Black people in the Bible

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Yellowbunzz tasty

Dec 30, 2019
What do you think those movies could teach me about the black experience?
(The people enslaved my people are still well and alive. Jan van Riebeck is still chilling in his expensive house as we speak.)

These movies could teach you not to be so quick to tell black people to move on. My parents personally went through the worst during Apartheid. And I'll never forget the fact that my dad was almost killed on multiple occasions simply due to the color of his skin.

The reason I recommended these specific movies is because they left me with the mindset that despite all this positivity of races getting equal opportunities with each other. The reason why many black people to this day are still unemployed despite having higher education and experience. The reason why media portrays us as unattractive, unintelligent, unwanted.

Its because we are black. And the color of our skin and feautures is the reason why society looks down on us.

This taught me that the color of my skin definitely matters in how people of other races see me.

Because I have had experiences (despite being born into freedom) where white people would look at me as though I am disgusting. Ranging from my teachers to strangers who lived around my neighborhood. Only at the age of 9.

And it hurts, a lot.

Therefore we as black people can't forget what has happened. Since we know racism still exists to this day. And those movies are a reminder as well that our leaders were strong people who endured difficult circumstances so we could have the choice to chose what future we want to have.

Since if it were to continue, I wouldn't even be on this thread. I wouldn't even have a phone to begin with.

Not to mention, the reason black people in general have issues in their communities such as featurism and colourism is simply due to white people infiltrating this mindset that they were better and to look beautiful we must look like them for generations.

Thats why mixed kids even exist today, due to slave masters raping black slaves. And this also has a lot to do with spirituality since if I look at most coloured(mixed) communities. Most of them have identity issues and resort to crimes. (Doja Cat)

Why do you think that is? r*pe has a bunch of long lasting effects on the individual and the offspring of that individual.

Mental slavery still exists and is very evident due to what the generations who experienced slavery taught their generation and so on.

Black people were taught that they were nothing but animals. Here on earth to work and burn in hell after their death.

Now I can't just forget about that,No. (Since history repeats itself.) It happaned and I have to acknowledge that it did, can I forgive....yes and it gets harder when I see people like you lack the common sense to see that we are still taught this even today. Racism isn't an illusion, its real , evil and even kids experience it from a young age.

For goodness sake a white women called the cops and black toddler simply for brushing his bag against her but by mistake.

Tell me how this won't affect this child in the long run. They will always remember that traumatic event. And this kind of behavior only fuels the hatred. I was lucky enough for God to give me a father who shadowed me from more intense racism and never felt dirty by simple being black.

What is my point in this.....the past is the past but it has a way of influencing ones future.

I am going to leave it here, if you want to have a discussion about these kind of topics I suggest you start a thread. This thread wanst meant for these kind of topic. Like I've said before, the title is.

"Black people in the Bible"


Mar 13, 2017
(The people enslaved my people are still well and alive. Jan van Riebeck is still chilling in his expensive house as we speak.)

These movies could teach you not to be so quick to tell black people to move on. My parents personally went through the worst during Apartheid. And I'll never forget the fact that my dad was almost killed on multiple occasions simply due to the color of his skin.

The reason I recommended these specific movies is because they left me with the mindset that despite all this positivity of races getting equal opportunities with each other. The reason why many black people to this day are still unemployed despite having higher education and experience. The reason why media portrays us as unattractive, unintelligent, unwanted.

Its because we are black. And the color of our skin and feautures is the reason why society looks down on us.

This taught me that the color of my skin definitely matters in how people of other races see me.

Because I have had experiences (despite being born into freedom) where white people would look at me as though I am disgusting. Ranging from my teachers to strangers who lived around my neighborhood. Only at the age of 9.

And it hurts, a lot.

Therefore we as black people can't forget what has happened. Since we know racism still exists to this day. And those movies are a reminder as well that our leaders were strong people who endured difficult circumstances so we could have the choice to chose what future we want to have.

Since if it were to continue, I wouldn't even be on this thread. I wouldn't even have a phone to begin with.

Not to mention, the reason black people in general have issues in their communities such as featurism and colourism is simply due to white people infiltrating this mindset that they were better and to look beautiful we must look like them for generations.

Thats why mixed kids even exist today, due to slave masters raping black slaves. And this also has a lot to do with spirituality since if I look at most coloured(mixed) communities. Most of them have identity issues and resort to crimes. (Doja Cat)

Why do you think that is? r*pe has a bunch of long lasting effects on the individual and the offspring of that individual.

