
Jul 12, 2022
Interesting topic! One thing I may believe, but it's not necessarily true, is that maybe the iceberg didn't sink it afterall, or they were planning on the ship sinking in the first place..I could be wayyyyy off, but something doesn't sit well with how they tell it nowadays.


Apr 6, 2018
It would seem so. But I came across a Youtube video, where the French Youtuber had noticed that the real Titanic was burned. And according to him, they would have taken the second boat (I forget the name). This second boat, or the real Titanic, has screws that were badly forged... They were therefore blown up during the incident. A boat that was alongside did not intervene. The company had a bankruptcy, and the company was sinking... I don't know why, but he must have mismanaged. I think they said they were stealing the money. Anyway, he took some lumber, which he used to build his house. The name of the unsinkable, comes from the head of a newspaper, who decided, as he always does, by changing the title to almost unsinkable, written by an employee. But was it planned? I don't know... On the other hand, excluding the sacrifice project. The body of the master of the ship was left in his cabin, still attached to the helm... He may be panicking, or it was a suicide... because, despite the accident, he was warned, except if he tried to warn the boat in the face and he never succeeded... He was later found by the same researchers who found the accident because of the nail. It looks like a suicide, the boat was collapsing, panic set in and the passengers stormed the canals. While the musicians played, having nothing more to do... According to some sources, some people were Illuminati, but I would have to dig more on the subject.


Dec 1, 2019
Yes, Hivites have blow it -- I saw video on YT where a diver show us damaged side of the ship -- it has come from within not from tht iceberg.


Apr 6, 2018
Yes, Hivites have blow it -- I saw video on YT where a diver show us damaged side of the ship -- it has come from within not from tht iceberg.
I found an extract, from the show that I LOVED, and which allowed me to have science lessons, being handicapped. Named "C'est Pas Sorcier", he also has a personal channel, French, he has the translation subtitles available on the French language:
But for the next video, here is the text excerpt:
"On April 14, 1912 at 11:40 p.m., the sea was motionless. Usually the sea is agitated and leaves behind great white foams, the brilliance of which does not escape the eye of the sailor. The lookout therefore sees nothing, and when he sees the aisberg, the navigator only has 500m left to avoid it, but it's too late, the maneuver is slow, too slow. The impact then causes a shock, which the passengers do not really pay attention to. The Titanic is constructed of steel plates which are riveted together. Moreover, the investigation will also reveal that these rivets were of poor quality, under the shock will crumple and act like a crowbar. The plates will then move apart and the water will rush into the ship. If the impact had been very localized, the Titanic could have returned to port. Unfortunately, 5 to 6 compartments will fill with water. The boat will get heavier, get heavier. It will nose dive and on colossal effort effect. It will end up breaking in two and sinking more than 3700 meters deep."


Mar 12, 2022
There was something wrong with it as I can recall but they didn’t tell anyone by memory (don’t quote me on this). My mum watched the doco on it and told me. So basically it wasn’t made right.


Jul 31, 2017
I'm not very familiar with Titanic theories, but the ones above are certainly interesting to say the least.


Apr 6, 2018
J'ai retrouvé, dans ma réserve d'articles, un article du Daily Mail:
I found an article from the Daily Mail in my article stash:

Des télégrammes révèlent le terrible sort réservé aux victimes du Titanic
Le Daily Mail et d'autres médias britanniques ont récemment publié des télégrammes en rapport avec le naufrage du Titanic en 1912. Il s'agit ici d'échanges entre le Mackay-Bennett, navire chargé de la récupération des corps, et la White Star Line qui n'est autre que la compagnie d'exploitation du Titanic.
Les passagers de troisième classe rejetés à l'eau
Ces fameux télégrammes nous apprennent que l'équipage du Mackay-Bennett a été submergé par le nombre de cadavres issu du naufrage. En raison du manque de fourniture d'embaumement et d'espace à bord du navire, ils auraient reçu l'ordre de repêcher en priorité les passagers de 1ère et de de 2ème classe et de jeter par dessus bord les corps sans vie de ceux de 3ème classe.
Ce sont les vêtements, les bijoux et les autres effets personnels qui auraient permis aux membres de l'équipage de déterminer à quelles classes appartenaient les passagers. Ainsi, sur les 334 corps repêchés, 116 ont été rejetés à la mer par la suite.
Des moyens insuffisants pour la récupération des corps
On apprend que le seul navire mis à disposition pour récupérer les cadavres du naufrage n'était absolument pas suffisant face à l'ampleur du sinistre. "Absolument essentiel que vous rameniez au port tous les corps que vous pouvez entreposer à bord", peut-on lire sur un télégramme envoyé par la White Star Line au Mackay-Bennett.
Le capitaine du navire en question face à la l'ampleur de la tâche aurait alors répondu : "Tous les papiers, devises et objets de valeur trouvés sur les corps ont été consignés avec soin. Ne serait-il pas préférable de confier toutes les dépouilles à la mer sauf requête particulière des familles pour les conserver ? Nous pouvons en ramener soixante-dix au port si nécessaire", expliqua le capitaine Larnder.
Telegrams reveal the terrible fate reserved for the victims of the Titanic
The Daily Mail and other British media have recently published telegrams in connection with the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. These are exchanges between the Mackay-Bennett, a ship in charge of the recovery of the bodies, and the White Star Line which is none other than the operating company of the Titanic.
Third class passengers thrown back into the water
These famous telegrams tell us that the crew of the Mackay-Bennett was overwhelmed by the number of corpses from the sinking. Due to the lack of embalming supplies and space on board the ship, they would have been ordered to fish out 1st and 2nd class passengers first and throw overboard the lifeless bodies of those in 3rd class.
It was the clothing, jewelry and other personal effects that would have allowed the crew members to determine which classes the passengers belonged to. Thus, of the 334 bodies recovered, 116 were subsequently thrown into the sea.
Insufficient means for the recovery of bodies
These famous telegrams tell us that the crew of the Mackay-Bennett was overwhelmed by the number of corpses from the sinking. Due to the lack of embalming supplies and space on board the ship, they would have been ordered to fish out 1st and 2nd class passengers first and throw overboard the lifeless bodies of those in 3rd class.
It was the clothing, jewelry and other personal effects that would have allowed the crew members to determine which classes the passengers belonged to. Thus, of the 334 bodies recovered, 116 were subsequently thrown into the sea.