LGBT+ Targeting Autistic People


Mar 22, 2023
People tend to use the term as a "Get out of Jail Free" card to excuse their bad behaviors. Won't pay attention? "I'm autistic." Can't get to work on time? "I'm autistic." Can't follow instructions or perform simple tasks? "I'm autistic."

It is disgusting.
Those people are a pain in the butt. I'm reluctant to tell people I am because of all these posers and people who make it their entire personality.
'Tis embarrassing.
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Sep 4, 2023
One of my all-time favourite TV series is 'Survivors' (1975), just a bunch of ordinary people trying to stay alive after a pandemic has wiped out nearly everybody on earth.
Amazingly, in some ways it's a better, quieter, cleaner world, for example here's the group having a suppertime sing-song in the big country house they've moved into, the only clue that it's post-apocalyptic with no electricity is ithe acoustic guitar and paraffin lamps.
Their choice of song is interesting, it's almost as if they're happy the old world has gone forever and it doesn't matter any more..:)-



Feb 10, 2021
So there was an autistic YouTuber from my country which I had been following for years and she was an inspiration to many other young girls on the spectrum. Her name is Chloe Hayden and I think she used to be a Christian and go by the name 'PrincessAspien' and she would make very positive videos. I noticed that something changed with her ironically around the time she changed her name on YouTube to her real name and she began to be more 'woke' in her videos and then she got a deal as an actress in a Netflix series called 'Heartbreak High' which was a remake of a series from the 90s. Let me tell you, it is LOADED with LGBT propaganda. Chloe's character 'Quinni' is a lesbian and then her best friend 'Darren' is 'Non-Binary'. To make matters weirder, Chloe has a boyfriend irl but is kissing a girl and acting lesbian in this show.
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There was also another show in my country called 'Love on the Spectrum' and there was a girl on there who was adopted from Romania and she tried a date with a guy and it didn't work out, so they put her with a girl. I think that happened more than once with participants on the show. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but there seemed something insidious about it. That show was funded and greenlit by ABC, the network which is funded by our federal government.
They have it in US too, same thing pushing an agenda!


Mar 22, 2023
What? He said that?
Maybe. I certainly don't agree with everything Peterson says and I have my suspicions about him. That said I'd take what our good ol' mate Daze over here says with a grain of salt though, it seems he came here with an agenda to derrail my thread and turn the subject into Palestine even though there are plenty of Palestine threads on here. (Like half this forum is about Palestine now it seems)
Some people may be well intentioned or even have thoughtful arguments but I think a lot of hardline Hamas/Israel annihilation supporters online are bots tbh, the way they all spam comment sections with "Free Palestine" and the watermelon emojis is peak bot behaviour. Such bots are weaponized to sway public opinion. There are probably pro Israel bots but I don't see them so much. Anyway it's trendy to support Palestine now and Tiktok has a role in influencing young people in such a way with algorithms promoting pro-Palestine content and media changing its tune to be more pro Palestine too. All their favourite celebrities have got to be pro-Palestine or get cancelled. It's been so wild to see the media establishment left and woke culture applying a neo-Marxist lense to this ancient conflict and supporting what they would normally consider a 'far right theocracy' where gays are thrown off buildings. It's the same old thing of a handful of wealthy politicians and oligarchs like Hezbollah and Hamas throwing together a sob story and reeling in the cash from well-meaning people donating to charities. Sigh... Nothing new under the sun, but that doesn't make 'Queers for Palestine' any less crazy.
Well anyway... It's the in thing now and you can thank the bots for a lot of that!! The whole thing's a big distraction and the bots are weapons of mass distraction. The powers that be have AI bots which make ChatGPT look like a toddler's plaything. The bots you see nowadays which comment and then respond to eachother (You'll often see an irrelevant comment selling a 'financial service' or some other snake oil, with other bots replying) are just the tip of the iceberg. Almost half of the internet activities consist of bots
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Sep 4, 2023
Sick LGBT pervs can't get under the Bible's radar..:)-
"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)


Mar 22, 2023
Sick LGBT pervs can't get under the Bible's radar..:)-
"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Matthew 18:6


May 17, 2020
Nothing new under the sun, but that doesn't make 'Queers for Palestine' any less crazy.
It's weird how these people that you and your ilk would call "morally degenerate" can see what's happening for what it is. And yet here we are with you and your self righteous brigade supporting an ongoing "plausible" genocide.

it seems he came here with an agenda to derrail my thread and turn the subject into Palestine even though there are plenty of Palestine threads on here. (Like half this forum is about Palestine now it seems)
And yet here you are mentioning "queers for Palestine" while complaining about people mentioning Palestine.


