
Nov 8, 2022
One of the possible benefits for elites of future clashes with immigrants. It's clear, it's even the clearest.

*Goznak Joint-Stock Company is a Russian company engaged in research, development and production in the field of state signs. Currently, it is a joint-stock company, the sole shareholder of which is the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
December 11, 2022
The return of five- and ten-ruble banknotes to circulation can be expected as early as next year. In addition, at the beginning of 2023, ATMs may begin to issue and accept updated hundred-ruble notes. Arkady Trachuk, Director General of Goznak, spoke in an interview with Izvestia about what these terms depend on, whether anti-Russian sanctions are able to affect the quality and security of the paper ruble, and when an electronic migrant certificate may appear in the Russian Federation.
"Discussions are underway to use e-passport solutions in the development of migration registration"
— Over the past three years, due to all the events, from the pandemic to sanctions, has the demand for chip-based passports produced by Goznak decreased?

"It's stable. The demand is exactly what we calculated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a customer when planning and practically did not make a mistake this year. Demand is stable, calculated, there are no shocks towards a sharp unexpected increase or, conversely, a significant decrease.

— Has the need for Goznak solutions (including identification solutions) on the part of the state changed in any way?

— There are projects, but I won't disclose everything. You probably know that the draft of a citizen's passport with an electronic carrier has been suspended, and it is not yet clear when the conditions for its renewal will arise. But there are discussions about using the solutions prepared for the e-passport for the development of migration registration.


- The introduction of a system with biometric identification for migrants is being discussed. We are talking about an approach close to the State Services, but here it is better to talk with the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because they are key customers and together with the Ministry of Digital Development are preparing a large project. We are a service organization in this project.

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk spoke in an interview with Izvestia about plans to introduce a service similar to Gosuslugi for migrants. Is that what we're talking about?

"I think so. The emergence of a physical medium with biometrics is being discussed, which should make all services more convenient for migrants than they are now.

— A kind of electronic migrant ID?

"In fact, it is. A medium in which everything would be collected: registration, work permit, identity card, health insurance. It's a curious story. In my opinion, this is the right thing to do, because we need to be competitive in the international labor market in relation to workers from Central Asia and other countries.

By the way, curiously, that in this article, after the quoted excerpt, the conversation immediately turns to the question of mandatory chipping or biomtery for the identification of domestic animals. Goznak's boss is of the opinion that biometrics for animals are more suitable than chipping. This is the end of 2022. Towards June 16, 2023, things are already looking like this:

"In Russia, it is necessary to increase the responsibility of owners for their dogs with the help of mandatory microchipping of animals. This was stated on June 16 by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko.

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that recent examples when people died from the attack of stray dogs indicate that not everything is perfect in the legal regulation of this aspect."
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Sep 21, 2021
They should, but they do quite the opposite...
Yes, indeed...But to their detriment...How much longer should they "wait"? The horrible effects are already devastating Sweden, Germany, name a few...not to mention the UK...walking around London is like being in a "different" country...


Nov 8, 2022
Yes, indeed...But to their detriment...How much longer should they "wait"? The horrible effects are already devastating Sweden, Germany, name a few...not to mention the UK...walking around London is like being in a "different" country...
Yes. But obviously not in their (of the government - the real ones behind the puppets), but to your detriment (because with us the migrants do not want to stay, they only pass from here on a road to Western Europe. No, that we are not part of the process and we will remain unaffected. It's just that the conditions are different and impose on us the same master plan of which migrants are a part, in a manner appropriate to the conditions.).


Sep 21, 2021
Yes. But obviously not in their (of the government - the real ones behind the puppets), but to your detriment (because with us the migrants do not want to stay, they only pass from here on a road to Western Europe. No, that we are not part of the process and we will remain unaffected. It's just that the conditions are different and impose on us the same master plan of which migrants are a part, in a manner appropriate to the conditions.).
There are always "exceptions" for pertinent reasons... There is a "pattern" why migrants especially from Middle Eastern countries and the African Continent choose countries such as those I've mentioned...


Nov 8, 2022
There are always "exceptions" for pertinent reasons... There is a "pattern" why migrants especially from Middle Eastern countries and the African Continent choose countries such as those I've mentioned...
One possible explanation (except that we are a poor country here) is that we already have the necessary amount of minorities that are encapsulated in their communities and have mentalities, habits and religions different from those of the indigenous peoples (although many of them have been here for several hundred years), who can quite successfully be activated if and when necessary, for creating the problem needed for the appropriate response.


