Facing the Reality of Climate Change


Mar 4, 2020
Food for thought-

WIKI 'RAF Woodbridge' says a million trees in Rendlesham Forest were cut down in WW2 to make room for an airbase, so I can't help wondering if that fact is somehow linked to this Bible verse- "I will punish you as your deeds deserve sayeth the Lord, I will kindle a fire in your forests that will consume everything around you" (Jeremiah 21:14)
So perhaps the famous Rendlesham UFO of 1980 was some sort of ancient "Guardian of the Trees' that had woken up from a nap and decided to put in an appearance?

The verse might also be linked to Travis Walton's true 'Fire in the Sky' in 1975 abduction, he and his logging mates had been cutting down trees all day and were ambushed by a UFO on the way home in their pickup after dark, here's a shot from the film-

And here's a couple of quotes for good measure-
"The whole earth is at peace,the trees rejoice at no woodcutter coming" (Isaiah 14:7/8 )
"The presence of faithless mortals disturbs the trees" (Treebeard in LOTR)
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Nick Danger

Mar 14, 2017
The Environmental Movement is nice “double speak” for what it really is: The Depopulation Movement. This is a tactic that has been employed thousands of times in the last century. For example, The Federal Reserve isn’t federal. The Patriot Act is the furthest thing from patriotic etc..

The Environmental Movement embodies every goal of the satanic plutocrat psychopaths that run this world.

It lines the pockets of it’s green investor billionaires, it promotes global government, it deteriorates our perception of nationalism while urging us to be upstanding collectivist “Global Citizens”.

The satanic globalist Malthusian finance oligarchs in charge see this planet as theirs. The two oldest and most popular desires are to become a god and to rule the world. These guys seek both.

They see themselves as the “gods” of this planet and they see us plebeian useless eaters as being poor stewards of their resources. So there is a balance. They need and want us to be docile collectivist worker bees that will surely line their pockets but also feel that there is too many of us.

As the Georgia Guidestones state. “To maintain the population at 500 million.” That is, 500 million worker bees to purchase their products, maintain and assure their status as gods and to do what we’re told while they seek immortality and omniscience through transhumanism.


Apr 23, 2018
The Environmental Movement is nice “double speak” for what it really is: The Depopulation Movement. This is a tactic that has been employed thousands of times in the last century. For example, The Federal Reserve isn’t federal. The Patriot Act is the furthest thing from patriotic etc..

The Environmental Movement embodies every goal of the satanic plutocrat psychopaths that run this world.

It lines the pockets of it’s green investor billionaires, it promotes global government, it deteriorates our perception of nationalism while urging us to be upstanding collectivist “Global Citizens”.

The satanic globalist Malthusian finance oligarchs in charge see this planet as theirs. The two oldest and most popular desires are to become a god and to rule the world. These guys seek both.

They see themselves as the “gods” of this planet and they see us plebeian useless eaters as being poor stewards of their resources. So there is a balance. They need and want us to be docile collectivist worker bees that will surely line their pockets but also feel that there is too many of us.

As the Georgia Guidestones state. “To maintain the population at 500 million.” That is, 500 million worker bees to purchase their products, maintain and assure their status as gods and to do what we’re told while they seek immortality and omniscience through transhumanism.
I don't think so. The idea of reducing population isn't something all environmentalists are into. Sure, there probably is some influence from various forces with their own dark agenda, is there is in just about every movement you can think of. This doesn't negate the validity of the movement and the truth of its goals. There is a kind of "divide and conquer" strategy going on, where people are being convinced that climate change doesn't exist because it is convenient for the powers that be. In particular I mean the corporations. All the speculation about some particular families or whatever ruling the world, and strange occult agendas, distracts people from understanding that the coporations are the real (and perhaps worst) enemy of humanity.


