Why I believe the Jews are not behind everything


Mar 23, 2021
Why are Jews called Chosen People?
Are they saying the Jewish race is superior to others?

#1 The Jews are not a race; there are Jews of every race.
#2 Any person of any race, ethnicity, or nationality can become a member of the Jewish people and thereby be as chosen as Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah or the chief rabbi of Israel.

Virtually every other nation has perceived itself as chosen or otherwise divinely special. For example, China means “Middle Kingdom” in Chinese – meaning that China is at the center of the world; and Japan considers itself the land where the sun originates (“Land of the Rising Sun”). The difference between Jewish chosenness and other nations’ similar claims is that no one cares about any other group considering itself Chosen.
Perhaps the greatest evidence for the Jews’ chosenness has been provided in modern times, during which time evil has consistently targeted the Jews:
  • Nazi Germany was more concerned with exterminating the Jews than with winning World War II.
  • Throughout its 70-year history, the Soviet Union persecuted its Jews and tried to extinguish Judaism. Hatred of Jews was one thing Communists and Nazis shared.
  • The United Nations has spent more time discussing and condemning the Jewish state than any other country in the world. Yet this state is smaller than every Central American country, including El Salvador, Panama, and even Belize. Imagine if the amount of attention paid to Israel were paid to Belize — who would not think there was something extraordinary about that country?
  • Much of the contemporary Muslim world — and nearly all the Arab world — is obsessed with annihilating the lone Jewish state.
In the words of Catholic scholar Fr. Edward Flannery, “the Jews carry the burden of God in history.”

It doesn’t alter the fact that the obsession with one of the smallest countries and smallest peoples on earth, and the unique hatred of the Jews and the Jewish state by the world’s most vicious ideologies can be best explained only in transcendent terms. Namely that God, for whatever reason, chose the Jews.
Well because they are a stiff necked stubborn rebellious people but yet GOD kept HIS convenant to Abraham & bring salvation to the world through them inspite of not because of....GOD will not be denied in fullfilling his promises oaths etc


Aug 11, 2021
Do Jews believe non-Jews have souls? YES.

Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."​
Adam and Eve the progenitors of mankind were not Jewish. The first humans had souls.
Gen 12:5 "And Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot the son of his brother and all their possessions that they owned and the souls that they had produced in Kharan, and they went out to go to the land of Canaan and they came to the land of Canaan.."​

Souls produced are converts. Anyone was welcome to come with Abraham and Sarah if they believed in the One God and not idols.

They did not allow intermarriage with the Moabites or the Moabites. It doesn't say they didn't have souls. It's because they were hostile to the Jews.

Deuteronomy 23:3-4 "No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation. 4 For they did not come to meet you with bread and water on your way when you came out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam son of Beor from Pethor in Aram Naharaim to pronounce a curse on you."​


Jul 28, 2021
Throughout its 70-year history, the Soviet Union persecuted its Jews and tried to extinguish Judaism. Hatred of Jews was one thing Communists and Nazis shared.
LOL what a punch of BS .Always the victim..
After 1917 bolshevik revolution punishment for antisemitism was execution.
Remember the "New Jerusalem" or how Stalin gave Crimea to jews but the locals kicked them out .After that he gave them a new territory close to chinese border but they didnt want that.Such opression,much Wow.

Crimean California
"The first option emerged in 1926 when Moscow announced support for a Jewish autonomous region in the Crimea, whereby about 96,000 Jewish families would move there.

The project gained an international dimension when in 1929 the USSR signed an agreement with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish relief organization based in New York. It gave $1.5 million a year to finance “Crimean California” and Jewish resettlement to the region.

The USSR started to equip communes in Crimea for Jews to live in. It started well: several communes were created and worked effectively planting seeds and developing cattle breeding. However, problems soon emerged: local groups, who were envious of the well-financed Crimean Jews, started pogroms and created serious unrest in the peninsula. "

After WW2 Stalin did go after the "cosmopolitans" but died soon after he started.Many reasons were for that-one was that stalin got his hands on freemason archives after russians took Berlin.Stalin became aware of many schemes and then Ilya Ehrenburg and Vassil Grossman started to promote another scheme against Stalins orders so thats when he went against them.

