BTS discussion thread


Jul 10, 2021
In French, a jack-in-the-box is called a diable en boîte, which translates to "devil in a box." It is said that these boxes were actually created to capture and holddemons or evil spirits. Many would fashion the boxes with elaborate engravings and amusing artwork to lure the demon's interest. They wouldthen employ the playful music and surprise opening of the lid to trap the demons. Their essence was then believed to become trapped in the Jack character, which was why they were originally made to look sinister with maniacal grins. The box was then to be hidden away where no one would ever be tempted to open it again, as doing so would cause the demon to be released back into our dimension.

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No but the sad thing is that the person who made that tweet will talk about it for awhile nd will say wow this is so weird then forget about it. - -


May 21, 2021
Are these demons in the pits of hell? The back ground colors and soulless eyes yeesh! No seriously, how blind can people be? They look like long-term junkies.
There's actually a theory that bloodlines from the seed of satan exist, and that elites come from said bloodlines. I think it's very possible that these people are as well. Anyone who works in the government or makes it to be ridiculously famous stem from those evil lineages. It also correlates with a scripture in the Bible that says there are many people already led astray as soon as they're in the womb.

So it makes sense that they look like that. Demons, lucifer, celebrities, governmental figures -- they're all family.

Spiritual attributes are also passed down from generation to generation. If someone's great grandpa/grandma had an abominable spirit of filthiness, it can regenerate in their descendants. I believe that's what happens to everyone, whether good or bad -- it happens.

And last but not least, there's speculation that our world is merely a story created by God for his will which would mean everyone has a role to play. So if these celebrities are like this, it's because they were meant to be and nobody can do anything to change it. If they were born from the line of nephilim, it was their destiny to have been so. If their role is to serve as evil upon the world (which they are in fact doing) it will be established until their day of punishment arrives.

But that last speculation is just a theory; a very plausible one in my eyes though.

Everyone is free to resonate with whatever they'd like!
Mar 1, 2021
talking about drug addicts, Hope is looking like one in his new concepts pics

it seems they getting rid of the "hope, happy" image to show his true self
The personality picked for Jh was never the real him. Remember how Rm said he's the most depressed person he ever met. The fandom and antis were nasty to him, talking about his looks while ignoring that he's the only one with an interest and ability to have a career overseas. Americans obviously care about looks, but it's not the same as Koreans are about visuals. Before TV, talent was important for radio broadcasts. Now, the public wants decent looks and talent, but will appreciate someone who can dance and rap if they're talented. He also sings and was supposed to be a singer instead of Tae.
Mar 1, 2021
View attachment 76278
1. Everyone looks so tiredㅋ
2. Look at Park Bogum's dark circles, please sleep earlier
3. Park Bogum and V need to sleep as soon as possible... No but their gazes are crazy
4.Come back to Korea right now
5. I think this teddy bear needs to restㅋㅋㅋ
6. Just looking at his eyes I'm getting tired
7. He's tired but he pretends not to be and failedㅋㅋ Come back fast..

knets oblivious to the fact that everyone is high as fuck lmao. because their uwu angel oppar can't be doing drugs :rolleyes:
Anyone get the chills looking at this picture? Everyone looks possessed. There's high and then there's demonic possession.


Jun 26, 2022
V, Can't really separate work from his trashy bitchy attitude, he can't keep up an act, and think he's better than most, when in fact i can smell his insecurities, from miles away, he thinks showing off his trasht kinky side is a cool thing. its not only a persona of his but a part of his personality, he's the type to say ya'll suck my D*** imma do what i wanna do, i still dont know how tf his fans ate up the whole baby attitude shit, he said not once but many times that he dont like them, but called him sassy, well yeah he really is a sassy queen, this time he showed up with hair implant, next time it'll be breast implant,
Ikr! How people think he's straight ?!?
infact i think he swing both ways


Dec 14, 2018
When you thought more wouldn’t come out here they are poledancing with the ”cümgirls?!. But seriosly T is so trashy, i always knew just got confirmed. He looks like he wants go down the openly g@y influencer lifestyle. And lisa… maybe might make a video before here career ends and say i was not born a woman to make a little longer. All 3 guests were perfect fits for that environment with the other druggies and members of the alphabet community. Don’t understand why TOP of Big Bang got cancelled for smoking weed while this happens so openly now. Oh no wait I do it’s called progress lmfao



May 15, 2022
Vee and Lisa pole dancing too

I just know jk is sitting somewhere happy as hell that he wasn't chosen to go to Paris and jm probably having flashbacks of his nights in Paris I don't think even those two would get caught out like that tho!

I bet hibe got on his ass over these videos and pics


Mar 7, 2022
In French, a jack-in-the-box is called a diable en boîte, which translates to "devil in a box." It is said that these boxes were actually created to capture and holddemons or evil spirits. Many would fashion the boxes with elaborate engravings and amusing artwork to lure the demon's interest. They wouldthen employ the playful music and surprise opening of the lid to trap the demons. Their essence was then believed to become trapped in the Jack character, which was why they were originally made to look sinister with maniacal grins. The box was then to be hidden away where no one would ever be tempted to open it again, as doing so would cause the demon to be released back into our dimension.

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armees are truly lost…

