The Rise of Scientistic Cults


Mar 18, 2017
...and what it means for not just the world's major religions but also for man and his habitation, aswell as the real reason the PTB are obsessed with AI, nanotechnology, etc

'“It is time to move beyond mere observation of scientistic cults and use the knowledge we have gained of recruitment strategies, cultural innovation, and social needs to create better religions than the world currently possesses. At the very least, unobtrusive observation must be supplemented by active experimentation. Religions are human creations. Our society quite consciously tries to improve every other kind of social institution, why not religion? Members of The Process, founded mainly by students from an architecture school, referred to the creation of their cult as religious engineering, the conscious, systematic, skilled creation of a new religion. I propose that we become religious engineers.” -William Sims Bainbridge

The reconfiguration of reality through the sorcery of technology

'The false faith in man’s reason and scientific methodology must also be accompanied by a false faith in man and his own progress. This is not to say that man cannot use his reason to probe the atom or control the electromagnetic spectrum: He can and does. But why does he do this? In a universe desacralized and emptied of any divine telos, the only logical conclusion is the destruction of what is, and thus man’s quest to dethrone God erupts into an orgiastic fanaticism to annihilate prima materia.' The Coming Synthetic Rewrite of Nature