The Elon Musk thread

Oct 20, 2021
em is the hero tptb gave to all of Us
crying out about the censorship that
was/is happening all over msm

did he actually fix anything NO,there
is still limits on what will be allowed
as free speech and what isn't

have fun trying to find any of the tweets
that's considered "hate speechetc.." on it
as it's gonna get buried in the lowest levels
of twit

all part of a club,Ya and me are NOT in

until I See proof otherwise em is playing
his part perfectly as most Peoples even those
of Us awake to the game tptb play are jumping
for joy at a fake win while the machine continues
I also have read he is charging for things that were free. I don't know though because I don't use it. Too many people arguing etc. Not worth the aggravation for me.


Jul 28, 2021
How else are we gonna get ad's and brainwashing directly to our brain in 4k resolution if they dont test it on animals first.Pfft.


May 15, 2017
I also have read he is charging for things that were free. I don't know though because I don't use it. Too many people arguing etc. Not worth the aggravation for me.
yeah he's supposed to all in the name of
getting the bots off the platform and making
it harder for trolls

I don't use it for posting anything,use it to look
at links shared or of something I'm reading
I'm not even sure if the account I made wayyyyyy
back when will even work now

it's been so long since it was logged in and even
that wasnt for me it was for my little one to sell crap
for some adopt a pet game they were playing

everything made for humans is tested on animals
even when they say it isn't then again with tptb maybe
it's not animals they're testing on could be humans


May 15, 2017
would what We/the awake do be considered
spam/scam do Y'all think?think it depends on
the perception of whoever is doing it eh I think
it could be spun to though

guess We wait and See who/what gets deleted
if its real Peoples or actual spam/bots/scams

he coulda said he was deleting/removing the
accounts he chose the word purging on purpose
imo word association is a tool heavily used by
these evils

Oct 20, 2021
I see that musk's Twitter account has been hacked and people having their personal information leaked. I guess that musk is the new Orange Man and they will do anything to sabotage him. Next they will claim that he supports Russia and go after his taxes and have the FBI raid his house. Who knows Amber Heard might crawl out of the woodwork and claim he assaulted her?
Mar 30, 2017
I don't think this should come as a surprise. Well, maybe to some:

How Elon Musk has been involved in launching satellites for the Israeli regime

Here's the website that Elon is launching satellites for:

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


May 15, 2017
I never even Heard of his brother before
of course he's in bed with gates and friends

I will go vegan before I eat their fake meat
who knows maybe test their meats for human dna

all of them are apart of the same bird,tptb gives Us heros
and villains and let Us divide ourselves which We do quite
effectively for them to stay in control

We have to stop and See past the designed divides tptb create
for Us



Sep 21, 2021
I never even Heard of his brother before
of course he's in bed with gates and friends

I will go vegan before I eat their fake meat
who knows maybe test their meats for human dna

all of them are apart of the same bird,tptb gives Us heros
and villains and let Us divide ourselves which We do quite
effectively for them to stay in control

We have to stop and See past the designed divides tptb create
for Us

Me too...never heard of this "brother" before... seems like "some investors" are now coming out of the woodwork... But Branson, an "old name..." among the "gangs..." was into aviation, wasn't he? Now he's "doing meats?" Well...looks like "pigs can really fly..." lol


May 15, 2017
Me too...never heard of this "brother" before... seems like "some investors" are now coming out of the woodwork... But Branson, an "old name..." among the "gangs..." was into aviation, wasn't he? Now he's "doing meats?" Well...looks like "pigs can really fly..." lol
they've been working on the fake meats since 2017 I think e-Enoch
and yeah I thought bransin was gone haven't even Heard or Seen anything
recently with him


Sep 21, 2021
they've been working on the fake meats since 2017 I think e-Enoch
and yeah I thought bransin was gone haven't even Heard or Seen anything
recently with him
I just read some recent news about Branson...he said he almost lost his business empire, Virgin Group, due to the "pandemic..." He seems like a sensible man...I hope he doesn't partner with Gates...


May 15, 2017
I keep saying heros and villains

tptb keep playing the same ole game with
the same old moves even and We all keep
falling for it

how many times do We need a rinse and repeat
before We say nope
it's time to switch up and get these evils playing
Our game


Jun 28, 2020
I keep saying heros and villains

tptb keep playing the same ole game with
the same old moves even and We all keep
falling for it

how many times do We need a rinse and repeat
before We say nope
it's time to switch up and get these evils playing
Our game
As long as the masses allow centralization (Youtube, Facebook, Tiktoc) it never will be our game. As its far too easy to buy, threaten or blackmail one person (say Elon Musk) and gain the ability to control the narrative for 3- 4 billion people.

There is a reason 1 of 6 corporations in America own every single media outlet. You think you're getting variety of news but what you're getting is a very carefully selected, articulated message servicing one agenda, nation wide.

The powers that be only want one narrative. Have you ever done an internet search and seen this?

(I don't use google, this is for demonstration)

Over 2 billion results, now if you took the time and started clicking through you'd only see 10, 20, 30 pages before it ends. Now when each page is only showing 20 results that's no where near 2 billion, is it?

Truth stream media pointed this out years ago, that the internet is shrinking because they are limiting our access.

Go ahead, try it. Search anything, see what results it allows you to have.

I forget his name but a CEO of Google said like a decade ago...
"You know how you search for something and get alot of results?"
"Ya? "
"Well, that's a bug".

Until alternate sources grow in the millions of users.. and people learn how to decentralize... don't expect change


May 15, 2017
that's my point Peoples in general have been intergrated
into this system that allows for someone to be above someone
else be it by education,money etc..

nothing in this World will change as long We allow the ancient
evil bloodlines that have been ruling Us for sooooo long now
to fix that will take a lot more than protests and Love unfortunately

one way to wake up a Good chunk in the 99% get those that are working
anywhere any type of job,take a day off just a day off every single working
regardless of any threats received from Your "bosses" take the day and
See what that would do this World it would stop it dead stop

then maybe realize that it's all Us the 99% keeping this World running keeping
tptb designed system meant to keep Us down under their boot running

while We as a collective need the 1% for nothing at all that actually makes any
part of Our World Us the 99% run it's all the opposite

once Peoples realize We can easily take Our World back anytime We want to We can