Mar 4, 2020
There are literally billions of cars on the world's roads spewing out poison, yet the Powers seem to largely ignore that, and are trying to blame it on global warming and smelly factories..
I think governments know they'll lose votes bigtime if they say anything against cars, so they let the pollution go on and on..
PS- I've never wanted or had a car, i'd feel dirty stinking up the planet..:)



Jun 17, 2017
There are literally billions of cars on the world's roads spewing out poison, yet the Powers seem to largely ignore that, and are trying to blame it on global warming and smelly factories..
what are you talking about? theres a huge push to make all cars electric or hybrid/battery types. the batteries are toxic in and of themselves and we are ripping the earth apart for the lithium.... to say NOTHING about the electricity needed to charge them-- thats not growing on trees. that electricity is coming from nuclear power plants or another source thats creating pollution.

this is a repost since you missed it:


global warming is there to:
1. promote and legitimize "solar geoengineering" (chemtrails). its happening right now.
2. have the population accept fake science (scientists have their funding pulled by the govt if they are a skeptic).
3. create another tax upon the population
4. help lead the way to more big brother eco-policies like orego! where oregonians voluntarily have tracking devices put into their cars so they can track their carbon footprint and donate extra money to the state government.

great for you eco-liberal oregonians with climate guilt-trips:

yeah, track yourselves with azuga, you dumb assholes:



Mar 4, 2020
I've been googling around without success so far to find a simple bar-graph that shows where exactly the pollution is coming from, but most graphs simply show pics of factories belching out sh*t, as if trying to push the agenda that they're to blame, and not cars!
Ideally i'd like to find a bar-graph showing how cars, chemtrails and different types of factories compare against each other on the pollution/glob warming 'culprit scale'.


Jan 10, 2019
..There is a kind of "divide and conquer" strategy going on, where people are being convinced that climate change doesn't exist because it is convenient for the powers that be. In particular I mean the corporations.
This statement is false. Not to be conflated with grassroots ecological movements, the climate crisis/climate change/global warming campaign (the same theory re-branded every few years) is a manufactured "crisis" supported by the global elite and their private scientific bodies. Whatever honest inquiry into globalism's impact on the environment that existed has long been co-opted to the service of the ultra wealthy. The "corporate denialism" you're referring to is the voice of a small minority, as by the early 2000's the world's leading banks, industries, and NGO's agreed to include themes like sustainability and carbon emissions into their market-based mechanisms. We've all witnessed the increasing government and media propaganda since then. If you get a chance this summary of the history is an important writing:

The Corporate Climate Coup

...The convergence of the global justice movement and Kyoto, however, prompted some of the elite to rethink and regroup, which created a split in corporate ranks regarding the issue of climate change. Defections from the Global Change Coalition (GCC) began in 1997 and within three years had come to include such major players as Dupont, BP, Shell, Ford, Daimler-Chrysler, and Texaco. Among the last GCC hold-outs were Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, and General Motors.

Those who split off from the GCC quickly coalesced in new organizations. Among the first of these was the Pew Center for Global Climate Change. funded by the philanthropic offering of the Sun Oil/Sunoco fortune. The board of the new Center was chaired by Theodore Roosevelt IV, great grandson of the Progressive Era president (and conservation icon) and managing director of the Lehman Brothers investment banking firm.

At its inception the Pew Center established the Business Environmental Leadership Council, chaired by Loy. Early council members included Sunoco, Dupont, Duke Energy, BP, Royal Dutch/Shell, Duke Energy, Ontario Power Generation, DTE (Detroit Edison), and Alcan.

Early in 2000, "world business leaders" convening at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland declared that “climate change is the greatest threat facing the world.” That fall, many of the same players, including Dupont, BP, Shell, Suncor, Alcan, and Ontario Power Generation, as well as the French aluminum manufacturer Pechiney, joined forces with the U.S. advocacy group Environmental Defense to form the Partnership for Climate Action. Like-minded Environmental Defense directors included the Pew Center's Frank Loy and principals from the Carlyle Group, Berkshire Partners, and Morgan Stanley and the CEO of Carbon Investments. Echoing the Pew Center mission, and barely a year after the “battle of Seattle" had shut down the World Trade Organization in opposition to the corporate globalization regime, the new organization reaffirmed its belief in the beneficence of market capitalism.

@shankara I know many of us share a desire for justice and to live in a genuinely sustainable society. But these orders will have to originate from the bottom-up, out of the imagination of righteous citizens. We cannot and will not accept the vision of maniacal, fascist technocrats at the WEF. I'm replying now as I just read this opinion piece from Julian Rose which speaks so much truth. Please check out the full article and their website. I'd like to know your opinion. I think this is a movement people are searching to find themselves in. Our environmental action has to be organic, not synthetic.