Sep 4, 2023
The whole muslim world is enraged against Israel, so I predict muslim Pakistan which already has nukes, and Iran which is building them, will "accidentally" lose a few which will turn up in the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah etc, sooner or later, then it'll be "goodbye Israel".
They needn't be fullsize nuke missiles, they might just as well be suitcase nukes like the one below, each one capable of being smuggled into Israel (or dropped by drones) to wipe out Israeli city centres, town and villages-


suitcase nuke2.jpg


Mar 23, 2021
Maybe. I certainly don't agree with everything Peterson says and I have my suspicions about him. That said I'd take what our good ol' mate Daze over here says with a grain of salt though, it seems he came here with an agenda to derrail my thread and turn the subject into Palestine even though there are plenty of Palestine threads on here. (Like half this forum is about Palestine now it seems)
Some people may be well intentioned or even have thoughtful arguments but I think a lot of hardline Hamas/Israel annihilation supporters online are bots tbh, the way they all spam comment sections with "Free Palestine" and the watermelon emojis is peak bot behaviour. Such bots are weaponized to sway public opinion. There are probably pro Israel bots but I don't see them so much. Anyway it's trendy to support Palestine now and Tiktok has a role in influencing young people in such a way with algorithms promoting pro-Palestine content and media changing its tune to be more pro Palestine too. All their favourite celebrities have got to be pro-Palestine or get cancelled. It's been so wild to see the media establishment left and woke culture applying a neo-Marxist lense to this ancient conflict and supporting what they would normally consider a 'far right theocracy' where gays are thrown off buildings. It's the same old thing of a handful of wealthy politicians and oligarchs like Hezbollah and Hamas throwing together a sob story and reeling in the cash from well-meaning people donating to charities. Sigh... Nothing new under the sun, but that doesn't make 'Queers for Palestine' any less crazy.
Well anyway... It's the in thing now and you can thank the bots for a lot of that!! The whole thing's a big distraction and the bots are weapons of mass distraction. The powers that be have AI bots which make ChatGPT look like a toddler's plaything. The bots you see nowadays which comment and then respond to eachother (You'll often see an irrelevant comment selling a 'financial service' or some other snake oil, with other bots replying) are just the tip of the iceberg. Almost half of the internet activities consist of bots
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If its from @Daze its nothing more then something agaisnt christianity (thats his life mission to disparage anything christian or remotely christian) by pointing at look see what this one said or this one. I don't listen to peterson but when was that posted was it after he started to espouse that Christ could be true?) idk but again same old same old from him barely worth posting on this forum anymore because of stupid is stupid does mentality his ilk have.


Mar 22, 2023
If its from @Daze its nothing more then something agaisnt christianity (thats his life mission to disparage anything christian or remotely christian) by pointing at look see what this one said or this one. I don't listen to peterson but when was that posted was it after he started to espouse that Christ could be true?) idk but again same old same old from him barely worth posting on this forum anymore because of stupid is stupid does mentality his ilk have.
I used to frequent this website in 2018 under a different username and I can tell you now that although there were muslims who sometimes had spats with Christians (not to mention inter-denominational feuds) we managed to get along for the most part because we were all putting aside our differences and standing united against the NWO. But coming back here and especially after Oct 7 the vibe has changed so much and it seems like much of this forum has lost its focus. What a pity because it's the largest website forum I know of its kind. It's almost like there have been plants, major psy-ops and bots here. And if their intention is to convert me to Islam or something, well quite frankly they're doing a horrible job!! I will stick to the love of Christ rather than vitriol thanks! Tbh I would be more open to listening to critiques of Israel if people's arguments here weren't the exact regurgitations of talking points by the same woke leftists who are NWO tools that are destroying everything and contradicting themselves several times in the process while trying to gaslight everyone. But there is a spirit of vengeance, violence, deceipt, and envy driving the whole thing which is exactly what drives communist and nazi ideologies and regimes. "From the river to the sea" is about the annihilation of what tiny plot of land Israel does have. It's the whole 'oppressed won't stop until they become the oppressor' thing. What the hell does that achieve?? At the end of the day it's demonic. I understand that Israel has made mistakes like the recent air strike (which they apologized for). Of course they aren't immune from criticism. But what I see here isn't calmly stated criticism. It's the ravings of idealogues. Everytime you have someone using ad-hominems, the only way to respond is to laugh at them because they aren't interested in a good faith debate. Just a deBAIT. Hence why I made the joke about 'Mr. Byrne' etc. I prod kind of lovingly because I expect this sort of attitude and behaviour from someone who hasn't yet had a revelation of Christ from the holy spirit or has rejected it (eg. atheists and muslims or the real discordian prophet David Byrne for instance). I actually have an atheist sibling who says the exact same things Daze and the others say because he just consumes leftist antichristian media like TYT, but when it comes from a self-professed Christian like Stucky, it is truly disappointing. Although I have made a lot of enemies here as expected, I don't hate anyone here, but I pray for souls to be saved and eyes to be opened.
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Mar 22, 2023
Anyway, let's take the done to death Palestine and Israel conflict discussion elsewhere? Aye? Plennnnty of other threads for this topic, news flash! Not everything is about PALESTINE!!!


