The Truth About Xmas


Mar 11, 2020
We don't celebrate christmas in my household. Im thankful that my husband and i are on the same page about this (he's actually more adamant about it than me). Our children will not be expecting presents brought by some home intruder whose name is an anagram for satan.

Regarding the gifts the kings brought (scripture does not specify that it was three kings, but that three gifts were brought), it was not at the time of Jesus's birth. He was born in a manger [Luke2:7], but the gifts were brought to him when he was a child (not a newborn) living in a house [Matt2:9-11].

Also interesting that the Bible does not mention birthdays in a positive sense, they are often associated with death. In Genesis 40:20-22 we have mention on the pharoah's birthday and the hanging of his baker as phophesied by Joseph. In the New Testament we have Herod's birthday and the beheading of John the baptist [Matt14:6, Mark 6:21]. Around this point is where people usually start accusing me of being a jehovas witness (im not).

These are some of my favorite videos regarding the topic. In general, ive noticed that the majority of pastors fall into one of two groups: either denying that there is any pagan influence in christmas at all, or admitting there is but attempting to justify it/using it for good. These two pastors do neither.

I have a question. Are there any Biblical holidays or festivals that do not have pagan origins?
You know, let's just say festivals Moses, Jesus loved to celebrate whatsoever. Festivals or holidays they used to tell to their people to participate because it's holy or mandatory etc. You get my point. God bless!
Oct 20, 2021
It seems like a lot has been made about Christmas being a pagan holiday. But I have seen no one complaining about Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or any number of other stuff people have been celebrating. So why single out Christmas? Also I think motive is important too. If people truly think that they are celebrating Christmas because of Jesus Christ birthday what's the harm even if it not totally accurate. Also what about Boxing Day? It used to be about giving presents to the needy but now it has become another Black Friday type of promotion. Also what about Christmas music such as Silent Night which I have always loved since I was a child. Now I can no longer listen to that without being called a pagan by the Christmas Police ? And what about all the free publicity Jesus gets having his name Christ celebrated?
Jun 26, 2022
I have a question. Are there any Biblical holidays or festivals that do not have pagan origins?
You know, let's just say festivals Moses, Jesus loved to celebrate whatsoever. Festivals or holidays they used to tell to their people to participate because it's holy or mandatory etc. You get my point. God bless!
You mean the festivals mentioned in the Old Testament/Torah right? (Leviticus 23:5-43)
- Passover (1sr month 14th day)
- Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st month, days 15-21)
- Firstfruits (second day of Feast of Unleavened Bread)
- Pentecost (7 sabbaths after Firstfruits)
- Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day)
- Feast of Atonement (7th month, 10th day)
- Feast of Tabernacles (7th month, days 15-21)

Since these days were directly commanded by God to the Israelites to observe (unlike new holidays invented by the catholic church to coincide with pagan feasts), i have not researched if there are pagan origins.

As they go by months, and the Israelites kept time by a lunar calendar - a full moon cycle = one month- there is the astronomical connection. But as far as the Bible says, we are to use these astronomical events in order to measure/keep time, so long as we are not worshipping these celestial bodies
Jun 26, 2022
Sharing this Truth with others is not in any way judging another. It is merely (and lovingly) bringing the Truth to their attention, which people are free to either accept of reject. For example, sharing the Truth about Christ-mass, and pointing out the fact it is overtly pagan and materialistic and thus has absolutely nothing to do with Christ, is in no way judging anyone.
Yes, i agree that sharing the pagan origins of christmass is not judging.

I just meant that i don't think im "better" or "holier" or "more righteous" etc than those who either don't know or choose to celebrate regardless because to them it really is about Christ. In part because i realize that my past leaves me with many occasions for stumbling that simply do not apply to other people.
Jun 26, 2022
It seems like a lot has been made about Christmas being a pagan holiday. But I have seen no one complaining about Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or any number of other stuff people have been celebrating. So why single out Christmas?
I guess because the people who celebrate those days arent Christians.

Kwanzaa sounds like it's pagan. I wouldn't celebrate that either lol.
Also I think motive is important too. If people truly think that they are celebrating Christmas because of Jesus Christ birthday what's the harm even if it not totally accurate
Just my take on it, but for me it's about consistency.

I sometimes see Christians saying they dont do halloween because it's pagan, but then they will do christmas. That inconsistency makes no sense to me... i mean, the catholics made up a holiday to "christianize" halloween/samhein as all saint's day, so i guess i don't get allowing one and not the other. It's somewhat of a slippery slope to following catholic traditions.

what about Christmas music such as Silent Night which I have always loved since I was a child.
I like Silent Night and O Holy Night myself. As far as i remember neither of them references anything about it being winter time or anything that would make it specifically pertaining to christmass. I mean, we know Jesus was born one day out of the year, so I'll listen to those songs whenever i want.
And what about all the free publicity Jesus gets having his name Christ celebrated?
Unfortunately, years ago there was a series of books and movies that came out claiming that Jesus wasnt real and was really just a retelling of pagan tales. Some i can think of off the top of my head are the movie "zeitgeist" or the book "the christ conspiracy: the greatest story ever sold".