Climate, Covid, Control- and Criminals

...Corona Virus and Global Warming are first cousins. They both owe their creation to exactly the same ‘rabbit from a hat’ conjuring trick. That of applying the art of deception-hypnosis en masse, in order to make people believe that what is unreal is real – what is fake is actual. And they both use the same fascist control mechanisms to achieve their ends.

Now we have put together the disparate parts of this genocide operation called: The Great Reset (forced totalitarian take-over), Green New Deal (fake green fascism), Zero Carbon (no carbon=no life), Fourth Industrial Revolution (completely robotic workplace) we can recognise that each element is actually integral to the overall plan. Strung together in this way we can finally see the whole diabolical picture.

It is therefore vital to recognise that we can only be effective in our defence of Life on Earth by seeing and acting on this ‘whole picture’. Not being drawn into treating each symptom as a separate and unrelated crises in its own right. Which is precisely what the instigators want us to do, of course.

For a steadily growing number of people, these dark days are actually having the reverse effect than that intended. They are stimulating the manifestation of great shafts of counteractive light! Suddenly, tens of thousands are finding a commonality of purpose and joining together to take-on the masters of deception, through standing strong for truth, justice and freedom.

It portends a remarkable shift of emphasis in all our lives. One of truly dramatic proportions that heralds the tangible unfolding of a new era for humanity. An era in which a dissolving of old barriers of race, class, religion and money – ushers in a profound sense of universal brother and sister hood; a great expansion of the spiritual and a new form of worldwide social and economic cooperation.

Cooperation in which shared humanitarian goals steadily replace the divisive and destructive greed of the profit predicated global market place.

This heart-led flowering of humanity is to be the truly defining factor of the great Global Warming/Covid Scam, as the history books will one day relate. The overwhelming use of fear and deception has provoked the opposite state to come out of hiding and to manifest as what, for its detractors, will be an unendurable counter force – emanating from none less than the energetic source of Creation Itself.

Such an astounding metamorphosis is now underway, and it has taken an extraordinary, blatant manifestation of darkness to ignite the counteractive fire which is now calling forth a great renaissance of the true powers of man. This is the age of truth, enlightenment and action.

Take your courage in both hands and step forth! Set your sights on nothing less than disarming and dismantling the technocratic top-down total-control system that attempts to enslave you, me and every sentient human being who seeks to remain true to the deepest values of Life.


Apr 23, 2018
This statement is false. Not to be conflated with grassroots ecological movements, the climate crisis/climate change/global warming campaign (the same theory re-branded every few years) is a manufactured "crisis" supported by the global elite and their private scientific bodies. Whatever honest inquiry into globalism's impact on the environment that existed has long been co-opted to the service of the ultra wealthy. The "corporate denialism" you're referring to is the voice of a small minority, as by the early 2000's the world's leading banks, industries, and NGO's agreed to include themes like sustainability and carbon emissions into their market-based mechanisms. We've all witnessed the increasing government and media propaganda since then. If you get a chance this summary of the history is an important writing:

The Corporate Climate Coup

...The convergence of the global justice movement and Kyoto, however, prompted some of the elite to rethink and regroup, which created a split in corporate ranks regarding the issue of climate change. Defections from the Global Change Coalition (GCC) began in 1997 and within three years had come to include such major players as Dupont, BP, Shell, Ford, Daimler-Chrysler, and Texaco. Among the last GCC hold-outs were Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, and General Motors.

Those who split off from the GCC quickly coalesced in new organizations. Among the first of these was the Pew Center for Global Climate Change. funded by the philanthropic offering of the Sun Oil/Sunoco fortune. The board of the new Center was chaired by Theodore Roosevelt IV, great grandson of the Progressive Era president (and conservation icon) and managing director of the Lehman Brothers investment banking firm.

At its inception the Pew Center established the Business Environmental Leadership Council, chaired by Loy. Early council members included Sunoco, Dupont, Duke Energy, BP, Royal Dutch/Shell, Duke Energy, Ontario Power Generation, DTE (Detroit Edison), and Alcan.

