Facing the Reality of Climate Change


Apr 23, 2018
Wow, you sound so panic-stricken! What if I told you that the climate of the Earth has been in constant flux for its entire existence? At several points in its history, it was a volcanic free-for-all, with hot gasses and ash spumes creating an environment so hot and so toxic that plant and animal life couldn't exist. And at other times, it was the opposite--so cold that frozen oceans covered massive areas, and the plant and animal life was relegated to a narrow band around the equator. For the last 12,000-20,000 years, the temperature has been gradually rising, causing the end of the last Ice Age (you know, like the animated movie) and shifts in ecologies and plant and animal proliferation. It's funny how the purveyors of the agitprop you've been inundated with leave out those rather salient facts.

And--not only is climate change not the fault of human beings, but we have actually been making positive changes over the last 50 years or so. Any one who was alive in the 60's/70's can tell you, back then, the skies in the US were grey with soot and pollutants, and every surface was covered with a film of grime. Even if you watch an old movie from that period, you can see it in the outdoor scenes. The environmental awareness spawned by the hippie movement had real effects on govt. regulation of industry, and it took off like a rocket in the 80's, when scientists started measuring the effects of pollution and catching the factories red-handed. Currently, the problem seems much more prevalent in Asia than in the US or Europe. Beijing looks today like NY did in the 70's.

Don't think wee didn't catch that little "it's all capitalism's fault" jab in your terribly argument. Like most of the other Hegelian stuff you are parroting, it's a specious accusation. At the very least it is blown out of proportion, and at worst, completely fabricated to make you feel guilty for existing, for consuming, for shopping. (you villain, you!) How about instead of flagellating yourself and attempting to flagellate your peers, you do a bit more research into the matter. Our fellow VCers have given you some great starting points. I myself have done enough research to feel fairly satisfied that people are coming up wih new ideas and technologies every day to make our lives cleaner and less impactful on the environment overall.

As someone else mentioned, it is imperative that we keep a better eye on the honchos at the top of the economic pyramid. they're the ones dropping the ball on recycling, sourcing raw materials responsibly, and husbanding the resources that we do use in the most efficient ways possible. It isn't simply a matter of greed, either. If they didn't think they could get away with it, they wouldn't be. That's human nature. The grassroots movements in the 80's provide a good blueprint, and now we have the internet to use to gain direct access to the companies that are the worst offenders. You buy stuff from the Top Ten Plastics Polluters everyday.

Write them letters/emails, organize a protest outside a corporate office, get active, if your so worried about it.

Find us some alternative sources for gassing up our cars than the bastards on this list:

Information is power. You have the same access to it, via the internet, as anyone. Arm yourself, educate yourself, and make the change happen that you want to see. Even if it's just one thing, one tiny thing, it's still something, and it's important.
Maybe I have a slightly less optimistic vision of things. Yes, I do think there is some reason to be troubled by what is going on with the climate, I don't think it is quite so prosaic as simply natural cycles. It seems to me quite intuitive that burning oil would cause some kind of alteration of the climate, and that we really need to stop doing it. Sure, the big oil companies will put on the front of sustainability because it is profitable in these times when everyone is worried about it. Maybe the governments and such will even create a more sustainable situation, but I have the feeling that such a transition will be quite dystopic for the majority of humanity.

Denying that climate change is happening, putting it down to things like chemtrails, seems like exactly the "Hegelian" thing you are accusing me of. I really think that such an idea is part of a wider agenda, which is pretty much how I feel about a lot of conspiracy theories these days. You mention my putting the blame on capitalism, yes capitalism is responsible for a lot of the badness going on. American capitalism in particular, the kind which brings "freedom and democracy" to the world by military coups against socialist governments. But to be completely clear, I am not a communist at all, communism is even more nightmarish. The whole thing is a false dichotomy, obscuring the hopeful possibility of some kind of society organised by a principle of human solidarity.

