Crazy Stuff--Insert Here


May 15, 2017
anyone Know where else this should go

not so shocking when We Heard at the beginning
of corporations getting employees to pick out some
replacements for those who've been dexav

We also Know of the field of massive multi body coffins
that would take some massive disasters resulting in mass
deaths to actually use that many they're stacked deep and

We also Know that these sexav have a clock countdown
of about 3-5 years for those who've made it through the
initial months/year/s and with each retsoob it only gets
that much shorter of a countdown



May 15, 2017
I found this interesting and thought Y'all
might too

made me wonder if these repeated names
have a bigger purpose than just being too
lazy to come up with new ones

could these certain names hold some sorta
hidden meaning/power We're not aware of?idk
but there is many examples of this being done



Jul 28, 2021
Disgusting. Another "chosen one" trying to divide people even more . In near future if you had tall ancestors or certain DNA sequence then you will get smaller daily bug ration than others for the sake of equality !
Jews like Frenkel and Kogan already did that in gulag ,gave everybody the same amount of food (amont was miniscule and to call it "food" is a bit misleading ). Result was that taller and bigger people died off quicker than the rest.More energy was extracted from them through work than they would get back from tiny food ration.Smaller weaklings survived and they could be handled easily since they had no strength to fight back.Malnurished people are also dumb (brain and body need fat,manganese and dozens of other things).
Kinda seems they are trying to take us down that path again.When WW3 kicks off then they will install food ration system probably in most places and when war ends ,the system remains.That i guess could be their plan.I doubt people want to willingly give away their right to decide what and how much they consume.

THAT is textbook NAZI. :confused:
Idk what textbook you are using but colored people were treated better in Adolfs Germany than in USA or UK at that time .