The Education System Is Broken


Oct 11, 2017
Hello, excellent Vigilant Citizens! I will be talking about how the education system is broken, all around the world. Enjoy this post. Hopefully, you learn something. :D

Firstly, the school system is preferred towards one type of student. As a school student says, "The school system is inclined towards one type of student. The type that can sit still and listen to lessons, do all of their homework and obediently throw everything they've memorized back up for their teachers in a test. The system only pretends to cater for students who have different learning styles and who can’t study a meaningless set of facts printed on black and white paper – not to mention trying to listen to a teacher drone on for hours. This often leaves students disengaged and thus at a disadvantage because their grades incorrectly portray their “intelligence.” Worse, it affects the psychological well-being of the students for the rest of their lives. The whole education system looks to manufacture one type of student and doesn’t take into consideration the fact that students are individuals, each with their own set of strengths." (Sean Hampton)

Secondly, the education system's knowledge is based on numbers. Which does not determine students strengths? As a website says "Quiz scores, standardized test scores, SAT scores, ACT scores and so on. If a student does not receive a high number on a test, the teacher or institution automatically assumes that this student is not knowledgeable. A student's GPA also plays a role in this. A student might get good grades, have a high GPA score, but then do poorly on a SAT because they are not great test takers. They will then send those scores to colleges, and that simple number could then make or break them. Also, most colleges do not even look at the writing section for SAT's when college is all about writing papers and essays. It just does not make any sense." (The Ody)

Thirdly, the education system is for girls. As somebody says "Well there are several things to consider here. Schooling is designed by women, for women, and done in a manner that appeals to women. The vast majority of teachers are women and identify with the needs and learning style of girls in their classes. Boys, on the other hand, are different. They learn differently, have far more energy that they need to expend each day in physical exercise and often have much more difficulty focusing on what appears to them to be ENDLESS, repetitive and often boring subject matter delivered in a way that appeals to young girls. When it comes to reading and classroom assignments, we replaced great works of literature like Treasure Island and Moby Dick with Twilight and the Hunger Games... books that appeal to young women but hold little interest for men of any age. We increasingly replace gym classes and physical exercise with art classes and ESL." (Matt)

Fourthly, the school system does not teach you twenty essential life skills. For example, How to Handle Money, How to Survive Without Certain Technology, Insurance, Personal Credit, and Credit Cards, Cooking, the Bible, Manners, Guns, Finding a Job, Health Insurance, Self Defense, First Aid, Learning from Failure, Time Management, and most importantly taxes. HOLY COW! But we need to learn about finding the radius of a circle now. :)

In conclusion, the school system is very broken, and it needs a revamp. Making the students involved, teaching essential life skills, making it appealing to boys, and such. We have a long way to go.


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Oct 11, 2017
I wouldn't say it's broken, as it does what it was designed for. That it isn't broken is the problem- we should move things towards the breaking of it.
I read somewhere that the education system was originally designed for factory workers, during the Industrial Revolution. I guess you're correct it does work how it was supposed too.

The fact that we can think critically represents a break in the functioning of the "educational" system.
Humans all think differently. This is one of my favorite images from a smart man Albert Einstein.



Apr 29, 2017
Firstly, the school system is preferred towards one type of student. As a school student says, "The school system is inclined towards one type of student. The type that can sit still and listen to lessons, do all of their homework and obediently throw everything they've memorized back up for their teachers in a test. The system only pretends to cater for students who have different learning styles and who can’t study a meaningless set of facts printed on black and white paper – not to mention trying to listen to a teacher drone on for hours. This often leaves students disengaged and thus at a disadvantage because their grades incorrectly portray their “intelligence.” Worse, it affects the psychological well-being of the students for the rest of their lives. The whole education system looks to manufacture one type of student and doesn’t take into consideration the fact that students are individuals, each with their own set of strengths." (Sean Hampton)
Incidentally, I would have been molded into this top class robot/civil servant material type if I hadn't been driven out of school and social life via bullying. I'm still not sure whether I should feel grateful towards those bullies for disrupting my indoctrination and driving me away from conventionality.

On the one hand, due to those hard times, I wholeheartedly turned to Christianity (which I had been brought up in but neglected), which conferred onto me the strong delusional Messiah-complex phase known as "EliasP" and stole over 15 valuable years of my incarnation during which I wasted time speculating and debating about god and trinity, obsessed with innumerable prophecies, constantly living in fear and paranoia of demons and Satan, believing in the most absurdest miracles, etc. I practically gave up on school and finding a job and fully contented myself with naive expectations of the future. It's only a matter of time before I meet my Demiurge, so to speak... James 3:1 really ought to be mandatory reading for Christians of all denominations. Practically NONE of them have been qualified for missionary work.