That there is a crisis, is not in itself a problem. Crises are a part of the human condition, the climatic problems we are experiencing included. In fact we are faced with a great opportunity to develop solidarity, something which could be of lasting use, making human life just a little more bearable. Conspiracy theories seem very much a "hipster" kind of thing to me, like you aren't a "real conspiracy theorist" unless you conform to some sorts of particular dogmas and tenets. I'm sure there is useful information in the things people are pointing me to, but I also think there is a bit of a hall of mirrors kind of situation going on where people are just looking for confirmation of their ideas, which are mixed with a kind of grandiosity of being the "one who knows" (not one of the "sheeple" or whatever).

As much as I hate to affirm anything @Tidal says, he does have a point about the glaciers melting. Maybe things won't be so extreme as they are predicting, who knows. But as many problems as I have with the current scientific paradigm, when it comes to purely empirical stuff, science pretty much works. Yeah there is some monetary influence, this is obvious, but there are also tons of independent researchers affiliated with universities and stuff. A lot of them are very sincere people, who would surely go and speak out about climate change being some agenda if they found it to be that way. "You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time".

I don't think that what is happening will lead to total apocalypse. But I do think it is a possible opportunity for humanity to make some changes. Simply denying things is just another ego game so far as I can see, a way of shrinking from facts into opinion and speculation. Fact is, a couple of years ago we had the hottest year ever on record here, and this year there has hardly been a real summer at all. You're saying that things like a record hot year are just part of a normal kind of adjustment of the planet? Because it seems to me like something like that would be very gradual.

When the ice caps melt, then things are going to heat up even more, there will be a kind of viscious circle. We might not even be able to stop that at this point. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, that it seems to me very obvious that a society based on fossil fuel addiction is going to be as precarious and unpleasant as the life of any junkie. We can develop whatever kind of rationalizations of the habit, or we can sober up.


Jun 17, 2017
When the ice caps melt, then things are going to heat up even more, there will be a kind of viscious circle. We might not even be able to stop that at this point.
when will that be? look at these dates....






shankara, theyre taking advantage of the fact that you have a big heart and care about the environment.
theyre fooling you.
May 18, 2018
So does nobody else feel that the weather is changing? Here it seems we haven't really had a summer this year, while a year or two back there were temperature records set. I think Tidal might have a point (for once) as well - how do you explain glaciers melting?
I swear the sun is brighter now than it used to be. It is a blinding white light now sometimes. When I was a kid I remember it was a warm yellowish glow


Apr 23, 2018
what better way to get the public hooked on the climate change hoax (in this case, the glacier melting fallacy) than to have the media executives order these stories disseminated?
You're seeing intention where there is just a little hysteria. The glaciers are melting, you can find pictures online comparing them over the course of some years. I don't think this is down to "media executives", some dogma journalists are being forced to disseminate, it's things people are actually seeing and reporting about.

Some pictures here: Before & after photos of melting glaciers capture climate change in action


Apr 6, 2018
A few notes, not necessarily completely correct, I just needed to put it down:
Like Germany, Poland (I know more, if it was only from Poland or both): From Germany to Paris, he had for 3 months, a strong increase in pollution. The cause, the coal factories. The consequences of its use have been known for a long, long time:
As early as 1912, the role of coal in global warming was known (novethic.fr)

The other reason is natural warming, as he has had the ice age, he will have a warming period.
The other reason is that the sun is getting bigger.

Germany thinks it has withdrawn too quickly, their nuclear factories. Who causes and increases cancer Confirm, in the report (newspaper), the same or not, as that which introduced the doctor, Japanese. Two French people scanned the soil, they noticed that the further away from the nuclear plant, the less the vegetables were contaminated), which could be: After Chernobyle, many Japanese people, especially young people, had cancer, a Japanese doctor found a 'particle' that increased with joy. This as well as the effect of walks, in the mountains, practiced by the patients, these mini vacations do a lot of good to the patients, making them smile, giving a good air and increasing the blows of these particles. (Three of the reportages, which unfortunately I could not or could not note at the time, the names of reportages, nor the name of the Japanese doctor).
And the wind turbines seem to be efficient, but ravage the earth, which can no longer be cultivated, the wind turbines having, a concrete base. In contrast, the wind turbines in the area, which either does not work due to a lack of wind or being too tight. The water turbines being too noisy, scare away the fish. And for solar panels, it seems that it absorbs, but not seeing certain rays, it causes the sun to extinguish more quickly.

