation). "A FAMILY OF SPINNERS" the programmer will say. "SEE THEY SPIN YOU INTO BUBBLES INTO NOTHINGNESS." There is lots of dancing shown by the spinners. Everyone is dancing to the top. The child victim’s head will be wobbling back and forth from the influence of the drugs and dissociation at this point.
19.5 minutes. When the family of fish make a star, the Asst. Programmer says, "SEE HOW SAD THEY ARE." The fish dance in circles and they also hide behind veils. "THE FISH MADE ITS OWN BUBBLES AND YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN BUBBLES TOO."
21.5 min. The child is trained to trance at the hypnotic 8’s that appear in the water. This type of scene will put the deeper alters to sleep of a slave still actively being used. The movie here is being used to teach symbols, which will be important in the programming. Asst. Programmer, "LOOK YOU’RE JUST FLOATING.. ..FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SLEEP...SEE SHE WENT RIGHT INTO THE CENTER OF THE TRANCE STATE.. .YOU DANCEROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND AND WHERE WE END UP YOU’LL NEVER KNOW."
22 minutes. Lots of bubbles begin appearing. They will be used in the programming to assist the child to protect its mind from the traumas. The asst. programmer may have a bubble toy to make bubbles in her hand as a game to play with the child. The child will be trained and programmed to put its memories into bubbles and let them disappear. "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO INTO THE BUBBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DARKNESS? 1,2,3...NOW THERE ARE MANY BUBBLES, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT YOU TO DO." At this point the film is showing different colors of bubbles, for instance gold bubbles. This trains the child’s mind to identify different colors of bubbles. The bubble-fish-flower scene is going on. "DON’T YOU FEEL LIKE THAT FISH, ROUND AND ROUND YOU GO" (dissociation encouraged). The fish continues going in a dissociative spin. The fish swim in graceful perfect figure 8’s which have a subconscious hypnotic induction message to the victim. "SLEEPY LITTLE FISH" is said when the music gets hypnotic. "YOU’RE SLEEPY & YOU’RE TIRED, THIS IS NOTHING BUT A DREAM." "ALL THE DIAMONDS ARE ALL AROUND, NOT YOU" In other words, this is teaching the child that their entire internal world can be around them, but "you don’t know that it’s you." The child begins to lose the ability to realize that other parts of itself belong to itself, they are only stars, etc.
The fish changes into another character. flowers are appearing in different colors of the color coding, red, green, orange, blue, white. . .All of a sudden it get’s still. "SHH, LISTEN CLOSELY."
22.5 minutes. Eyes shine in the darkness. "EVERYTHING IS FINE, YOU JUST RELAX."
Silhouettes appear, which represent fish (alters, and people) who are there but you don’t see them, they are behind the veil like the silhouettes. ‘THEY AREN’T THERE, IF YOU SEE THEM THEY AREN’T REAL THEY LOOK LIKE A FLOWER, WHEN YOU SEE THEM, YOU WON’T SEE A CHILD- YOU WILL SEE A FLOWER." The silhouette veil gives the sense to the child that he can sense something but it’s not there.