Early in 2000, "world business leaders" convening at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland declared that “climate change is the greatest threat facing the world.” That fall, many of the same players, including Dupont, BP, Shell, Suncor, Alcan, and Ontario Power Generation, as well as the French aluminum manufacturer Pechiney, joined forces with the U.S. advocacy group Environmental Defense to form the Partnership for Climate Action. Like-minded Environmental Defense directors included the Pew Center's Frank Loy and principals from the Carlyle Group, Berkshire Partners, and Morgan Stanley and the CEO of Carbon Investments. Echoing the Pew Center mission, and barely a year after the “battle of Seattle" had shut down the World Trade Organization in opposition to the corporate globalization regime, the new organization reaffirmed its belief in the beneficence of market capitalism.

@shankara I know many of us share a desire for justice and to live in a genuinely sustainable society. But these orders will have to originate from the bottom-up, out of the imagination of righteous citizens. We cannot and will not accept the vision of maniacal, fascist technocrats at the WEF. I'm replying now as I just read this opinion piece from Julian Rose which speaks so much truth. Please check out the full article and their website. I'd like to know your opinion. I think this is a movement people are searching to find themselves in. Our environmental action has to be organic, not synthetic.


Climate, Covid, Control- and Criminals

...Corona Virus and Global Warming are first cousins. They both owe their creation to exactly the same ‘rabbit from a hat’ conjuring trick. That of applying the art of deception-hypnosis en masse, in order to make people believe that what is unreal is real – what is fake is actual. And they both use the same fascist control mechanisms to achieve their ends.

Now we have put together the disparate parts of this genocide operation called: The Great Reset (forced totalitarian take-over), Green New Deal (fake green fascism), Zero Carbon (no carbon=no life), Fourth Industrial Revolution (completely robotic workplace) we can recognise that each element is actually integral to the overall plan. Strung together in this way we can finally see the whole diabolical picture.

It is therefore vital to recognise that we can only be effective in our defence of Life on Earth by seeing and acting on this ‘whole picture’. Not being drawn into treating each symptom as a separate and unrelated crises in its own right. Which is precisely what the instigators want us to do, of course.

For a steadily growing number of people, these dark days are actually having the reverse effect than that intended. They are stimulating the manifestation of great shafts of counteractive light! Suddenly, tens of thousands are finding a commonality of purpose and joining together to take-on the masters of deception, through standing strong for truth, justice and freedom.

It portends a remarkable shift of emphasis in all our lives. One of truly dramatic proportions that heralds the tangible unfolding of a new era for humanity. An era in which a dissolving of old barriers of race, class, religion and money – ushers in a profound sense of universal brother and sister hood; a great expansion of the spiritual and a new form of worldwide social and economic cooperation.

Cooperation in which shared humanitarian goals steadily replace the divisive and destructive greed of the profit predicated global market place.

This heart-led flowering of humanity is to be the truly defining factor of the great Global Warming/Covid Scam, as the history books will one day relate. The overwhelming use of fear and deception has provoked the opposite state to come out of hiding and to manifest as what, for its detractors, will be an unendurable counter force – emanating from none less than the energetic source of Creation Itself.

Such an astounding metamorphosis is now underway, and it has taken an extraordinary, blatant manifestation of darkness to ignite the counteractive fire which is now calling forth a great renaissance of the true powers of man. This is the age of truth, enlightenment and action.

Take your courage in both hands and step forth! Set your sights on nothing less than disarming and dismantling the technocratic top-down total-control system that attempts to enslave you, me and every sentient human being who seeks to remain true to the deepest values of Life.
Yes, ok. I get that this thing is being co-opted, that much is pretty clear. But the "grassroots" ecological movement also exists, it is anti-corporate, and generally anti-capitalist. I think it comes down to the question of revolution vs reform. The powers that be, the corporations etc, want to create some kind of reform where the same unequal and inhuman social structure continues with some "adjustment" (lowering emissions etc). This will be naturally dystopic, the continuation of the present neo-liberal order with more social control. Something like Chinese "state capitalism".

But this crisis is also an opportunity for revolution, for a movement built from the bottom up. By accepting that there is a crisis, we also accept that there is an opportunity to face it in the right way. As the people of the earth, going beyond all the sectarian dogma, mutual judgement and internicene strife. There are already many sincere ecologists working in this direction in some way or another.