Mental slavery still exists and is very evident due to what the generations who experienced slavery taught their generation and so on.

Black people were taught that they were nothing but animals. Here on earth to work and burn in hell after their death.

Now I can't just forget about that,No. (Since history repeats itself.) It happaned and I have to acknowledge that it did, can I forgive....yes and it gets harder when I see people like you lack the common sense to see that we are still taught this even today. Racism isn't an illusion, its real , evil and even kids experience it from a young age.

For goodness sake a white women called the cops and black toddler simply for brushing his bag against her but by mistake.

Tell me how this won't affect this child in the long run. They will always remember that traumatic event. And this kind of behavior only fuels the hatred. I was lucky enough for God to give me a father who shadowed me from more intense racism and never felt dirty by simple being black.

What is my point in this.....the past is the past but it has a way of influencing ones future.

I am going to leave it here, if you want to have a discussion about these kind of topics I suggest you start a thread. This thread wanst meant for these kind of topic. Like I've said before, the title is.

"Black people in the Bible"
Have you been almost killed because of the color of your skin? Have you had to go through similiar things as your ancestors? Or have you had it a bit easier..and if so, why not live your life and be thankful you don’t have to live those things yourself.

I think that the mindset you’re referring to is ingrained in the black race...and if people like Candace Owens steps away from that..she’s attacked for being like the white man...when all she did was leave her victimhood behind and started living her life where she was able to find success. That’s a success story that should bolster the black community but it doesn’t. People want to remember the bad times instead of being thankful that they aren’t living them and move on and live their lives. I think that if you live in the past you can’t live your future. And, since you’ve come to Jesus..He’s gonna have you leave your past so you can have a future...that’s how God works.

I think the black people in this country are obsessed with their color and look down on their color and think that because of their past they can’t amount to anything and I think in some ways that’s a comfort..then they don’t have to try to become something for themselves and can blame it on the white man. Where..if they tried they could fail and maybe feel worse about it because of their skin color.

Are you sure that people were looking down at you..or were you already conditioned to think that at age 9?

I don’t know that the black leaders wants the communities to move on..they make a lot of money off the misery of their brothers and sisters..its really sad to see that. I can’t believe that the black community doesn’t see it..but it must be like a are told what to think and believe and it becomes your reality and you follow those people because they are saying what seems like reality for a great number of people. When in actuality anyone can make something of themselves in America..that is what America is all about...even for the non whites of this just have to do it. You don’t have to live a life that your own people have told you that’s the best you could have...when it might not be the best you could have. I suspect that’s why so many of the American Indians drink so heavily..they have to stay in those communities but there is nothing there for them..they know it..but like a cult..its hard to escape especially when your family is in it to.

Obama was giving out phones to his voters...could have picked one up then...but really, work hard and you can have a phone too.

That’s not why mixed kids exist and white people have kids seem to have a one track mind that everything that’s happened is due to slavery and can’t see anything beyond that.

Yep..the drive by media likes to print random reports about white’s hurting blacks..when its mostly black on black violence. They don’t seem to mention that. I’ve noticed in reading the media if its a story with a race issue where the white person seems to be the aggressor..or a cop is an aggressor..than its treated as a white on black issue. However...when its the black man who is the aggressor its a man who hurt or killed another man and race isn’t even mentioned. Carefully, look at the news in this light and you will see that the media is in on this race divide..they don’t want to have black and white’s living peacefully together..they want to stir the pot because it helps the dems who need the black persons votes to even get elected...let that one sink in. It‘s not about the black person..its about the power of the black vote where then they do nothing for the black people..their lives don’t improve but the hate and the bitterness gets deeper...a very sad cycle.

That child will only remember that if their family reminds them of it..or if they handle it like yep, that always happens to us black people. What about the other white people that didn’t do that? That doesn’t matter. How about if the family handles it like, yes some people are that way, but not everyone is..and see if that doesn’t change the attitudes and the mindset of the individual. Its really all in the way you look at something.

The Queen of Sheba is in the Bible..she was a black woman...she went to Solomon to find out about God. God want’s everyone to know about Him and come to Him and be transformed by the renewing of their minds..what do you think that could possibly mean? God takes us as he finds us..but He doesn’t leave us, He has better plans for us..and He has better plans for the black person that they don’t have to stay in their mental prisons where they feel like a second class citizen..not all white people see black people in that way..but of course like anything it depends on the outlook of that person...some black people give the black race a bad name. Equally true..some white people do too. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush especially when you don’t want to be painted with it either. It’s white against black for votes and power of a don’t have to stay in can be free of it..and I hope and pray that God will help you with these things and you will see your worth in Him.