23 min. Different plants
appear and dance. (This part of movie is very important in structuring.) The plants separate into many plants and flowers, and they multiply on the screen, but at the end they solidity into a solid plant. This is teaching the ,,you-are-one-but-you-are-many" concept. "FAMILIES ALWAYS WORK TOGETHER. WHETHER YOU ARE BLUE OR YELLOW OR GREEN, FAMILIES ALWAYS WORK TOGETHER IN HARMONY."
24.5 minutes. ,,YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN ORCHESTRA". Fruit that hangs on the tree is shown, which will be the basis for how they hang the programs (the fruit) in the internal world. Note the colors, orange, white, yellow, purple, blue, green,...
24.5 minutes. Fairyland appears on the screen. The Fairies awake and fly through leaves. ‘THERE’S YOUR FAIRIES. SHE IS VERY MAGICAL. SHE CAN CREATE ANYTHING AND SO CAN YOU." "THE FAIRIES ARE SO MAGICAL."
Disney often portrays Mickey Mouse as a Sorcerer.
When the core is being first split, the parts of the mind that are creative are taken and used to create the fairies. The programmers will only take these original creative splits, they will not try to get fairies from any more torture. The fairies are the creative parts of the child, how ever many creative parts that the child has splintered will be the number of fairies created. These parts of the mind receive very heavy programming. They are core splits. (If readers remember on page 87 of Vol. 2, it refers to a Core Protector coded "Creation". That alter was a fairy, a core split. Not only does this creative part make things "magically" for the system, it protects the core. Does that help people to understand how the Core can be so creatively protected?! (For more understanding about the Core see Cisco’s very deep article on the Core.) Fairies are assigned to every part of an alter system. The child of 3 or 4, who watches Fantasia has had their core locked away at 2 1/2. The core’s stars have not been locked away yet, & have access to her energy. When the system is built, the stars are locked away & become the core’s guardians. They will act like the core to protect her. The real value of the fairies comes when the core’s stars are locked away & the Programmers have to depend upon the creative power of the fairies.
24 minutes. A vine (which represents a system’s double helix) lights up one leaf after another. The leaves are staggered (alternated) and they light up in sequence, which teaches the child the foundation of how they will create the DNA helix and its staggered exit permissions.
25.5 min. The leaves are now floating up and down, like the alters will learn to do. "SOME FALL TO THE GROUND AND DIE." This is the point where the story of the Oak Tree will be added in for programming. When the Illuminati programmers want "to destroy" an alter they can use the chandelier-MT 6:22-23 torture mentioned on page 310 of the Vol. 2 Formula book, and then have the splintered alters become leaves that fall to the ground and die. After this, these disobedient and now "dead" alters can be taken & be dissociated from their memories. The memories are locked up someplace permanent within the mind.
26. min. Out of a leaf like "box" come a series of fairies. The child is taught to put things (such as alters) in boxes of various shapes.
26.5 min. Leaves blow in the wind. Fairies cover things and keep them safe.
27. min. Fairies continue flying around. The seasons are passing in sequence. An internal green-skirted fairy will be connected to the internal hourglass during the programming.
27.5 min. The fairies quit flying and skate on ice. The season has turned to winter.
28 min. A winter scene. The four seasons have come to an end.
28.5 min. A sorcerer is introduced by the MC (emcee). The sorcerer is shown and then his assistant or trainee who is Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse wants to be creative and magical like the great wizard. Mickey Mouse sees the power that the sorcerer has, and wants that power. What is really being subtly portrayed here is the programmer (the wizard) and the core & the core’s creative splits (Mickey Mouse). Showing the programmer as a great wizard is actually right on the money. The top programmers are all Grand Masters in the Illuminati and are very much into
29 min. The sorcerer (wizard) is shown again. This time the wizard,, with his skull beside him, creates from his witch’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.)
The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters!
30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one of the few things in the film that doesn’t mean anything for the programming. It merely has witchcraft symbols.) Then a magic broom appears.
30.5 min. The broomstick comes alive. The broomstick imagery will be used to help create the pancake people (ribbon alters who will haul the internal computer messages). The broomstick person in the film hauls buckets of water. The child is having story after story layered in over a period of time, which are being skillfully constructed toward a programming end. Parts of the child’s mind that see the movie Fantasia will be dissociated clean slates. They will need to have some imagery given to them so that they have something to build mentally upon. In Cisco’s section of the book, in the Truth article it is discussed how themind looks at sensory inputs and tries to make sense of a pattern by comparing it to previous patterns that it has identified.
Learning is a step-by-step building process, and so is programming.
31. min. Mickey as the apprentice sorcerer (in a sense the victim who the programmer is training) manipulates the broomstick person. "THE CHILD (Mickey) CAN DO WHAT THE GREAT MAGICIAN DID. YOU CAN TELL YOUR MIND WHAT TO DO. YOU GET POWER BY LEARNING TO BE CREATIVE." Mickey (and the victim) become mirror images of the Wizard over them.
32 min. Then the sorcerer sits on his throne, and while on the throne acts like the conductor. Here is a subtle mental tie-in that Mickey is playing the role of programmer (conductor) and is sitting on an Illuminati throne (like so many of the Illuminati Grand Master programmers have actually done.) Michael Aquino is just one of several mindcontrol programmers who have gone by the name of Mickey. Because Mickey Mouse is substituted for being the programmer at different points in programming, this scene will tie in well with other standard programming sessions.
32.5 min. Mickey in the film clearly is shown leaving his physical body and astrally projecting himself. This is such a vivid portrayal of occult astral projection, that it is mind-boggling that many Christians consider Walt Disney movies to be christian. (See Vol. 2, p. 319, for a discussion of the scientific methods to understand and induce astral projection.) This again is laying the mental foundation for the child to leave its body mentally and either hover over its body in dissociation or to travel somewhere via astral projection. Mickey Mouse then begins conducting lights. These lights represent the alters that the victim will make for the conductor. The lights (aka stars) are the conductor’s orchestra. Lightning (such as flashes that come from electroshock) and stormy weather are being controlled by Mickey. Notice that the things Mickey is controlling are fear-based. After the child has viewed the film many times and memorized it, when the electro-shock is applied during this time of the film, the child will control it like Mickey by ‘magically’ creating splits.
33.5 min. Mickey begins conducting waves. Then, for those who understand the veiled scenes, Mickey begins going through the different magic spheres conquering the different spirits. This is Enochian Magic. 34 min. Mickey wakes up back in his body, and he is in trouble with rising water i.e. a water trauma. Mickey is thrown into the water. The child victim will identify this with the drowning tortures that are given to instill "no talk-no tell" messages. After Mickey (or in child himself) has done something, and returns to his body, then the "‘no-talk"’ message will kick in. Victims of mind-control often get the feeling of drowning when they trigger a no-talk message.
34.5 min. More water continues to flow.
35 min. All of a sudden without any continuity of action, Mickey gets an ax and kills the broom by splitting it. The broom dies and then multiplies when it comes back to life. This is such a clear picture of what the programmers want the child’s mind to do. They will traumatize the child essentially unto death, and then they want the tortured alter to multiply itself into many more duplicate alters. Armies of brooms are formed from the broom. This scene here is a clear red flag that the Illuminati asked Walt Disney to produce this film. This scene with the trauma death of the broom, with it splitting in half, and then coming back to life in a multiplied form, is evidence that this film was meant to be used for training children in multiplicity. The assistant programmer will say "IT’S O.K. TO SPLINTER." "YOU ARE TIRED, YOU CAN ESCAPE THAT BY RESTING AND LET A PART OF YOURSELF COME OUT." At this point, it is necessary to explain what is going to be done when they begin to splinter the child’s mind. After the splitting trauma, the programmer needs to be able to see what the child has created, so he wants the child to look at what’s been made. "‘CAN YOU LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE CREATED?"
However, the part of the child that looks back at the trauma will then see that the dissociated trauma was real and that will make the child angry. The programmers want the child to dissociate what he built, and when the child looks back at what he has created he goes into a vortex of dissociation. The child is told if he ever looks back at the memory he will go into the vortex.
35.5 min. Water is being thrown in by the brooms, while Mickey throws water out.
36 min. All of a sudden a hypnotic vortex sucks things in during the film.
36.5 min. The brooms all march in an army, while Mickey reads his magic book. Mickey then uses his magic book as a lifeboat when he gets whirled into a vortex. A vortex is often created from that part of the mind that is holding the high energy that accumulates in the mind just before the mind splits. It holds the highest energy of the mind.
One way a vortex is created is to place the child on a traumatic Disney ride--like a rollar coaster. Special electrical boxes or electrical shoes are outfitted onto the child so that during the ride, at a particular timed moment when fear is increasing, that fear has pain of the electrical shock added to it. A cattle prod of course would be too dangerous to take up on some type of ride like that with all the motion. Also bear in mind, a small child doesn,,t take need the electrical power that an adult needs to take it down.
37 min. At the bottom of vortices in the Illuminati programming, the programmers place Guardian demons. In Fantasia, when Mickey gets to the bottom of the vortex, sure enough, there is a Guardian there to meet him. The Guardian spirit parts the water as if he were Moses with the Red Sea.
38. min. The Conductor and Mickey Mouse shake hands. The conductor does something very significant. Mickey congratulates the conductor and then the conductor (programmer) in turn says, "Mickey, you’ve done a good job."
(Yes, the core/core splits have done a good job at this point, they have just created their inner world!) The MC tells us about the next song the occult Rite of Spring. Spring rituals are creation rituals and so this music is ritually connected to what the programmers are going to do in this segment. The MC states that instead of the viewer seeing tribal dances (which are by the way witchcraft dances), that instead Disney has decided to show us scenes of what went on billions of years ago. (This next part is also a subtle push for Darwin’s theory of evolution. But because it is child’s entertainment, people don’t have their guard up. The theory of evolution is important, because it allows people including the victim to not take moral responsibility for their actions, and it is also the basis of some of the Hinduism and witchcraft teachings that will be given the deeper alters. This is a backdoor approach to destroy godliness that is carried out on children in general.)
39.5 min. The MC says, "Imagine a lonely tormented little planet spinning in a sea of nothingness." This is exactly what the programmer will say to the child as they work together at building an internal world. The "sea of nothingness" is what the reader will see described in our books as "Outer Space" or ,,the Rubicon." Also that "sea of nothingness" is used much later to reinforce the secrecy of the programmers. Much later as the programmer and torture has progressed the programmers will say to alters, "LOOK DOWN ON THE EMPTY SEA OF NOTHINGNESS. THERE IS NO DR. GREEN. THERE IS NO DADDY THERE."
40 minutes. A swirl of stars in a galaxy appears. Swirls of comet-like lights flash by. "MANY WORLDS THERE." This will set the base for the child to build galaxies and worlds within their mind. "BE LIKE GOD, CREATE YOUR WORLD. BE YOUR OWN GOD AND CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD" the child is told at this point.
42 minutes. The face of the planet emerges.
42.5 min. Lots of volcanoes erupt on the screen, setting the foundation to build realistic internal volcanoes.
45 min. Oceans, and water and fire are coming into being. The child victim needs to know how a world is created in order to create their own internal world. Lava begins flowing as the flute plays the background music. Lightening flashes. The violence of the fierce weather portrayed will be enhanced by the child on drugs to a thousand times its magnitude. This is important because it will take a great deal of mental energy and external torture to create the internal worlds. Having such super-vivid pictures will help when the victim goes to build their internal worlds.
There will be special purpose fragments that will be made into the elements of fire and water. That’s all these special purpose fragments will know. Breaking through the layers in the alter systems will trigger internal earthquakes. This and a later earthquake scene are used to build the foundation for the internal violent weather. If an internal earthquake shakes a slave’s mind, it has the same effect as if a real earthquake were going off. Everything internally shakes and shifts. An alter system will also have fire children, who start internal fires, and will give internal alters the abreaction or sense that they are burning. The mind gets very survival minded when it thinks it is burning, and goes right back into the programming that is linked with the victim’s compliance for survival during programming.
46 minutes. The oceans continue to form.
47 min. A calm occurs in the action.
47.5 min. The screen gets dark except for an amoeba, which becomes two amoebas. As the little amoebas multiply, the asst. programmer encourages the child, "IT’S O.K. TO MULTIPLY. GOD WANTED YOU TO MULTIPLY" Remember, the programmers are working with a pre-schooler with clean slate alters. The programmers must show images that the child can relate to. The concept of the broom being split in half and then multiplying and now the concept of the amoebas splitting are portrayed in a way that the child’s mind can grasp the concept.
49 minutes. Dinosaurs appear. The programmers will reframe the concept of dinosaurs into monsters and demons.
The sea-going dinosaurs will be refrained as guardian demons which guard the internal rivers. These guardian demons tie in with Armageddon end-time programming. They also guard the various worlds.
50 min. Dinosaur-birds swoop down and grab prey. This imagery will be refrained to lay the basis for the winged monkey watchers of the Oz stories. The winged-monkey watchers are the child alters who are assigned to watch and guard the system.
51.5 min. Fierce dinosaurs (later ref rained as Dragons) protect the swamps. Swamps are built into the internal worlds, so this is very helpful. Demons and alters like Dameon are set up as guards.
52 minutes- More swamps appear. The swamp scenes will form the base in the child’s mind for the internal river Styx. (See more about this in this book’s article "Programming, foundations, destruction of"). Some dinosaurs that have long necks that look like snakes begin appearing. The asst. programmer will reframe these to the child,
"LOOK, THE SEED OF SATAN." "THAT IS A DEMON." While the child watches, they reframe the hugh dinosaurs as being demons. Pictures of reptilian looking demons will be shown to the child too. At that age, the child is not going to see the difference. (A note for therapists: Some ""demons’" may actually be important parts to an alter system, and are being used to protect unauthorized users from entering important areas of the system.)
54 min.- Fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex chases dinosaurs. This chase scene is especially frightening to a young child on a LSD trip. Long-necked snake-like dinosaurs appear. They may be refrained as a python snake. T Rex is also known as Leviathan, a demon that inhabits the kundalini spinal column and causes pain in the victim, he is written about on page 302 in our Vol. 2 book. In the film a long fierce struggle between T Rex and other dinosaurs ensues.
55 min. The dinosaurs begin dying and soon dies. ,,THE LORD DOESN’T LIKE THEM."’ This will later be refrained that if parts integrate they are to die. If someone tries to get into the system, the alters are to bury themselves deep like these dinosaurs do on the film.
56 min. Dead bones appear
59 min. Mountains soar out of the ground into eminence.
59.5 min. It gets stormy on the screen, winds & floods appear.
60. min. Stillness comes as the sun rises.
61 min. The sun sets. (During the programming, this may be refrained as the moon setting. It can be both or either or. Remember, the programmer is working with the child’s creativity.) Various scenes during the film show the moon in different phases which is important for bringing in programming concepts like Mr. Moon.
61.3 min. The orchestra is now playing. Music is an important part of mind-control programming. The affect of music on the mind and body has been studied. Music can double the heart beat, accelerate the respiratory rate, make that rate irregular, enhance perception, lower the threshold for various sensory stimuli, change blood pressure & circulation, and alter the muscles in the body. Dance music and "march" music done by orchestras change muscle response. Music is also a great way to cause dissociation.
62.5 min. The MC introduces the "‘Sound Track’ who he says is an important person for Fantasia who can be seen around the Disney studio. When Mr. Sound Track appears, he is simply a vertical line. The MC says he is "an important screen personality." The ground work is being laid for a person being anything, even a line. The MC states that each sound creates a picture.
63 minutes. The MC encourages the personified Sound Track ""don’t be nervous."" Then a sound is made like an electrical shock and the line develops a splotch of color in it. During the programming at this point an electrical shock would be applied to the child.
63.5 minutes. The harp is ask to sound. The harp begins playing a scale and the line becomes double 8’s and snakelike spirals. The child will be taught to dissociate when seeing such double 8’s.
64 min. The violin begins going up and down. Each of these instruments is going up and down the scale, like doray- me-fa-so-la-tee-do. The music is used to teach the alters to go up and down the helix, which is figured in this part of the film. As the music goes down, an alter is taught to go down in trance, and as it climbs higher, the alter will trance higher. All these instruments (violin, flute, bass, bassoon) are being used to teach alters how to work in the system. The MC describes the flute as "very pretty".
64.3 min. A trumpet begins playing and the colors, yellow, orange, etc. begin showing.
64.5 min. When the bassoon plays, the MC says, "Go on. Drop the other shoe"-- "Go to the shoe" which translates "‘go to the ground"" --the deepest trance level. The following is the double-pyramid, with a helix up the middle that appears when the bassoon plays: -(This configuration is very important to all these Illuminati alters systems.)-
65 min. The drum plays and some other percussion instruments play. These are taught to the child as the cult’s "HEARTBEAT". They will hear this sound internally for many years to come. Then some sounds that have a shattering effect (cymbals) like broken mirrors are made in the film.
65.5 min. As the sounds take place a line is made with a pyramid at the top. This is laying the groundwork for the system’s structuring.
66 min. The MC laughs and talks about Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony (Beethoven’s 6th) which is next.
66.5 minutes. The screen comes alive with magical Unicorns of different colors. Then Pan (a satan-like figure) appears playing his pipes, and soon lots of little Pans (little demons) are playing their pipes. The little Pans (demons) play and dance with the unicorns. The orchestra plays again. (This author, Fritz, remembers when I said that Pan was an evil demon, I was rebuked by a Christian minister. He then said Pan a benevolent cheery creature".
A number of books which may be obtained from Satanic bookstores document that Pan is indeed considered a powerful demon by occultists.)
67 min. Pegasus (the mythical greek winged horse) flies in. As a Mother horse she takes care of little ones on the screen. She is a protector in the programming.
68 min. "FANTASY IS FUN. FANTASY IS A GAME YOU PLAY. MOTHER TEACHES YOU. SEE HOW MOTHER IS A TEACHER. SEE THE BLACK AND WHITE HORSE. THEY ALWAYS FLY TOGETHER, BUT ARE SEPARATE. THEY ARE FLYING OVER THE CLOUDS." "OVER THE CLOUDS, INTO THE BLUE YONDER." The child is rewarded for what it has to do with the game of fantasy. "THAT’S YOUR REWARD FOR DOING WHAT YOU ARE TO DO. YOU CAN LEARN TO FLY OVER THE CLOUDS." The child feels rewarded by the game of fantasy. The fantasy scenes in Walt Disney’s Fantasia are like the Wizard of Oz scenes in Oz, fantasy-land is more colorful and fun than real life. Vivid colors will be splashed about during the fantasy-land scenes.
68.5 min. A castle appears as Pegasus flies around. This and other castle scenes will help the child develop the imagery for the spiritual castles that the child will build internally. Then they swim in the water. "SEE THE MIRROR IMAGES, WATER CAN BE GLASS." During the programming mirrors are put into the internal system.
A mirror can be a piece of glass, the surface of a pond, or an asphalt runway. When the programming is complete, underneath the water &/or the runway lurk demons.
70 min. Waterfalls emerge and issue forth. The waterfalls are used by the programmers to erase all the slave’s memory of what was done to them. The child will be told at the end of watching Fantasia (and this will be said at other programming events too), "JUST REMEMBER THE GOOD, JUST REMEMBER THE FANTASY". The fantasy is given so that the subconscious can rest in peace after the programming. The child is told "WASH YOURSELF CLEAN."
70.5 min. The little girls appear as girl centaurs (half girl-half horse). "SEE THE LITTLE GIRLS ARE HORSES."
71 minutes. Then a scene appears where one girl centaur braids another girl centaur’s long hair. The Illuminati teach their slaves to braid their memories. They braid their memories up and then lock them in. All the Daddy memories will be locked up & braided and then locked for good.
72 min. Male centaurs appear. They are near water and make mirror images in the water.
72.5 min. A crown is placed on a female centaur and 2 doves. During the Illuminati death, burial and resurrection ceremonies lilies are used for crowns, and doves are used. These are significant programming/ritual symbols. The female centaurs look at the male centaurs. This will be refrained as a system can have both male and female parts.
73 min. Starting with one female centaur, the females act seductive to the males, who then respond. For bras the females have bras of daisies. The Vol. 2 book explained how the daisy programming is a life-or-death type program. Vivid colors are used for each centaur. For instance, one may be purple and another one another color, which sets the groundwork for alters to have different access color codes. Alters do not usually see themselves as being in different colors, although it does happen on occasion.
73.8 min. A marriage takes place between the centaurs. The programmers catch these nuances of the film and use them. The marriage here teaches the child to be acquainted with the arm-and-arm marriage ceremonies. Remember, the programmers are dealing with clean slates that must be taught from the ground up. In the next few minutes, the cherub children will watch sexual body language, and the child victim is also picking up on enticing sexual body motions.
74.2 min. The centaurs go swimming. "I FEEL LIKE A LITTLE GIRL WITH A HORSE’S BODY."
75 min. Little cherubs are dancing and flying around. When pictured the artists at times single out 3 cherubs who blow flutes together. The female centaur appears, who is fair haired (blond) and blue-eyed, which is what the Illuminati like. When she hears the tone (of the flutes) she goes into a trance state and walks with her eyes closed. This imagery is used to teach alters that when they hear certain tones, they are to go into a trance state and do certain things. The little cherub turns into a heart, and when no one is watching goes into the tree. In programming, this part is the Keeper of the Tree. Notice how everything is veiled. The assistant programmer will point the cherub out to the child victim, "LOOK AT WHAT HE DID."
76.5 min. A curtain then shrouds the scene. The curtain appears to be tree-like. More bubbles appear, and more water. All the mythical creatures on the screen begin to dance and be merry and have a feast.
78 min. "THE LEAVES ARE FALLING." Blood-like wine is drank at the feast. "SEE THE BLOOD."
"SEE THE LITTLE DEVILS POP UP." The only human in this Disney scene is honored. This is done to teach the alters that humans and animals can mix. That they can be accepted for what they are, even if they think they are an animal or something else they will be accepted at the cult’s feasts. These scenes are all for internal programming. By the way, one of the pretty female centaurs makes a sexual pass at the fat human, who then chases her. "MUST PLEASE THE MASTER."
80 min. A scary storm comes up, and Zeus, and the greek gods appear. ,,BETTER FEAR IT. HE’S A GOD YOU’D BETTER FEAR HIM. HE THROWS LIGHTNING." This demon who throws lightening is named Furfur. He also makes thunder & strong winds in the system (alter system’s worlds). Readers can learn more about this demon, named Furfur, in Cisco’s second part of Deeper Insights in the article on "Programming, foundations, destruction of".
81 minutes. Lightening bolts are thrown from heaven.
81.5 min. All the little cherubs run for cover in fear.
82 min. Pegasus the protector flies in to protect everyone, especially a new born Pegasus. The wind is personified as a two-headed blowing person. This two-headed Janus wind comes storming through the heavens. The programmer will often place his own voice "IN THE WIND." The greek god (internal demon) throws a lightening bolt.
83 min. "SEE THE GODS". The child is learning what to make internally. Zeus then relaxes & goes to sleep.
84 min. More vivid colors form. "FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH ALL THE COLORS." The film at this point is teaching the child to stay in the framework of the programming for safety. To go outside of the programming is terror. The child is learning to fear the godlike demonic guardians.
84.5 min. The fantasy world is coming alive. It is a happy fantasy world. A goddess in the sky makes a rainbow emerge. This is the rainbow goddess of the programming.
85 min. All the happy unicorns and cherubs fly ‘"over the rainbow." (Refer back to the Vol. 2 book p.94 to understand the significance of going over the rainbow.) The unicorn is derived from old British paganism where the lion represented sun worship, and the unicorn represented moon worship. This is why the Royal Arms of the British Royal Family have a unicorn on one side, & a lion on the other. Sexually the unicorn represents androgeny.
During programming, the horses, pegasi, unicorns and centaurs shown in the Fantasia movie become the foundation upon which the Illuminati programmers build the Night Mare alters who are beasts of burden who carry an alter system’s memories. These are logical no-emotion alters who are early splits & who are programmed after the child is verbal. See Cisco’s article on Dream Work for more understanding about the horse alters, as well as chapter 7 on Structuring.
86 minutes. More rainbows and lots of bubbles come into view. The film has done an excellent lob of showing how the Furfur God of thunder protects the Rainbow. Once an alter has gone over the rainbow, they can not come back because a demon protects the Rainbow. The rainbow is also protected by alters who fear the gods. After seeing Fantasia, the therapist can understand why the little child protector alters have fear about these gods. The master (who represents Furfur) in the movie swallows the rainbow. If an alter looks internally for the rainbow, he or she will only find stars, because the protector will come up and say, "I swallowed the rainbow." The rainbow is kept well hidden internally. This scene is used to teach alters how to go over the rainbow. ""BEFORE YOU GO OVER THE RAINBOW, YOU HAVE TO PUT ALL YOUR MEMORIES IN THE BUBBLE. YOU CAN’T TAKE ANYTHING OVER THE RAINBOW INTO FANTASY LAND."
86.5 minutes. Apollo, the sun god comes out.
87 min. A big mother spirit who fills the whole sky is now shown by Disney. She hangs over the rainbow. When a system is built this is indeed what they put in. All go to sleep in the film.
87.5 minutes. Arrows shoot the stars into the heavens. This is more programming imagery. When you look for the rainbow, you see stars.
88 min. The conductor finishes again.
88.5 min. The next setting is a Venetian nobleman’s (a duke’s) palace. Curtains open. The use of curtains is spoken about in our previous books.
89 min. Curtains open. An Ostrich begins dancing, and gets others to ballet dance.
90 min. The Ostriches begin dancing in a circle, this is laying the groundwork for what the cult family does. The Assistant programmer may tell the child, "SEE IT’S O.K. TO DANCE TOGETHER. DANCING IS ACCEPTABLE." The programmers will not directly tell the child that this represents the cult family.
Fantasia portrays Satan as a terrible powerful being.
91.5 min. The Ostriches are eating grapes. They are playing, looking in the pool & they are seeing bubbles.
92 min. Hippos emerge out of the pool. "IT’S O.K. TO BE DIFFERENT. IT’S O.K. TO BE STRANGE. USE YOUR CREATIVITY." The hippos begin to dance and dance.
94 min. Elephants appear and are having fun and blowing bubbles out of their trunks. The programmers may be having fun blowing bubbles with the child. The programmers like to mix love and hate, kindness and sadistic behavior. That way the victim has a hard time separating love from hate. If you ask many slaves about "Daddy" they will tell you that they had fun with Daddy. They are right--they had fun intermixed with sadistic torture.
Bubbles continue to lift off. One of the bubbles has a fish in it. This is imagery for the bubble programming. The child victim is trained to dump their bad memories into bubbles and let them float away. The therapist will notice that many victims feel like they are floating. They have an unreal feeling. The bubbles are floating their bad memories away.
98.5 minutes. A new setting and the hippos are hypnotically sleeping. 3 sinister alligators that remind one of the 3 primary programmers appear. The 3 alligators have robes that hide them, and shadow images of themselves lurking behind them. The alligators are trying to get the hippos. The 3 alligators are portrayed like the programmer is, he is someone to fear, love, & respect all at once. The hippo is running away and dancing. The alligator dances with the hippo, but makes menacing attempts to eat him. A flying hippo lands on an alligator. Elephants, hippos, alligators are shown. The elephants, ostriches, hippos and alligators all dance in fantasyland.
100 min. The orchestra is dancing. ‘"DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD AND WE WILL HAVE FUN."
101 min. The MC announces the next part as ""the struggle between the profane and the sacred."’ The conductor stands in a silhouette that suggests the same pose that the upcoming Satan takes.
102 min. A high dark mountain with a castle looms in front of the viewer. A winged fiercesome Satan figure raises his wings. His wings are sectioned like fingers with claws, and will form the imagery of the demon Malebrinche,whose satanic claws hang over the alters and terrorize them. In the Illustrated Guidebook, the reader will find lots of these claws in the pictures lurking in the background. A child victim will be taught to fear the hands of the programmer, Satan and Malebrinche. The wings (hands with claws) open. And Satan is portrayed as an awe-inspiring figure. (By the way, the word maleficia means evil misfortune caused by witches. The witch in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty has the demonic name of Maleficent.)
102.5 min. Satan begins raising the dead skeletons. This provides a foundation to layer in the Valley of the Dry bones coming alive with armies of skeletons.
104 min. The film also has some images at this point that will help with the foundation for the Armageddon programming. Satan calls everything to himself.
104.5 min. The hell pit is shown. This is laying a foundation for the hell pit with all its demons. All kinds of vivid colors are shown in hell, to make the scene more real than real for the child victim. Satan smiles as demons burn in hell. "NO MATTER WHAT COLOR YOU ARE, IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD YOU’LL END UP THERE.’"
105.5 min. Three beautiful lady demons begin to dance in a circle, all of a sudden these demons take on their luciferian form, one becomes a goat.
106 min. The demons continue to dance with powerful Satan watching over them. The hell pit and the demons are portrayed in vivid scary graphic depictions. The hellish fire and the ghoulish dancing of its occupants continues for what seems a long time. "WHEN GOD FINDS OUT HOW BAD YOU ARE, LOOK AT WHAT HE’LL DO TO YOU."
107 min. Satan is portrayed by Disney in all his evil dark majesty.
107.5 min. Bells begin to ring, and the demons slink away, & the dead return to the earth to their graveyards.
108 min. Ghosts return to the graves. Soft music begins to play. Ave Maria by Schubert, which was written for the Catholic church, begins playing.
109 min. Satan folds himself into a mountain. ‘"DO YOU SEE LUCIFER ANYWHERE? NO. YOU ONLY SEE A MOUNTAIN."
110 min. Lights shine as if they are a column of moving people who are walking with lights, and then some walls appear.
110.5 min. An arched bridge appears with its mirror image. The column of silhouetted people who continue walking have mirror images in the river. The asst. programmer will be telling the system (which the front parts will hear) "TIME FOR ALL THE GOOD CHILDREN TO GO TO CHURCH. IT’S O.K. TO GO TO CHURCH. GO SERVE GOD."
113. min. An opening, a vertical sliver of light comes from what appears to be doors opening up. There is a mirror effect in the way the doors open, which will facilitate making mirror image front worlds. A whole new world opens up, which will be the front system’s world. Both the front alters and the deeper ones will be told to forget the movie. Later when a system is better programmed, the programmers will pull up the front alters and have them walk through these doors into the light. When they are hypnotically taken through these doors into the light and away from the fear and darkness of the Kingdom of Satan, they are hypnotically told to close those doors and never look back. The Kingdom of Satan has been shown in detail and in great length. The Kingdom of Satan has been shown as powerful and fearful. Satan is shown as a mighty power that is to be feared. The Kingdom of Light is only shown as a peace, as a refuge from evil. It is not shown to be good. It is not shown to have power or intelligence. It is simply a place to go to escape the fear of Satan’s power. This is all the programmers really want the church to be. It will be a stabilizing balance to let the mind recuperate from the hell of the programming, but it is not intended to be seen as greater than Satan and his Kingdom.
115 min. The film ends with a peaceful gaze at heaven. The child is being told in the last few minutes "THAT WORLD BELONGS TO YOU. IT’S A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. IT’S THE WORLD WE WANT YOU TO LIVE IN. IT’S BEAUTIFUL." After all the hell that is eventually dumped on the child, and the scare that Satan gives them in this Fantasia film, the child is only too happy to create a beautiful world to live in.
** * * * * ***** ******** ****** ******** **********
The effectiveness of Disney’s Fantasia is that it is used to communicate to & build the unconscious structures within the child’s mind. The unconscious mind is the seat of our creative abilities. Then the conscious mind makes adaptations upon this unconscious thinking.
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Apr 6, 2018
13 Illuminati Bloodlines

Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images. They have created great images for things Disney, incl. Walt Disney, Disney movies, and Disney’s Amusement parks.