By having Chirst associated with pagan feasts i think it unfortunately gives some credence to these types of materials and many non-believers or lukewarm Christians may be fooled.

(As ive said tho, no judgment here, just sharing info)


Dec 27, 2017
You mean the festivals mentioned in the Old Testament/Torah right? (Leviticus 23:5-43)
- Passover (1sr month 14th day)
- Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st month, days 15-21)
- Firstfruits (second day of Feast of Unleavened Bread)
- Pentecost (7 sabbaths after Firstfruits)
- Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day)
- Feast of Atonement (7th month, 10th day)
- Feast of Tabernacles (7th month, days 15-21)

Since these days were directly commanded by God to the Israelites to observe (unlike new holidays invented by the catholic church to coincide with pagan feasts), i have not researched if there are pagan origins.

As they go by months, and the Israelites kept time by a lunar calendar - a full moon cycle = one month- there is the astronomical connection. But as far as the Bible says, we are to use these astronomical events in order to measure/keep time, so long as we are not worshipping these celestial bodies
@AdjeYen, these feasts mentioned above though they were commanded/mandated by God in the Old Testament, they should not be celebrated or kept any more because they were part of ceremonial law in the Old Covenant. They represented Christ's ministry and death. The feasts, festivals, and sacrifices as laid out in the Old Testament, were a shadow of things to come. These ceremonies were the type, and Jesus fulfilled them as the antitype.


Nov 14, 2019
Even pagan origins have pagan origins! LOL.

I would't celebrate that either, etc. Good grief.

The human condition is a combination of reason and the opposite! That's been the case and always will be so.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I have a question. Are there any Biblical holidays or festivals that do not have pagan origins?
You know, let's just say festivals Moses, Jesus loved to celebrate whatsoever. Festivals or holidays they used to tell to their people to participate because it's holy or mandatory etc. You get my point. God bless!
What @ToxicFemininitySucks shared below concerning the dates of the "f(e)asts" that belong God Commanded us to keep is correct:-

You mean the festivals mentioned in the Old Testament/Torah right? (Leviticus 23:5-43)
- Passover (1sr month 14th day)
- Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st month, days 15-21)
- Firstfruits (second day of Feast of Unleavened Bread)
- Pentecost (7 sabbaths after Firstfruits)
- Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day)
- Feast of Atonement (7th month, 10th day)
- Feast of Tabernacles (7th month, days 15-21)

Since these days were directly commanded by God to the Israelites to observe (unlike new holidays invented by the catholic church to coincide with pagan feasts), i have not researched if there are pagan origins.
However, the Israelites did NOT keep a lunar calendar; that is what the counterfeit Jews (Ashkenazis) do. The Israelite calendar was a solar calendar, which is described in detail in the Book of Enoch.

The beginning of the calendar year on the Holy Enochian calendar is the day following the period of equal night and day, as that occurs in Jerusalem (which usually occurs on the 16th of March each year, making the 17th of March new year's day).

Each of the 12 months on the Holy Enochian calendar is 30 days, with an intercalary day between each of the seasons, along with New Year's day.

All of the f(e)ast dates therefore fall on exactly the same day of the year each year, avoiding any confusion caused by lunar or luni-solar calendars, as is used by the counterfeit Jews today, the overwhelming majority of which are not even Semites.

These are the dates given to us by God to keep throughout all generations to the present day. The "Last Supper" that Jesus had with His Disciples before being betrayed by Judas was the Passover just after His 40th birthday.

Sadly, the "Christian" nations have lost sight of their true identity and Israelite roots, and thus have adopted many of the pagan ways and holidays of the surrounding nations and their organized religions (e.g. Christ-mass, Ishtar/Easter, Halloween, etc.). It is noteworthy that even Ramadan is pagan in origin, and was added to the Koran (Sura 2:183-185) in much the same way Easter was added to the Bible (Acts 12:4). The incorporation of paganism into religious traditions and superstitions is what all organized religions do, revealing their true inventor (Lucifer/Satan/Iblis).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Yes, i agree that sharing the pagan origins of christmass is not judging.

I just meant that i don't think im "better" or "holier" or "more righteous" etc than those who either don't know or choose to celebrate regardless because to them it really is about Christ. In part because i realize that my past leaves me with many occasions for stumbling that simply do not apply to other people.
None of us are better, holier or more righteous (Ps. 53:1-3, Rom. 3:10-12) for pointing out that disobedience to God and His Law/Commands is a sure-fire recipe for finding ourselves in The Fire on Judgment Day, when each of us will be judge by Christ according to our works (Matt. 16:27, Rev. 20:12-15). That's why each of us MUST break free of all of the religious traditions and superstitions and return to obedience to God ONLY (Mal. 4, Acts 5:29-32) to avoid the punishment that awaits the leaders of ALL organized religion and their followers too (Rev. 18:4).