Mar 4, 2020
There's no evidence that Jesus was black, but if he had been it'd certainly have made it easier for Judas.
I mean, he wouldn't have had to point him out to the temple guards when they came to arrest him, he need only have said "Jesus is that black bloke over there"

PS I don't know if anybody's mentioned it yet, but the Romans told Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry the cross, Cyrenaica in in North Africa and I don't know if Simon was a negro, but he was certainly African.

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Mar 4, 2020
3,803 influencers who talked about slavery being allowed in the bible..
Smack them in the kisser with this verse-
"We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God" (Bible: 1 Tim 1:9)

and in the Old T, Moses went ballistic and killed an Egyptian slavedriver-

"One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand" (Exodus 2:11)

"Eat this Jack!"



Apr 23, 2018

The good ol' USA "land of the free"... Well, except for having more prisoners than India or China, and 37% of them being black men. But it seems that just killing black people on the street is acceptable as well, even civilians can do it and not face prison (George Zimmerman...).


Mar 13, 2017

The good ol' USA "land of the free"... Well, except for having more prisoners than India or China, and 37% of them being black men. But it seems that just killing black people on the street is acceptable as well, even civilians can do it and not face prison (George Zimmerman...).
I thought it was the black man that kills the black man that‘s the real danger in America because of the gang violence?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I feel as though many black people are recently being influenced that the bible was brought to everyone by white people specifically. This has caused a huge ruckus in the black christian community especially when it comes to young adults who believe that we as black people have been brainwashed for decades into slavery and that the Bible was used to convince black people that we were meant to be slaves by God. Which is a lie.

The Bible isn't a random book, which needs to be said since you can't pick a short quote out of the entire bible and judge it as a whole just to push your own narrative.

And due to our young generation being spoon fed useless unreliable information by their favorite influencers. They begin to believe that the bible was made to oppress black people which therefore creates very close-mindedness in this entire situation. Since the one thing you can do to lead a majority of black people away from is "racism"

So I wanted to mention here a few things I've picked up(I haven't read the bible entirely soooo don't expect much) about us as black people.

So the only popular reference of an African person in the bible is of Moses's wife who was Ethopian. We all know that story and if not feel free to search it online and you will get a few bible references.

The unpopular one was that Jesus was black this is due to the fact that on Revelation 1:12-14

"12.And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks, 13.And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot ,and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire 15. And his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters"

Now reflecting in the statement that his feet were like unto fine brass(which is known for being a bronze, browner colour) that burned in a furnace which further exclaims that he was darker in complexion.

Secondly his hair was as white as wool. Now black people in general are known for having very thick natural coily hair which represent the pattern if wool. The reason I'm talking of this statement was the fact that his hair was further said to be as white as "wool" at first then "as white as snow" further showcasing that this was his hair pattern.

Now as you've seen its clearly written how Jesus looks like yet there is no verse I'm familiar with in the bible which speaks on him having pale white skin, long blonde hair and blue eyes and.

(If so please reference it)

And to further that, long hair for a man isnt and wasnt a good but due to the amount of influence the catholic church has in the world, even christians began indoctrinating these things in church.

Which brings me to my last point which is, why does racism exist?

The devil of course, but he had sooo many options on which race would be most oppressed and the oppressers.

He chose white individuals specifically to be oppressers and left the mark of colorism in each ethnicity whilst making sure that even though all races would experience racism. Black people specifically would be the bottom barrel of everything.


Those are the stereotypes.

We experience the bitter end of the stick since we are generally darker in complexion.

Beauty standards were created to be opposite of everything we are. Pale skinned, straight hair, thin nose.

Even now if I were to ask you how the devil looked like, you would immedietly refer to the color black while Jesus on the other hand will be referred to as a pale man.

This is what made me consider this statement of his appearance in the bible to be even more true.

But this is just a theory I had....feel free to discuss with me more stuff here.
This is a very difficult subject to discuss, as are all emotionally charged subjects. That's why it is always best to keep emotion out of it, and rely strictly on what the Scriptures say and our God-given reason and common-sense.

