Woman Wants To Marry Tree


Mar 26, 2017
And before people complain about this being in the health and wellness section- this is clearly a case where the health and wellness of this woman is called into question.


Mar 18, 2017
I wonder what Islam and/or Christianity have to say about this

Genesis 2:18,20,22

The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be
alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the
rib he had taken out of the man."

Note: There were angels, trees and animals (bestiality) but God didn't think they were good enough for Adam, for companionship or procreation.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
This society is sick and it's on its way down. History has shown as soon as homosexuality, transgenderism, and the rest of immoral acts go on the rise civilizations go down. The only way I see this reversing is for families to start pulling their kids out of public school and either school them yourselves and or form a small community and have designated qualified people whom you trust to teach your kids.

I never understood how parents could simply give their kids to an institution and have complete strangers raise their kids.


Mar 14, 2017
Has cultural Marxism gone too far?
While at one level this is pretty funny, it's in pants-on-head retarded kind of way, there is another level. There, an event like this is symptomatic of our entire 'civilization', and on that level, it isn't very funny. It reminds me of how they had that Simpsons episode where it electing Trump was mentioned as the final straw before the onset of total insanity and degeneration. Once you put it in that perspective... I don't know about you, but I personally get angry.

It's about as narcissistic, nihilistic and infantile as you can get to make a big deal out of claiming to want to marry a tree and going as far as to upload videos about it. I actually think this is sad more than it's funny. It reminds me again of those That Poppy productions which are also "funny". But I think it's about something more. It's about living in a culture that believes in nothing, cares about nothing and strives for nothing.

So tell me, do I take things too seriously? Because, I think this woman is a **** idiot. And I'm tired of living in a society where retarded things like this get pushed to the front page while people dying elsewhere in the world because of our actions (and inactions) get ignored since nobody seems to want to behave as adults any more.

"Look at me, I want to marry a tree LOL!"

Look at this. Worst thing I saw today. Like I said, symptomatic. I'm not laughing, I think this is disturbing. Fluoride?

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Mar 26, 2017
why get angry? we have no control over how people are.

but if you want something that's like porn for people against idiocracy...

maybe read Revolt of the Masses. José Ortega Y Gassett was talking about this All the way back in 1929... we're just seeing the culimatiok of what he was talking about (very similar to the movie Idiocracy)...

I mean... Trump is a celebrity, a TV character...

and the Republicans are supposed to be the ones defending traditional values....

but then Reagan was an actor.... so things have been headed in a bad direction for a long time.....

i cant get angry. i think its better to smoke weed... what can you do?


Mar 13, 2017
So tell me, do I take things too seriously? Because, I think this woman is a **** idiot. And I'm tired of living in a society where retarded things like this get pushed to the front page while people dying elsewhere in the world because of our actions (and inactions) get ignored since nobody seems to want to behave as adults any more.
Dumb and absurd things always get propagated because it's amusing to people and will generate clicks. But a lot of people do care about more serious issues too.