
Jun 28, 2020
My stepdad threatened me that I'd be evicted if I don't get the shot as I'll be putting them at risk.
Ask him if he's vaccinated, doesn't that protect him from you? Isn't this the purpose of the vaccine? To grant immunity?
See if you can get him to turn on that brain of his.

The vaccine is not safe in any way, shape or from. Currently there's a polio outbreak in Sudan from Gates vaccines.
Not to mention 1000's of paralyzed Indian children from Gates vaccines. Lets not forget the multitudes of African woman who were sterilized from vaccines.

Theres a reason vaccine manufacturers have government contracts and laws written freeing them from liability.

You could attempt to educate him on these facts. You could introduce him to "vaxxed" which is 1000's of testimonials linking vaccines to autism amongst other dangers.

Probably should make him aware of the information war as well, since there are plenty of articles online attempting to "debunk" these facts. Bill gates and co have millions invested in these types of campaigns. This is why main stream "fact checkers" aren't any more credible then CNN. Because they are bought and paid for.


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
It that's true, then that means that if there were to an asteroid coming towards earth, astronomers would already know about it, or they're going to orchestrate an event to make it appear that an asteroid has hit the earth and be the cause of something.

There is Bill Gates and his anti-global warming machine so who knows...
I don't want to derail my own thread, but...

I posted some of this on Awoken2's Predicative Programming in the Music Industry thread. The amount of music videos that contain Asteroid "doom and gloom", that A2 and others have posted, is staggering.

This is concerning.

COVID-19 forces Earth's largest telescopes to close
More than 100 of Earth's largest telescopes are now closed, and astronomers are worried about the pandemic’s long-term impacts on their field.
Earth's best telescopes have closed, but the hunt for dangerous asteroids continues
Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico suffers serious damage after cable breaks

The 1,000-foot-wide (300 m) Arecibo got up and running in 1963. It was the world's largest single-dish radio telescope until 2016, when China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope claimed the mantle.

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

Screenshot_2020-09-07 Predictive programming in the music industry (1).png

ESA scrubs NEO asteroid’s Sept 22 close approach data altogether, raising red flag

Both the media and the European Space Agency may be complicit in the cover-up of an Earthbound near-Earth asteroid originally listed as having a "non-zero" chance of impacting the planet in late September

Worthwhile read/

Imagine what they can do today.

Screenshot_2020-09-01 Space Weapons Earth Wars - RAND_MR1209 pdf(1).png

Screenshot_2020-09-01 Space Weapons Earth Wars - RAND_MR1209 pdf.png

Screenshot_2020-09-07 Predictive programming in the music industry .png
NASA's Warner Von Braun to Carol Rosin - "and then there would be asteroids... "

Why NASA just destroyed a simulated New York City with a huge fake asteroid (2019)

Madonna's satanic ritual performance from 2019, showing the destruction of NYC..
Screenshot_2020-09-07 Predictive programming in the music industry (2).png
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May 18, 2018
Ask him if he's vaccinated, doesn't that protect him from you? Isn't this the purpose of the vaccine? To grant immunity?
See if you can get him to turn on that brain of his.

The vaccine is not safe in any way, shape or from. Currently there's a polio outbreak in Sudan from Gates vaccines.
Not to mention 1000's of paralyzed Indian children from Gates vaccines. Lets not forget the multitudes of African woman who were sterilized from vaccines.

Theres a reason vaccine manufacturers have government contracts and laws written freeing them from liability.

You could attempt to educate him on these facts. You could introduce him to "vaxxed" which is 1000's of testimonials linking vaccines to autism amongst other dangers.

Probably should make him aware of the information war as well, since there are plenty of articles online attempting to "debunk" these facts. Bill gates and co have millions invested in these types of campaigns. This is why main stream "fact checkers" aren't any more credible then CNN. Because they are bought and paid for.