It needs to be clarified first and foremost that Christ is a Spirit-Being, just like God Himself is a Spirit-Being.

John 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship [Him] with their spirit (Being) and in Truth.

That's why Christ, the Firstborn Son of God, repeatedly (and truthfully) told us, through the mouth of Jesus, that He is NOT OF THIS WORLD.

King of kings' Bible
- John 8:14 (KJV - John 8:23) 8:14 And he said unto them,
Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I AM NOT FROM THIS WORLD.

Obviously the body of Jesus, which Christ INCARNATED, was born of the virgin body of Mary, and definitely was of this world, hence His designation as "the Son of Man". So the only way to make sense of the above verse is to understand that it was Christ speaking through the mouth of Jesus.

Just as the human Jesus and the spirit-Being Christ together formed the human+Being known as Jesus+Christ, each of us are spirit-Beings (Souls) who are temporarily incarnating these human-animal bodies, whatever their color may be. So it really shouldn't matter what color they are, as these bodies are merely our temporary habitations.

Are You the Car Or the Driver?

We know from Scripture that Jesus did NOT grow up in Nazareth, because He paid the Stranger's Tax (Matt. 17:24-26) and because the town of Nazareth didn't exist until the 4th century A.D. So where did Jesus spend His formative years?


Returning to the verse you've quoted in the OP, please see it below in context:-

Revelation 1:13-16
1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks [one] LIKE unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the breast with a golden breast-plate.
1:14 His head AND [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire;
1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength.

Please note well it does NOT say "the hair on his head was white like...". It specifically states both His head AND his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow. How could the head of a black man be white? It's understood that elderly black men can have white hair just as elderly white men can have white hair, but only white men have heads that are white as snow.

It then states that His eyes are like flame of fire. What color is a flame of fire? Is it not blue in the middle?

It then states that His feet as "like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace"., which many have wrongly assumed to be blackened, like soot. But in reality, fine brass, which is alloyed with zinc, directly from the furnace is white hot!

It is only after the brass cools/anneals that it takes on its light gold color. How could something that was supposedly black in color out of the furnace later turn light gold?

So logically one must ask: is it possible for a black-skinned human to have white feet and a white head?

And finally it gives us a description of His Voice as "the sound of many "waters". What "waters" is this referencing?

Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The "waters" which thou sawest, where the "Whore" sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

So the "voice of many waters" is the voice of MANY peoples. The most universally used language in the world today is the ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Isa 28:11).

There are also at least two dozen Scriptural references to Christ during His Second Coming that can be further investigated. Please click on the link below for an article that lists them.

The Scriptural Marks of Christ

There are also similar birthmarks in Scripture describing the true people Israel during these end-times.

The Scriptural Marks of True Israel

Which has been included in a thread of research on the 12 tribes of Israel, here on VC:-

Again, this isn't meant to offend anyone; it's only meant to look at the facts unemotionally that have been shared with us.

Peace be upon you.
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Apr 23, 2018
I thought it was the black man that kills the black man that‘s the real danger in America because of the gang violence?
If such things take place it has a lot to do with the rich white men keeping poor black people in the ghetto through cultural warfare, with the intention of preventing them from developing a revolutionary consciousness and standing up against those who oppressed and still oppress them.


Mar 13, 2017
If such things take place it has a lot to do with the rich white men keeping poor black people in the ghetto through cultural warfare, with the intention of preventing them from developing a revolutionary consciousness and standing up against those who oppressed and still oppress them. that’s not it.

It’s the black man that keeps the black man down. They tell each other they can become nothing g because of how they got to this country and can’t get past the past. It’s very sad. If their is an oppressing white man it’s the democratic party that keeps them in that bondage by continuing the bitterness and hate that they stir up in the media and in rallies against the white man...never mind that they are white too. I find it all to be really sad.They have broken families that the dems have exploited, abortion clinics set up by Margaret Sanger a white woman who believed in eugenics..targeting black neighborhoods. Which is why black people join gangs in the first place...they have no home life, their lives are all about the past and how they can’t have any future because their ancestors were slaves and they aren’t allowed to forget it. Victimization doesn’t do anything for you but keeps you down.

The US fought a civil war that freed the slaves but no one really talks about that. Those people were freed until they started believing that they weren’t. It’s hard to be trapped by your mind.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
The US fought a civil war that freed the slaves but no one really talks about that. Those people were freed until they started believing that they weren’t. It’s hard to be trapped by your mind.
While the other half of the US, the people you support and who are evangelical Christians, wanted to keep their slaves.