May 17, 2020
...we should be helping those in need throughout the year, and it should not be limited to a particular day or season
First let me say that my original comment was directed personally at you. So apologies if it came across like that.

Absolutely. But let me play a scenario. There's a poor kid in the neighbourhood, it's Summer, the kid is wearing cheap sneakers that have clearly seen better days. So some charitable person buys them a new $300 pair of sneakers. That kid will be overjoyed. But if it's Christmas time when this charitable act happens and those sneakers are wrapped in Christmas paper and placed under a Christmas tree that kids joy will increase 10 fold...guaranteed. Why do you think that is? Why do you think that charitable giving increases beyond measure in the run up to Christmas day? The answer to that for any Christian is simple....God's grace. God floods us with grace at Christmas. And if we're are Christians we should be at the front of the que during this give fest because this is the time when we celebrate God giving us poor lost sinners the greatest gift imaginable. If we can't give wordly gifts to the poorest then how can we be trusted with giving the true gift?

Also, the time at which we celebrate Christmas is perfect. It's the day we celebrate the true light of the world,

"The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him"

Neither Pagans or their deities are the ones responsible for this outpouring of charitable giving through grace. Nor are they responsible for the true light or the day in which we celebrate the true light,

"This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.."

I think ive mentioned before on the forums, years before being saved we got caught up in new age type of beliefs, and that included observing pagan "holidays" (we didnt do any rituals or anything, just noted that it was that day and referred to them by pagan names). So in a way we are still the "weak" brethren that may stumble if we are to observe these days, even by their Christianized name. I realize that those believers who have never fallen into the new age trap would not have to concern themselves with this.

That's interesting. I have never seen you mention that sort of thing before (i generally try to stay clear of religious threads) But in reading that it would seem that your weakness has been used by the enemy to cause fear. I don't mean to get personal here but have you ever gave any thought to the possibility that the enemy has used your fear of 'stumbling' to rob of you of God's blessing at Christmas?
Jun 26, 2022
First let me say that my original comment was directed personally at you. So apologies if it came across like that.

Absolutely. But let me play a scenario. There's a poor kid in the neighbourhood, it's Summer, the kid is wearing cheap sneakers that have clearly seen better days. So some charitable person buys them a new $300 pair of sneakers. That kid will be overjoyed. But if it's Christmas time when this charitable act happens and those sneakers are wrapped in Christmas paper and placed under a Christmas tree that kids joy will increase 10 fold...guaranteed. Why do you think that is?
Honestly, i would say that it is because that child was culturally brought up that a gift is somehow more "special" if it is given at that particular time. Or not wanting to feel left out if others around him/her are receiving gifts but he didn't due to poverty.

If the child did not attach a significance to the wrapping or tree i dont think it would make much of a difference. I think the child would be happy regardless.

Why do you think that charitable giving increases beyond measure in the run up to Christmas day? The answer to that for any Christian is simple....God's grace. God floods us with grace at Christmas. And if we're are Christians we should be at the front of the que during this give fest because this is the time when we celebrate God giving us poor lost sinners the greatest gift imaginable. If we can't give wordly gifts to the poorest then how can we be trusted with giving the true gift?
I would say that as Christians we are in error if we are not engaging in charitable giving year round. And we should be bringing the truth to lost sinners year round as well.

That's interesting. I have never seen you mention that sort of thing before (i generally try to stay clear of religious threads) But in reading that it would seem that your weakness has been used by the enemy to cause fear. I don't mean to get personal here but have you ever gave any thought to the possibility that the enemy has used your fear of 'stumbling' to rob of you of God's blessing at Christmas?
I don't mean to cause fear to anybody, just sharing info for those who are interested.

But yes, due to past experiences (im not going to share my full testimony online, but i will just say that it is shamefully bad) there are many things that other Christians may not regard as an issue but i know to stay away from. Among these are celebrating holidays with pagan origins, or certain forms of music or entertainment, or even some so-called "natural" medicines or therapies.

Regarding holidays, I'll refer back to the verses from Romans that i posted earlier in the thread

Romans 14:5-6
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.


May 17, 2020
Honestly, i would say that it is because that child was culturally brought up that a gift is somehow more "special" if it is given at that particular time. Or not wanting to feel left out if others around him/her are receiving gifts but he didn't due to poverty.

If the child did not attach a significance to the wrapping or tree i dont think it would make much of a difference. I think the child would be happy regardless.
God's grace, mercy and blessing isn't confined by culture. If a Childs joy increases 10 fold simply because a gift is wrapped and placed under a Christmas tree then surely that is a good thing?

Anyways Happy New Year. I hope the Lord blesses you abundantly in the coming year.