In some cases these things have been overrated, in other instances the sinister side to them has been carefully hidden. In order to make movies that contain the typical smut of Hollywood, sex and violence, Disney did a slight of hand and created subsidiaries which Disney runs, which has allowed them to keep their good image. They also never showed the public the hard core porn that was made for years in secrecy for the elite.

Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. Disney’s involvement in these kind of things will be explained in this chapter. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers.

Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp and woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment. For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a “triumph of the human spirit” (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney’s movie “Alive” featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism).

Under the disguise of entertainment and showing us how “triumphant” the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism. Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.”

And yet when this author has suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents come unglued and have gotten angry with this author. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is a triumph in Illuminati deception.

Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons.

In Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” the castles are male sexual organs. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown without comment clearly snorting cocaine. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films.

Disney operates in a clandestine manner regarding the promotion, distribution and rating of the films produced by their subsidiaries.
For instance, Kenneth Anger in his book Hollywood Babylon II, p. 192,

The boy, who Walt fell in love with, was a small young attractive boy actor named Bobby Driscoll who signed up in 1946 with Disney. He acted in Song of the South, Treasure Island and Bobby’s voice was used in Peter Pan.

Bobby Driscoll was very intelligent and attractive.

From those who knew Walt personally one learns that he had an obsession with the buttock part of anatomy.

He enjoyed jokes about this part of the anatomy, which he told to his staff quite frequently. The staff edited out many of his crude posterior jokes from cartoon scripts. Two examples that got by the editors are a Christmas special where a little boy is unable to button the drop seat of his pajamas. The little boy’s problem in maintaining his modesty is the running gag of the cartoon.

In the end, Santa gives him a champer pot. The 2nd example is the paddling machine used on the wolf in The Three Little Pigs.

Numerous Disney cartoons feature buttocks of characters provocatively twitching.
More themes about: Disney, Not so wonderful world of Disney

Kids disappearing all time there. Security reports.

Good morning, I am writing this on my phone so please have patience with any grammatical or formatting errors. This post got removed originally and I messaged the mods, they said they have no idea how it happened, but I've been finding small silhouettes of Mickey Mouse outside of my house. Here's the repost and an update is in the works.
To start off with, I now reside in a completely different State after leaving my job with the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando. I used to be what one other Redditor described as a "suit," I am one of the guys that walks around the park in plain sight yet hidden to the public. I am part of the elite group of black polo-sporting undercover security officers that specialize in worse things than shoplifters and unruly park guests. You see, as stated prior to this post on /r/nosleep, if you are at Disney World and you more than a few guys in one place wearing black polos then you are most likely in danger and you should leave the area immediately. The sad part is we are so good at blending in with the woodwork that you wouldn't even notice us. Anyway let me cut to the chase here. I have seen some pretty weird things at Disney World during my time, these "anomalies" that everyone speaks of, well they are true but the least of our concerns. see the thing is when you take hundreds of thousands of people and cram them into a relatively small space, weird shit is going to happen. We have had kids, even adults get lost in the park, cryptozoological sightings, alien sightings, ghost sightings, and just generally unexplainable things happen all the time.
I was a Senior Special Security Officer during the height of my time there, and got called for some pretty dark shit. Many of you think we, as in the security detail I was in, were covering up for Disney Corp. but in our true nature we were damage control and were kept out of the loop on things and were trained not to question but to diffuse. There was one thing though that to this day still bothers me. A Cast Member called us on the Nextel to report that a group of four children had gone missing on The Land. Of course I thought, another one of those anomalies. For those of you who don't know the eerily calming nature ride called Living With The Land, it is located in the Land and The Sea pavilion over by Soarin' the odd thing about this report is that we have never received one of these complaints before, and of course we are issued cover up stories to tell cast members or guests to calm them down. My colleague calmly came up with a story and explained that the kids were part of an educational program and they exited the boat with a guide and were escorted into the botany lab that exists on the ride. I told her not to ask any questions or talk about the incident as to not spread "false rumors," and had my colleague escort her to a nearby security office to have her sign some forms. My human nature took over and I got curious and entered the ride on the next boat alone.
Living With The Land is boring and not particularly popular so I can understand how the kids would be on the boat alone and also how I could get on the boat by myself. I noticed absolutely nothing until I came to the part of the ride that has the prairie farmhouse, it looks like a faux house, but something about it just never sat right with me. As I have done hundreds of times before on rides, I jumped off the boat and onto the scene where the house is. I noticed something funny though, there were no pressure mats and the boat went away, allotting about a good 30 seconds before the next boat got to the scene. I have never seen a ride with no pressure mats to detect if anyone disembarks the ride.
So quick recap, kids disappear on ride, I show up and feed the Cast Member who reported it some story about how they disembarked mid ride and are on a tour of the lab and for her not to question it. Colleague of mine takes her away to debrief. I contacted the new Cast Member operating the ride and tell him to put some space between the next boat as I am looking for a lost wedding ring, bull I know but so what.
I slowly started to walk up to the faux house; climbing the steps up to the porch I noticed a small emblem on the left window. It's a small square and compass symbol, interesting that a Masonic symbol is hidden here. I figured whoever build the ride was a Freemason and brushed it off. I looked in the windows of the house and it was nothing but curtains with black plywood behind them. I thought that there was nothing to see here, but still something inside me decided that wasn't good enough. The front door glided open to a bright room with a black and white checkerboard floor. There was a marble alter like table on the opposite end of the room with some kind of Weird throne like chair built into the front of it and a gold cup on the table top. The only other thing that was noticeable was a heavy wooden door on the other end of the room that was locked; there were no windows or anything else. I thought I was weird because I was always under the impression that this house was fake. Human nature took over again and against my better judgment I tried the door in the room, but I was relieved that it was locked. I tried my keys but none of them work. Here's the thing, at Disney we use a lock system called Best, this had interchangeable cores that have assigned numbers and/or letters. This is so we can issue keys only to certain areas. I have the General Master key, which essentially is the real key to the kingdom. Interesting thing about this lock was that my master didn't open it. I looked closer and it was a Best Lock, but the inscription said “C.C.” on it, which I've never seen before. Since the door wasn't open I decided to just to leave. On my way out I noticed in the floor there was a fast pass printed out for Soarin'. I picked it up and pocketed it; it's amazing how trash works its way into odd places. I'm going to figure out where these kids went.
I rode the boat back out to the platform and went back to the EPCOT security office to playback some footage from the DVR. It took me a while, but I zeroed in on the period where the kids entered the Land and Sea Pavilion, and followed them. There were four kids total, 3 girls and one boy. The girl’s actions were almost robotic, and it sent a chill up my spine. They walked in a straight line through the pavilion, but what scared me was there was man with them escorting them through the place. I paused and looked closer when I realized the man was wearing a black polo and kakis, the same thing I was wearing. Holy shit, I even recognized him, it was one of my colleagues.
Allen is the guy that was at the scene before I got there, the same guy who fed the Cast Member at the control podium the bullshit about the kids going on a tour. I thought maybe he did actually send them on the tour of the Botanic lab and lost track of them, until I hit play on the film. The boy was not walking in line and I could tell he was giving Allen problems, he keeps venturing away and getting distracted various things in the Pavilion. The benefit of the doubt I gave Allen subsided when I say the kid go press the button for the Fast Pass on Soarin’ and take the paper Fast Pass almost like a prize. Allen then tugged him away and stood back and observed as the kids walked to Living With The Land. I saw them get on the boat. I saw them through the storm scene, through the rain forest scene, then through the desert scene. After the desert I lost the boat on camera. The ride stopped momentarily, you could see it on the other scenes, and once it resumes I saw the boat again in the scene with the pictures of farmers. The boat was empty. I also saw freakin’ Allen looking down off of the observation deck… which explains how he responded so quickly. I switched the cameras back to live view and left that area. I haven’t been exactly honest with you thus far, I know a lot of things of what Disney does and things that we respond to that a regular security officer wouldn’t deal with. I have seen them experiment so many things such as eugenics, pharmaceutical engineering, even experimenting with gas. Have you ever noticed that on both Space Ship Earth and the Monorail that you get a strange calm feeling on those rides? Well they are pumping low doses of laughing gas in those areas. Ever heard of Room 0? They were wearing gas masks for a reason. Ever hear of Gascots? Well that’s not important right now, I would encourage you to research it. I never thought that what we did was okay by containing these dark secrets, but it paid well. I have seen them quickly inject some experimental drug on guests and throws them back out there, our job was to monitor and contain them if things went haywire. I know that I am the bad guy, but this wasn’t normal, this wasn’t procedural.
First thing I did was go over to the room where we keep the keys; I looked through the logbooks for the core labeled “C.C.” I found it but it had no zone or specific location issued to the core and the number of copies was marked as 1. This key was in our system but my Master Key didn’t open it. I grabbed the “Core Key” and a few Zone 1 Cores, The Core Key is a specific key that when inserted into the lock will remove the core so it can be replaced with another. I put this in my pocket and make a beeline for the Land and Sea Pavilion. I may be paranoid but I swear I saw Allen following me in the shadows.
I got to the ride and got to the house and back in the front door to the Masonic Room, and locked the front door as I entered. I inserted the Core Key into the lock on the wooden door, removed the core, and inserted the Zone 1 core into the lock. Now my Master Key will open the door, and boy did it. The door glided open, it was heavy and steel on the other side of the wood face. There was a velvet red carpeted staircase leading down to some kind of utilidor, but we are in EPCOT, what the hell. There is one small utilidor in EPCOT, but it doesn’t go this deep. I descended the stairs and walked down the red-carpeted hallway to these two double doors. Behind these doors was my answer and the truth as to what happened to these kids. Through these doors was the darkest side of Disney, a side of Disney that even I couldn’t believe. Would Walt be in favor of this? Or is this one of Eisner’s little idea of making more money off his guests.
Behind these doors was an empty dimly lit room with a small circular platform in the center. The carpet was the same lush red velvet carpet from the hallway. There were 6 leather armchairs around the circular platform, all with telephones and card readers on the table next to the chair. Inside I knew what was going on, I knew what was happening here. This is one thing I will not cover up for the Disney Corp. I stood there in disbelief and horror and noticed a small door towards the back of the room. I went over and popped out the “C.C.” core, put it in my pocket, and put in a Zone 1 Core. I heard someone clear their throat from the front of the room. It was Allen, he had an annoyed look on his face and held a gun trained at me. I slowly propped the door open on the latch and turned to face him.
“You never should have come here.” He said to me when he was stepping towards me.
“So this is what you and your scumbag friends resorted to? We did some pretty fucked up shit Allen, but this is a new low for you and your disgusting friends.” I had my hand at my side and blocked the view of me slipping the Zone 1 Core out of the handle, and into my pocket.
“It’s not going to matter because no one is going to find out.” He raised the gun and like something out of an action movie I ripped the door open as he pulled the trigger as a bullet hit the door. I jumped backwards through the doorway and shut it behind me. That asshole was stuck because I had both cores in my pocket so there was no way he could open the door. He started shooting the door, and I moved forward. I walked down a hallway with these small cell-like rooms lining the hall and inside were those playschool chairs and a few toys. I checked every one of them and they were all empty. I got to the end of the hall and there was this huge metal vault like door, I popped the last Zone 1 core into the door to replace the “C.C.” core and pulled the steel door open to be hit in the face with sunlight. I was outside on some side utility road off premises of EPCOT. The road led away, I was too late they were already gone for good.
I called the police but they never came, I called the FBI but they never took me seriously, hell I even called the CIA but they said they didn’t deal with domestic issues like that and referred me back to the FBI. I showed up at the Orange County police department HQ and they took a report but I heard something fall in the trash when I was leaving. Disney is good at what they do, they are good at keeping secrets, and they are good at controlling any outside force that attempts to bring their secrets to light. I am lucky I saw the sunlight again, and am lucky to have had time to leave the State before they got to me. If you go there, please keep your kids close. Watch out for the guys in the black polos. They may be monitoring you, they may be responding to something that will put you in danger. As far as I know, they aren’t the ones that pick out the merchandise… I don’t even know who does that.
Pictures of the house I've found on the web (I did not take these pictures)-
The second story of the house is seemingly normal, but I don't know how they access it. You'll also notice that there is an observation deck; this area was undergoing "maintenance" at the time. It was closed off to guests, but CCTV footage revealed nothing was happening in that area. The camera points back onto the observation area and not at the house, there are no cameras in that portion of the ride.
Sublime articles as always, and I'm happy, its my confirm (even if I had put it aside, despite having read it), I was able to confirm a theory, that I had and that I have found in the game: 'Inside' and in the French clips: from 'Patrick Fiori' 'On se love' and 'Vitaa & Slimane' 'XY'. For the table on the checkerboard ... is used, for decoration, a canibalist, who becomes the master of 'Dr Zack Addy', the youngest apprentice, in the series 'Bones'. The Disney house reminds me of houses, which I see in some clips ... like the French clip for 'Stromae' 'Papaoutai' (which looks a lot like houses built for nuclear tests), it has the music video for 'TXT' 'Can't You See Me?'.and on 'Mood Sampler - Fake Reality' from 'Shinee' Where, we see, extraterrestrial vessels (were in fact of the vessels Vril, built by the Nazis, to direct, the missiles, in the spaces, to avoid, the missiles on the ground, which allowed the Naza, build rockets) and refer to MK-Ultra's experiments now.


Dec 1, 2019
The Esoteric Interpretation of the Movie “9”
Monster High: A Doll Line Introducing Children to the Illuminati Agenda

Monster High is a highly successful toy franchise that is somewhat similar to the Bratz doll line, as both are comprised of edgy, fashionable characters with attitude. Like many other toy franchises, Monster High is much more than a doll line: It is a multi-platform franchise comprised of toys, DVDs, a web series, music videos, video games, books, clothing accessories, and much more.
In fact, a closer look at the stories in Monster High reveals that it is perfectly in sync with the Illuminati’s Agenda as it promotes themes such as hypersexualization, superficiality, a culture of death and even Monarch Mind Control.
This should not come as a surprise, as Monster High was created by the world’s largest toy company, Mattel, with revenues of over $6.2 billion per year. The chairman of the board of directors, Robert A. Eckert, is a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs, the two most powerful elite circles shaping the world today. As you might know, company representatives who attend these elite meetings are there because their brands can help push the elite’s long-term Agenda. Powerful, world-reaching companies such as Mattel do not simply sell products, they sell a culture associated with them.
Frankie Stein is an artificial creation put together by a mad scientist (an MK handler?). Her story states that she is15 days old (yes, days, not years). In other words, her alter persona was created by her handler 15 days ago. Her head is held together by two screws, symbolizing her not having a mind of her own. The screws are of a different color because they are of different polarity, negative and positive. This refers to the concept of duality that is always inculcated to MK Slaves. To further emphasize the concept of duality, her eyes are different colors, her hair is striped black and white and her bio page states that her favorite color is “black and white stripes”.

As we’ve seen in previous articles on this site, Sex Kitten programming is represented in popular culture with feline prints and cat-like attributes on attractive girls. The Werecat sisters are all about that.
The Werecat sisters’ symbolism is all about Kitten Programming. The twins (on the right) truly do not have a mind of their own.
The backstory regarding the Werecat sisters is quite dark and similar to the story of many actual MK Slaves. The webisode named The Nine Lives of Toralei describes how Werecat sister Toralei is an orphan roaming the streets who gets picked up and locked up, by “the System”.

This video deals with the core of Monarch Programming: The creation of completely separate alter personas. Frankie Stein’s boyfriend, named Jackson, discovers that he has an alter personality that acts completely separately from him. At the beginning of the video he says:
“So every time I wake up in some dark alley alone and confused, its all because of him! I’ve got so much to say to that guy. But I can’t even confront him about it … because he’s me.”
Holt, Jackson’s “cool” alter persona has a tattoo around one eye as if to emphasize the Illuminati Mind Control stuff underlying this story.
In the end, Frankie Stein breaks up with Jackson and his alter until they can “settle their differences”. Why are children exposed to this? What’s the point? I don’t think many young girls relate to this story.
Anyways, Jackson’s problems with his alter persona pop up in several other webisodes.

In the episode entitled I Know What You Did Last Frightday, the head mistress triggers Jekill's alter persona using music - an actual MK technique.