Mar 13, 2017
Yet down south you still see confederate flags everywhere. Plenty in your part of the country ( Idaho/Montana/Utah)
Never have seen a confederate flag where I live...

The answer is no one in the US is allowed to have slaves legally anymore.


Mar 13, 2017
Doesn't mean that half of the country's ideology disappeared. They're bitter now and take it out on others. You're a perfect example of that :)
I’m not an example of that at all. I don’t hate the black person and I’m not against them...I hope they succeed in I hope all people succeed in life.

Doesn’t mean that everyone in half the country still wants black slaves either...I think the country has moved past that..that past is in the past..however, black people can’t see it or won’t see it. Perhaps they can get more out of the politicians they vote for..everyone gets a cell phone Obama years...


Apr 19, 2020
there were some good Christians who opposed those thing no doubt, but they were in the minority I'm afraid. Have you read any history ?
You got proof of this? I guess all the Christians living through the periods where slavery of Africans wasnt around (~0-1500 AD) dont count?
May 30, 2020
I feel as though many black people are recently being influenced that the bible was brought to everyone by white people specifically. This has caused a huge ruckus in the black christian community especially when it comes to young adults who believe that we as black people have been brainwashed for decades into slavery and that the Bible was used to convince black people that we were meant to be slaves by God. Which is a lie.

The Bible isn't a random book, which needs to be said since you can't pick a short quote out of the entire bible and judge it as a whole just to push your own narrative.

And due to our young generation being spoon fed useless unreliable information by their favorite influencers. They begin to believe that the bible was made to oppress black people which therefore creates very close-mindedness in this entire situation. Since the one thing you can do to lead a majority of black people away from is "racism"

So I wanted to mention here a few things I've picked up(I haven't read the bible entirely soooo don't expect much) about us as black people.

So the only popular reference of an African person in the bible is of Moses's wife who was Ethopian. We all know that story and if not feel free to search it online and you will get a few bible references.

The unpopular one was that Jesus was black this is due to the fact that on Revelation 1:12-14

"12.And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks, 13.And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot ,and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire 15. And his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters"

Now reflecting in the statement that his feet were like unto fine brass(which is known for being a bronze, browner colour) that burned in a furnace which further exclaims that he was darker in complexion.

Secondly his hair was as white as wool. Now black people in general are known for having very thick natural coily hair which represent the pattern if wool. The reason I'm talking of this statement was the fact that his hair was further said to be as white as "wool" at first then "as white as snow" further showcasing that this was his hair pattern.

Now as you've seen its clearly written how Jesus looks like yet there is no verse I'm familiar with in the bible which speaks on him having pale white skin, long blonde hair and blue eyes and.

(If so please reference it)

And to further that, long hair for a man isnt and wasnt a good but due to the amount of influence the catholic church has in the world, even christians began indoctrinating these things in church.

Which brings me to my last point which is, why does racism exist?

The devil of course, but he had sooo many options on which race would be most oppressed and the oppressers.

He chose white individuals specifically to be oppressers and left the mark of colorism in each ethnicity whilst making sure that even though all races would experience racism. Black people specifically would be the bottom barrel of everything.


Those are the stereotypes.

We experience the bitter end of the stick since we are generally darker in complexion.

Beauty standards were created to be opposite of everything we are. Pale skinned, straight hair, thin nose.

Even now if I were to ask you how the devil looked like, you would immedietly refer to the color black while Jesus on the other hand will be referred to as a pale man.

This is what made me consider this statement of his appearance in the bible to be even more true.

But this is just a theory I had....feel free to discuss with me more stuff here.
And to add on what you said,There are tons of Proof about Black People being in the Bible.(To clarify,I ain't got anything against White Folks,But it's time you knew the Truth,Cause 400 Years is done).400 Years = 2019-1619

I saw everything from Paintings of Black Royalty dating from Way Back until 1000 AD and I can say Without a Shadow of a Doubt Black people Used to Rule Europe before they lost favour with the Most High and He destroyed their Kingdoms and Let the Caucasians take over. And I bet most white folks don't know why they are called Caucasians.

During the Renaissance Period,Every king,Queen and Painting got repainted to fit White People Narrative,That's when also the painting of "White Jesus" came to fruition.

There is a lot of info out there and You brave for bringing up this Post up.