May 15, 2017
I do See similarities but am not a 100% on its him
though i have no doubt what so ever that there are
actual Known terrorists that have been brought into
all Our countries and We all Know why they've been
brought by now,it's not like they hid it all that great



Nov 7, 2023
Health & homeowners Insurances are changing all over America
Reminds me of the time I worked for an Insurance Brokerage, not long after 9-11.
Turned out that they were cancelling all sorts of policies, outright cancellations (and not writing exclusions, just cancelled entire policies, IF):

the homeowner had a trampoline in their yard (attractive nuisance);
the homeowner had a swimming pool in their yard (same, attractive nuisance); and / or
the homeowner had a "Jack Russell Terrier" [read: Pit Bull], doberman, or some other dog type (I forget what kind ... those were just strict liability hazards).

The inspectors, who were traveling the state doing unannounced outdoor inspections of all policyholder properties, also had free will in writing suggestions for any hazards they found. They cancelled A LOT of policies. THOUSANDS of policies.

Insurance: biggest scam going. I do get a laugh out of "ICE T" selling that "warranty insurance" to clueless car owners, though. Just save money, people. It ain't hard. Also: did you know that Actuarial "Science" will soon be a profession of the past? AI will soon do their job. You heard it here first!


Nov 8, 2022
I do See similarities but am not a 100% on its him
though i have no doubt what so ever that there are
actual Known terrorists that have been brought into
all Our countries and We all Know why they've been
brought by now,it's not like they hid it all that great

Our colleagues from the Azerbaijani Forum Baku365 (Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan) commented on the topic and one of them put this photo in left (supposedly the most up-to-date of Movsum Samedov). I have no idea if it's accurate:

Something like this, yes:

On January 24, a day after the video became viral across social media along with the claim that Samadov was the man featured in it, the Azeri-language service of VOA sister organization Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) found the real Samadov in Azerbaijan and interviewed him.
In the interview, Samadov not only denied he was the man seen in the video clip but said he had not left Azerbaijan after his release from prison in January 2023 because the authorities had banned him from leaving the country.

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May 15, 2017
think most of Us here realize tptb pushing out the
preprogramming for a "cyber attack" that eventually
they will take the grids down to spark off the chaos

really it's the best option at starting it all
considering most the younger generations that don't
Know of a life/time without the online world We have
today cannot function at all without it

doesn't matter who tptb throw out as the "hackers/badguys"
We Know it's the club behind all of it

I do Hope everyone is somewhat prepared and Know a
few handy tricks in case of w/e scenario tptb throw at Us



May 15, 2017
this was in nov of 2023

anything tptb run simulations for We now Know
is just practice for when the real deal happens and
if it's being practiced it because it's coming at some
point in the near future

wonder why it was a bus of "foreign diplomats" (why
would they be on a bus and not in cars)
wonder if there is a upcoming date where the us is going
to hold something that will have a bus full of "diplomats"

this made me think of tptbs simulation



May 15, 2017
it's all I've ever Seen with the veerrr/arrr technologies
only thing I can See as Good about this is that's it's
priced so high but really many save or w/e to get the
crap now so who Knows if it's gonna deter many Peoples

it's just another way to disassociate from each other
and reality that much more
there will be no human connection of anykind .

this will become a pandemic with many Peoples preferring
the online more than their reality and stay plugged in while
they slowly die in real life

again in the hands of those evils in the seats of power right
now,none of the technologies will ever be used for the actual
progress or in the Good of Us



Mar 18, 2017
Okay, so i read this piece and it got me wondering whether all this talk about conscription/draft is merely scaremongering to get certain demographics into accepting TPTB's already-existing solution for world peace rather die on some front-line? Kinda like covid.....get the vaccine inorder to get your freedom back. It's just really suspicious that various elite puppets are floating this idea. Someone i often read mentioned the draft at the outset of the Israel-Hamas war and i wasn't sold on the idea then because it just didn't make any sense to me in the grand scheme of things.

The “doomsday clock” is set at 90 seconds to midnight.

And suddenly everyone is talking about conscription, (as if that would have any bearing at all on a WWWIII). Both the UK and Australia have had calls for conscription in the past week.

So, what’s going on?

How does the apparent surge in international conflict work with the “great reset” world government plan? Is it breaking it or making it?

Is it possible they are dangling a nuclear Sword of Damocles over the world in order to scare people into embracing “world peace” through a global new world order? Or could they be picking the sides for the next Cold War?

…or is it all real, and we could all be radioactive ash by 2025?
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