In the episode entitled “I Know What You Did Last Frightday“, the headmistress triggers Jackson’s alter persona using music – an actual MK technique – because she needs the creative Holt to paint a mural.
On a basic level, the characters of Monster High are obviously hypersexualized as they are dressed in outfits that can only be found in sex shops. Considering the doll’s target market (girls under 10 years old), we can imagine how this trains girls to believe that, in order to be cool, they have to be very sexy, very early. Then, there’s this whole death-worship thing going on, with coffin-shaped lockers and coffin-shaped cellphones and coffin-shaped guitars and skulls everywhere. Mix these two very visible aspects together and you’ve got the sex-and-death mass media cocktail that is constantly pushed to all audiences, but particularly young people. Furthermore, the characters in Monster High evolve in a context that is completely obsessed with superficiality, appearances, and materialism – all values that are actively promoted to today’s youth. When Monster High fans grow out of their doll-playing phase, they will most likely start watching music videos and TV shows that promote the exact same set of values. Sadly, they will question none of it because they have been exposed to this Agenda since their tender youth.
Sublime articles as always, and I'm happy, its my confirm (even if I had put it aside, despite having read it),
It is Fritz Springmeir work not mine. I just take some shots. Please add your material about Inspeter Gadget's producer.
My Little Pony: Children’s cartoon debuts lesbian ponies
My Little pony another Hivites trash. Agenda all around you.
By @saki

Popular children’s television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will introduce their young viewers to a lesbian couple in an upcoming episode titled, The Last Crusade.
Aunty Holiday and Auntie Lofty first made an appearance in the book Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe back in 2017.
At the time, Michael Vogel, one of the writers, shared an image of the “cute couple” on Twitter. When asked if the two female ponies were lesbians, Vogel replied: “Well they aren’t sisters so…”
When asked again if he was saying they were actually lesbians, Vogel went on to clarify: “When I say ‘cute couple’ I’m saying that Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are a cute couple. Yes.”
On Monday Vogel celebrated the inclusion of the lesbian characters in the upcoming episode by saying, he and the two other writers are “doin’ what we can to bring EQuality to EQuestria! #PrideMonth”
The decision to write a lesbian couple into the story comes a month after PBS aired an episode of Arthur featuring the same-sex wedding of one of the show’s popular characters.
These writers have an agenda. They’re entirely open about that fact. They want our kids to think as they do and we give them that platform and influence every time we allow them to entertain our children.
The days of innocent children’s cartoons are officially over. Sadly, it has been for a while now. More than ever, parents need to be aware of what their children are watching and the messages that are being communicated through seemingly innocent, children’s programs.

The Hidden Meaning of the Movie “Coraline”
Coraline is a popular stop-motion movie released in 2009. While the film appears to be aimed at young people, Coraline’s imagery tells a hidden story: The programming of a mind control slave at the hands of a sadistic handler. We’ll look at the hidden meaning of the movie Coraline.

In MK symbolism, dolls represent the slave’s alter persona. Coraline will call this doll “Little Me”.

The first scene of the movie sums up what will happen during the entire movie: The programming of a young girl by a sadistic handler. Before going into the details of the movie, let’s look at its general premise.
The Premise
Coraline is a little girl who moved into a new house with her parents. She is constantly bored and unhappy and her parents do not give her the attention she wants. While exploring her new house, Coraline finds a small door that leads to an alternate version of her reality where her parents are fun and attentive and where everything is magical and wonderful. In this sense, the premise of Coraline is similar to stories such as The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Labyrinth. All of these movies, including Coraline, follow the same basic blueprint: 1) The protagonist is a young girl that is curious, fearless, resourceful, and not afraid to speak her mind; 2) She is bored with her life and wishes for fun and adventure; 3) She magically enters a world that is strange, but wonderful; 4) She gets “hooked” into the alternate world and doesn’t want to go back to reality.

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Apr 6, 2018
It is Fritz Springmeir work not mine. I just take some shots. Please add your material about Inspeter Gadget's producer.
Yes, I know, it's fair, that I'm happy that you recommend it, it allows me to have info and links, which I could have missed.


Apr 6, 2018
Jean Chalopin (Franc-Maçon), un animateur Français a créer différentes sociétés d'animation, au Japon et Corée du Sud:
Il possédait le Château Bouville, utiliser pour le clip de "GIMS" (anciennement "Maître Gims", Le prix à payer. as forcément d'origine Franc-Maçon, dés l'entrer du Château, derrière les bareilles d'entrée, après, la salle et cuisine, il a un cercle pour les feux de bois (normalement sur la terre), et à gauche, la fontaine représente l'élément de l'eau et le jet d'eau représente le phallus. La vrai position est à droite pour les symboles du feu, celle du soleil et à gauche, pour les symboles de l'eau, celle de la lune.
Dans une grotte, dont les murs sont recouverts de pierres. Il c'est fait sculpté sous la forme d'un faune, avec sa femme, positionner sous un puit de lumière.
Au fond du jardin, après un mini parc, des jardins d'enfants, est positionné, une grotte, qui comporte un numéro de club sur la porte. La grotte, semblable à une cave, comportant un mini bar à gauche d'en bas les escaliers et au fond une cheminée.
Jean Chalopin (Freemason), a French animator created different animation companies, in Japan and South Korea:
He owned the Château Bouville, used for the clip of "GIMS" (formerly "Maître Gims", The price to pay. Is necessarily of Freemason origin, as soon as you enter the Château, behind the entrance holes, after , the room and kitchen, it has a circle for wood fires (normally on earth), and on the left, the fountain represents the element of water and the water jet represents the phallus. The true position is on the right for the symbols of fire, that of the sun and on the left, for the symbols of water, that of the moon.
In a cave, the walls of which are covered with stones. He is sculpted in the form of a faun, with his wife, positioned under a skylight.
At the bottom of the garden, after a mini park, kindergartens, is positioned a cave, which has a club number on the door. The cave, similar to a cellar, with a mini bar to the left of the stairs below and a fireplace at the back.


Dec 1, 2019
Some of DISNEY’S blatantly OCCULT MOVIES
  • Aladdin. A wisecracking all-powerful genie is shown.
  • Bednobs and Broomsticks (1971) A witch finds a magic formula from a lion king. The magic formula raises a ghostly army of armor in a museum which stops a band of German commandos.
  • Beyond Witch Mountain (1982) A pair of twins leave Witch’s Mountain and have to use their special occult powers to outwit a character named Deranian.
  • The Black Cauldron (1985), A Horned King uses his magic to fight a clairvoyant pig and the pig’s keeper. This animation cost $25 million, but was a box office failure.
  • Bride of Boogedy (1987) An evil spirit visits the Davis family and puts the father under a spell. Directed by Oz Scott.
  • Child of Glass (1978) A glass doll must be found to set a ghost free in a haunted house.
  • The Gnome-Mobi1e (1967). A multimillionaire and his grandchildren encounter gnomes. In the end the multimillionaire deeds the forest to the gnomes for eternity.
  • Halloween Hall of Fame (1977). Jack-o-lanterns come to life.
  • Halloween Treat (1982). Cartoons about Halloween. This was followed the next year with a film Haunted Halloween which talked about the origins of Halloween.
  • Misadventures of Merlin Jones (1964) A genius tries to help other students. He tries to also use hypnotism and ESP which backfire on him.
  • Richest Cat in the World (1986) A wealthy man leaves his fortune to his cat, who the relatives later discover can talk.
Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron fueled by the spirit of the dark lord Arawn, who was once an evil overlord who ruled over the land of Prydain, the cauldron has the ability to raise the dead.

Mind-control features in Disney movies
The elements within Disney movies that are intentionally put in for mind-control would take volumes to describe. A detailed description of how just one Disney movie is used as a programming script soon follows. Fantasia was selected as the example.
A random sampling of features in Disney movies for mind-control programming could include:
  • Cogworth the enchanted mantle clock in Beauty and the Beast.
  • The character Door Knob, which is a doorknob portrayed as a person in the Disney cartoon Alice In Wonderland, is useful for programming door knob alters.
  • The Blue Yonder is a Disney movie on time travel of a young boy. Time travel movies are used for programming to mess up the victim’s sense of time.
  • Disney film "Animated Alphabet" has letters which come alive, which is useful for programming. And what about the ‘82 Disney movie "Computers are People, Too!" ?
  • All the Illuminati members this author is aware of who have received trauma-based total mind-control were taught to astrally project and study on the astral plane what they needed to learn. A Disney movie that portrays this is Goofy over Dental Health. This is an educational film released by Disney in ‘91 and again in ‘93, where Goofy places a magical toothbrush under a child’s pillow, so that the child astral projects to a dentist office and while on the astral plane studies how to have healthy teeth.
  • Illuminati alters believe that trees and flowers are alive. The 1932 Disney film Flowers and Trees is a story about two trees who fall in love. The film portrays the occult belief that trees can talk and sing. Internally, alter systems will be constructed with singing trees and flowers that represent people and which are alters. The singing trees give out internal codes to move alters internally where they need to go. Return to Oz. (1985) This Disney film begins its story line about a girl who is thought to have psychological problems because of her tales of Oz. She is warned not to talk about Oz by her relatives. She is taken to a psychologist who wears a big ruby ring, who tells Dorothy that electroshocks won’t hurt her, and that we are at the "dawn of a New Age." Dorothy is told that her memories are "just dreams" that stem from excess electrical current in the brain. She is sent to a mental institution to receive shock treatments for talking about Oz. A lightening storm allows her to escape the shock treatments and when she sleeps, she awakes in Oz.
In Oz she goes through many mind-control scenarios, ruby slippers, mirrors, etc., and toward the end visits with evil Mombi, Princess of Oz who keeps Ozma (Dorothy’s twin) as a slave. Mombi eventually casts a spell and enchants Ozma into a mirror.
Sci-Fi author J.D. Vinge in her Return to Oz based on the screen play writes on pg. 211-212,

"Dorothy gazed at herself in the mirror, seeing her own reflection, and remembering the moment when she had looked at herself and seen someone else there, someone so like her that it could have been her sister."
Parts of this film were filmed near Stonehenge, Eng. Disney has put out several films on the Wizard of Oz theme, all of which were used for programming. The original series of Oz books were by Baum.

In ’39, MGM did the famous Wizard of Oz film. In the Disney movie Tron (1982), a young computer genius goes into an altered state where he ends up becoming a computer program. After defeating the MCP, he returns to the real world. This is simply a programming script.

A special effects team created a 3-D world, showing how talented Disney special effects people can be in making something seem real. This movie should show people their mind-control capabilities. Mathematical Applications Group, Inc. (MAGI) were one of the groups that created the graphics. Disney came out with 3 videos of new adventures in Wonderland which are mind-control programming.

In the mornings here 9-9:30, on channel 21, Disney has a Wonderland Show every morning which is mind-control programming for children. Within a few minutes, this author had seen a girl walk through a mirror, the 3 lives of Thomasina mentioned, and a little ditty "I’m a little tea-pot" where a person becomes a tea pot. They also had an "under the umbrella" scene.

This was all pure programming, right on TV. Of course, they show the White Rabbit as a central figure. ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. film Wild Palms which depicts Illuminati mind-control and life. One reader of Vol. 2 stated that the Wild Palms movie would have made no sense except that having read the Vol. 2 book, the movie made lots of sense in the light of Vol. 2’s revelations.

The film depicts how children are kidnapped, switched at birth, programmed via TV cartoons, programmed to kill and use stun guns etc.

The film depicts Illuminati bloodlines and arranged marriages. Although the name "Illuminati" is not used, if viewers substitute in the name "the Fathers" for Illuminati fathers, they will get an insider’s view of life at the top. The main controllers are addressed by their slaves as "Papa" or "Daddy" or "Mother". This is true to life.

A person opposed to the Fathers states,

"One day we will wake up and discover we don’t own this country and no one will care."
The movie states that events are not happening randomly. The movie shows an underground tunnel system which has an entrance hidden by a swimming pool. Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, "down, down, down through the pool of tears..." and "we’re going to go down the yellow brick road now."

The movie was created by Bruce Wagner, who obviously is an insider concerning trauma-based total mind-control. The fact the movie was made shows the arrogance of the programmers’ beliefs that their criminal acts in programming thousands of little children will not be exposed, and that people will be too stupid to realize that what is put out as fiction is actually mirroring what is happening.

It’s like they believe their own script that IF people did find out "no one will care."

Because so much of the Illuminati programming involves the creation and programming of 3 alters linked into trinities, it is not surprising that Disney has helped such triad programming with a series of movies about threesomes, including:

  • 3 Blind Mouseketeers
  • Three Caballeros
  • 3 little pigs
  • Three Little Wolves
  • 3 Lives of Thomasina
  • The Three Musketeers
  • 3 Ninjas
  • Three Orphan Kittens
For Mickey Mouse programming they came out with Thru the Mirror, where Mickey Mouse steps through his bedroom mirror and ends up in another world (altered state).

Not all of the Disney movies that have mind-control programming themes got released to the public. One unreleased cartoon had Penelope fleeing from a sinister looking Grandfather Clock which is carrying her to another world, and has another scene where Penelope tries to hold onto someone who personifies the Wind.

George Lucas, who directed the movie Star Wars, which was a movie planned by the Illuminati and used for Illuminati programming, also directed Disney’s movie "Captain EO". Captain EO (who looks like a demonic entity) goes to rescue the Queen (who looks like the harlot describes as Mystery Babylon in the Bible).

The Queen is in captivity simply because she and her people believe in black and white (which represent good and evil). When they renounce such a belief, they are saved by Michael Jackson (in actual life a mind-controlled slave) playing Captain EO. It’s a New Age witchcraft film through and through.

By the way, Michael Jackson has gone to Disney amusement parks many times, sometimes in disguise.

It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has been very abusive mentally and physically to their children. Disney has put out several movies on how the mind works, such as the educational film The Brain and Nervous System in 1990. Their film Runaway Brain is a cartoon where Dr. Frankenollie transplants Mickey’s brain into a monster’s body and vice-versa.

A 1994 film, Puppet Masters shows the govt.’s secret Office of Scientific Intelligence trying to save the U.S. from aliens who live in human bodies. In recent years, Bette Midler has been Disney’s main actress.

In the Vol. 2, it was exposed that she is possibly a Monarch Mind-controlled slave. She is famous for her "mood swings" (switches in personality), and she had a "mental breakdown" in 1985. Her eyes and body gestures are those of a programmed multiple. She has gone out on tour for Disney without making -money, and she is best of friends with Jeffrey Katzenberg (second in command at Disney).

Jeffrey Katzenberg by the way is extremely disliked by his counterpart Sid Sheinberg. Bette Midler plays Stella in the movie Stella. Stella is an occult name. In the movie, the script seems tailored for Bette Midler and for someone who is a programmed slave, rather than the actress fitting the role.

At the movie’s end, Stella (Bette Midler) attends her own daughter’s marriage by peeking in a window and watching from the outside.

This is the script they give so many of the parts of a slave, so that they feel unworthy and feel like they are always on the outside looking in at life. Many parts (personalities) of slaves find it hard to connect with real life, because they feel they are on the outside looking in. And then in true Disney fashion, Disney had Bette Midler play the role of the lead witch in Hocus Pocus.

The movie Hocus Pocus does some hocus pocus of its own.

While pretending to make fun of witchcraft, they actually teach witchcraft. They do make the 3 witches look comical. By the way, the 3 witches stand for the maiden, mother, crone combo that the Illuminati reverence. Disney subtly works in deep occult things, such as the all-seeing eye on the cover of the book, the little girl promising the cat (who is a familiar spirit) that her descendants would always care for it (true, because the cat was a generational spirit).

The cat is killed in the movie but can’t die. And Bette Midler as lead witch in her costume, which has some Mother-of-Darkness symbology on it, states as she gets ready to take the life force from an innocent girl, "We want to live forever, so we take children’s lives." This is wholesome entertainment for children?

The Disney capacity for deception extends to its own workers. PR men recruit young people for its Disney College program. They tell the young people what a great stepping stone it will be for their careers. They have been known to make it sound like the greatest thing in your life. Kids come from all over the country due to the slick recruiting tactics to work for Disney.

They are then housed in Disney housing, given menial jobs, and paid low wages. Most people in the College Program leave disillusioned. If the worker happens to think of a great idea, Disney officials have been known to steal the idea, and because the worker was working for Disney the worker will find that they are unable to get any credit or money for the idea that Disney steals and makes millions off of.

One unaccredited creator of a Disney sale item said, " literally, they’re using everybody for everything." (Inside the Mouse, p. 239.)
Next, will be the script for how the Disney film Fantasia has been used as a standard programming tool since the 1940’s by the Illuminati.

The Simpson Cartoons
There are episodes of the Simpsons which blatantly promote the Freemasons, the Illuminati and even show items of the Monarch mind-control such as "following the Yellow Brick Road." The episodes are quite revealing. Aspects of Illuminati programming can also be seen in the movie "Spirits of the Dead", where spirit copies of one’s abusers are placed into the slave, and the movie "Cat Girl", where a beautiful girl is turned into a killer beast.
Several movies have come out showing the concept of creating robotic people such as the 1920’s movie Golem, the 1966 movie Cyborg 2087, and the movie Frankenstein. According to Illuminati history, the Collins Illuminati bloodline did pre-2Oth century experiments to create a Frankenstein, and Mary Shelley’s novel is actually secretly based on their research. The Rothschilds have carried out successful production of synthetic people this century.
This is all in accord with the black magic goal of controlling bodies, whether live or dead. The 90 mm. "Night of the Living Dead" expresses the satanic black magic goal to control bodies.
And if the Illuminati can’t control their slaves, the final solution, if nothing else works, is to- as the CIA say- "terminate with extremeprejudice" (a.k.a "Executive Action"), like they did to Mary Pinchot Meyer on Oct. 13, 1964, Princess Grace Kelly & countless others.

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Dec 1, 2019
The whole trend to make too sexy something for kids isn't innocent as it seems. All these promoted inrealistic standart of beauty and the whole consumerism and obsession about appearance.

  • Bloom - Britney Spears
  • Stella - Cameron Diaz
  • Techna - Pink
  • Flora - Jennifer Lopez
  • Musa - Lucy Liu
  • Aisha/Layla - Beyonce
PopPixie is an Italian animated miniseries created by Iginio Straffi. Its only season aired on Rai 2 for just over two months, from 10 January to 22 March 2011. The show features a cast of pixies, who were first introduced as secondary characters in the second season of Winx Club. PopPixie is otherwise unconnected to Winx Club, and it is aimed at younger viewers than its predecessor, with an intended audience of 4 to 6-year-olds.[1]

Their bodies resemble little girls despite they're "pixies". It's very disturbing.