What I am troubled by is people blaming this stuff on "chemtrails". I think that's a rationalization, a means of not facing the problem. I can literally see the weather patterns changing over the last few years, it's visible. That it does have something to do with the burning of fossil fuels seems pretty self-evident, it is a response of nature to us misusing Her energy (oil being the blood of the earth). So @DavidSon, I would like to ask what you think, in terms of the explanation for why the weather is changing?


Jan 10, 2019
But this crisis is also an opportunity for revolution, for a movement built from the bottom up. By accepting that there is a crisis, we also accept that there is an opportunity to face it in the right way. As the people of the earth, going beyond all the sectarian dogma, mutual judgement and internicene strife. There are already many sincere ecologists working in this direction in some way or another.
I'm unclear what crisis you believe exists. "Global Warming" is a myth so we can eliminate that paradigm from our focus. IMO the great crisis is within popular consciousness. We acquiesce to finance capitalism and by extension dramatic wealth inequality. Here in the US we spend nearly $1 trillion per year for a military budget. Little by little the public is giving away control to corporations/globalists to guide our economic structuring. The fact that as a society we think it's normal to have advertisements pushed in our face on every page of the internet is a sign of deep mental sickness. There's a 1000 things we could point out- disrespecting the environment is but one. I agree with this quote from Denis Rancourt, a physicist who's studied the climate agenda diligently:

I argue that by far the most destructive force on the planet is power-driven financiers and profit-driven corporations and their cartels backed by military might; and that the global warming myth is a red herring that contributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activists who, using any justification, feed the global warming myth have effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralized.


What I am troubled by is people blaming this stuff on "chemtrails". I think that's a rationalization, a means of not facing the problem. I can literally see the weather patterns changing over the last few years, it's visible. That it does have something to do with the burning of fossil fuels seems pretty self-evident, it is a response of nature to us misusing Her energy (oil being the blood of the earth). So @DavidSon, I would like to ask what you think, in terms of the explanation for why the weather is changing?
I think it's more of a problem we have people that preach about "the environment" but when it comes to technologies like HAARP, geo-engineering, pharmaceutical drugs, weather manipulation, 5G linked smart cities, etc.- (all elements of the 4IR- technocracy and transhumanism) they're ignored as right-wing conspiracy theories. It's a sad thing but younger people especially are just not conscientious or well read.

I agree over-using fossil fuels is a destructive act but through local organization we'll lower our dependence. As far as I know bio-diesel is a safer resource. But remember that by borrowing the establishment's language we're allowing them to arrange the window of possibility. The fossil fuel/CO2 debate is their creation. At the same time the elite's program designs smart-phones to last 2 years and enabled 10's of billions of plastic masks to be stuffed in landfills last year. Electric grids are a scam. To repeat: the same psychopaths who dream of satellites littering the skies, 5G transmitters in every home in the world are misdirecting our attention toward nature.

We cannot adopt the narrative of these lying hypocrites in any way. They've indoctrinated the public for over 15 years which poses a real challenge to finding honest discussions. The mainstream media perpetuates mass delusion and cognitive bias against verifiable evidence. The question brought up over supposed "extreme weather events" is the perfect example. It's a myth concocted to confirm computer models. Even the UN's IPCC admits that gathered data does not validate the theory of extreme weather with climate change. The controllers have found a way to drill their themes into our psyche; it's up to us to educate ourselves and resist their conditioning.

COGNITIVE BIAS : Climate Change Alarmists Refuse To Accept ‘The Science’ That Proves Extreme Weather Events Are NOT Increasing

WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, droughts in California lasted for 200 years


Mar 4, 2020
Incidentally last year I emailed polar explorer Dr.Mike Stroud to ask him if global warming was a myth or what, and his brief reply consisted of just these four words- "The glaciers are melting".
Mar 30, 2017
It should also be noted, one of the main organizations that is touting the "climate change" propaganda is Tedros as in the video below:

Media briefing on COVID-19

Tedros is a war criminal, yet, he's telling the rest of us what we should be concerned about? It's also interesting to note that the party he used to belong to, the Tigray People's Liberation Front, was a communist party:

The crimes of Tedros Adhanom, director general of the WHO


Apr 23, 2018
So does nobody else feel that the weather is changing? Here it seems we haven't really had a summer this year, while a year or two back there were temperature records set. I think Tidal might have a point (for once) as well - how do you explain glaciers melting?
Jul 31, 2021
I am wondering if there is truly some global warming, but what about the melting ice caps? Some say it is due to ozone layer depletion over the poles but who knows really?