Also pointing out that, while they may trust the common vaccines used for decades, this was the fastest vaccine ever created. They take an average of 20 years, the fastest ones ever took 4-7 years. This was for a class of virus that had never had a vaccine of any kind. It was developed in 8 months after the viruses alleged discovery. The virus has never been isolated so how can they make a vaccine. And its being made by companies who have never made a vaccine. It has no studies of the long term side effects. And the first trials, 100% of people experienced negative effects from large doses, and 80% from small doses

although what daze said should hold up. If they are worried being elderly, get a vaccine. It will protect them according to their logic. If you have a good immune system, you don’t need one. That’s if there no convincing them out of it.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
This is one of the many REAL tragedies of this lockdown. The breakdown of humanity. Of course the Trans-Humanists see this as a necessary consequence of their endpoint- a MEANS to an END where ALL humans are trans-human (aka NOT human). It begs the question- are the trans-humanists behind all this? I’ll answer that question for you - HELL YES THEY ARE!
at 17.00 mins in, Texe and Alex discuss what sounds like an operating system injection, much like what is being talked about today.
(2013)ROBOT ALCHEMY: A look into the Transhumanist death trap, with Texe Marrs.
Gates Worse Than Death Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes the Injection Fraud


Mar 4, 2020
What "pandemic"? Where?

Here in Britain, Covid-19 deaths have almost petered out despite the scaremongering government saying "confirmed cases" have been "rising".
So I suggest VC members in other countries google a similar chart for their country to get a true picture, as the only chart that counts is the "Daily Deaths' one like this one-

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Jul 16, 2020
So we all live this way (and worse) until 2025?!

5 more years of THIS?!
I don't think my mental health could take it any longer if things remain like this. I'm an introvert and I don't have any friends and this is affecting me badly. The only things I did socially were hang out at my favourite spots in the same streets that were destroyed in the Beirut port explosion or attend concerts and music festivals which, even if this stupid virus becomes old news, our economic condition will no longer allow it.


Jul 30, 2018
Ask him if he's vaccinated, doesn't that protect him from you? Isn't this the purpose of the vaccine? To grant immunity?
See if you can get him to turn on that brain of his.

The vaccine is not safe in any way, shape or from. Currently there's a polio outbreak in Sudan from Gates vaccines.
Not to mention 1000's of paralyzed Indian children from Gates vaccines. Lets not forget the multitudes of African woman who were sterilized from vaccines.

Theres a reason vaccine manufacturers have government contracts and laws written freeing them from liability.

You could attempt to educate him on these facts. You could introduce him to "vaxxed" which is 1000's of testimonials linking vaccines to autism amongst other dangers.

Probably should make him aware of the information war as well, since there are plenty of articles online attempting to "debunk" these facts. Bill gates and co have millions invested in these types of campaigns. This is why main stream "fact checkers" aren't any more credible then CNN. Because they are bought and paid for.

I wish I could. He is quite arrogant thinking that he is more knowledgeable because he watched BBC all morning and night and call every human being who's not wearing a mask idiots. We had conversation yesterday because my Mum point out that I don't wear the mask. He said to trust him that people are dying in the hospital because of rona. I said people are certainly dying because they couldn't get their cancer treatment and no comment on that. Not even when I said that it wasn't isolated in the first place. And started calling me a QAnon idiot, and I said I'm a free thinker.


Mar 4, 2020
I don't think my mental health could take it any longer if things remain like this. I'm an introvert and I don't have any friends and this is affecting me badly. The only things I did socially were hang out at my favourite spots in the same streets that were destroyed in the Beirut port explosion or attend concerts and music festivals which, even if this stupid virus becomes old news, our economic condition will no longer allow it.

I'M LOVING THE LOCKDOWN because every day is like sunday, quiet and peaceful..:)
I don't have any friends because I don't want any, it's GREAT being on your own and being your own boss..:)
I've never socialized either because I hate pubs and all hangouts..:)

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
@Frank Badfinger
One could (somewhat) reason the lockdown when all of this first broke out, but now, it seems a bit extreme (like unreasonably so).
All these restrictions put into place. Life as we know it isn't normal anymore. So much fear and worry and doubt in everybody's minds.
I'm not going to wonder why, but how can we change this?
I understand its necessary to know the history and origin of events and people and such, but once you are equipped with that knowledge what is your best defense against the deceptive tactics used by tptb?
Besides lurking in here and sharing what I know with willing audiences (minimal) I'm not sure how ordinary citizens can attempt to connect the dots for the brainwashed masses??
As I'm sure many of us have experienced that the people in the streets find conspiracy theorists looney, and their ideas uncomfortable. Yet they have zero issues gobbling up what the TV peddles into their subconscious??
Every single famous or known CT person of any notoriety gets immediately bashed and discredited.
I know this is more of a vent than any useful insight, and yes, what you do, and many great contributors to this forum also do is incredibly helpful in spreading information...but I don't know if enough people are listening??
What will it take for them to wake up?!!