The Secret Masonic Archives
The US State Department began a close co-operation with the Grand Orient of France in the late 1930s, as shown by documents included in the Grand Orient archives, which were confiscated and placed in the Special Archives in Moscow in 1945. In connection with the German occupation during the Second World War the freemasons in France were hit by serious setbacks. The Vichy government, where Marshal Henri Philippe Petain played a central part, was against freemasonry and closed down the Grand Orient in 1940.
On 13 August 1940, Marshal Petain forced through legislation demanding the disbanding of all secret societies. Civil servants belonging to the freemasons were forced to resign either from their posts or from their lodges. Petain had the principal freemasons arrested (a total of 5000) and sent to concentration camps. The conspirators, however, carried on their activities in the camps. Petain took the opportunity to confiscate the archives of the freemasons, which were handed over to the Germans.
The freemasons took their revenge on him in 1945, when he was sentenced first to death and then to life in prison. Ninety-six masonic members of parliament had voted in favour of giving Petain the authority to rule Vichy-France (Ghislaine Ottenheimer, Renaud Lecadre, "Les frcres invisibles" / "The Invisible Brothers", Paris, 2001, p. 63).
In 1945, at the castle of Altan in Nieder-Schlesien, the Red Army came across 25 large railway cars containing highly sensitive archive material, including documents from various masonic lodges in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Poland and Czechoslovakia (Platonov, op. cit. Vol. 1, p. 3).
The documents gave a comprehensive picture of the secret power wielded by international freemasonry. All the material was brought to Moscow, where it formed the basis of the Special Archives of the Soviet Union (Osoby Arkhiv, 0A).
With the aid of the secret masonic archives, Stalin was able to blackmail several Western masonic politicians who feared exposure of their shady activities.
The extremist Jew Andrei Kozyrev (actually Aaron Friedman) who after the demise of communism became Russian foreign minister, organized the return of the secret masonic documents to the masonic central in Paris. On 20 May 1994, Russia handed over one million secret acts to France. According to the Grand Orient librarian, Pierre Mollier, this was "like Christmas many times over". These documents contained important information about the masonic global conspiracy. The Russian historian Oleg Platonov managed to copy several of these documents before they left Russia.
Freemasonry Today (January 2002) wrote about these documents: "On 14 June 1940, the German army entered Paris and on the same day took control of the buildings of the Grand Orient of France, at rue Cadet, situated in the centre of the city... On 1 July 1940, the German Foreign Minister, Alfred Rosenberg, informed Martin Borman that "great treasures" had been discovered in the occupied Masonic premises. Teams were established to seize documents relating to the workings of the Grand Orient, the largest organized body of French Freemasonry. They seized valuable historical documents, specifically targeting files covering the Grand Orient's external relations from the middle of the nineteenth century, and special attention was paid to the years immediately preceding the outbreak of the 1939 war... The archives were transported to Germany."


Jun 17, 2017
#1 The Jews are not a race; there are Jews of every race.
its a religion AND a race. there are clear physical differences and genetic markers for ashenazi jews. sephardic jews are physically harder to spot.

#2 Any person of any race, ethnicity, or nationality can become a member of the Jewish people and thereby be as chosen as Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah or the chief rabbi of Israel.
i agree; i recall a conversation i had with a conservative israeli who said that a non-jew who becomes jewish and follows the tenants of judaism is even more ''chosen'' than a jew born into the religion.

Nazi Germany was more concerned with exterminating the Jews than with winning World War II.
not one document (secret or otherwise) from nazi germany shows an extermination plan for jews.

Much of the contemporary Muslim world — and nearly all the Arab world — is obsessed with annihilating the lone Jewish state.
well.... how many times in the bible did god ask the jews to annihilate other peoples (moabites, etc.) in the middle east?