It's taken even further when Girl is the one who wakes Apple up from her curse with a Kiss of Life after Daring couldn't.

First -- it was made to groom kids them for something worse.
Bratz Dolls in Illuminati Masquerade Ball
Bratz Dolls in 2001. These dolls also garnered a great deal of criticism due to … well … just look at them.

Baby bratz. Ten differences from LOL dolls.

BRATZ dolls raised controversy in the consumer world over their fundamental campaign, which advertises small bodied dolls with large anime-like eyes, giant full glossy lips, and tiny noses dressed in provocative (some may even say “slutty”) outfits whose main concern in life is shopping. The implications of their over-sexualized image and seemingly mundane aspirations had many critics questioning why such characteristics were being catered to young girls – many of which were younger than even the “pre-pubescent” stage.
Bratz on the other hand, have been deliberately (and disturbingly) created so that young girls can imagine themselves AS a Bratz Doll. Their bodies, which have much smaller, more childlike measurements than barbie, were cleverly built to be more relatable to their young users. As McAllister intelligently explains, “This primacy of appearing over having is reflected in Bratz. Compare the Barbie slogan, ‘‘We’re into Barbie,’’ with Bratz’ ‘‘Girls with a Passion for Fashion.’’ These slogans reflect the difference between owning a doll, and living and looking like a doll” (McAllister 250)
– Syndey Megan Jow, CHILDREN AND MEDIA: The Consumer Culture of “BRATZ” Dolls
“One particularly pernicious effect of the constant exposure to sexualized images of girls is that individuals and society may be “trained” to perceive and label sexualized girls as “seductive”.
Images of precocious sexuality in girls may serve to normalize abusive practices such as child abuse, child prostitution and the sexual trafficking of children.”

Bratz however took things to a whole other level with its new Masquerade collection by incorporating in it all out Illuminati symbolism. Masquerade balls (also known as Illuminati balls) originate from obscure occult Secret Societies who organized these gatherings for ceremonial and ritualistic purposes. These balls often ended with orgies with the masks playing on the anonymity of the sexual partner (see the movie Eyes Wide Shut). Is there a reason why young girls should recreate the occult elite’s ceremonial parties?
-- Revealing outfits and poses.
-- Beta kitten programming.
-- Checkerboard floors.
-- Black pointed hat used in black magic rituals.
-- Purple.
-- Roses.

W.I.T.C.H. is a Magical Girl fantasy animated series produced by French studio SIP Animation in close collaboration with Disney and its former global action brand Jetix (which also aired on ABC Family and ABC Kids in the US). Based on the comic book of the same name, the cartoon serves as a distilled and re-imagined version of the comic's first two story arcs, tying them together into one central and connected plot-line. The adaptation is perhaps best known for having Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman serve as showrunner during its second season, replacing writing duo Andrew Nicholls and Darrell Vickers.

Following in the footsteps of Monster High and Ever After High comes Enchantimals, a franchise featuring a cast of animal-themed humanoids.
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Dec 1, 2019
Ninja Turtles obsessed with Pizza. PIZZAGATE! MK ULTRA SYMBOLISM

The rat guy, Splinter, who taught them, his name is a reference to alters that are broken off the personalities like splinters.
The live in the sewers, a metaphor for the underworld, and the dark forces that control them.
Also obvious reference feces. Sewer, feces, anus, anal.
All the kids wanted to go eat pizza in the anal sewer with the turtles, and get taught to splinter their minds with the rat.
The turtles only ever ate pizza

Ninja Turtles and pizza and PIZZAGATE

Ninja Turtles are extremely dark and overwelmed of MK Ultra.
I crave pizza no more -- MK ULTRA/

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Chip and dale have a lot of pizzagate. And Bestiality context.

He man
hadron collider : 8 ( to get the magic of the universe): ( CERN ???!!!)

An aryan (HE-MAN) has been used to get the power of the universe by Lucifer ( Skeletor) :
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Dec 1, 2019
Charles Schulz was one of the most influential cartoonists of all time.
Peanuts was one of the world’s most popular comics, as Schulz drew over 17,000 strips over almost 50 years. Peanuts was published daily in 2,600 papers, in 75 countries, in 21 languages. The strips, plus merchandise and product endorsements, produced annual revenues of more than one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000.00). Meanwhile, Schulz earned an annual income between thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00) to forty million dollars ($40,000,000.00).
Why? Because CIA runs the newspapers and the t.v. stations. It’s called OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD, it never stopped, and it’s not just the news.
They don’t call them t.v. programs for nothing. The television is a mind control device used to program every one of us.
Television is Mind Control
When I was a boy, not only were Charles Schulz anthologies the most popular books in the school library, so they were always checked out, but Charlie Brown specials, for holidays and otherwise, were constantly screened on network television.
The specials aired on CBS, just as The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show aired on the same station.
See the all-seeing eye? The Illuminati love cartel signaling….
Your Television Is Watching You
That’s why Snoopy appeared as a spy.
He’s even flashing the Eye of Horus. More on Playboy and the Eye of Horus

You see that eye not only on the CBS logo, on Snoopy Secret Agent, and on the faces of celebrities but on our money, where it appears above the Latin words for NEW WORLD ORDER.

NASA, which is deeply involved in mind control, has created the Silver Snoopy Award, “a special honor awarded to employees and contractors for outstanding achievements related to human flight safety or mission success.”
NASA (Never A Straight Answer) – Surveillance, Slavery, and Satanism
silver snoopy award

As the murders of Astronaut Gus Grissom and Safety Inspector Thomas Ronald Barron indicate, Snoopy’s moon landing was about as real as NASA’s.
MURDER AT NASA – More on the Fake Moon Landing
Air Force was in on it, too. Just as NASA actually awards the Silver Snoopy to employees, USAF uses Snoopy on their flight badges.
CIA calls MK-ULTRA the Program, but USAF calls it the Mission. These traitors use the supercomputers at Schriever Air Force Base for programming, mind mapping, and microwave harassment.
At Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB, and Tinker AFB, the Air Force maintains near death trauma centers where they r*pe, torture, and brainwash American children.
The Air Force is Full of Satanists, Rapists, and Child Molesters
There they use strobe lights, color programming, and rainbows in connection with mind control and horrific abuse.
snoopy rainbow

But don’t listen to me. Listen to Cisco Wheeler, the grand niece of General Earle Wheeler, Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff. She exposed these abuses in her books.
Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler on Illuminati Mind Control Techniques
Snoopy’s creator, Charles Schulz, got similar programming in the army.
He lived in Colorado Springs in the shadow of USAF HQ, where Nikola Tesla set up his first experimental station.
Nikola Tesla – The Origins of HAARP, V2K, & Microwave Harassment
That was after he became famous for his first comic, a picture in Ripley’s Believe or Not, about his dog. As a boy, Snoopy’s creator tortured his dog by feeding it pins, tacks, and razor blades, and he celebrated these crimes through comics.
Schulz used his nickname, Sparky, in further cartel signaling, since the Illuminati use electro-shock to program victims.
Amid all the advertisement of abuse, the 17,000 comic strips, the constant t.v. shows, and the billion dollar per year stream of merchandise, what were they using Snoopy to program into us?
Snoopy lived in an imaginary world, just like the one they plan for us, and he had different alters just like they program into us.
snoopy many faces 2

One of them was a stripper, as Snoopy encouraged young girls to dance naked.
Flash Beagle mirrored Flash Dance, where an impoverished woman who begged like a dog, with a brainwashed look, danced nude, under flashing lights, to fulfil her dream.
Elsewhere Snoopy took on the alter of Joe Prep.
At the same time, The Preppy Handbook mysteriously sold more than a million copies, and preps grew cool. That happened immediately after Ronald Reagan called CIA Director George Bush “a preppy, a sissy, a wimp.”
The Preppy Handbook, the CIA, & George Bush
So George Bush, along with the war criminal, fellow member of Skull and Bones, McGeorge Bundy, was featured in The Preppy Handbook’s “Prep Pantheon.”
The Bush Family, Satanism, and Crimes against America
Remembering George Bush – p***philia, Cocaine, and Murder
Snoopy also promoted the Crown Corporation.
Crown Crap – More on the Junk They Sell Us
You know? The criminal organization run by England’s royal family, of whom Prince Andrew has recently been exposed as a rapist, whose Prince Charles palled around with child molester Jimmy Savile, and whose Earl Mountbatten molested orphans.
The Latest on Prince Andrew (with links to articles on other royal degenerates)
No wonder Snoopy danced, with devil’s horns, on Walpurgisnacht, which ends the Illuminati’s sick Season of Sacrifice, just as he performed the same dance forty days earlier at the beginning of the Season of Sacrifice, and on the Autumnal Equinox, which begins the parallel Season of Harvest.
Snoopy Dances on Walpurgisnacht

The First Day of May, otherwise known as Walpurgisnacht, or Beltane, on which the horned Snoopy danced, is when satanic royals hunt and r*pe naked children in places like Chateau des Amerois, Bohemian Grove, Greybull, Wyoming, and the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre in Lampe, Missouri.
Hunting Humans – The Most Dangerous Game
One Thousand Points of Light – Chateau des Amerois and the Bush Family
Snoopy went on to promote other satanic holidays, as Halloween eclipsed Christmas.
As we watched these shows, our corporate masters presented us with false choices.
CIA programmers love double-binds.
The Use of Double Binds in Mind Control
And who doesn’t remember the following commercial, which aired several times on every Snoopy special?
But what was the underlying message of Peanuts?
Everyone remembers Lucy bullying Charlie Brown, as she broke her promise to hold the football.
lucy football

CIA loves false promises. Never think they will honor a deal.
What They Want To Take From Us (part one)
That cruelty was not unique to what may have been Charlie Brown’s most famous scene. It was part of the comic from the very beginning, where Charlie Brown’s distress was supposed to be funny. Even if you started out as sympathetic to him, you were a sad sack, which is where CIA wants you. Or you could go with the nested stories in the sequence below, so you ended up laughing at Charlie Brown’s pain. Or you could get angry at Peppermint Patty, who, although annoying, wants to help him. The show presented the viewer with a series of unhealthy choices, just like the one between Almond Joy and Mounds.
Another part that was supposed to be funny was the time Lucy smashed Schroeder’s piano, throwing it in the sewer.
The scum always smash what they can never have. That’s why, on April Fool’s Day, they put Sharry Konopski in a wheelchair for life.
What They Want To Take From Us (part two)
CIA, NSA, DHS, USAF, NASA, FBI, and the satanic trash in the deep state are just like Lucy, but it’s not funny at all.
lucy destructive

Here Snoopy smashes Woodstock’s house in a fit of satanic envy.
That was supposed to be funny, too.
charlie brown kite tree

As Sarah Boxer wrote in The Atlantic,
“Although key characters were missing or quite different from what they came to be, the Hobbesian ideas about society that made Peanuts Peanuts were already evident: People, especially children, are selfish and cruel to one another; social life is perpetual conflict; solitude is the only peaceful harbor; one’s deepest wishes will invariably be derailed and one’s comforts whisked away; and an unbridgeable gulf yawns between one’s fantasies about oneself and what others see.”
The allusion to Hobbes is interesting since, in Leviathan, the English political philosopher promoted a virtually totalitarian state, much like the one NWO seeks to impose today.
Do you see the satanic horns, pitchforks, cannons, crowns, and weird lightning bolt designs on the cover? That’s satanic cartel signaling—just like the picture of Snoopy, flashing the all-seeing eye, below.
The Phoenix and Its Ilk – A Primer on Satanic Cartel Signaling
Certainly, Schulz, like Hobbes, depicted a life that was “nasty, brutish, and short.”
early charlie brown

As Al Capp, the creator of Li’l Abner, identified all the kids in Peanuts, they were “good mean little bastards eager to hurt each other.”
violet gray 3

Matt Groening, who created The Simpsons, said, “I was excited by the casual cruelty and offhand humiliations at the heart of the strip.”
violet gray 2

They were certainly to be found—left and right.
violet gray

This stuff was as pernicious as MAD Magazine. How CIA Used MAD Magazine To Poison Young Minds
Both franchises promoted animal cruelty. MAD Kids – As If Mad Weren’t Bad Enough
It wasn’t just that first comic where Charles Schulz advertised his torture of animals. It was supposed to be funny, not only when Lucy smashed pianos, and played her friend false, but when she hated dogs.
Meanwhile, Linus expressed his disgust for a girl who liked him.
sally and linus

And Charlie Brown pined for a girl he lacked the nerve to approach.
charlie brown little redheaded girl

Pig Pen had terrible hygiene.

And Peppermint Patty fell asleep in class.
peppermint patty sleeping

There were a thousand bad messages for kids—not least in the Coasters’ reprise of Charlie Brown, which depicted the title character as a juvenile delinquent who set off smoke bombs, played dice, wrote graffiti, showed up late for class, and spoke disrespectfully to his teacher.
After all Charles Schulz did for the cartel, they destroyed him, giving him colon cancer, as they sodomized him in his sleep, while they used microwave harassment to afflict him with essential tremor.
Microwave Harassment, Cybernetics, & Misdiagnosis of MK-ULTRA Symptoms
By the 1980s, CIA had finished with Schulz. As he said then, “sometimes my hand shakes so much I have to hold my wrist to draw.” Below you can see Archimedian spiral drawings from a man with unilateral essential tremor. The man drew the spiral on the left with his left hand and the spiral on the right with his right.
Essential tremor is characterized by “involuntary rhythmic contractions and relaxations (oscillations or twitching movements) of certain muscle groups in one or more body parts of unknown cause.”
The real cause is microwave harassment, or touchless torture, commonly used by the scum at USAF, NASA, NSA, DHS, FBI, and CIA. You can learn more about it by watching videos with Dr. Rauni Kilde, the Chief Medical Officer of Finland, whom the intelligence services murdered, not to mention other real physicians.
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Dec 1, 2019
You can read more in my books, which you can download, for free, below.
Here are
press releases.
Meanwhile, their masters in the Masons, like the Illuminati, flash their stacks.

Water Buffalo Lodge
The Flintstones

December 11, 2021fightingmonarch
Hanna-Barbera is heavily used by the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Tavistock Institute, for mind control programming.
Monsanto. Hanna-Barbera did not only advertise junk food for the body, attacking the health of children, but they filled children’s minds with junk.

I know because I was programmed to the Banana Splits. It was at the same programming center, disguised as a soccer camp, where the Playmate of the Year, Marilyn Lange, was brainwashed, before she became the first woman drafted by the North American Soccer League.
We both lived in Westfield, a satanic cesspool masquerading as a cute suburban town, which was the home of Charles Addams, whose satanic Addams Family was reprised by Hanna-Barbera.
People are given drugs, like hyoscine, to block memories, and to weaken the will, a common practice by the Central Intelligence Agency, exposed by Congress, so I did not remember for many years.
Most never remember at all—a fact discussed, inter alia, by Cisco Wheeler, whose grandfather’s brother was Head of Joint Chiefs.
But what would she know about secret government programs….
Scooby Doo was only one of Hanna-Barbera’s productions. There they sought to build interest in horror, corrupting small children, who were encouraged to fantasize about Daphne being tied up and gagged.
This didn’t work on me when I was little, and it didn’t work when I watched Scooby Doo with my child: the enemy’s plans fail on normal people, going unnoticed, so it’s just a fun series.
Or maybe those shows were wholesome because Warner Brothers, although far from perfect, took them over—leaving Hanna-Barbera in the dust.
Hanna-Barbera was always weak, and they ruined Tom & Jerry when they took it over from Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
Still, later, Scooby Doo would be reprised in the r*pe comics to which I was entrained.
Penelope Pitstop was another popular character, who encouraged children to act out r*pe-games, while her guardian, the Hooded Claw, chased the leggy blonde across the screen, and she called for help.
You see something similar in Wonder Woman, while she spins to disassociate, taking a new identity, or alter, and is chased and captured by her would-be rapists.
This would also be reprised in r*pe comics to which I was entrained. They hit us hard with Wonder Woman, not to mention Wonder Girl, at the programming center, where they brainwashed not only me but also the Playmate of the Year.
Wonder Woman is full of r*pe disguised as feminism. FAKE FEMINISM
In one of many incarnations, the amazon, who carried her own bondage equipment, who was created by a psychologist, and who was popularized by an officer from Central Intelligence, would be reprised by Hanna-Barbera.
Building on the satanic Archie series, which ended with issue #666, Josie and the Pussycats encouraged girls to fall for guys in a band, exposing themselves to dangerous situations, while CIA entrained their sexuality.
This would be reprised in a film, replete with cartel signalling, put out by a town full of child molesters.
And this, too, would be reprised in the r*pe comics to which I was entrained.
The outfits of the Pussycats would appear on women of all descriptions, as part of the enemy’s signaling, while they also appear in Playboy.
I Dream of Jeannie was reprised by Hanna-Barbera, as a sexy woman, with a bare midriff, and harem pants, asked her master what she could do for him.
Air Force is deeply involved in mind control, as are their masters in satanic groups like Orion or the Freemasons.
The same goes for NASA.
Bewitched was another show to which Hanna-Barbera contributed, as it featured a sexy satanist.
Along with Sesame Street, this was used in my childhood programming, in Westfield, New Jersey, through a process described in my books, which you can download, for free, below.
They are very entertaining and informative!
As I discuss in my books, and in multiple articles on this website, the Tavistock Institute, Army Seventh Psychological Operations Group, and MI-7 can’t resist putting cartel signaling, little winks and nudges, in their programs.
They are a bunch of overgrown teenage punks—perverts, homosexuals, and virgins—who spray-paint the neighborhood of the world with their gang-signs.
You find the same thing with the Rockefellers, from whose building, at Radio City, shows are broadcast.
And you find the same thing in the sky, where immature perverts, who are raped by their colleagues, use chemtrails to spray-paint male sex organs.
That’s when they’re not spray-painting satanic pentagrams, full of fungus and nanotech, which they breathe themselves, as part of Operations Cloverleaf and Indigo Sky Fold.
It’s like the signaling you see in our nation’s capital—whether it’s in the Pentagon (which should be defunded and investigated).
Or whether it’s in the streets themselves.
The enemy is satanic, they are perverts, and they are addicted to signalling.
Pizzagate is real!
I have written about the use of gnomes in cartel signaling. That’s why shows like Gravity Falls feature gnomes, kidnapping children, whom they tie up, as they plan to make them their wives, and children are encouraged to imagine or play-act the scenes.
Did you know that “gnome” is slang for an airman stationed in a Deep Underground Military Base?
The little perverts play with each other’s toys at Schriever Air Force Base, which they call the Magic Mountain, as it houses an enormous supercomputer, which they use for mind control.
I used to live on top of a secret base, dug by the Rothschilds, where I was programmed, while the Nabobs of the New World Order met at the palace on the mountain’s summit.
It’s something I’m writing about in my third book.
Like Grissom, Nellis is another base, housing the losers who r*pe each other’s bodies, while they play video games, and molest children, while it employs cartel signaling.
This is picked up in the r*pe comics to which I was entrained.
As they lay the ground for Project Blue Beam, the fake alien attack through which they will promote one world government, USAF, AATIP, and NASA encourage belief in little green men.
Meanwhile, they use voice to skull, or V2K, to broadcast radio to our heads.
They didn’t spend billions of dollars on this technology, inventing hundreds of patents, in order not to use them.
Scientists like Dr. Jose Delgado, funded by Central and Naval Intelligence, continued these programs, working on animals, as well as humans, while Hanna-Barbera mocked us with characters like Dynomutt.
And Hanna-Barbera mocked us with depictions of robot characters.
Did I mention that electroshock is a common technique used in mind control sessions?
You can learn more in the Minds of Men, which you can watch, for free, below.
You can learn how to fight back in my articles.
Here’s another on how to fight microwave harassment.
Like NSA, the scum are run by the Freemasons at GCHQ, at Cheltenham, in England.
So it’s no surprise that we see satanic cartel signaling in shows like the Flintstones, which Hanna-Barbera put out, before it was reprised in a town rife with child abuse.