Warming by increasing, electronic devices.

And the last one, which I would prefer more, but which I will even rate. Its climatic machines control the weather, which can cause a big disturbance, by absorbing too much water, to release it, twice as much.

Speaking of the machine, it is interesting that the temperature changed dramatically when the planes started to fire their gas. This would strongly eliminate the coal factories, even if they are bad (like volcanoes):
Impact climatique du transport aérien — Wikipédia (wikipedia.org)

He has a period, when drinking water, lacking was in every day. While watching TV, I came across a report, on an association, if I'm not mistaken, she was French. She was helping to build wells, and in the village, where they had dug. They came back, and the earth was covered with plants.
Jul 3, 2020
Sorry, but I think you are confusing the newspapers' general tendency to hysteria with an intentional lie.
You’re burying your head in the sand when indisputable evidence to the contrary is presented to you. It’s the classic hallmark of someone that will never admit that they’ve been fooled.


Jun 23, 2021
At worst climate change is knocking at our door and we're all doomed (maybe a Noah's Flood situation).

At best the hysteria about it is a legitimate wake up call to actually consider what the Industrial Revolution (and rise of technology in the 20th century) ACTUALLY MEANS for human civilization on a critical level, instead of just taking it as a positive thing like most people do.
The Promethean/Faustian/Serpent/Luciferian type deal that humanity (with the Western world leading) has been taking with it's Capitalist utopianism (steered in different ways via Communism, Fascism and now Democracy) is leading the world into places that it might not be able to get out of without some kind of global catastrophe (bigger than just a virus) taking place to actually reset things (catastrophic reset rather than just human politics). That is just the hard fact there, seeing how suffocating this process since the 18th century actually is economically, ecologically, socially, politically.

Climate change could be a complete hoax for all we know but that doesn't validate the underlying problem of the system itself.
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Dec 1, 2019
Hurrigane in Moscow. Moscow stays on a continent so natural causes cannot be there.
Also night comes a lot earlier than it was a few years ago.
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Jun 28, 2020
I'm surprised we don't have any recent climate change threads on here when its pretty much the main agenda being pushed today. From electric cars to eating the bugs. Climate change is the main driver for the WEF today.

Remember when Project Veritas got CNN on camera saying they were gonna start pushing climate change?

cnn climate.jpg

I think we've all seen this meme.

Anyway, here's some more evidence the climate con is a hoax.

Oct 20, 2021
Didn't climate change used to be called global warming? It's just another excuse to tax and take away freedom. I'm wondering if the OP is running for political office because it sounds like a speech from Nancy and Chuck. The inconvenient truth is Al Gore is richer than ever and everyone here is poorer than ever. Orange Man still playing golf.


Jul 24, 2022
Remember when the world was going to run out of fossil fuels? Then we learned that the Earth would run out of water by the year 2000. I wonder what the folks thought during that "Year without a Summer?" That one back in the 19th c.? Then there was the Halley's Comet hysteria (I forget that year--I think it was the year that Mark Twain died). I wonder what the news was like during that "Little Ice Age"? Or is that the same as the "Year without a Summer"? I grew up also with Yurtle the Turtle and hiding under our desks during the Nuclear Attack drills. I'm still waiting to see that.

Do they still teach the Henny Penny story? also known as "Chicken Little" until Disney had to ruin it.

The other day I was having my car serviced, and I brought a book with me to read while I waited. An actual, physical BOOK with paper and ink and pages to turn. People looked at me like I was from a Freak Show. Good times!


Jul 24, 2022
Like a good friend State Farm is there?
I think it was 2002... I remember that 9/11 had happened...when I worked for an Insurance BROKER ... something like insurance for insurance companies...and that was the year they did a major overhaul on homeowner's insurance in Texas. Some of the guidelines (that I remember) were:

No trampolines. Automatic cancel.
No swimming pools without locking gates. Automatic cancel.
Certain dog breed in household (Dobermans, I forget the others) automatic cancel. OH they were called "Jack Russell Terriers" back then I think (they meant pit bull, but they called them JR Terriers)

Man, I never SEEN so many insurance policies cancelled. That was in the wake of 9.11 --- I wonder what triggered this round of insurance cancellations. Is it the fires? Maybe they expect ZEE BEEG ONE soon, eh?