Aug 11, 2021
well.... how many times in the bible did god ask the jews to annihilate other peoples (moabites, etc.) in the middle east?
They were idol worshippers and pagans who performed human sacrifices.

not one document (secret or otherwise) from nazi germany shows an extermination plan for jews.
Hitler's official plan to exterminate the Jews given to museum

"'The danger posed by Jewry for our people today finds expression in the undeniable aversion of wide sections of our people... it arises mostly from personal contact and from the personal impression which the individual Jew leaves almost always an unfavourable one.​
'And thus comes the fact that there lives amongst us a non-German, alien race which neither wishes nor is able to sacrifice its racial character or to deny its feeling, thinking, and striving.​
'This thinking and striving after money and power, and the feelings that go along with it, serve the purposes of the Jew who is unscrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in their employment.​
'In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of the nations.​
'An antisemitism based on reason must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of the privileges of the Jews, that which distinguishes the Jews from the other aliens who live among us - an Aliens Law.​
'The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews in general.'"


Mar 23, 2021
Well we could say its the secular vs the non but they aren't secular they worship evil who thinks its good so they are following something thats tangibly intangible

They took the victim card to another level thats the problem....its the whoa is me 1657895848971.png mentality

The thing is with the holocaust lets just say it happened just follow along even if it happened it would never have exterminated the jews the genetics are in more people then you realize....so that would never work so maybe it really was just a rouse probably a more accurate action to dicuss would be why where the different groups arrested and detained....first they came for the (and it wasn't the jews) subversives those that spoke out against the reich & those that drained the resources aka handicapped fringe of society thats who got rounded up
May 18, 2018
They were idol worshippers and pagans who performed human sacrifices.

Hitler's official plan to exterminate the Jews given to museum

"'The danger posed by Jewry for our people today finds expression in the undeniable aversion of wide sections of our people... it arises mostly from personal contact and from the personal impression which the individual Jew leaves almost always an unfavourable one.​
'And thus comes the fact that there lives amongst us a non-German, alien race which neither wishes nor is able to sacrifice its racial character or to deny its feeling, thinking, and striving.​
'This thinking and striving after money and power, and the feelings that go along with it, serve the purposes of the Jew who is unscrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in their employment.​
'In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of the nations.​
'An antisemitism based on reason must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of the privileges of the Jews, that which distinguishes the Jews from the other aliens who live among us - an Aliens Law.​
'The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews in general.'"
-An "official plan"
-Written in 1919 in a letter to a friend

Try again

(Also it wasn't given to the museum, it was sold for 100k. Not a bad profit)


Aug 11, 2021
Well we could say its the secular vs the non but they aren't secular they worship evil who thinks its good so they are following something thats tangibly intangible

They took the victim card to another level thats the problem....its the whoa is me View attachment 77315 mentality

The thing is with the holocaust lets just say it happened just follow along even if it happened it would never have exterminated the jews the genetics are in more people then you realize....so that would never work so maybe it really was just a rouse probably a more accurate action to dicuss would be why where the different groups arrested and detained....first they came for the (and it wasn't the jews) subversives those that spoke out against the reich & those that drained the resources aka handicapped fringe of society thats who got rounded up
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
- Martin Niemöller​


Mar 19, 2018
Jews pull the race card to prevent people from criticizing them. Wake up to their tricks
Some Jews pull the race card to prevent people from criticizing them in the exact same way that some people from non-Jewish groups pull the race card.


There is no group that can claim to be sinless and therefore superior to another group. All have sinned.


Dec 1, 2019
Human sacrifice is forbidden in Judaism.
Open their books and please read who are goys -- a kettle. All non Jews are in their degenerative minds. They cut thir kids penises and drink kids blood at their celebrations with make their brains bad. My father was MK ULTRA victim and they killed him and my brother.
I hate you, Hivites, jews, what ever you call themselves. Burn in Hell for eternity with all your kids, wives and rutuals.


Aug 11, 2021
Open their books and please read who are goys -- a kettle. All non Jews are in their degenerative minds. They cut thir kids penises and drink kids blood at their celebrations with make their brains bad. My father was MK ULTRA victim and they killed him and my brother.
I hate you, Hivites, jews, what ever you call themselves. Burn in Hell for eternity with all your kids, wives and rutuals.
It is terrible what happened @Vmort to your father and your brother. :mad::( I hate the people that did and do those evil things.