On the other hand, it is truly liberating to have attained a sort of mental sovereignty and clarity which can only be afforded by ancient Greek hylozoism. With guides like Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Goethe, and Iamblichus, I am very much fulfilled in this current incarnation.

Thirdly, the education system is for girls. As somebody says "Well there are several things to consider here. Schooling is designed by women, for women, and done in a manner that appeals to women. The vast majority of teachers are women and identify with the needs and learning style of girls in their classes. Boys, on the other hand, are different. They learn differently, have far more energy that they need to expend each day in physical exercise and often have much more difficulty focusing on what appears to them to be ENDLESS, repetitive and often boring subject matter delivered in a way that appeals to young girls. When it comes to reading and classroom assignments, we replaced great works of literature like Treasure Island and Moby Dick with Twilight and the Hunger Games... books that appeal to young women but hold little interest for men of any age. We increasingly replace gym classes and physical exercise with art classes and ESL." (Matt)
This narrative is starting to sound "Alt-Right" to me honestly. And what's wrong with cultivating the arts?

I will, however, concede that it's true that physical health has been poorly neglected in favor of raising intellectuals. An exam is basically a trivia of random unrelated facts and a diploma is really an award for intellectual parasitism. The whole education system relies on a method of cramming and cultivates the faculty of memory over instinct and intuition. Much learning does not make one wise (Heraclitus). People receive knowledge for free and abuse or neglect it. They do not realize that some knowledge is recollection and each piece of knowledge is to be treated as a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Facts are to be put into systems i.e. Aristotle, Spinoza.

Fourthly, the school system does not teach you twenty essential life skills. For example, How to Handle Money, How to Survive Without Certain Technology, Insurance, Personal Credit, and Credit Cards, Cooking, the Bible, Manners, Guns, Finding a Job, Health Insurance, Self Defense, First Aid, Learning from Failure, Time Management, and most importantly taxes. HOLY COW! But we need to learn about finding the radius of a circle now. :)
Holy Cow is right, none of those things you've listed are life essentials.
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Mar 13, 2017
focusing on what appears to them to be ENDLESS, repetitive and often boring subject matter delivered in a way that appeals to young girls
Why would sitting in a classroom and listening to a repetitive and boring lecture forever be more appealing to females? This argument makes no sense.
When it comes to reading and classroom assignments, we replaced great works of literature like Treasure Island and Moby Dick with Twilight and the Hunger Games.
No we haven't.
We increasingly replace gym classes and physical exercise with art classes and ESL."
Art programs are the first to be cut and they are always underfunded. ESL and art are both important and so is gym/exercise. Who's to say that they're not all important and that one should be supported more than the other?


Sep 18, 2017
Hello, excellent Vigilant Citizens! I will be talking about how the education system is broken, all around the world. Enjoy this post. Hopefully, you learn something. :D

Firstly, the school system is preferred towards one type of student. As a school student says, "The school system is inclined towards one type of student. The type that can sit still and listen to lessons, do all of their homework and obediently throw everything they've memorized back up for their teachers in a test. The system only pretends to cater for students who have different learning styles and who can’t study a meaningless set of facts printed on black and white paper – not to mention trying to listen to a teacher drone on for hours. This often leaves students disengaged and thus at a disadvantage because their grades incorrectly portray their “intelligence.” Worse, it affects the psychological well-being of the students for the rest of their lives. The whole education system looks to manufacture one type of student and doesn’t take into consideration the fact that students are individuals, each with their own set of strengths." (Sean Hampton)

Secondly, the education system's knowledge is based on numbers. Which does not determine students strengths? As a website says "Quiz scores, standardized test scores, SAT scores, ACT scores and so on. If a student does not receive a high number on a test, the teacher or institution automatically assumes that this student is not knowledgeable. A student's GPA also plays a role in this. A student might get good grades, have a high GPA score, but then do poorly on a SAT because they are not great test takers. They will then send those scores to colleges, and that simple number could then make or break them. Also, most colleges do not even look at the writing section for SAT's when college is all about writing papers and essays. It just does not make any sense." (The Ody)