There we see a little green man, with an English accent, appear, invisible to all, as, in another town rife with sexual abuse, in the shadow of Nellis Air Force Base, he directs the life of an imbecile.
While the satanic calendar provides another means of signaling for the enemies of humanity, the Great Gazoo first appeared, on the Flintstones, immediately before Samhain.
That’s the day we know as Halloween, when children take candy from strangers, teenagers vandalize property, and spooks run riot.

They mock us.
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Dec 1, 2019
Scooby Doo was only one of Hanna-Barbera’s productions.
There they sought to build interest in horror, corrupting small children, who were encouraged to fantasize about Daphne being tied up and gagged.
When I was a boy, CIA drugged, hypnotized, and brainwashed me, under PROJECT MONARCH, MK-ULTRA, and associated operations, at a programming center masquerading as a YMCA soccer camp. It was at Linden High School, Union, New Jersey, and Playmate of the Year, Marilyn Lange, was programmed there, too.
Marilyn Lange in the Satanic Enclave of Westfield: Playmates, Superheroines, & Soccer Camp
CIA used television shows to program our sexuality.
With me, that meant Wonder Woman, a figure invented by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist with strange ideas about bondage and submission. Wonder Woman was popularized by Gloria Steinem, an avowed CIA agent.
The Whore of Babylon: Lynda Carter, Fake Feminism, & the New World Order
Wonder Girl: Television Programming, Fake Feminism, & the New World Order
Wonder Woman, Mind Control, and r*pe
Wonder Woman, Sexual Play, Spinning, and Dissociation
Some people think that Wonder Woman is about feminism, but the whole thing is one big r*pe fantasy that we were supposed to act out in sexualized play.
Girls were taught to spin and dissociate, just as Diana Prince spins to transform into Wonder Woman, as they shifted into sexualized alters under PROJECT MONARCH.
Meanwhile, underoos were marketed to children, so they could dress up like Wonder Woman. One reader wrote me to say she used to go to sleep in her underoos and wake up naked. The scum were drugging and violating her.
Underoos came not only in Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Super Girl–for brunettes, redheads, and blondes–but also so little girls could dress up like Daphne and Velma.
Why We Don’t Remember: CIA’s Use of Date r*pe Drugs
There were other shows to which we were programmed, like The Banana Splits, which contained Danger Island, a r*pe fantasy featuring not a brunette but a blonde. At the programming center, we were injected with drugs, hypnotized, sexually assaulted, and made to watch this drivel. Today it sends some people, who have lost the memory, into screaming fits, near-epileptic seizures, or deep discomfort.
MK-ULTRA: The Horror of the Banana Splits and Danger Island
The Banana Splits was put out by Hanna-Barbera, which also produced The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. There a leggy blonde is chased by her guardian Sylvester Sneakley, who has an alter ego called the Hooded Claw. All the while, she screams, “Help!” This is the stuff we were supposed to act out in sexualized play, entraining us to r*pe.
They don’t call it television programming for nothing….
Hanna-Barbera also put out the enormously popular series, Scooby Doo, which I regarded as innocent. Now I see how wrong I was. It didn’t work on me, but this show was used just as much to program sexuality and to direct people toward r*pe.
What went on in the Mystery Machine? The horny teenagers must have been sleeping in cramped quarters, as the show encouraged young viewers to dream of the day when they could buy a van. Would you let a young man pick up your daughter in this thing?
Mystery Machine

This doesn’t come from nowhere. And it has not been grafted onto to an innocent comic. Whether it works on us or not, the Scooby Doo franchise means to lead us to r*pe.
That’s just for starters. Later, as programmed girls grow into young women, they engage in cosplay. Scooby Doo has been around for fifty years, and people can still buy a costume like the one below.
This comes from somewhere. When I look at the cartoons it seems ridiculous, but a child might find the drawings sexy. Someone on YouTube put together a video of Daphne and Velma in swimsuit scenes.
As for Shaggy, he normalized bad hygiene, marijuana smoking, and overeating; so CIA can still damage those of us who won’t take suggestions toward r*pe. Here, “lost in a fog,” the young hippy asks, “You buzzed?” before he makes himself an enormous sandwich.
Meanwhile, in adventure after adventure, Dangerprone Daphne is repeatedly kidnapped, tied, and gagged by male villains, leaving room for the viewer to build r*pe fantasies around her and for children to act out these scenes.
Danger Babe Central, a website to which I was entrained, features r*pe comics of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and, you guessed it, Daphne and Velma.
Satanic Cartel Signaling in Underground Comics
Chloroform features heavily in these comics, just as the CIA uses date r*pe drugs to prevent victims from resisting or remembering what is done to them. The trash that abuse us cannot resist advertising that abuse, as they try to import it into our own fantasies.
Satanic Cartel Signaling in Playboy Magazine
Read More About Me And My Programming Here
Still More About My Sexual Programming
Certainly, the suggestion is picked up in the film, Scooby 2, where Velma is chased by all-seeing eyes, falls into a trap, discovers an underground satanic shrine with pictures of a mad scientist, meets a threatening and creepy contemporary, whom she is expected to trust, while she is torn by emotional vicissitudes typical of a programming session.
Or how about these scenes, where Velma is possessed, twerking like a beta sex slave under PROJECT MONARCH, while Daphne is abducted by a leering muscle man, who robs her of an object suggesting both the pyramids of the Illuminati and the puzzle-key of Hellraiser.
The cartoons also feature scenes where Velma is hypnotized, just like a subject under MK-ULTRA, before she is transformed into a heavily sexualized alter. Witness the aptly named children’s film: Frankencreepy.
Something similar happens at the Universal Studios themepark, where an actor pretends to be Dracula, hypnotizing Velma, who becomes highly sexualized in response. If I had seen the following scene as a horny teenager, during a family trip, it would have provided me with a lifetime of fantasy….
Here you can see Daphne hypnotized in the old t.v. show.
Also there are scenes like the following, where a male vampire, with hypnotic powers, invades the bedroom of the sleeping girls.
Those are the same techniques they use on us.

Like Velma, Daphne becomes possessed in the following clip when, tied to a satanic altar, she is faced with a diabolic machine operated by a half-naked muscle man who wears a mask and outfit suggesting BDSM. A claw threatens to rip Daphne’s purple dress off her body, stripping her naked, but instead it steals her soul. Her mouth wide, as though prepared for rough fellatio, she breathes in a demonic presence, before, scantily clad, nipples jutting, speaking jibberish, the ginger beauty is released, her body fully controlled by her attacker.
Read More About What They Can Do To Your Body Here
Shaggy is a good man. He can’t help her at the moment, but he shows genuine horror at his friend’s abuse. In other episodes of the franchise, he himself is hypnotized–just like all of us under MK-ULTRA. Daphne attempts to comfort her friend, as he shakes with trauma, before, under another all-seeing eye, he is forced to endure “psycho-luminescent reprogramming,” which, we are told by a priest-like mad scientist, can “put anyone in a trancelike highly suggestible state.” After being told he will remember nothing of the session, through “total memory erasal,” Shaggy is given a trigger or “key word.”
The threat to the girls never comes from Fred or Shaggy. I’m not sure what’s going on with Fred. With his ascot and his good looks, maybe he’s supposed to be a homosexual.
fred jones

When I look back at Scooby Doo, I can’t believe I watched this stuff with my daughter. I can’t believe I missed it. We were protected by our innocence. For us it was just a fun show that taught kids that monsters were not real.
As it turns out, they are.
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Dec 1, 2019
Gravity Falls
A Primer on Satanic Cartel Signaling – Thunderbirds, Firebirds, & Phoenixes
Walpurgisnacht – More on Satanic Holidays and Marker Days

One look at Gravity Falls, and you can tell something’s going on….

There’s so much room for conspiracy theories in Gravity Falls. You know, the ones CIA has brainwashed us to ignore….
What do all those symbols mean? Especially the one embodied by Bill Cypher? The one that appears on the dollar bill?
The Great Seal of the United States contains the words NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. That’s Latin for New World Order. CIA Director George Bush announced its arrival on September 11, 1990, exactly eleven years before CIA staged false flag attacks on the World Trade Center.
The Bush Family, Satanism, and Crimes against America
Remembering George Bush – p***philia, Cocaine, and Murder
The Illuminati are crazy, and they are into numerology. Just look at the insignia of Skull and Bones, the Secret Society at Yale to which each member of the Bush Dynasty belongs, calling themselves satanic names like Gog and Magog. To understand what they’re up to, we need to look at the Luciferian Calendar.
You’ll have to bear with me for a while. It takes a few paragraphs to get the basics, and then we’ll get back to Gravity Falls.
gravity falls calendar owl

We’ll also move on to satanic cartel signaling, where the Illuminati put secret symbols in the world–like that owl Dipper’s looking at.
The same owl appears in the streets of our nation’s capital.
In the Luciferian Calendar, the Season of Sacrifice runs forty (40) days from exactly seven (7) days, or one week, after the Ides of March, on the Vernal Equinox (322), to Beltane or Walpurgisnacht on May 1st. That’s the day they killed Osama bin Laden–or at least they said they did. It was May Day in America, but the time zone shift made it May 2 in Pakistan. Only hours earlier Lara Logan shared details of her gang r*pe on television. That’s the kind of depravity that turns on the subhuman garbage in the CIA, British “Intelligence,” and the Illuminati.
Walpurgisnacht is also the day that members of the satanic Ninth Circle hunt naked children in the Most Dangerous Game, just as George Bush and Dick Cheney hunted and raped Cathy O’Brien near Greybull, Wyoming, in Lampe, Missouri, and in Shasta, California. Likewise, Fiona Barnett survived a p***phile ring in Australia, still operating, that includes a former governor general, three former prime ministers, a former education minister, other high-ranking politicians, judges, and police. Below she describes human hunting parties at Bohemian Grove.
Cathy O’Brien – An American Hero and Whistleblower
Fiona Barnett – A Hero in our Fight against Sexual Abuse & Mind Control

On the other side of the Luciferian Calendar, the Season of Harvest runs forty (40) days from exactly seven (7) days, or one week, after the Ides of September, on the Autumnal Equinox, to Samhain or All Hallow’s Eve. Halloween is a satanic holiday, and it mirrors Walpurgisnacht. Likewise, the Day of the Dead has become conflated with Cinco de Mayo, so there are really two Halloweens in the Illuminati Calendar.
This insanity is picked up on Gravity Falls, where Summerween is celebrated not on 322, one day after the first day of spring, but on 622, one day after the first day of summer.
The Illuminists’ obsession with magic numbers is also picked up by the twins’ birthday. Dipper and Mabel turn thirteen at the end of the show.
Not only does the insane numerology continue in the thirteen colonies, which the masonic founding fathers made into thirteen states, declaring independence two months after the Bavarian Illuminati were founded on May 1, 1776, and adopting the thaler or dollar as their currency, but it shows up on the dollar itself.
On the back side of the dollar bill there are 13 steps in the pyramid of the Great Seal. The motto above the pyramid, which reads “Annuit Coeptis,” has 13 letters; the eagle on the right side has a ribbon in its beak that bears the motto “E pluribus unum,” which contains 13 letters. The eagle has 13 tail feathers, and on its breast there is a shield of 13 stripes. In one talon the eagle holds 13 arrows, and in the other an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries. Over the eagle’s head are 13 stars that form the six-pointed Star of David.
dollar bill illuminati

Where did this stuff come from? Maybe it has something to do with the funny outfit George Washington is wearing.
After all, he appears on the front side of the dollar bill….
washington freemason

The freemasons are satanic. That’s why George Washington looks like Baphomet in the statue that sits in their temple in Alexandria, Virginia, right next to our nation’s capital.
There’s plenty of satanic symbolism in Gravity Falls. Gompers the Goat is only one example.
See the top hat Bill Cypher is wearing? That’s a symbol of the freemasons. The Worshipful Master of a Lodge wears a top hat.
mason top hat

The creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, says Bill Cypher is based on the Eye of Providence.
Or is it the Eye of Horus? That’s the Illuminati, or Masonic, handsign signaling 666 that we see so many celebrities flashing.
Satanic Cartel Signaling – More on the Eye of Horus in Playboy Magazine
Maybe we do better to think of Bill Cypher, so prominent in Gravity Falls, as the All Seeing Eye. We live under the surveillance state, and the Five Eyes–the intelligence communities of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand watch us all.
They’re watching you as you read this, and they’re watching me as I write. Even in its first year, in its first week even, this site got traffic from some very strange places. As George Orwell says, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.”
My Website Traffic over the First Ten Months – Who’s Watching? Who’s Reading?
CIA is connected to FaceBook. Through social media, the internet, and other technology, they watch you all the time. FaceBook itself grew out of DARPA’s LifeLog Project.
All this is run by the freemasons.
So are the Disney Channel and Disney XD on which Gravity Falls appeared. Did you know that Walt Disney was not only a child molester but a freemason with ties to the CIA?
And, hey, what’s with the funny hat that Grunkle Stan is wearing? Stan’s fez indicates that he is a Shriner. Until 2010, only 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons or Knight Templars of the York Rite could join the Shriners.
stan fez

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who ran the Nation of Islam, wore a similar hat when he ordered the assassination of Malcolm X at the orders of his masters in the CIA.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – The Real and Fake Civil Rights Movements

I can’t identify the decoration Stan wears below, but I hope someone will do so in the comments to this article.
stan summerween vampire

There’s a lot of weird stuff like this in the world because we’re talking about a worldwide conspiracy. Check out the outfit on Shirley Temple, a child star who married an intelligence operative, hung out with Henry Kissinger, and was a United States ambassador.
Shirley Temple, p***philia, and the Deep State
In Gravity Falls, the twins, Dipper and Mabel, live with their strangely attired uncle, who is not what he seems, amid creepy surroundings.
Their parents are never mentioned. Given the other signaling in the show, is it really a coincidence that CIA is deeply involved in child trafficking?
A Conspiracy of Silence – Child Sexual Abuse Underlies the Deep State
The United States Air Force (USAF) maintains near death trauma centers or programming centers at which American children are brainwashed, raped, and tortured: Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB, and Tinker AFB. That’s one of their flight insignias below.
The Air Force Is Full Of Satanists, Rapists, and Child Molesters
While the deep state uses Schriever Air Force Base to spy on everyone, and to hit them with microwave harassment, flyboys call the underground base the Magic Mountain, and they call the airmen who work there gnomes.
More on NASA – How They Kill Their Own Astronauts
You can learn more about Schriever and the crimes committed there from Dr. William Deagle. He saw it from the inside.
More on NASA, USAF, Surveillance, Microwave Harassment, & Sexual Slavery
Since those that work at the underground air force bases are called gnomes, and they r*pe children, is it really a coincidence that gnomes kidnap Mabel, planning to marry her?
That sounds pretty crazy. So how do I know this stuff? I am a third-generation survivor of CIA’s obscene mind control programs, including MK-ULTRA and PROJECT MONARCH, which involve the sexual abuse of children.
Fighting Monarch – Read More About Me Here
Stanley and Stanford Pines grew up in New Jersey, a mind control hub where I was abused. The house below sat just across the street from mine.
The Jersey Devil – Growing Up in a Satanic Town
But don’t take my word for it. Listen to FBI Special Agent in Charge Ted Gunderson, whom CIA murdered, or watch the documentary, Conspiracy of Silence, below.
FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson – His Fight against CIA’s Sexual Abuse of Children
As the video below indicates, there are very large numbers of missing children in Oregon, where Gravity Falls lies.
Sergeant Lisa Wampole, a member of the Occult Awareness Task Force, has reported more than 300 occult-linked criminal investigations in Oregon and Southwest Washington over a two year period. Aside from the abduction, r*pe, and murder of children, these include the ritual sacrifice of dogs, goats, horses, deer, and even a bear. Satanists have also removed corpses from graves for use in their rituals.
gravity falls map pyramid eye