In my first post I talk about the evil mixed multitude that pretended to be Jews and snuck out of Egypt with them. I think that's where the Hivites and all of the satanic bloodlines and practices come from. They hide behind Jewish names but they are the evil tribes. It is right there in the bible. God tells us what is happening.

Would the true satanic masterminds reveal themselves to us? They hide behind and impersonate others.
  • 2 Corinthians 11:14 - "No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
  • Ephesians 6:11 - "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil."
  • Revelation 12:9 - "And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world."
  • Revelation 3:9 - "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you."
  • 2 Timothy 3:13 - "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."
  • 2 Peter 2:1-3 - "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep."

God shows through the Jews to the satanic Egyptian sorcerers and magicians that He is more powerful than they.
  • Exodus 7:11-12 - "Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs."

The Illuminati/Hivites are NOT practicing Jews even if they hide behind Jewish names. They do not follow Judaism. They are the satanic imposters God tells us about. They go against God and the bible.
Blood drinking in the Bible:
#1 God commands all humanity not to drink blood. Genesis 9:4 "But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood."
#2 To the Jews specifically: Leviticus 17:14
"For the life of every creature is its blood: its blood is its life. Therefore I have said to the people of Israel, You shall not eat the blood of any creature, for the life of every creature is its blood."​


Aug 11, 2021
History of Circumcision -

The origin of circumcision is not known with certainty. It has been variously proposed that it began
  • as a religious sacrifice
  • as a rite of passage marking a boy's entrance into adulthood
  • as a form of sympathetic magic to ensure virility or fertility
  • as a means of reducing sexual pleasure
  • as an aid to hygiene where regular bathing was impractical
  • as a means of marking those of higher social status
  • as a means of humiliating enemies and slaves by symbolic castration
  • as a means of differentiating a circumcising group from their non-circumcising neighbors
  • as a means of discouraging masturbation or other socially proscribed sexual behaviors
  • as a means of increasing a man's attractiveness to women
  • as a demonstration of one's ability to endure pain
  • as a male counterpart to menstruation or the breaking of the hymen
  • to copy the rare natural occurrence of a missing foreskin of an important leader
  • as a way to repel demonesses
  • as a display of disgust of the smegma produced by the foreskin
Removing the foreskin can prevent or treat a medical condition known as phimosis. It has been suggested that the custom of circumcision gave advantages to tribes that practiced it and thus led to its spread.

Ritual male circumcision is known to have been practiced by South Sea Islanders, Aboriginal peoples of Australia, Polynesians, Sumatrans, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans and Ancient Egyptians. Today it is still practiced by Jews, Muslims, Coptic Christians, Ethiopian Orthodox, Eritrean Orthodox, Druze, and some tribes in East and Southern Africa, as well as in the United States and Philippines.

Circumcision is the world's oldest planned surgical procedure, suggests Grafton Elliot Smith to be over 15,000 years old, pre-dating recorded history. There is no firm consensus as to how it came to be practiced worldwide.

In his 1891 work History of Circumcision, physician Peter Charles Remondino suggested that it began as a less severe form of emasculating a captured enemy: penectomy or castration would likely have been fatal, while some form of circumcision would permanently mark the defeated yet leave him alive to serve as a slave. Other explanations for its origin include it acting as a religious sacrifice or a rite of passage marking a boy's entrance into adulthood.

The earliest historical record of circumcision comes from Egypt, in the form of an image of the circumcision of an adult carved into the tomb of Ankh-Mahor at Saqqara, dating to about 2400–2300 BCE. Circumcision was done by the Egyptians possibly for hygienic reasons, but also was part of their obsession with purity and was associated with spiritual and intellectual development. No well-accepted theory explains the significance of circumcision to the Egyptians, but it appears to have been endowed with great honor and importance as a rite of passage into adulthood, performed in a public ceremony emphasizing the continuation of family generations and fertility. It may have been a mark of distinction for the elite: the Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the sun god Ra as having circumcised himself.

