Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jan 10, 2019
"Will Iran respond? When will Iran respond? How will Iran respond? Satanic Israel and US intelligence say an Iranian attack is imminent... within two weeks, two days, two hours! Iran Iran Iran!"

These have to be the dumbest headlines since "flooding the tunnels" back in November. Or the now 2 month expectation for mentally deranged Netanyahu's penetration into Rafah. All while hundreds more unarmed civilians are assassinated in Gaza, it's a gigantic media distraction.

Really Iran shouldn't retaliate for the assault on their embassy- keep the guilty perpetrators forever on edge, waiting for the inevitable. In truth Iran will keep supplying the active fighters of the Resistance as much as possible which is the most effective strategy.

I agree with the several analysts saying to be aware of a false flag attack that will be blamed on Iran to stoke further US/British involvement. This has been a constant concern but based on the corporate/military owned media's heightened propaganda it feels like a more real possibility.


Jan 22, 2018
A lot of weapons were taken from Israel. Hamas either slaughtered the unit or made the IOF run and then took what gear they had. Sniper weapons, rockets, a lot of arsenal Israel left behind because the soldiers were more worried about saving themselves.

Also, some months back, I posted a video showing Hamas using rockets that Israel launched but failed to explode. They took the explosives out of the failed shells and repurposed them.

Hamas leadership is likely corrupt, Fatah is certainly Israeli / mossad. These are the people Netanyahu funded.
But the people in Hamas on the front lines are Palestinians fighting for their freedom.
It may just be me and my total aversion to msn narratives, but the media have solidly perpetuated the idea that there is a war taking place but the images we get to see are that of annihilation.

What makes no sense to me whatsoever is that from all available evidence it appears that Hamas appear to be serving the needs of Israel far more adequately than they are of the Palestinian people.

Israel have used Hamas as the golden bogeyman to perpetrate some of the most horrendous war crimes in modern history. But more importantly it has allowed them to proceed with objectives they've had for many many years.

Maybe I'm just too cynical nowadays.


Jan 22, 2018
In January, this came through my feeds and i had my own reservations as to why the NYT was publishing this; either NYT is being totally honest, deflecting from some other reason (to portray Gazans as inept and dumb people, lacking ingenuity) or other myriad of reasons but i've also wondered about Hamas' stockpile every time i hear Zelensky demanding his armories be replenished :)

There are some interesting claims made in that article which are open to question. This one is a good example...

“They have a military industry in Gaza. Some of it is above ground, some of it is below ground, and they are able to manufacture a lot of what they need,” said Eyal Hulata, who served as Israel’s national security adviser and head of its National Security Council before stepping down early last year.

You would have thought that with Israels main policy of instigating a defensive offensive to any whiff of a threat it would have obliterated those manufacturing plants immediately upon discovery. Why allow them to continue manufacturing weapons for a single day?

It's incredible how Hamas are able to sustain a war being completely reliant on undischarged Israeli bombs while Israel itself needs 3.3 billion dollars a year from the US to sustain it's war effort.

Maybe if Israel stopped using 2000lb bombs for self defence then Hamas would eventually run out of ammo?

I know, completely ridiculous.


Jan 22, 2018
UNRWA, as a Hamas cut-out, had been given over $700 Million from the USA since Biden started ruling in 2021. Start there.
Well apparently funding both adversaries in a war can be quite lucrative.

3.3 billion a year to Israel and 700 million to Hamas creates a lot of rubble doesn't it?

Somebody's raking it in, somewhere eh?

Just change the Iraqi's to Palestinians. Just change Bush to Biden and the Zionist story board rolls on.



Jun 28, 2020
it appears that Hamas appear to be serving the needs of Israel far more adequately than they are of the Palestinian people.

Israel have used Hamas as the golden bogeyman to perpetrate some of the most horrendous war crimes in modern history.
Ya, I agree. Israel has funded Hamas. In many ways, they are like isis to the US. Hamas actually helps them complete their narratives, push their agendas.

But you're ignoring the fact 85% of Hamas are orphans. Orphans because Israel killed their parents. These people have been living in a literal open air prison behind a 26 ft concrete wall for over 20 years. If they go too far out to fish, they are shot at because it's a complete 360 surveillance / occupation.

They are dealing with an ongoing 75-year, brutal occupation. Anyone who has followed Palestine for years knows there has constantly been atrocities coming out of there for decades. Raping their women and imprisoning their kids, stealing their homes in broad daylight. Shooting their kids literally for entertainment.

The only difference between all those years and today is now the world is aware of it. Pretty much because of twitter and Musk refusing to censor for months. While he censors today, he still lets a lot through. The result is Israel is globally hated, by 80% minimum. Safe to say even 90%.

Al-Aqsa is the 3rd holiest site in Islam. Hamas said their reason for Oct 7th was because Israel announced sacrificing the red cow. For Israel to complete this and summon their messiah, they have to destroy Aqsa and build a temple of it.

Like I've mentioned before, Hamas are pious.

This is why the r*pe stories and beheading of babies are impossible because these people fear God above all else. It is why they are fearless on the battlefield. They welcome death as a chance to meet their Maker. How can Israel ever hope to defeat an army that loves death more than they love life?

Sure, Hamas leadership is probably corrupt, as it's easy to buy / blackmail one man. But Israel does not control all of Hamas. Certainly not those who joined because Israel martyred their families. Ironically, this new 6 month war will add 10s o 1000s to their ranks when Israels stated goal has been to eradicate Hamas.

Oct 7th was because Hamas (Palestinians) are essentially the guardians of Al Aqsa.
God knows best.


Mar 15, 2017
Jordan’s air defence ready to shoot down any Iranian aircraft that violate its airspace

Reuters, citing two regional security sources, reports that Jordan’s air defences are ready to intercept and shoot down any Iranian drones or aircraft that violate its airspace.
The sources said the army was also in a state of high alert, and that radar systems were monitoring drone activity.