Non Religion Forum?

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Mar 20, 2017
no one is disputing that. i, at least, am disputing the need to add in god in every single thread.
there's no need to. it just comes naturally to me. everything is under God's Control. Only He Knows Who's evil and who's not.

I can only do my best to hurt nobody no matter what happens. Whatever harm or evil befalls me is my own fault.
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Mar 20, 2017
I'm very confused why it's an issue when the non religious express an interest in having forums or even just threads that leave god out of the discussion altogether.
You want to leave The Reason for which everything exists out of the discussion altogether? yeah right!

Everything is God's Will and whether you want to acknowledge it or not is all up to you. I only express myself. I don't complain like most do.
Mar 20, 2017
Nobody is trying to control you. More than a few people have raised concerns about the content of the board. You can choose to ignore that concern, or disregard it. But it doesn't change the perception.
What's there to be concerned about? Religious stuff? Reading posts which mention God?

The truth of it all is that those people can't bear to hear about God. They are the ones who got issues. I'm completely secure in my beliefs.


Mar 26, 2017
Nobody is trying to control you. More than a few people have raised concerns about the content of the board. You can choose to ignore that concern, or disregard it. But it doesn't change the perception.

Maybe I'm wrong but I've never seen someone jump into a religious thread and write up a few paragraphs on how Lavey was a God. Or tell you to bow down to lucifer every other day. But the second anyone mentions any new age concept, Mk Ultra or science. Like 12 religious people jump up like you are on a mission from Jesus. And I say have mercy on them Lord. We are all but simple egotistical creatures in Gods eyes. Amen
The PC police do not control these forums and probably never will.

"More than a few people"...

More than a few people who follow your lines of thought. You can follow your line of thought and everyone else is free to follow their lines of thought.

The religious people don't feel that they are entitled to a religious forum. No one is trying to force you to talk from a religious perspective. You're perfectly free to talk from a secular perspective. Really you have a different perspective and you're not secular either. You've tried to promote your religious ideas on here. I'm not saying that as a criticism, you can promote your gnosticism or whatever your beliefs are. But the flip side is other people are free to promote their ideas and these different lines of thinking are free to compete with each other. It's called free speech. An open exchange of ideas or an open marketplace of ideas. If your line of thinking was all the rage, you would not have a problem.

You have a particular line of thinking and want other peoples' posts to be closer to your line of thinking. It is useless for you to try to control what other people post and it would be useless if I tried to control what others post.

"Maybe I'm wrong but I've never seen someone jump into a religious thread and write up a few paragraphs on how Lavey was a God. Or tell you to bow down to lucifer every other day."

so the problem is not that people are talking about religious beliefs- the problem is they're not promoting your religious beliefs?

If you're still into the Luciferian stuff, I mean... you basically would be speaking as the voice of satan who satanists call Lucifer. If you're the voice of satanism, I mean... if the voice of satanism says "don't talk about God and especially don't say things about religion that don't agree with my ideology"... then to me, that makes it sound like I should talk about God and talk about things that are not flattering to the devil.
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Mar 26, 2017
And the only reason the anti-religious people here feel entitled to demand that this forum be made an anti-religious safe space is because of the PC police. Because the PC police do police against religion and try to force secularism on people. And the elites are not pushing religion on people. The elites are pushing Godlessness on people. The elites are the ones who promote the PC police and the anti-religious people here push the lines of thinking followed by the PC police.

So A- the anti-religious people here would never feel entitled to police other peoples' ideas if the elites were not behind them

and B- being that the anti-religious people are merely serving the elites' agenda, this violates the purpose of this forum and the VC website in general. This small slice of the internet has to be a place of liberation. A place where the elites do not control and do not remotely control through their ideological hegemony. Here, no one is in control. No one controls these forums. There are people who are conscious and unconscious shills for the elite agenda but anyone can say what they want. PC culture- and secularism is a part of PC culture, this is just fact (anyone who doesn't think like the secularists is a religious crazy person according to them)- should not be allowed to take over these forums because PC culture is propped up by the elites and this website is supposed to be against the system, not controlled by ideologies of the system.