The narrative in Genesis chapter 17 describes the circumcision of Abraham and his relatives and slaves. In the same chapter, Abraham's descendants are commanded to circumcise their sons on the eighth day of life as part of a covenant with God. In addition to proposing that circumcision was taken up by the Israelites purely as a religious mandate, scholars have suggested that Judaism's patriarchs and their followers adopted circumcision to make penile hygiene easier in hot, sandy climates; as a rite of passage into adulthood; or as a form of blood sacrifice.

Although it is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran (early seventh century CE), circumcision is considered essential to Islam, and it is nearly universally performed among Muslims. The practice of circumcision spread across the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern Europe with Islam.

Circumcision Developed Independently
For Aboriginal Australians and Polynesians, circumcision likely started as a blood sacrifice and a test of bravery and became an initiation rite with attendant instruction in manhood in more recent centuries. Often seashells were used to remove the foreskin, and the bleeding was stopped with eucalyptus smoke.

Christopher Columbus reported circumcision being practiced by Native Americans. It probably started among South American tribes as a blood sacrifice or ritual to test bravery and endurance, and its use later evolved into a rite of initiation.

Circumcision for Health
Circumcision first began to be advocated as a means of prophylaxis in 1855, primarily as a means of preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections. At this time, renowned British physician Jonathan Hutchinson published his findings that Jews had a lower prevalence of certain venereal diseases in the city of London. Hutchinson's study suggested that circumcision acted as a effective means against contracting sexually transmitted disease. While pursuing a successful career as a general practitioner, Hutchinson went on to advocate circumcision for health reasons for the next fifty years.

In 1870, Sayre began using circumcision as a purported cure for several cases of young boys diagnosed with paralysis or significant motor problems. He thought the procedure ameliorated such problems based on a "reflex neurosis" theory of disease, which held that excessive stimulation of the genitals was a disturbance to the equilibrium of the nervous system and a cause of systemic problems.

The use of circumcision to promote good health also fit in with the germ theory of disease during that time, which saw the foreskin as being filled with infection-causing smegma. Sayre published works on the subject and promoted it energetically in speeches. By the late 19th century, it had become a common medical procedure throughout a large majority of the core Anglophonic world: Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Contemporary physicians picked up on the new treatment, which they believed could prevent or cure a wide-ranging array of medical problems and social ills. An association between circumcision and reduced heterosexual HIV infection rates was first suggested in 1986.

The Egyptians made the first record of it - Ankhmahor Tomb Circumcision Scene, c. 2345 BCE

Circumcision being performed in central Asia (probably Turkestan, c. 1865–1872.)

Turkish Children wearing circumcision robes ----- Boys in white clothing with bonnets at Tireli market, just after circumcision, Mali 1990

Unpopular Now
In the 1970s, the United States stopped short of recommending against it, simply stating that it has no medical benefit. The current recommendation being that the benefits outweigh the risks, but they do not recommend it routinely.


Aug 11, 2021
Circumcision in Africa
Circumcision is prevalent among 92% of men in North Africa and around 62% in Sub-Saharan Africa. In western and northern parts of Africa it is mainly performed for religious reasons, whereas in southern parts of Africa it rarely performed in neonates, instead being a rite of passage into manhood

Ulwaluko among the Xhosa People
Ancient Initiation Rite among the Xhosa, Ulwaluko (Circumcision) Article
A boy of the Xhosa people of South Africa must be circumcised before being considered a man. He is shaved and taken into the mountains where he will live in seclusion in a hut built for him by his family. While in isolation, a surgeon comes and circumcises the boy. He is not allowed to return to the tribe until he is healed.

The initiates, who are known collectively as abakwetha or individually as umkwetha, surrender their names. Their clothes are shredded in the days leading up to their exclusion, and they carry a short stick with a white cloth tied to one end. Women cut dry grass for thatching while men chop down flexible saplings. Dressed in traditional clothing the adults construct a domed dwelling called iboma that will serve as home for the abakwetha.

The abakwetha are stripped naked and ushered inside the family kraal (traditionally a collection of huts within an enclosure). They sit on the bare ground where they are draped in grey blankets while a cow and goat are slaughtered. There is a great deal of alcohol consumed by those in attendance, especially the old men who sit looking on from a semi-circle of chairs. Axes and knives flash in the winter sun as the animals are butchered, cooked in big pots, then rapidly consumed by all.