Thirdly, the education system is for girls. As somebody says "Well there are several things to consider here. Schooling is designed by women, for women, and done in a manner that appeals to women. The vast majority of teachers are women and identify with the needs and learning style of girls in their classes. Boys, on the other hand, are different. They learn differently, have far more energy that they need to expend each day in physical exercise and often have much more difficulty focusing on what appears to them to be ENDLESS, repetitive and often boring subject matter delivered in a way that appeals to young girls. When it comes to reading and classroom assignments, we replaced great works of literature like Treasure Island and Moby Dick with Twilight and the Hunger Games... books that appeal to young women but hold little interest for men of any age. We increasingly replace gym classes and physical exercise with art classes and ESL." (Matt)

Fourthly, the school system does not teach you twenty essential life skills. For example, How to Handle Money, How to Survive Without Certain Technology, Insurance, Personal Credit, and Credit Cards, Cooking, the Bible, Manners, Guns, Finding a Job, Health Insurance, Self Defense, First Aid, Learning from Failure, Time Management, and most importantly taxes. HOLY COW! But we need to learn about finding the radius of a circle now. :)

In conclusion, the school system is very broken, and it needs a revamp. Making the students involved, teaching essential life skills, making it appealing to boys, and such. We have a long way to go.


Works cited:

Let me state that Zoidberg was one of my favorite in Futurama, loved your work Mr.Zoidberg.

I get the idea and I agree with you on certain issues, it is an indoctrination and brainwashing system, it treats all the students as some kind of machine that gets input and spits it back.

The most important thing is we all know so much "truth", do you see now what kind of stupidity and programming you were exposed to during your school years?
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Mar 14, 2017
Holy Cow is right, none of those things you've listed are life essentials
While there were some redundancies, and one doesn't belong at all, to say that none are life essentials is myopic.

Side note- schools were closed for a week (Irma). From what I can tell, the schools answer to that was to add 5 minutes a day. I can't see how that really makes up for lost learning time.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
“In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."

- Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913


Oct 11, 2017
Incidentally, I would have been molded into this top class robot/civil servant material type if I hadn't been driven out of school and social life via bullying. I'm still not sure whether I should feel grateful towards those bullies for disrupting my indoctrination and driving me away from conventionality.

On the one hand, due to those hard times, I wholeheartedly turned to Christianity (which I had been brought up in but neglected), which conferred onto me the strong delusional Messiah-complex phase known as "EliasP" and stole over 15 valuable years of my incarnation during which I wasted time speculating and debating about God and trinity, obsessed with innumerable prophecies, constantly living in fear and paranoia of demons and Satan, believing in the most absurdest miracles, etc. I practically gave up on school and finding a job and fully contented myself with naive expectations of the future. It's only a matter of time before I meet my Demiurge, so to speak... James 3:1 really ought to be mandatory reading for Christians of all denominations. Practically NONE of them have been qualified for missionary work.

On the other hand, it is truly liberating to have attained a sort of mental sovereignty and clarity which can only be afforded by ancient Greek hylozoism. With guides like Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Goethe, and Iamblichus, I am very much fulfilled in this current incarnation.

This narrative is starting to sound "Alt-Right" to me honestly. And what's wrong with cultivating the arts?

I will, however, concede that it's true that physical health has been poorly neglected in favor of raising intellectuals. An exam is a trivia of random unrelated facts, and a diploma is an award for intellectual parasitism. The whole education system relies on a method of cramming and cultivates the faculty of memory over instinct and intuition. Much learning does not make one wise (Heraclitus). People receive knowledge for free and abuse or neglect it. They do not realize that some experience is recollection and each piece of knowledge is to be treated as a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Facts are to be put into systems i.e. Aristotle, Spinoza.

Holy Cow is right, none of those things you've listed are life essentials.​

Wow! I feel horrible for you again thing. Personally, another horrendous about the school system is bullying. Bullying never gets reported because some people are scared to come forward, some get announced, but teachers do not care. There's a lot of new stories out there about people coming out. And teachers, principals do not seem to mind. It's a cruel world in the classroom, getting bullied by kids who think they are so tough. But probably if you went to their house you would be stuffed animals. I'm glad you have found God that you believe right for you. I don't fundamentally think teaching about Greek gods is wrong, I mean it's history from ancient time periods. I'm happy for you like a guy, and hopefully, you continue your journey with God.

My narrative is not Alt-Right, but merely a proper statement of facts. Boys recess time has been going down. Lately, games like tag have been squashed. Usually, school prefers girls over boys because girls are more organized, while boys tend to be a bit rough around the edges. Some schools expelled students for making paper airplanes, fake guns, some teacher was even concerned about a Superman drawing. Those are famously what boys just do every single day. Schools usually tend to the girl's side of things.