Why do anti-religious people want to colonize free spaces and turn them into anti-religious safe spaces?

It's very simple. Anti-religious people are insecure. The feel the need to lash out against religious faith but they are actually very insecure when it comes to their position.

That is the only reason that they are so scared to come here and see that the same people who are really against the system also believe overwhelmingly that there is a God and that makes them shook in their convictions. That's the only reason that they would want to censor others.

If you talk about Zeus to me all day, it's not going to bother me at all. I don't believe in Zeus. You can send me pamphlets on why I should believe in Zeus or you can say you're a Zeus Witness and knock on my door. It doesn't bother me because I'm pretty secure in my nonworship of Zeus. I'm not going to try to promote laws against discussing Zeus. But God is real. People don't have to silence lies. You can fight lies with the truth. But if you're against truth all you can do is silence it because you can't handle an open discussion.


Mar 26, 2017
Earlier today, I talked to a Jehovah's Witness and they gave me a pamphlet and we had a pleasant conversation.

It didn't bother me at all because I am secure in not believing that Jehovah's Witnesses are the one true way to God.

If the anti-religious people were secure in their beliefs, they could tolerate open discussion. If they can't tolerate open discussion, it's because they are not secure in their beliefs and that is why thinking about God disturbs them.


Mar 26, 2017

Look when every thread was bashing muslims, muslims said something, they created their own threads and asked people who weren't Muslim to refrain from contributing or to do so respectfully and not turn every one of the threads Into a debate. I defended this position btw because it was reasonable.

The same thing happened at one point when christians were prevalent and thought they were being persecuted or just wanted to discuss something from a Christian perspective.

I specifically remember threads titled "muslims only" and "christians only"

I'm very confused why it's an issue when the non religious express an interest in having forums or even just threads that leave god out of the discussion altogether. Why is that such a massive problem that some of you seem to be getting your panties in quite a bunch over it? Practically every thread on this board right now has some religious component to it, or brought into it. We can't even have ONE?
Go make a nonreligious person thread. If you want to make a nonreligious thread, there is no one stopping you. I've made a few threads here. If I wanted to make a nonreligious thread, it would be very easy for me to make a nonreligious thread-

"Nonreligious people- what made you leave religion?"
"Why do you not believe in God (nonreligious people)"

you can go make a thread with a topic like that if you want. No one is stopping you.


Mar 26, 2017
What's there to be concerned about? Religious stuff? Reading posts which mention God?

The truth of it all is that those people can't bear to hear about God. They are the ones who got issues. I'm completely secure in my beliefs.
Exactly. I hadn't even read your post and I was saying the same thing. Different people independently arriving at the same conclusions because it is true and follows from the evidence.


Mar 16, 2017
No one is demanding anything. It's expressing an opinion and a Desire. Something you so often in this thread alone said everyone should be able to do. But apparantly that means only everyone who believes in an abrahamic god.

There are barely any posters left on this board who aren't abrahamic because of the religious proselytizing and condemnation that seeps into everything. Not because your type is "winning" or some stupid shot like that. There were many many more, they quit because they got tired of the same debate playing out over and over in every thread.

I don't agree with you that the elite are pushing "non religiousness" - the elite are religious and use religion as a control tool. But that won't ever be discussed on these boards for reasons noted in the last four pages.

Your interpretation isn't the only one.


Mar 13, 2017
Yeah Idk if insecure is how I feel about my faith. And it's not just the same tired debate playing out on these boards. This is the same tired debate that has been going on for thousands of years. So I'm pretty sure we can all handle seeing God mentioned.

The real thing that probably sets people off is the lack of humility from the faithful. I'm being serious too, I've never seen a group of less humble people. And that's not saying you all aren't humble, but when you post stuff on here you are throwing humble out the window first. Ego is on full display.