All the while, in the swirl of dust, blood and noise, the abakwetha sit quietly with heads bowed in submission while attending men explain what is to come, and what is expected of them. Their heads and pubic hair are shaved. They are offered choice cuts of goat and cow, and encouraged.
All those present contribute in one way or another. The greatest contribution comes from the parents of the initiate. It costs somewhere in the region of ZAR10,000 (US$900) to put a boy through the initiation. There are cows and at least two goats to slaughter, traditional blankets, a month’s worth of food, traditional surgeon fees, overseer fees and food and drinks for parties. And the brand new smart clothes worn at the end of the month can cost in excess of ZAR2,000 alone.

The inqalathi are learning all the time. They watch all the ceremonies and learn the ‘language’ of the abakwetha, taking in with some trepidation what their own rite of passage will require when it is upon them. The verbal transfer of knowledge seems secondary to the symbolism. The seclusion, suffering and pain represent the trials of life; it is the process that matters, not what is said. It is a test of personal character and fortitude.


Imbalu in Uganda
Imbalu is a public circumcision ceremony practiced by the Bamasaba people of Uganda. It takes place at the Mutoto cultural site (also called Mutoto cultural ground) near Mbale in eastern Uganda. It is mostly active in the 8th month of every even year. The ground is believed to be the place where the first Mugishu (Mumasaba) was circumcised.


Lebollo la banna among the Sotho People
Lebollo is a cultural and traditional practice that transitions boys in the Basotho society to manhood. It is a rite of passage where dzwiya (transl. "boys") pass puberty and enter adulthood to become monna (transl. "men") by circumcision. This practice is commonly found among Basotho men in the Free State Province of South Africa as well as in Lesotho.

A Sotho man wearing a blanket showing proof that he has reached the manhood stage

Kenya & Tanzania
Amongst the Gikuyu (Kikuyu) people of Kenya and the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania, male circumcision has historically been the graduation element of an educational program which taught tribal beliefs, practices, culture, religion and history to youth who were on the verge of becoming full-fledged members of society. The circumcision ceremony was very public, and required a display of courage under the knife in order to maintain the honor and prestige of the young man and his family. The only form of anesthesia was a bath in the cold morning waters of a river, which tended to numb the senses to a minor degree. The youths being circumcised were required to maintain a stoic expression and not to flinch from the pain

In the South of Malawi, the Yao and Lomwe tribes practice tribal circumcision. There are fears that there is a heightened risk of spreading human immunodeficiency virus as the surgeons use the same blade and encourage boys to have sex with women after the ceremony .

Papua New Guinea
Among the Kabana of the West New Britain district of Papua New Guinea, a boy is "superincised" while lying on top of his father's or mother's younger sister. The woman gets on her hands and knees and the boy lies on her back. The man chosen to cut the child inserts a small piece of bamboo under the foreskin, says a spell on the razor, spits a fine spray of ginger juice on the boy's penis to anesthetize it, and with a smooth stroke cuts the top of the foreskin. After the incision the boy's penis is wrapped in a leaf, and a burning ember is placed on the ground between his feet to heat the wound and facilitate the drying process.

Circumcision and allied genital operations have been interpreted in various ways: as a mark of subjection, a test of endurance, a hygienic precaution, a sanctification of procreation, a badge of incorporation into the tribal community, a symbolic castration by a dominating father figure, and an expression of male envy of women's menstruation. On Wogeo Island off the north coast of Papua New Guinea people actually refer to penile incision as men's menstruation.

Asia / Polynesia
Tulì in the Philippines
Tulì is a Filipino rite of male circumcision. It has a long historical tradition and is considered an obligatory rite of passage for males; those who have not undergone the ritual are ridiculed and labeled supót by their peers.