I'm glad you acknowledge with me on one thing. :p We shouldn't be jammed knowledge in our hands and given a piece of paper, to do at home to make us remember it. Let's face it; homework does not benefit us. Homework stresses people out and when they could be doing free time with their life. They need to waste their valuable memories and time on a piece of paper. That they probably will never see again.

Maybe these aren't life essentials, but these are things you will need to know down the road. That school does not teach you. For example, taxes, how to fix a flat tire, insurance, and other valuable things as an adult. School also gives us a false sense of security, when we take a step in the real-world, our security cracks.​
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Oct 11, 2017
Why would sitting in a classroom and listening to a repetitive and boring lecture forever be more appealing to females? This argument makes no sense.

No we haven't.

Art programs are the first to be cut and they are always underfunded. ESL and art are both important and so is gym/exercise. Who's to say that they're not all important and that one should be supported more than the other?
Females tend to be more organized with themselves. We have banished great works of literature and replaced it with girly stuff. There's hardly any action books to read in school, no violence, just a big book of "meh".

Good link:

Art programs should be included in school, but we need to find ways to get funding for it. Each school subject has importance. I agree with you on the last three sentences. :)


Oct 11, 2017
This excellent piece by Carol Black was definately an eye-opener:
On the Wildness of Children,after reading that, what do you make of Zuckerberg's $100million donation, in 2010, to public schools? Was it a true act of generosity? Or.....

Amazing video! I'm glad you recommended that video to me.

Let me state that Zoidberg was one of my favorite in Futurama, loved your work Mr.Zoidberg.

I get the idea and I agree with you on certain issues, it is an indoctrination and brainwashing system, it treats all the students as some kind of machine that gets input and spits it back.

The most important thing is we all know so much "truth", do you see now what kind of stupidity and programming you were exposed to during your school years?
Thank you so much, it means a lot that you appreciate my work, and Hermes cutting my paychecks.

I was exposed to a lot of stupid things in my school. We were led like cows to the grinder. Feeding us up with knowledge, then we forget all of it when we come into the real world. School gave me a false sense of security, that there was going to be a teacher to protect me. School did not teach me how to use a gun, but I learned it myself.

I'm glad you agree with me, means a lot.

While there were some redundancies, and one doesn't belong at all, to say that none are life essentials is myopic.

Side note- schools were closed for a week (Irma). From what I can tell, the schools answer to that was to add 5 minutes a day. I can't see how that really makes up for lost learning time.
Seriously? Five minutes a school day is definitely going to help. :rolleyes:

“In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."

- Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913

Spectacular quote.



Sep 18, 2017
It's a cruel world in the classroom

You are so right, man, when I look back at school with my new eyes and perspective it's like a total hell where you have to be popular and have all the best gadgets, the nicest clothes, [ I've seen girls going to school with makeup lipstick and dressed for a party ] , and if you are not HD or 4K then you're toast, you get bullied and treated like crap.

For all those who got bullied, try to forgive those who wronged you and move forward.



Oct 11, 2017
You are so right, man, when I look back at school with my new eyes and perspective it's like a total hell where you have to be popular and have all the best gadgets, the nicest clothes, [ I've seen girls going to school with makeup lipstick and dressed for a party ] , and if you are not HD or 4K then you're toast, you get bullied and treated like crap.

For all those who got bullied, try to forgive those who wronged you and move forward.

The sad part about bullying is that usually, it's because of their roughhouse setting. Kids reflect off of their parent's actions and often bully because their household is horrible. I agree with you in school you need to be famous to have the entire class liking you. I only had like four friends from the classroom. It was a depressing scene. You should forgive your bullies; not their parents.


Mar 13, 2017
The sad part about bullying is that usually, it's because of their roughhouse setting. Kids reflect off of their parent's actions and often bully because their household is horrible. I agree with you in school you need to be famous to have the entire class liking you. I only had like four friends from the classroom. It was a depressing scene. You should forgive your bullies; not their parents.
I'm in high school right now and I haven't been bullied and I don't see any bullying around campus or in my classes. Most people aren't caught up in popularity either, that's just a movie trope.


Oct 11, 2017
I'm in high school right now and I haven't been bullied and I don't see any bullying around campus or in my classes. Most people aren't caught up in popularity either, that's just a movie trope.
Maybe it is just a movie trope. Some years I got bullied to the point of death. Other years were a breeze to me. Usually, High School bullying does not happen on campus, it happens online through hate messages.