

Jul 24, 2022
I can vouch for the Angry Mama microwave cleaner. It is a hoot! Also, I have an Egg Pod, and it works great!

It does not shorten the time for boiling eggs as opposed to stovetop, but it does not require attention and clean up's a breeze! The eggs thus microwaved are indeed easier to peel.


Jul 24, 2022
In our household, there has been a noticeable decrease in scam telephone calls. In the past, we would get ten or more calls per day from the scam call centers in India (they use VOIP) and were quite easily identifiable by their Hindi accents and poor English skills. They were DIRECT calls to our land line. In the last few weeks, we only get recorded calls from "ATT" offering to "reduce down" our monthly bills. "PRESS 1 to be connected to claim your discount!" the recorded voice says. When you press one, you are then connected to the scam call center in India.

I always press one to talk to them. It costs them money to get that call connected to them over there in Kinsasha [I forget the real name of the town.] And I waste their time by pretending to go along with them, feeding them false information, and eventually practicing my Hindi skills on them (which they absolutely HATE.) There are days now where my phone doesn't ring at all. I've gotten scam calls down to maybe two or three calls a week. (We have caller ID on the television, the friends and legitimate calls are easy to spot. As are the scammers.)

My other "turn about is fair play" trick is to answer the scam calls thusly: "THANK YOU FOR CALLING BIBLE PHONE!!! OUR STUDY TODAY IS TAKEN FROM THE [turns Bible to random page] NINTH VERSE OF CHAPTER 8 OF THE BOOK OF ____________, LET US ATTEND [begins reading said section of Bible] ...." They can't hang up quick enough.

Once I had a listener, though! I used to cuss them out in Russian, but once I accidentally ripped on one of my Mom's friends in Russian. She took it in good humor, though. Nowadays, I think AT&T is cracking down on use of their phone lines for VOIP incoming from India. Thus, the scammers moved to the "having to press 1" to be connected to them ... and charging them for the call. At least that's my theory.


Jun 17, 2017
As Seen on TV - Cheap products but expensive! I'm sure the plastic used is perfectly fine.

Cook your food in plastic
the copper egg hard boiler is convenient, but one loses a percentage of egg whites during the process. plus, you will then need to put the shell-less eggs into another container or bag. if they were hard boiled, they have a natural wrap (shell) on them.


Jul 24, 2022
I can vouch for the "clam shell" omellette maker thing. I use it just to make scrambled eggs. I have made an omellette with it, and it was good, but I like just scrambled eggs. You can take the clam shell apart and just do one egg. Or keep it together and put plain water on the side without an egg (still get one scrambled egg.) Or use both sides and make TWO scrambled eggs. Watch out!! Now THAT's LIVIN!!!!

PS: easy to clean stone ware. Pops apart and back together easily. Bonus: you don't waste any egg, they slide right out. Or just eat right out of the stoneware clamshell if you're a cave man like me. Takes 30 seconds (x2) in the microwave. Easy Peasy.


Sep 21, 2021
I can vouch for the "clam shell" omellette maker thing. I use it just to make scrambled eggs. I have made an omellette with it, and it was good, but I like just scrambled eggs. You can take the clam shell apart and just do one egg. Or keep it together and put plain water on the side without an egg (still get one scrambled egg.) Or use both sides and make TWO scrambled eggs. Watch out!! Now THAT's LIVIN!!!!

PS: easy to clean stone ware. Pops apart and back together easily. Bonus: you don't waste any egg, they slide right out. Or just eat right out of the stoneware clamshell if you're a cave man like me. Takes 30 seconds (x2) in the microwave. Easy Peasy.


Sep 21, 2021
"Scam City: Mumbai - The Mother of all Taxi Scams and Bollywood Scam..."



Jul 24, 2022

Well, its a start ... except now, the Indian call center scammers have another way around this: a US-based confederate initiates a robocall for "ATT" or "DIRECTV" or the "Power Bill" urging you to "PRESS ONE TO BE CONNECTED AND HAVE YOUR MONTHLY BILL LOWERED DOWN" ... at which time you will then be switched to be connected to Mumbai or New Delhi or Kinsasha or whatever trash dump they're calling.

The call centers there pay for each call that is routed to them this way. So by all means, PRESS ONE to charge them for the connect fee, and then string them along with fake name, fake address, fake credit card number, etc. to stretch out the call to incur as much charge against THEM as is possible. Waste as much of their time as is possible.

For bonus points, learn how to curse them in Hindi. Its really easy...and they HATE that. PS: use a ridiculous name, except not Herman Munster. They know that one. You'll be taken off of their lists pretty quick. I'm down to maybe three calls per week.
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