Circumcision is not considered a religious rite in the Philippines, as some four-fifths of Filipinos profess Roman Catholicism, which does not require it. Rather, circumcision is a social norm rooted in tradition that is followed by society at large. Most boys usually undergo the procedure not shortly after birth but prior to reaching puberty or before high school (around ages 10–14).
Subincision of the penis is a traditional ritual mutilation unique to the Aborigines, the indigenous people of Australia. The mutilation is a urethrotomy in which the undersurface of the penis is incised and the urethra slit open lengthwise. Subincision is one element in the initiation of Aboriginal youths. In later ceremonies, repeated throughout adult life, the subincised penis is used as a site for ritual bloodletting. There also exists a ritual of penis holding which occurs when a subincised man enters a strange camp. The origin of subincision and the reason for its localization to the Australian continent has not been satisfactorily explained. The mutilation is still performed among tribal Aborigines, and identifies a man as holding a position of status within the tribe.
The Polynesian island where the custom is best documented, and perhaps most important, is Tikopia. Tikopia is a tiny island in Western Polynesia, so far west that it is governed by Solomon Islands, which are in Melanesia. Anthropologist Raymond Firth has fully documented how boys on the brink of puberty are incised in groups by their mothers' brothers, and then feasted and toured around the island as men. It is important that it not be done too late (too near puberty) or a boy will be shamed; boys who have cut penises will not let uncut boys play with them. A visiting teacher was uncut, and if his children misbehaved, they were cursed with "Go and incise your father!" Firth says it is not a puberty rite, but a maturity rite. But the fact that it is done on the penis suggests that a connection with puberty can not be far away: it would make puberty seem to come under human control.

It is said of a boy who has been incised, "His oven has been kindled," (referring to the cooking of food for the feasting that follows) and he is then allowed to take a man's rôle at ceremonies. The ceremony and the exchange of gifts that surround it are very important in cementing Tikopian society together. As Firth says, "The actual operation occupies only about two minutes; the handling of food and valuables attendant upon it may take five days or more, and the preparation of them many months of work."

Tikopians are not circumcised, but superincised. That is, a single cut is made from front to back on the top of the foreskin. Because it is done before the penis grows, the skin pulls back, giving an appearance similar to true circumcision.

Unlike the custom of some other cultures, the Tikopian boy is treated sympathetically through his ordeal and given every encouragement to endure it stoically. He is cradled in the arms of one of his uncles, while another does the cutting and the whole family crowds around. Special songs (laments) are sung, sympathising with the boy's pain, and the uncle who does it is under enormous social pressure to do it properly. He usually trembles from the tension, and if he doesn't seem to know what he is doing, he will quickly be replaced. A flat stick is pushed under the foreskin to protect the glans. Before the arrival of the European the cut was made with a sharp stone, later a razor-blade. A friend of mine with access to medical supplies was called on to supply scalpels for the ceremonies.

On Ra'ivavae in the Austral Islands (700 kilometers from Tahiti), the boys superincise themselves (ouch!) alone. The custom is similar in the Philippines, and one shudders to think of the possibilities of misunderstanding and accident, but presumably they know what the result should look like. On the tiny island of Niue, it is done about the age of eight and, as on Tikopia, it is a big occasion. In Fiji, it is a custom of puberty.



Mohammed listed circumcision as one of the features of the fitrah=Nature and being tested with this and carrying out this command with patience will multiply the reward.
"It is more befitting that Mohammed should not miss out on this virtue and that God should honor him in the same way as He honored Abraham, because he is more virtuous than any other Prophet."

Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad al-Ma’aad on Mohammed's Circumcision
This issue arose between two righteous men. One of them wrote a book saying that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born circumcised and compiled in it ahadith which are not sound at all. His name was Kamal al-Deen ibn Talha. He was criticized by Kamal al-Deen ibn al-‘Adeem who explained that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was circumcised according to the custom of the Arabs. As this was the custom of all the Arabs, there is no need for a report (to prove that he was circumcised).​

It was said that Caesar the king of Rome whom Imru’ul-Qays (famous Pagan Arab poet lived before Islam) came to visit was born like that (i.e., uncircumcised) and Imru’ul-Qays entered upon him in the baths and saw him like that, and composed a line of verse mocking him for being uncircumcised. He scorned him because he was not circumcised, and he regarded his being born like that as a defect. This line of verse was one of the reasons that motivated Caesar to poison Imru’ul-Qays and he died.