Jun 17, 2017
So does nobody else feel that the weather is changing? Here it seems we haven't really had a summer this year, while a year or two back there were temperature records set. I think Tidal might have a point (for once) as well - how do you explain glaciers melting?
oh, i think the weather is changing a little, but again, if the NWO werent using directed energy weapons, HAARP, and geoengineering, it wouldnt be nearly as extreme as it has been. the schumann frequency has also been spiking recently. it used to be a steady 7.83 or so and theres been spikes of 158 in 2019.

i dont believe the glaciers are melting. if they were, we would see a rise in ocean levels and we have not. and all of the rich millionaires (many of them hollywood liberal progressives) who believe this AND have beachefront property have not sold en masse.

we have been repeatedly lied to about the melting ice for years now.

take a look at this article if youre interested. just browse the newpaper headlines and note the dates.
Jul 3, 2020
There are literally billions of cars on the world's roads spewing out poison, yet the Powers seem to largely ignore that, and are trying to blame it on global warming and smelly factories..
I think governments know they'll lose votes bigtime if they say anything against cars, so they let the pollution go on and on..
PS- I've never wanted or had a car, i'd feel dirty stinking up the planet..:)

3rd time you’ve posted that picture Tidal. You’re not trying to kick the subject down the road to bury good information again, are you?


Apr 11, 2017
Will there be, “a new heaven, and a new earth” after this one is destroyed? Perhaps, but we cannot afford to rely on it. Really, it is a nice sort of idea, that everything will be renewed and made good by the end of society as we know it. But it is just an idea, a dream, a philosophical vision, blended with humanity’s senseless wish for the destruction of everyone who thinks differently to ourselves. But can we afford to be philosophical, given our actual situation as a humanity?

The sobering reality is that Climate Change threatens to cause vast destruction, an apocalyptic scenario, within a hundred years. Rather than hoping that following the destruction would be a beautiful new world, we should consider whether we leave this earth to the coming generations as a beautiful or horrifying place. We are living out of harmony with nature, due to the vast greed of some and the apathy or ignorance of many. Yet rather than confronting this, some create outlandish theories in an attempt to deny our living reality.

Anyone who has been alive a perhaps a bit more than twenty years will likely have noticed how the weather is changing. Warm sunny days in February, followed by April snows and a summer of grey rain. It seems a new temperature record is set practically every year, and nature seems unbalanced, unsettled, wildfires burn out of control. We go on as normal, convinced by the strange nuclear faith of the boomer generation that the threat of apocalyptic destruction of the planet is just “business as usual”.

We are attacking nature, She is suffering. We cut down rainforests to plant soy to feed cattle, while spewing toxic fumes into the air. The electricity we rely on for our normal daily lives still often comes from fossil fuels, or nuclear energy with all the separate problems that entails. We pump the soil full of chemical pesticides, destroy animal life on a vast scale due to our addiction to eating flesh and animal products. A normal day, creating the greenhouse effect as is our habit, living with no concern for how much is destroyed our wake.

If we recognized that we need to live within the limitations of nature (something so obvious it could almost be called a priori) our lives would become more peaceful. Those who profit from the climate emergency may be skewing the story, but undeniably the weather is changing, it is visible and tangible in many countries. It is corporations who are profiting from it the most, and they are entirely self-centred, and only concerned about short or long term profits. So as public opinion leans towards sustainability, they put on an appearance of sustainability. This should not be confused with the foolish idea that climate change itself is an invented problem, only the product of an agenda. In fact, business considerations of monolithic corporate entities have more to do with any agenda that is being promoted than any speculative shadowy cabal.