I like talking about God usually. But I don't want to see a bunch of weaklings act like they are going to save anyone. And that's like all some of you do. I haven't seen you save one person with all that talk.
Mar 20, 2017
Thanks Etagloc. I couldn't have said it any better. God Bless

Everything is God's Will. If He Willed everything to exist in the first place, it's still His Will that everything is continuing to exist so things like

There are barely any posters left on this board who aren't abrahamic because of the religious proselytizing and condemnation that seeps into everything.
is simply nonsense because it is God Who Guides people to be here. Those who can't stand hearing about God leave because they choose to.

Why blame it on those who fear God? We are all free to choose what we want. If those people who left can't simply ignore such condemning posts that they supposedly got tired of reading and complaining about, they're the ones who've issues. Anybody can post all they want about anything and if i have to say something about it that contradicts my beliefs, i will simply say so. Why should i not? Then can start a dialogue!

Ego is on full display.
Speak for yourself. I am fighting for my beliefs. I am standing up for them. I express myself accordingly and anything that i write is a reminder to myself first and foremost since i'm the first one reading it and rememorizing it. Also, how can i be satisfying my ego when nobody knows who i am. I am alone in my room. Nobody knows what i look like. How does my ego get satisfied? God Willing, i will never give up my beliefs.

I like talking about God usually. But I don't want to see a bunch of weaklings act like they are going to save anyone. And that's like all some of you do. I haven't seen you save one person with all that talk.
If you do like talking about God, then what are you even saying here? Are you the one who's going to judge who's weak and who's not? How absurd is that? We don't even know each other and you're saying that some here are weaklings? And who spoke about saving anybody? Personally, it's about saving my own damned self! Everybody has a conscience. I have one and am just obeying it. Everybody's free to choose!


Mar 13, 2017
It's egotistical because your beliefs aren't under attack. When someone simply says, I would rather not talk about this right now. That's not an attack, there's nothing to stand up for. As two of you religious folks have already stated. You are doing it for yourself. Ignoring the wishes, desires and goals of others because God willed you to?

I'm not sure about your logic, I think I should be asking what you all are trying to do. Because my goals have clearly been stated, and I'm not just doing it for myself. My ego is still on display though, and that's just a fact of life. Sticking to the point of this thread though. I think that those of us who want to see more variety should just be patient. Keep your expectations in check, and be the humble ones.

Just tell me I'm being too cynical if I'm being too cynical. What example is religion actually setting on this board? I doubt many of you have thought about the answer to that question.
Mar 20, 2017
It's egotistical because your beliefs aren't under attack. When someone simply says, I would rather not talk about this right now. That's not an attack, there's nothing to stand up for.
  1. There can be only one true belief. If nobody's going to express their beliefs, there won't be a debate and thus the truth will stay hidden.
  2. We're in a forum here. It's not real life. Nobody's forcing anybody to read/write anything. There's also no actual talking going on.
  3. Of course, it's God Who Wills Himself to Be Known. And we're nothing but His slaves and it's our duty to speak gratefully of our Maker.
  4. Nobody can grant anybody's wishes except God, whether anybody ignores anybody else's wishes, desires, and goals or not.
  5. We're not trying to do anything. God Gave us a conscience and we're only obeying it and that too through His Willful Benevolence.
There's an ongoing battle between good and evil at the individual level as well as the global level. There are only two choices. Choose wisely.


Mar 14, 2017
is simply nonsense because it is God Who Guides people to be here. Those who can't stand hearing about God leave because they choose to.
Then can it not be said that free will does not exist? Or that God made them leave the forum? When we think about it, God can't guide people here and then people leave of free will. We have one or the other, but not both. Just my 2 cents.


Mar 26, 2017
Then can it not be said that free will does not exist? Or that God made them leave the forum? When we think about it, God can't guide people here and then people leave of free will. We have one or the other, but not both. Just my 2 cents.
That actually sounds like it makes perfect sense. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
Mar 20, 2017
Then can it not be said that free will does not exist? Or that God made them leave the forum? When we think about it, God can't guide people here and then people leave of free will. We have one or the other, but not both. Just my 2 cents.
It's more like God Guides you to good things but if you choose to be ungrateful about what He Guided you to, then you don't deserve it.

Since you chose to complain and to be ungrateful, God Misguides you since you earned it yourself by choosing a bad stance over a good one.
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