Dec 1, 2019
In my first post I talk about the evil mixed multitude that pretended to be Jews
Jews are the part of Hivites society and always have been. It is theit lie that they were different -- all time they were the same. I know that because they are ruling my country but Hivites are hiding underground and on their bases.
Still don't get why Egyptians didn't whiped these degenerates genes out of existence. We would be free now.
Why medieval were so idiots to let jews live in gettos? They had to kill them all instead.


Aug 11, 2021
Jewish View On Abortion

Abortions are only allowed if the pregnancy is a threat to a mother's life.
Judaism does not sanction thinking of human life – or the potential of human life – as “no big deal.” It’s an extremely big deal. We shouldn’t have clinics that function like assembly-line factories where life after life is snuffed out. It’s barbaric.

B’tzelem Elokim nivra ha’adam,” the Torah tells us. Every human life is sacred. Destroy one life and you destroy a world.

Human Life International
Orthodoxy permits abortion to save the life of the mother only in instances of “grave necessity.” This might include aggravation of a serious heart condition or if the mother’s physical health would deteriorate drastically as the direct result of fetal deformity, a rare occurrence indeed


Jun 4, 2017
-An "official plan"
-Written in 1919 in a letter to a friend

Try again

(Also it wasn't given to the museum, it was sold for 100k. Not a bad profit)
According to the article, it was purchased expressly for public display, by private donations-- and it will remain on display at the museum, permanently.

So why should I bother with such pettiness? (I asked myself) :D

The article is 11 years old.
Add to that, the 23 years they waited for availability, but mostly for confirmation of its authenticity-- and that is ample time for any issues to have been exposed.

Rather than look for anything valid to discredit the document-- you just made something up.

It was not a letter to a friend.
It was neither sold nor bought by the museum or the human rights organization.
It was purchased with donations from the trustees... and so what?

It was an assignment from Hitler's superior, in which he detailed "...the army's position on "the Jewish question," for the benefit of another soldier--> Adolf Gemlich.
On September 16, 1919, Hitler issues his first written comment on the so-called Jewish Question.

In the statement, he defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. The “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”
And it was $150,000... expensive charade.

But it's fine-- it's a great example, in a bite-sized package, of a careless and unexamined perspective on the whole matter.
(Don't worry... you're not alone.)
@Vmort said:
Why medieval were so idiots to let jews live in gettos? They had to kill them all instead.
Those medievals tried.
The (un)Holy Roman Catholic church started murdering Jews well before the medieval period. The Crusades began around 1095... 1096-- which also marked the beginning of the Dark Ages.* But they had been practicing for years, by then.
First "crusade"--> something like 2000 Jews were slaughtered in the Rhineland Massacre, alone. wiki.

--> The Catholic crusaders completed their "armed pilgrimage" a few years later, by liberating Jerusalem from the Muslims-- slaughtered them, too.
* Which coincides with the office of the 'Papacy' becoming official-- no coincidence, I'm sure.
I thought you would be familiar with what @Sibi is calling the mixed multitude, too.

The HIVITES are descended from the cursed line of Cham (Ham)--> and so are the Egyptians.

The Jews
are descended from Shem-- one of Noah's other sons.
Shem fathered Eber--> Hebrews.

Cham (Ham) was one of Noah's 3 sons, who repopulated the earth after the Flood.
He (gravely) offended his father, Noah-- so Noah cursed his son, Canaan.

Cham fathered Cush, Egypt, Put & Canaan.
Canaan fathered --> the HIVITES.​

Canaan also fathered... Sidon his firstborn and Heth, and the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites... the Arkites, the Sinites, the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites.

The mixed multitude -> Hivites included-- seems to be descended almost entirely from this cursed line.
Every government, every religion and every conceivable group, wielding power over (even the hearts and minds of) the people, has been infiltrated by this mixed multitude-- including and especially, Judaism.

The Holocaust was not a novel idea-- it was a very old idea, reimagined by a psychopath with better technology, and an obsession with the occult.