And I remember the Sikhs. The guys with the turbans on their heads. The had a LOT of Sikhs working there, and they were all working in the ... ah what is it they call the insurance oddsmakers ... not amortizers, but they did the math to figure premiums and odds on insurance....ACTUARY!!!

For some reason, they had a lot of Sikhs (like the religion) who were actuaries. Man those guys made a lot of money, too. Cold as ICE, but man they could math you out the door.


Jan 8, 2019
"The unknown comet that has already entered the space of the solar system, with the gases and dust it carries, causes the sky to redden and prevents the sunlight from reaching the moon and causes an unusual eclipse between the sun and the earth. It is placed and causes a total solar eclipse. Then, a big meteorite is separated from it and falls in the east with a loud sound, causing a lot of destruction and after that, thick smoke covers the sky.
When this comet is at the closest distance to the earth, its gravitational effect slows down the movement of the earth, and in the afternoon of one day, the people of the East will witness the sun standing still in the middle of the sky.
Also, when this comet passes by the earth in the opposite direction of the earth's movement, its gravitational effect will cause the earth to rotate in reverse, and the world will witness the sunrise from the west and the doubling of the length of night and day. As the comet moves away, the earth returns to its normal state. The mentioned comet passes between the moon and the earth and causes a lunar eclipse.

In short, we can say that these unusual signs will be seen in the sky: the appearance of a red comet, which is a sign of the beginning of war and bloodshed; Stationary sun in the sky; sunrise from the west; The appearance of a comet whose orbit repeats itself intermittently and has been seen on the earth during different periods of life and causes severe changes in the atmosphere and weather on the earth, which is explicitly mentioned in the above narration; The fall of a part of a huge comet or meteorite in the east with eclipse and many casualties; Also, in the narrations, events such as a fire from the east, an earthquake, and an eclipse in the two points of the east and west are implicitly related to the appearance of a red comet."
Oct 20, 2021
"The unknown comet that has already entered the space of the solar system, with the gases and dust it carries, causes the sky to redden and prevents the sunlight from reaching the moon and causes an unusual eclipse between the sun and the earth. It is placed and causes a total solar eclipse. Then, a big meteorite is separated from it and falls in the east with a loud sound, causing a lot of destruction and after that, thick smoke covers the sky.
When this comet is at the closest distance to the earth, its gravitational effect slows down the movement of the earth, and in the afternoon of one day, the people of the East will witness the sun standing still in the middle of the sky.
Also, when this comet passes by the earth in the opposite direction of the earth's movement, its gravitational effect will cause the earth to rotate in reverse, and the world will witness the sunrise from the west and the doubling of the length of night and day. As the comet moves away, the earth returns to its normal state. The mentioned comet passes between the moon and the earth and causes a lunar eclipse.

In short, we can say that these unusual signs will be seen in the sky: the appearance of a red comet, which is a sign of the beginning of war and bloodshed; Stationary sun in the sky; sunrise from the west; The appearance of a comet whose orbit repeats itself intermittently and has been seen on the earth during different periods of life and causes severe changes in the atmosphere and weather on the earth, which is explicitly mentioned in the above narration; The fall of a part of a huge comet or meteorite in the east with eclipse and many casualties; Also, in the narrations, events such as a fire from the east, an earthquake, and an eclipse in the two points of the east and west are implicitly related to the appearance of a red comet."
I will worry about this some other time when I have absolutely nothing better to do.


Jan 8, 2019
“What are you discussing?” inquired the Holy Prophet (sa). “We are discussing the Last Hour,” replied the companions.

The Prophet (sa) then said, “It shall not come to pass until you see ten signs.”

He then proceeded to mention the smoke, the antichrist, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus, Son of Mary, Gog and Magog, and three eclipses—one in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia (1). While all these signs and their fulfillment merit extensive discussion, this article discusses the sun’s rising from the west, the prophecy, its meaning, and fulfillment.