Also, thanks for all your posts/threads. :)
Yes, it's hard knowing what we know, yet so many people are clueless to what is really going on. It's really frustrating.

First thing I do, is I I present facts, not conspiracy theories. I try never to go in that direction. People will want to put you in that box. You must refuse to be labeled. Stay informed, know the latest information. Be able to discuss your point in public if need be. Don't comply and be vocal.

Tell people, who are skeptical to not believe you, but to look it up the info for themselves. Try not to be too assertive as people get their defenses up. Be empathetic. Try to relate to the person you are speaking to, say things like "I know it's hard to believe" or "I didn't want to believe it myself until I read those statistics" Be conversational, Be calm, and know what you are talking about. If people don't want to hear it, move on. If someone is willing to hear you out, don't go overboard with too many facts..drop truth seeds and never bash anyone over the head with facts.
It's a slow process, one person at a time.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Thanks @Frank Badfinger
That's a nice, rational, suggestion.
I'm never forceful with my views, but at the same time I would say, I'm also not an influencer.
Guess all we can do, is the best we can do.
You do the best you can, but try to break out of your comfort zone. This is hard. Confidence plays a big part, but that comes in time.
One more thing. I always try to know my audience, by asking questions before I say anything. I might say "What do you think of this CV-19 stuff?", if the person says "It's all BS", but they can't tell you why. Know what to say next. If you ask the same question, and someone gives you CNN talking points. Know how to answer. All of this can be very overwhelming, not just for the person you are speaking t,o but for yourself. Like I said just remain calm and in control. Poker face. Smile and walk if you have to.


Mar 18, 2017
The West‘s worst - next to Muslims - enemy Russia developed a Covid vaccine:

My bet is that he did it for national security reasons. Think about it for a second….if you were president of a country like Russia, would you let your population get a vaccine that has practically been made by the Defense dept of another country? Inovio is backed by DARPA and while it hasn’t been said of Moderna as DARPA-backed, it’s obvious both their RNA/DNA vaccines are bringing DARPA’s dreams to life. So if a Ruskie has already been inoculated and they travel to say, the US, there would be no need to get the RNA -based vaccines (unless it somehow turns into a multiple-shot-yearly type of thing).

These RNA/DNA vaccines have real implications for geopolitics and democracy (someone in this thread posted a video where a Jesuit Priest did say, without elaboration, that COVID will impact democratic traditions. I can’t remember the exact video, sorry). The implications being that; if whatever is added to the shots is to act like a switch that can be flipped on and off, you can then get an entire population to robotically rise up against a leader that they previously elected. US gov’t outfits like NED (National Endowment for Democracy),that engage in regime change in other countries or the bankrolling of protest leaders to topple gov’ts would all become a thing of the past. For the “democratic” West, you as a citizen would simply find yourself (or have a recollection of) standing in line to vote for a “dear leader” who “wins” with a landslide ofcourse. Multi-party politics would also eventually become a thing of the past.
People of the UK.

ACT NOW!!! While we still have the chance to.

For a disease that was so long ago downgraded from being a HCID (high consequence infectious disease) before even the lockdowns were instituted....but no...go ahead and wear your mask.
For a disease that is hardly deadly that they (Pentagon) had to activate their "never before used" contingency plans (including continuity of government) should make you go...hmmm


Jul 30, 2018
Also pointing out that, while they may trust the common vaccines used for decades, this was the fastest vaccine ever created. They take an average of 20 years, the fastest ones ever took 4-7 years. This was for a class of virus that had never had a vaccine of any kind. It was developed in 8 months after the viruses alleged discovery. The virus has never been isolated so how can they make a vaccine. And its being made by companies who have never made a vaccine. It has no studies of the long term side effects. And the first trials, 100% of people experienced negative effects from large doses, and 80% from small doses

although what daze said should hold up. If they are worried being elderly, get a vaccine. It will protect them according to their logic. If you have a good immune system, you don’t need one. That’s if there no convincing them out of it.
I've told them about all the things that are posted/discussed on this thread and other sources, but the cognitive dissonance is so strong it's so astonishing. I feel like I've been living from different planet. They were even celebrating the fact that a vaccine will be coming by the end of the year. I'm at the point of letting them be, no matter how much I care for my family when all I get is backlash I get discourage by their behaviour. I'm really, really upset and tried my best not to think of the worst case scenario.