Mar 23, 2021
I used to frequent this website in 2018 under a different username and I can tell you now that although there were muslims who sometimes had spats with Christians we managed to get along for the most part because we were all putting aside our differences and standing united against the NWO. But coming back here and especially after Oct 7 the vibe has changed so much and it seems like much of this forum has lost its focus. What a pity because it's the largest website forum I know of its kind. It's almost like there have been plants, major psy-ops and bots here. And if their intention is to convert me to Islam or something, well quite frankly they're doing a horrible job!! I will stick to the love of Christ rather than vitriol thanks! Tbh I would be more open to listening to critiques of Israel if people's arguments here weren't the exact regurgitations of talking points by the same woke leftists who are NWO tools that are destroying everything and contradicting themselves several times in the process while trying to gaslight everyone. But there is a spirit of vengeance, violence, deceipt, and envy driving the whole thing which is exactly what drives communist and nazi ideologies and regimes. "From the river to the sea" is about the annihilation of what tiny plot of land Israel does have. It's the whole 'oppressed won't stop until they become the oppressor' thing. What the hell does that achieve?? At the end of the day it's demonic. I understand that Israel has made mistakes like the recent air strike (which they apologized for). Of course they aren't immune from criticism. But what I see here isn't calmly stated criticism. It's the ravings of idealogues. Everytime you have someone using ad-hominems, the only way to respond is to laugh at them because they aren't interested in a good faith debate. Just a deBAIT. Hence why I made the joke about 'Mr. Byrne' etc. I prod kind of lovingly because I expect this sort of attitude and behaviour from someone who hasn't yet had a revelation of Christ from the holy spirit or has rejected it (eg. atheists and muslims or the real discordian prophet David Byrne for instance). I actually have an atheist sibling who says the exact same things Daze and the others say because he just consumes leftist antichristian media like TYT, but when it comes from a self-professed Christian like Stucky, it is truly disappointing. Although I have made a lot of enemies here as expected, I don't hate anyone here, but I pray for souls to be saved and eyes to be opened.
Outstandingly put bro! I feel same way! Attitudes changed its not debate like you said anymore they think they won?! not sure what they won but...they think they have debunked Christianity...


Mar 22, 2023
It's weird how these people that you and your ilk would call "morally degenerate" can see what's happening for what it is. And yet here we are with you and your self righteous brigade supporting an ongoing "plausible" genocide.

And yet here you are mentioning "queers for Palestine" while complaining about people mentioning Palestine.
Mate, i've already said this, but it wasn't me who brought it up in the first place. It was Daze.
I honestly just wanted to have a platform to expose how autistic people like us are being exploited by the LGBT lobby! (Nothing to do with Palestine, although it still stands contradictory that the LGBT lobby is backing a nation that is antithetical to them at large in every way other than some contrived intersectionality wet dream. Gotta ask yourself why they are backing this and follow the money.) He then came and barged in with off topic quarreling, so I tried to answer his question and have an honest dialogue until it became clear to me that wasn't his intention at all.
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May 17, 2020
Anyway, let's take the done to death Palestine and Israel conflict discussion elsewhere? Aye? Plennnnty of other threads for this topic, news flash! Not everything is about PALESTINE!!!
I see you removed your post that claimed the Romans invented the name Palestine, which, for you, was probably a good thing as it exposed your ignorance on anything to do with the subject.

Here's a tip. If you don't want Palestine mentioned in your threads then don't resurrect the subject and then start moaning when someone responds to it.


Mar 23, 2021
When the Roman Emperor Hadrian defeated the Jews in the Bar Kochba rebellion, in a war that took a great toll on the Roman legions and nearly wiped out the Jews of Judea, he punished the Jews in a number of ways - mass executions, placing many Jews into slavery, and forbidding the Jews to visit Jerusalem except on Tisha B’Av, the day of mourning the destruction of the Temple.

Another way Hadrian punished the Jews was by renaming Judea after the Jews’ ancient enemies - the Philistines. He also expanded the territory to include Syria. The territory was renamed Syria-Palaestina. So Judea was renamed for the ancient Philistines, a sea-faring people who had long vanished from the region, and whose memory remained in the Bible and in antiquity, to further punish and humiliate the Jews. It was also probably an attempt to disconnect Jewish identity from the land. An attempt that failed.


May 17, 2020
Wow. Bug moans about Palestine being mentioned in his thread then goes and likes a comment that mentions Palestine.

Another way Hadrian punished the Jews was by renaming Judea after the Jews’ ancient enemies - the Philistines. He also expanded the territory to include Syria. The territory was renamed Syria-Palaestina. So Judea was renamed for the ancient Philistines, a sea-faring people who had long vanished from the region, and whose memory remained in the Bible and in antiquity, to further punish and humiliate the Jews. It was also probably an attempt to disconnect Jewish identity from the land. An attempt that failed.
The Romans never "invented the name Palestine". That's what bug claimed. Bug was wrong.

As to your comment. There's mention of Syria/Palestine long before Hadrian.


Mar 22, 2023
Wow. Bug moans about Palestine being mentioned in his thread then goes and likes a comment that mentions Palestine.

The Romans never "invented the name Palestine". That's what bug claimed. Bug was wrong.

As to your comment. There's mention of Syria/Palestine long before Hadrian.
I invite you to watch this video citing the Quran