The Box (2009) - Movie


Mar 26, 2017
I've watched "The Box" from 2009 just a moment ago.

Here's a trailer:

Director is the same from Donnie Darko, one of the most irratating movies I've ever seen and worth a closer look as I found out later.

Ok, one eye symbolism on the cover: check. So we all already know what to expect in a certain way.
This movie, as you can see in the trailer, is about a box given to a couple by a, kind of, creepy stranger.
The task/choice: push the button and you will receive 1 milion dollar but someone you don't know, somewhere in the world, will die. Or just do nothing for 24 hours and the chance is gone.

Spoiler from now on
So, money against moral, old topic but more relevant than ever I think. Why do I think of Madonna right now? Material girl ... material world ...
Of course they, to be precise, she, pushes the button. As we will learn later in the movie: it's always the woman, cause this family isn't the only test family. And it's always a family with one kid. Money comes, there you go. By the way: the box with the button looks really familiar:
Hello HAL!
Another 2001 movie poster:
Say hello to the one eye ... anyway.

I could write a long text right now, but I won't cause I simply don't feel like. Time is money. And it's saturday.
The movie is about many people with nose bleeding, people hit by flashes, mirrors, a lot of people acting like programed/zombies, strange behaviours ending abrupt, CIA, FBI, NASA and NSA, Mars, stargates, travels into life after death and mirrors looking like water. Military of course is involved, too. Good and bad, god and the devil is a big topic in this one.
Also it's about "the box": we live in it (house), watch it (tv), die in it (coffin), drive in it (car), and so on.

I was expecting another "survival of the fittest"-something-movie. Like "The Hunger Games", "Saw" or "The Cube". The Cube? The Box?

I am really just brainstorming.

In conclusion: sinister and subliminal. Good made. Entertaining, but no feel good movie literally.
Anyone seen it? Has thoughts on it?