Save the Children


May 15, 2017
Nope no one is going to convince me that pedofiles are
"born that way"NO
We Know that its agendas that tptb push that are creating
this pandemic of this evil sickness

the looks of those around her at least show some disgust
at whats being said as it should be
these "dolls" stop nothing and everyone should be disgusted
by the suggestion of this being done to "help" those with this
THERE IS NO CURE there is only one solution

she almost slipped up and said exactly what a "map"is and used
the word Children but tptb Know to get this accepted more they
have to try distancing the word pedofile from the word Children

We cant allow them to succeed with that distancing
We have to keep the Truth of what tptb are trying to rebrand and
how it should never be accepted

anyone who sits in a "goverment"type of seat that agrees or
fights for the rights of this evil sickness should be exterminated
too as anyone who can try to jusify this in anyway is infected

I've been telling Peoples for so long now that this is where
tptb are trying to push Us too and its plain to See now

one solution for the sickness
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May 15, 2017
this is down right disgusting and every single adult involved in
setting this up,giving approval etc..need to be fired and looked
into because this is just sick

it gave me the rages bad and brought to mind that creep dan
Snyder that had the foot fetish that he played out in all the shows
he had
I'm wonder how many adults there have a foot fetish or armpit
licking (yuck) fetish idk I don't like this

I showed my other half the video and he freaked out as much as
I did and then We parroted each other with what would happen if
Ours ever came home telling me about them doing or watching
anything like this for fundraising

how as a parent do Ya allow this,I Know the parents are outraged
but are all the Parents outraged or just a few that had no idea what
the fundraising entailed

I would put money on some of the Parents Knowing and going right
along with it only because We Know how sick some of these Peoples
are and sadly some Peoples shouldn't have Children

One solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
Thank the Good
that at least in the publics eye anyways there are some places
willing to make an effort at ending this sickness

Y'all Know how I feel though,to me any and all wastes
of resources no matter what those resources are,is waste
imho there is only one solution that stops this evil infection
spreading farther into Our World

castrating surgically or chemically doesn't stop anything as
these evils will find new ways to garner satisfaction from the
atrocities they do to Our Children

why is there even a difference in punishment depending on the
ages of the Child or what has actually been done
this evil is punished the same for all or how do Ya expect to
show this evil will no longer be accepted in any form

from propaganda to normalization,grooming and actual frigging
evil atrocities that the average Peoples will not be able to accept
as the Truth even when it's right in Your faces

this sickness is incurable no amount of therapy,medication or
even surgery will end the sickness We Know because this has
already been tried times before

the ones spouting how it's inhuman,wow and here I thought
I was coming up with a humane way by extinguishing the
sickness where ever it is found

what about the Children that suffered through whatever these
evils have done to them I will NEVER understand those who
stand united for the evil sicknesses that are pedofiles instead
of uniting for those We shouldn't hesitate to unite for and defend
from all the evils in this World

one solution for the sickness
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May 15, 2017
how is anyone not Seeing the agenda still
this is sick but We already Know that about these evils

he didn't ask what the search is that would bring back
this "warning"
notice the wording zuker uses too "problematic"
No this is illegal and the lowest of the lowest imho

"we might be wrong"
well how about Ya investigate anything that makes this pop up
that would let Ya Know if it's wrong
it will Help in finding those that aren't wrong and maybe Ya can
give those addresses out like is done over twits/posts online
that tptb don't like

I agree with cruse,this shouldn't be a option at all
by now if Ya cannot See what is plainly in sight idk if there is anything
that will shake Ya awake

there is only one solution for the sickness


Sep 21, 2021
how is anyone not Seeing the agenda still
this is sick but We already Know that about these evils

he didn't ask what the search is that would bring back
this "warning"
notice the wording zuker uses too "problematic"
No this is illegal and the lowest of the lowest imho

"we might be wrong"
well how about Ya investigate anything that makes this pop up
that would let Ya Know if it's wrong
it will Help in finding those that aren't wrong and maybe Ya can
give those addresses out like is done over twits/posts online
that tptb don't like

I agree with cruse,this shouldn't be a option at all
by now if Ya cannot See what is plainly in sight idk if there is anything
that will shake Ya awake

there is only one solution for the sickness
Hearing after hearing...but nothing short of a solution ever comes out of these...

Parents need to seriously and vigilantly disallow their kids to use social completely ban them...


Jan 29, 2018
how is anyone not Seeing the agenda still
this is sick but We already Know that about these evils

he didn't ask what the search is that would bring back
this "warning"
notice the wording zuker uses too "problematic"
No this is illegal and the lowest of the lowest imho

"we might be wrong"
well how about Ya investigate anything that makes this pop up
that would let Ya Know if it's wrong
it will Help in finding those that aren't wrong and maybe Ya can
give those addresses out like is done over twits/posts online
that tptb don't like

I agree with cruse,this shouldn't be a option at all
by now if Ya cannot See what is plainly in sight idk if there is anything
that will shake Ya awake

there is only one solution for the sickness
RQ on the march!


May 12, 2023
how is anyone not Seeing the agenda still
this is sick but We already Know that about these evils

he didn't ask what the search is that would bring back
this "warning"
notice the wording zuker uses too "problematic"
No this is illegal and the lowest of the lowest imho

"we might be wrong"
well how about Ya investigate anything that makes this pop up
that would let Ya Know if it's wrong
it will Help in finding those that aren't wrong and maybe Ya can
give those addresses out like is done over twits/posts online
that tptb don't like

I agree with cruse,this shouldn't be a option at all
by now if Ya cannot See what is plainly in sight idk if there is anything
that will shake Ya awake

there is only one solution for the sickness
Zuckerberg is just the figurehead. Probably be better to ask who funds Meta, and who are the investors that dictate what the policy is? It's just theatre otherwise.