Meanwhile, in Gravity Falls, which makes light of satanism, the Mystery Shack was first called the Murder Hut–until Stan changed its name.
It’s right down the road from the masonic-looking Tent of Telepathy. As Li’l Gideon says, the Mystery Shack has “a secret you couldn’t possibly begin to imagine.”
tent of telepathy

Gravity Falls picks up particular places in Oregon that connect to satanism. The Enchanted Forest is only one.
The Enchanted Forest is a creepy theme park in Salem, Oregon.
You know, Salem, the home of the Salem Witch Trials after which Oregon named its capital?
The Enchanted Forest features attractions inspired by Mother Goose, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and Alice in Wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland is heavily used in programming under CIA MK-ULTRA. That’s not surprising since its author, Lewis Carroll, was a masonic child molester.
Also in Salem you can find the Oregon State Hospital, where the government puts people it says are insane.
The Oregon State Hospital has underground tunnels used to conduct illegal experiments on human beings.
You know, underground facilities? Like the ones in Gravity Falls?
Or the tunnels that lie underneath the luciferian enclave of Astoria, Oregon, the oldest city in the state and the first American settlement west of the Rockies?
Astoria was named for John Jacob Astor, who ran opium to China, sat on the board of the Bank of the United States, and whose American Fur Company founded Fort Astoria.
Fritz Springmeier on the Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Pacifica Northwest, daughter of Preston and Priscilla Northwest, who lives in the Northwest Mansion, may recall the Astors.
Maybe it’s just cause I know it, but Gravity Falls always reminds me of the Caves Chateau….
As Cisco Wheeler, grand niee of General Earle Wheeler, Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, has attested, twins and twinning play important parts in Illuminati mind control and breeding programs.
Books by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler on Illuminati Mind Control Techniques
Svali, a former cult programmer, has written about the use of twins in these obscene programs.
Svali Speaks – Breaking The Chain
Is it really a coincidence that there are two sets of twins in Gravity Falls?
stan twins

Dipper and Mabel come from Piedmont, California, less than five miles from the University of California at Berkeley. UC Berkeley is home to the Harold E. Jones Child Study Center, a mind control institution founded by the Rockefellers that has experimented on the brains of fetuses, researched the psycho-physiology of stress in middle childhood, and performed “longitudinal studies” on its victims, tracking them for life.
The Rockefellers – Their Use of Drugs & Mind Control To Enslave the Planet
They implant children with cybernetics. You can learn more about the illegal cybernetics programs run by USAF, CIA, and British “Intelligence” in Aaron and Melissa Dykes’s excellent documentary film, The Minds of Men, not to mention the clip below, which shows the implantation of children in the 1960s.
Cybernetics and the Minds of Men
Below you can also find one hundred patents for mind control technology, now old fashioned, that were used at Stanford University, a mind control hub that shares the name of the older twins in Gravity Falls, and from which Old Man McGucket hails.
Patents for Mind Control Technology
Dipper’s real name is Mason. Remember how the Masons run the show? And he is called Dipper from what looks like a surgery scar.
dipper surgery scar

Gravity Falls signals trans-humanism, as Mabel’s friend Candy tapes forks to her fingers, something she calls “improvement of human being.”
candy forks

This is the stuff that turns people into the zombies you see not just everywhere on t.v. but everywhere you go.
White Zombie, Mind Control, and Sexual Slavery
Clones feature in the show. In “Double Dipper,” Dipper produces clones of himself to impress Wendy; and in “Boyz Crazy,” Mabel discovers her favorite boy band consists of imprisoned clones.
In “Carpet Diem,” Mabel and Dipper switch bodies. CIA’s transplantation of one person’s mind into another’s body, and the use of hive mind, are discussed in my article on Farrah Fawcett.
The New World Order, Saturn 3, and Farrah Fawcett
As early as 1967, an episode of The Prisoner, “Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling,” showed the switching of bodies through mind control technology. You can learn a lot about mind control by watching The Prisoner.
The Prisoner (1967) – I Am Not A Number! I Am A Free Man!
Other references to mind control come in an episode called “The Stanchurian Candidate,” plainly refering to The Manchurian Candidate, which describes CIA mind control programs.
MK-ULTRA, PROJECT MONARCH, and other mind control programs use hypnosis. So it’s no surprise that, in Gravity Falls, Robbie brainwashes Wendy by using a back-masked message hidden in the lyrics of his songs, or that Carla “Hotpants” McCorkle left Stan for a hippie playing hypnotic music.
You know that tune that keeps getting stuck in your head? Maybe it’s being broadcast to you….
V2K – Voice To Skull
Aside from person-to-person hypnosis, including with a male and female programming team, CIA abusers often use subliminal recordings. Employing United States Patent No. US5170381, three separate perpetrators will speak, pushing their victim from one to the other, as they attempt to make the subject follow one of them. The patent is described in part as follows:
Audio subliminal recordings are made in which, in addition to using a primary carrier, such as music, two audio channels are used to deliver subliminal messages to the brain. On one channel, accessing the left brain hemisphere, the message delivered is meaningfully spoken, forward-masked, permissive affirmations delivered in a round-robin manner by a male voice, a female voice and a child’s voice. On the other channel, accessing the right brain, directive messages, in the same voices, are recorded in backward-masked (or meta-contrast).[/QUOTE]
It’s not that different from the subliminal messages hidden in muzak at the shopping mall or the grocery store, saying you look pretty in a dress or that you’re hungry, except they’re broadcast to nanotechnology in your head by a GWEN tower. Is it really hard to imagine a tiny cellphone in your head?
Mind Control, Microwave Harassment, and Misdiagnosis
CIA uses similar techniques in forced speech, when they actually force you to say words, or to think words that are not yours. That’s probably what the series creator, Alex Hirsch, means when he says,
In particular, I usually rewrite almost all of Dipper’s dialogue and most of Mabel’s dialogue, just because I have them in my head.
Hypnosis and cybernetics aren’t the only methods CIA uses. They also employ a pharmacopia of drugs that prevent memories from forming while they weaken the will. You know, kind of like the love potion used by Mabel in “Summerween.”
Why We Don’t Remember – CIA’s Use of Date r*pe Drugs
Here Mabel dissociates, going into trance. That’s exactly what they do to you in MK-ULTRA.
mabel dissociates

Notice how she’s sitting on a tesselated pavement. That’s the floor of a masonic temple.
Here she curls up in the fetal position–just like any victim of PROJECT MONARCH.
Mabel often wears a rainbow sweater, and rainbows are part of color programming, where people phase out to lights, as they are taught to “ride the light.”
I have touched on that programming in my articles on underground comics and Raquel Welch, which you can read below.
Satanic Cartel Signaling in Underground Comics
Raquel Welch – Her Manipulation by CIA under MK-ULTRA & PROJECT MONARCH
Mabel is also connected to unicorns like Celestabellebethabelle, who lives in the Enchanted Forest. In “The Last Mabelcorn,” a female controller sees into Mabel’s heart, pronounces her impure, and poses in front of a rainbow.
Put-downs, invasions of privacy, jibberish, and unicorns are all part of MK-ULTRA.
Sandra Barr wrote an excellent piece on the Unicorn and the Rockefellers, the Illuminati family that founded the Harold E. Jones Child Study Center (which lies five miles from Dipper and Mabel’s home).
Sandra Barr on the Rockefellers and Unicorns (online)
Sandra Barr on th Rockefellers and Unicorns (archived)
Sandra Barr has also done a series of videos on William Windsor, commonly known as Prince William, and the Unicorn. Below is only one video on the satanic symbolism used by the child molesters that call themselves the royal family.
The English Royal Family Are Treasonous Satanic Child Molesters
Edward Windsor – The Boy Prince at Jesus College, Cambridge
Gravity Falls contains other references to PROJECT MONARCH. In “Soos and the Real Girl,” Soos uses a dating simulator, which takes over his life, just as CIA uses video games, pornography, and sexual programming against male victims.
Pornography, Masturbation, and Why To Avoid It
CIA often starts victims on r*pe comics, hentai, or manga, like La Blue Girl, whom Giffany resembles.
Meanwhile, Stan plans to steal a kiddie robot for the Mystery Shack, suggesting the use of sex robots, or gynoids, to gratify child molesters. Idiots like David Levy, the chess champion who wrote Love and Sex with Robots, actually think this a good idea.
Cyborgs, Gynoids, and Sex Robots
People forget their programming under MK-ULTRA, PROJECT MONARCH, and associated mind control programs not only because they are fed date r*pe drugs, hypnotised, and the mind throws up amnesic walls to protect itself from trauma. They also forget because the enemy runs tens of thousands of volts of electricity through their brains. This process is shown in “Society of the Blind Eye.” Here you can see a mind map with illuminist and masonic symbols in the background.
society of the blind eye 4

Fiddleford Hadron “Old Man” McGucket was once a computer developer in Palo Alto, the home of Stanford University, before he invented a machine to help people forget trauma which could also drive them insane.
old man mcgucket 2

This involved a memory-erasing gun much like the portable ones that CIA programmers use.
memory erasing gun

This method of mind control, combined with mind-mapping, involved the theft and storage of people’s memories–just like in MK-ULTRA.
memory canisters

That memory gun is used on the utterly useless government agents, Agent Power and Agent Trigger, who show up in Gravity Falls. They’re kind of like the real government agents, the ones who aren’t in on it, who don’t know what the hell is going on. See how they have wires in their head and eyes on their badges? Using cybernetics, their masters move their bodies so they’re giving you the finger….
gravity falls agents
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Dec 1, 2019
The whole trend to make too sexy something for kids isn't innocent as it seems. All these promoted inrealistic standart of beauty and the whole consumerism and obsession about appearance.

  • Bloom - Britney Spears
  • Stella - Cameron Diaz
  • Techna - Pink
  • Flora - Jennifer Lopez
  • Musa - Lucy Liu
  • Aisha/Layla - Beyonce
PopPixie is an Italian animated miniseries created by Iginio Straffi. Its only season aired on Rai 2 for just over two months, from 10 January to 22 March 2011. The show features a cast of pixies, who were first introduced as secondary characters in the second season of Winx Club. PopPixie is otherwise unconnected to Winx Club, and it is aimed at younger viewers than its predecessor, with an intended audience of 4 to 6-year-olds.[1]

Their bodies resemble little girls despite they're "pixies". It's very disturbing.


It's taken even further when Girl is the one who wakes Apple up from her curse with a Kiss of Life after Daring couldn't.

First -- it was made to groom kids them for something worse.
Bratz Dolls in Illuminati Masquerade Ball
Bratz Dolls in 2001. These dolls also garnered a great deal of criticism due to … well … just look at them.

Baby bratz. Ten differences from LOL dolls.

BRATZ dolls raised controversy in the consumer world over their fundamental campaign, which advertises small bodied dolls with large anime-like eyes, giant full glossy lips, and tiny noses dressed in provocative (some may even say “slutty”) outfits whose main concern in life is shopping. The implications of their over-sexualized image and seemingly mundane aspirations had many critics questioning why such characteristics were being catered to young girls – many of which were younger than even the “pre-pubescent” stage.
Bratz on the other hand, have been deliberately (and disturbingly) created so that young girls can imagine themselves AS a Bratz Doll. Their bodies, which have much smaller, more childlike measurements than barbie, were cleverly built to be more relatable to their young users. As McAllister intelligently explains, “This primacy of appearing over having is reflected in Bratz. Compare the Barbie slogan, ‘‘We’re into Barbie,’’ with Bratz’ ‘‘Girls with a Passion for Fashion.’’ These slogans reflect the difference between owning a doll, and living and looking like a doll” (McAllister 250)
– Syndey Megan Jow, CHILDREN AND MEDIA: The Consumer Culture of “BRATZ” Dolls
“One particularly pernicious effect of the constant exposure to sexualized images of girls is that individuals and society may be “trained” to perceive and label sexualized girls as “seductive”.
Images of precocious sexuality in girls may serve to normalize abusive practices such as child abuse, child prostitution and the sexual trafficking of children.”

Bratz however took things to a whole other level with its new Masquerade collection by incorporating in it all out Illuminati symbolism. Masquerade balls (also known as Illuminati balls) originate from obscure occult Secret Societies who organized these gatherings for ceremonial and ritualistic purposes. These balls often ended with orgies with the masks playing on the anonymity of the sexual partner (see the movie Eyes Wide Shut). Is there a reason why young girls should recreate the occult elite’s ceremonial parties?
-- Revealing outfits and poses.
-- Beta kitten programming.
-- Checkerboard floors.
-- Black pointed hat used in black magic rituals.
-- Purple.
-- Roses.

W.I.T.C.H. is a Magical Girl fantasy animated series produced by French studio SIP Animation in close collaboration with Disney and its former global action brand Jetix (which also aired on ABC Family and ABC Kids in the US). Based on the comic book of the same name, the cartoon serves as a distilled and re-imagined version of the comic's first two story arcs, tying them together into one central and connected plot-line. The adaptation is perhaps best known for having Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman serve as showrunner during its second season, replacing writing duo Andrew Nicholls and Darrell Vickers.

Following in the footsteps of Monster High and Ever After High comes Enchantimals, a franchise featuring a cast of animal-themed humanoids.
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Dec 1, 2021
1931 - Bimbo's Initiation - Talkartoons
Bimbo finds himself falling into the backwards world of the Cult Leader, and is unable to make his escape as he travels farther and farther down the rabbit hole.



Dec 1, 2019
The Last Unicorn - I loved this movie as a kid but there were some scary/inappropriate parts.

A tree lady with giant breasts captures the magician with them.

FELIDAE -- Death cult, suicides, sex and experementation included.
Satan included
The Esoteric Interpretation of the Movie “9”

Monsters INC. They scare children to get energy -- Adrenochrome!
Norman Lindsay revealed by ex satanists Frater 616
As the Headquarters of International Satanism is Sydney, Australia it is not surprising to learn that Norman Lindsay a former Magus of the Order is considered a Satanic Saint. Indeed there are a number of flourishing secret shrines dedicated to him and his memory throughout Australia and the United Kingdom. Every Equinox there are human sacrifices dedicated to him and the subtle but perverted influence his painting and children’s literature continues to have. (Similar shrines exist in America under Henry Kissinger’s authority but he has altered both the structure and subtle ethos of the American Alpha Lodge Shrines.) It was Lindsay who taught that every political solution leads to more complex and involuted problems.

Redheap is a 1930 novel by Norman Lindsay. It is a story of life in a country town in Victoria, Australia in the 1890s. Lindsay portrays real characters struggling with the social restrictions of the day. Snobbery and wowserism are dominant themes. In 1930 it became the first Australian novel to be banned in Australia.
The central character is Robert Piper, a nineteen-year-old man engaging in love affairs with the publican's daughter and the parson's daughter next door. In an attempt to prevent him falling into immorality and dragging the family along with him, Piper's mother arranges for him to be tutored by Mr Bandparts, a recovering alcoholic school teacher. The arrangement soon backfires and Mr Bandparts is soon drinking beer with his young pupil and chasing the corpulent barmaid at the Royal Hotel.
The reader is introduced to the rest of the Piper family: Mr Piper, a draper who continuously measures objects to calm his mind; his eldest son Henry who has high hopes of taking over the business one day; the awful oldest daughter Hetty and her domineering ways in the drawing room, and her attempts to control the family morals and standing; Ethel the quiet younger daughter who uses her shyness to cover her various seductions of young men around town; and Grandpa Piper, who made the family fortunes only to be treated with contempt by the rest of the family in his dotage (his small acts of revenge make some of the most comic moments of the book).

The Magic Pudding: Being The Adventures of Bunyip Bluegum and his friends Bill Barnacle and Sam Sawnoff is a 1918 Australian children's book written and illustrated by Norman Lindsay. It is a comic fantasy, and a classic of Australian children's literature.
The story is set in Australia with humans mixing with anthropomorphic animals. It tells of a magic talking pudding named Albert which, no matter how often he is eaten, always reforms in order to be eaten again. He is owned by three companions who must defend him against Pudding Thieves who want it for themselves.

The book is divided into four "slices" instead of chapters. There are many short songs interspersed throughout the text, varying from stories told in rhyme to descriptions of a character's mood or behaviour, and verses of an ongoing sea song.
Oh and there is a movie
A 13-year-old Jewish boy (Norman) develops an obsession for his older brother's wife (Rose), who is under parental pressure to start a family. The hapless dentist brother is not up to the job, and ditsy Rose encourages Norman's infatuation. While it is never made explicit how it came about, Rose eventually does become pregnant, to the satisfaction of the various interested parties.[3]

Tove Jansson

Author of Mommins looked like white rabbits

Maurice Sendak liked to scare children.