Capitalism has always exploited crisis for its own ends (as Naomi Klein shows us in “The Shock Doctrine”). We have a choice to confront the climate emergency in co-operation, a spirit of non-sectarianism, brother and sisterhood. If we ignore it or choose not to, then the governments and corporations will deal with it in their own way, making human life even more painful than it is now. But, in confronting it, we can develop the inner capacities to overcome crisis in the proper way, leading to a higher level of human civilization.

Both our credulity and our scepticism are utilized by those forces seeking to advance their own agenda at the cost of us all. Confronting a problem in the wrong way may worsen it, but denying that a problem exists does nothing whatsoever to resolve it. We must learn to look through the lens of the Dialectic, comprehending that affirmation and denial are each sides of the same phenomenon. We must learn to act in such a way as to bring about universal human ends, rather than being preoccupied with our own problems, beliefs, and ideas.

Now is the moment for us all to come together. We cannot delay action, nor assume that without our own commitment the cause will triumph of itself. We must repair the situation, if we leave it to the forces of selfishness and greed then they will use it to bring about a real dystopia. We must learn to live in harmony with our Earth, a thing which should really be very simple to achieve, if only we begin working towards it.

A change in orientation is required, a turning away from theory toward practical action, from opinions toward concrete facts. An awakening to the spiritual reality in all things, a recognition of the life and beauty in nature, who we are harming due to the senselessness of our present civilization. The future is our own script to write, and we must not believe that it is predestined to be bad, for this is no more than a philosophical disguise for the worst kind of fatalism. Together we can work to heal the earth, to protect nature, and heal ourselves in the process.

Wow, you sound so panic-stricken! What if I told you that the climate of the Earth has been in constant flux for its entire existence? At several points in its history, it was a volcanic free-for-all, with hot gasses and ash spumes creating an environment so hot and so toxic that plant and animal life couldn't exist. And at other times, it was the opposite--so cold that frozen oceans covered massive areas, and the plant and animal life was relegated to a narrow band around the equator. For the last 12,000-20,000 years, the temperature has been gradually rising, causing the end of the last Ice Age (you know, like the animated movie) and shifts in ecologies and plant and animal proliferation. It's funny how the purveyors of the agitprop you've been inundated with leave out those rather salient facts.

And--not only is climate change not the fault of human beings, but we have actually been making positive changes over the last 50 years or so. Any one who was alive in the 60's/70's can tell you, back then, the skies in the US were grey with soot and pollutants, and every surface was covered with a film of grime. Even if you watch an old movie from that period, you can see it in the outdoor scenes. The environmental awareness spawned by the hippie movement had real effects on govt. regulation of industry, and it took off like a rocket in the 80's, when scientists started measuring the effects of pollution and catching the factories red-handed. Currently, the problem seems much more prevalent in Asia than in the US or Europe. Beijing looks today like NY did in the 70's.

Don't think wee didn't catch that little "it's all capitalism's fault" jab in your terribly argument. Like most of the other Hegelian stuff you are parroting, it's a specious accusation. At the very least it is blown out of proportion, and at worst, completely fabricated to make you feel guilty for existing, for consuming, for shopping. (you villain, you!) How about instead of flagellating yourself and attempting to flagellate your peers, you do a bit more research into the matter. Our fellow VCers have given you some great starting points. I myself have done enough research to feel fairly satisfied that people are coming up wih new ideas and technologies every day to make our lives cleaner and less impactful on the environment overall.

As someone else mentioned, it is imperative that we keep a better eye on the honchos at the top of the economic pyramid. they're the ones dropping the ball on recycling, sourcing raw materials responsibly, and husbanding the resources that we do use in the most efficient ways possible. It isn't simply a matter of greed, either. If they didn't think they could get away with it, they wouldn't be. That's human nature. The grassroots movements in the 80's provide a good blueprint, and now we have the internet to use to gain direct access to the companies that are the worst offenders. You buy stuff from the Top Ten Plastics Polluters everyday.

Write them letters/emails, organize a protest outside a corporate office, get active, if your so worried about it.

Find us some alternative sources for gassing up our cars than the bastards on this list:

Information is power. You have the same access to it, via the internet, as anyone. Arm yourself, educate yourself, and make the change happen that you want to see. Even if it's just one thing, one tiny thing, it's still something, and it's important.