Here you can an illustration from his book: Presto and Zesto in Limboland.
Maurice Sendak said of The Nutcracker,

When I did read it, I became very interested, because it was a very bizarre story. It’s a very bizarre story.
Maurice Sendak compared the piece to Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

The Troll Doll

Mole is Silent. Candy and Ice cream code are presented here. If you will see there plenty of code words here. I remember the Mole was chased by Ice cream, Mk ultra style of abuse.

Pizza truck in every Pixar movies
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Dec 1, 2019
The Sinister Meaning of “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared”

leadhug The Sinister Meaning of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

“Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” is a web series of six enigmatic videos that has grown into a “cult phenomenon”. Behind the weirdness, however, is a deeper message: It is about mass media brainwashing and MKULTRA.
Over the last few years, I’ve received quite a few e-mails regarding Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, a web series involving puppets and a whole lot of creepiness. VC readers astutely identified symbols and messages in the videos that pointed towards a deeper and more disturbing meaning. Now that the final video has been published and the story is complete, I can wholeheartedly agree with these readers: Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is not merely about random creepiness. It conceals a message about the effects of mass media on the world, how it shapes and molds people’s opinions, and how it preys deliberately on young, impressionable minds. Even more disturbing, it also depicts the manipulation of agents working in the media using actual MKULTRA brainwashing techniques until they are completely broken down. Pretty heavy stuff for a show about puppets.
The videos were created by British artists Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling in 2011. Each episode is made to appear like a typical children’s television program, consisting of singing and talking puppets similar to those of Sesame Street, but eventually, the story takes a dark turn, usually involving gore. The first episode was reportedly created with little to no budget. After the video gained popularity, a second video was commissioned by Channel 4, a British television station (note that this station also sponsored Viktoria Modesta’s “Prototype”, a music video that is full of MK symbolism – read my article about it here). The series then took off, with each episode going deeper into the depths of Monarch Programming (if you don’t know what that is, please read this article first). More than simply satirizing children’s shows, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared paints a bleak picture of mass media and society as a whole. Let’s look at the episodes.
Episode 1
The first episode begins with the three protagonists of the show, Red Guy, Yellow Guy, and Duck Guy, sitting around a kitchen table. A few items shown in this scene will reappear throughout the series, notably the date of June 19th and the checkerboard pattern.
It’s about to get creepy.
Then Sketchbook comes to life and explains to the friends how to “be creative”.
The notepad teaches the puppets how to watch clouds creatively.
The notepad flashes the one-eye sign while teaching the puppets how to watch clouds creatively.
However, we quickly realize that there are strong contradictions in Sketchbook’s message.
When Yellow Guy paints a picture of a clown, the notepad tells him Hold down friend you might need to slow it downand black paint starts dripping down the painting.
When Yellow Guy paints a picture of a clown, Sketchbook tells him “Hold down friend you might need to slow it down”. Then black paint slowly starts drips down the painting.
When Yellow Guy writes that green is his favorite color, Sketchbook denies his answer stating that Green is not a creative color.
When asked for his favorite color, Yellow Guy writes green. Sketchbook denies his answer stating that “Green is not a creative color”.
When Sketchbook says: “Listen to your heart, listen to the rain, listen to the voices inside your brain”, things start to get dark.
First, we see the camera showing the “behind the scenes” of the TV show, letting us know that the puppets are actually actors in a children’s TV show.
Then, when the puppets get creative, they do a bunch of disturbing things and completely freak out, as if possessed by something evil.
Then the puppets “get creative”, which means that they do a bunch of disturbing things and completely freak out.
This first episode, therefore, sets the stage for the rest of the series. It depicts three puppets being used somewhat unwillingly in a TV show that teaches unhealthy messages to children.
Episode 2
The second video is called TIME and features Tony the Talking Clock who teaches about the unstopping nature of time … and that everybody will be subjected to inevitable death and decay.
Tony the Talking Clock teaching about time. It is still June 19th.
Although Tony the Talking Clock sings about time continually advancing forward, time is apparently still in the world of the puppets. Throughout the series, it is clear that it is always the same day.
The clock points to a picture of the three friends. It is dated 19-06-55 (June 19, 1955), the “today” in each video.
The clock then takes the friends on a psychedelic journey through time from the past to the future.
Red Guy and Duck Guy are then seen with their brains connected to a giant computer topped by a giant eyeball. We are starting to understand that the puppets are under litteral mind control.
Red Guy and Duck Guy are then seen with their brains connected to a giant computer topped by a giant eyeball. We are starting to understand that the puppets are under literal mind control. The pictures on the wall and the calendar imply that nothing is real in their minds.
It is during this episode that we first see Roy, Yellow Guy’s father. Every time we see him, an eerie music play in the background.
Yellow Guy's father is the MK handler behind it all ... and Yellow Guy will turnout to be the programmed slave.
Yellow Guy’s father is the MK handler behind it all … and Yellow Guy will turn out to be the programmed slave.
In each episode, a “friendly” character pops out of nowhere to sing an educational song. But it always ends up showing its true face: Evil, sadistic and manipulative. In short, they are sent by the handler to program the puppets, who are then used to program TV viewers. Through hypnotic and subversive songs, the singing “friends” lure the puppets into a dissociative state where trauma awaits them.
The clock gets extremely angry when Duck Guy proposes an alternative definition of time. It also creepily watches on as time fast forwards and the puppets experiment decay in real time.
The clock gets extremely angry when Duck Guy proposes an alternative definition of time. It also creepily watches on as time fast forwards and the puppets experience their own decay in real time.
The puppets witness how their body will decay with time. In the world of MK, they are being subjected to trauma.
We then realize that this entire ordeal was all part of the friends’ TV show.
Tony the Talking Clock is on TV. As with MK programming, it is becoming difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction.
In the two short videos HELP and HELP #2, the puppets are held captive by assailants requesting money. Although this was primarily a way to promote the Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared Kickstarter campaign, the videos continued to reinforce the concept of the puppets as victims of trauma.
Red Guy forced to read a memo under threat of being hit on the head with a hammer by some monster. The date is still June 19th 1955.
Red Guy is forced to read a memo under threat of being hit on the head with a hammer by an ISIS-ish monster. The date is still June 19, 1955.
Episode 3
The third installment of the series revolves around the concept of love and gets deeper into the concept of mind control.
The video begins with a “Still Missing” sign featuring the three characters. They’ve been missing since June 19th … which is today.
As MK slaves, the puppets are literally “missing” from reality, where time stands still (despite what Tony the Talking Clock was singing about).
Although they are “missing”, the three friends are enjoying a picnic outside.
The puppets are sitting, once again, on a dualistic checkerboard pattern surface. In occult symbolism, the checkerboard pattern is the ritualistic surface on which profound transformation occurs. In mind control, these occult properties are used during programming.
Several paintings by Kim Noble (a survivor of MKULTRA) prominently feature dualistic patterns. It is an integral part of mind control programming.
Then Yellow Guy sees something symbolic that indicates the beginning of programming.
A butterfly flies around Yellow Guy, who is fascinated by it.
As stated in multiple articles on this site, media that uses Monarch programming symbolism often indicates the beginning of a programming sequence with a butterfly that lures the slave into an alternate reality (such as in Pink’s Just Like Fire music video). In this case, the butterfly leads Yellow Guy to complete dissociation.
Yellow Guy goes literally over the rainbow (which means dissociation in MKULTRA terms).
Yellow Guy literally goes “over the rainbow” (code for dissociation in Monarch mind control). The butterfly actually says “come on, just over the rainbow”.
In each video, the handler’s programming is represented by a cute character who leads the puppet to trauma. In the above image, Yellow Guy is literally in the clouds with strange characters and even a mushroom, which might imply that he is being drugged.
As usual, things turn dark and disturbing very quickly. Yellow Guy (who is not the sharpest tool in the shed) is tricked into believing that nobody will ever love him … unless he does what the butterfly says.
“This is your chance to start anew. And all we’re asking you to do is to is change your name, and clean your brain and forget about anything you ever knew.”
He's being literally brainwashed.
His brain is literally being washed.
Behind Yellow Guy are Red Guy, Sktechbook, Tony the Talking Clock and, more importantly, his own dad, the handler behind it all.
Behind Yellow Guy are Red Guy, Sketchbook, Tony the Talking Clock and, more importantly, his own dad, the handler behind it all. They are all witnessing his programming.
Yellow Guy is also asked to worship Malcolm, the “King of Love” … and to feed him gravel.
Like the rest of the series, this episode comments on how media forces specific ideas upon the viewers. The same way Yellow Guy is asked to worship Malcolm and to feed him gravel in order to find love, the masses are asked to worship stupid things and spend money to feel happy and loved. On a deeper level, the episode also depicts the actual mind control programming of Yellow Guy, the star of the TV show for kids.
Episode 4
Episode 4 begins with the three friends playing a board game. Once again, there are several subtle details that confirm the presence of programming.
The friends are apparently inside Yellow Guy’s home – there is a picture of him and his father Roy (the handler) on the. Underneath the table, there’s a rug with an all-seeing eye in the center and four square “eyes” in each corner.
The same square “eyes” are found on their board game, combined with the all-important checkerboard pattern. They are still being programmed.
Behind Yellow Guy is the head of Malcolm the Love King illustrating that he has integrated this portion of his programming. Also, according to the milk carton, the three friends are still missing – even though they’re inside Yellow Guy’s house.
When a card from their game asks “What’s the biggest thing in the world”, the friends look at the globe. Studying the globe is indeed a great and wholesome way to learn about the real world. However, a slightly dumb computer interrupts their research.
The computerly guy keeps making grammatical errors.
The computer calls himself a “computerly guy” and keeps making grammatical errors.
Once again, we find here a comment about mass media. This TV show aimed at kids misleads them out of true information (learning from the globe) and lures them into learning pointless, big-brother-friendly information.
The computer starts asking all kinds of personal questions to the friends. This children’s TV show is attempting to normalize mass surveillance by presenting it to the viewers as something innocent and harmless.
When Red Guy tells the computer to “shut up” and taps on it, the friends are transported to the “digital world”. In MK terms, they are taken to dissociation. Once again, this symbolically represents them being programmed by their handlers.
In the digital world, the friends follow a checkerboard pattern floor, implying they are following the programming script as laid out by the handler. A bunch of googly eyes and a pyramid appear in the background: basic occult elite imagery.
The show is not about teaching children about computers anymore: It is a confusing ordeal where the computer acts as an agent of the MK handler.
The computer symbolically represents what MK handlers do to their slaves: Removing them from their core persona through trauma and dissociation.
When looking into a mirror, Yellow Guy does not see himself, but a digital, “programmed” version of himself: his alter-persona.
As they get deeper into the digital world, the puppets find themselves inside a hypnotic whirlwind of sounds and images. Red Guy, the most critical guy in the group, gets sick of it and attempts to break out from programming.
Red Guy finds himself in the “real world” (or a somewhat distorted version of it). He’s an actor in a children’s TV show that uses motion capture.
Red Guy is not supposed to be aware of this reality. And his head literally explodes. MK slaves cannot break from programming and, if they do, they are often programmed to “auto-destroy”.
Episode 5
Duck Guy and Yellow Guy are sitting in a kitchen and feel like something is “missing”.
Duck Guy and Yellow Guy are too programmed to fully realize that Red Guy is gone. Notice Computer Guy on the fridge.
While looking around, the friends look at a picture on the fridge two separate times. The image is slightly different the second time around.
Upon second look, Red Guy is now outside the house and Duck Guy has X's on his eyes - which foretells something awful to come.
Upon second look, Red Guy is now outside the house, in the crosshairs of the window, and Duck Guy has Xs on his eyes. The image foretells something awful to come.
In this episode, food starts singing about healthy eating. As usual, they give terrible advice. During the song, a phone call interrupts everything.
The red phone represents the link between the fake world of mass media and the grim reality of MKULTRA.
When he picks up the phone, Duck Guy finds himself in a creepy lab. Real time video of him holding the phone show the contrast between the fakery of media and the reality of mind control.
When he picks up the phone, Duck Guy finds himself in a dark surgical room. Judging by the monitor, he is in two places at once.
Meanwhile, a giant lamb chop sings about healthy eating. The song is confusing and full of contradictions, reminiscent of the mind games used by MK handlers to confuse and hypnotize MK slaves. Duck Guy cannot take this anymore and attempts to run away. He cannot go far.
In a rather gruesome scene, Duck Guy’s innards are dug out of him.
We then see Yellow Guy eating cans full of Duck Guy. He’s eating his friend!
It is at this point that we understand that Yellow Guy is the main focus of the MK programming. The other two were expendable – and probably not fully programmable. In this episode, Yellow Guy was exposed to extreme trauma: He was forced to lose his friend … and then eat him. He is being completely broken down so he can be reprogrammed.
Episode 6
In the sixth and final episode, things reach a disturbing conclusion.
Yellow Guy in his bedroom, crying because his friends are gone. It is still June 19th.
At this point, we realize that the entire series basically took place in a single day. The first episode was during breakfast, then each episode progressed through the day until bedtime. But why did everything take place on June 19, 1955, specifically? Is there something significant about that particular day?
First, June 19, 1955, was Father’s Day, which gives things a sad tenor considering that the handler in the story is the boy’s father. Second, the year 1955 was during the post-war period, an expansive time for MKULTRA experimentation, as well as subliminal TV programming. In the present day, both of these fields have reached a very sophisticated and almost imperceptible level. (Fun fact: The final episode was released on June 19, 2016).
When Yellow Guy is finally ready to go to sleep, the lamp beside him comes to life and sings about dreams. Yellow Guy screams in horror because he knows that the song will inevitably turn into trauma. And he is right: He is back into his dissociative state.
Back in dissociation (represented by a cartoon world), we see Yellow Guy's mind being a show. Who's in attendance? His father, the handler, controlling the show.
Back in dissociation (represented by a cartoon world), we see Yellow Guy’s mind being a show. Who’s in the audience? His father, the handler.
While following the ever-presented checkerboard road, Yellow Guy sees a butterfly (Monarch programming), a mushroom (drugs), the mind control machine topped by a giant eye and, of course, his dad, the handler.
While following the ever-presented checkerboard road, Yellow Guy sees a butterfly (Monarch programming), a mushroom (drugs), the mind control machine topped by a giant eye, and, of course, his dad, the handler.
Yellow Guy's dream turns into a real nightmare as he drowns in black liquid (similar to what was poured on his painting in the first episode).
Yellow Guy’s “dream” turns into a nightmare as he drowns in black liquid (similar to what was poured on his painting in the first episode). Simulated drowning is a classic torture method in MK programming.
Meanwhile, Red Guy is apparently trying to live a normal life in the “real world”.
Red Guy holds a boring job in a bland world where everybody looks like him.
After work, Red Guy goes out and everybody looks the same. Are the makers of the series saying that the real world is populated by a bunch of conformist clones?
Red Guy gets on stage to perform for the crowd.
He sings the song about creativity heard in the first episode. He even replicates the parts sung by his friends. (RIP Duck Guy).
This scene is rather sad. It is basically an MK slave trying to express himself. However, all he knows is what he was programmed to know. So his “creative outlet” is to sing something he was forced to learn. Ironically enough, that song was about “creativity”.
Everybody in the crowd hates the song … except for maybe one person.
Roy the handler is in the crowd.
Roy has apparently found Red Guy to bring him back to his programming. MK slaves cannot be left loose in the real world for long.
Red Guy finds himself back in MK ULTRA world. Was he ever in the real world? Was it all a dream? Reality and fiction is extremely blurry for MK slaves.
Red Guy finds himself back in MKULTRA world. Was he ever in the “real world”? Was it all a dream? Reality and fiction is extremely blurry for MK slaves.
Red Guy finds the console that unleashes the singing things that are used to program the friends. Notice that there’s a video reel and a musical keyboard, hinting that music and video are used to control MK slaves and, on a wider scale, the masses.
Roy the handler appears and attempts to reach Red Guy with an extremely long arm (the world of MK is very far reaching).
Red Guy unplugs the machine. Did he unplug himself from mind control? Did the masses unplug themselves from media control?
We then see the three friends sitting on a table, looking slightly different.
We then see the three friends sitting on a table, looking slightly different. They are in the colors mentioned in the first episode as their favorite color.
A page falls from the calendar. It is finally June 20th.
It’s a brand new day. Are these our friends? Are they free now? Not sure.
Sketchbook comes to life again, signing its song. Programming continues on the every present checkerboard pattern.
It’s the same story on a different day. For the kids watching the TV show, it is just another day of TV programming.
In Conclusion
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a strange and disturbing adventure that has lent itself to all kinds of theories and interpretations. However, it is difficult to miss the series’ scathing commentary on mass media that targets young children and brainwashes them into conforming to the elite’s will.
Through symbolism, the series also comments on the most direct and brutal form of brainwashing: Monarch mind control, also known as MKULTRA. Indeed, the series puts on display the entire world of MKULTRA, from its distinctive symbolism to the horrific techniques used to cause trauma and dissociation. We are shown these techniques being used on actors, hinting that the people we know and love in our mass media might also be brainwashed MK slaves.
So is Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared a warning against the evils of mind control or does it simply propagate more of elite’s sick culture to the masses? The answer depends on whether or not you’ve pulled the plug from the machine.
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