Predictive programming in the music industry.


Jan 22, 2018
More apocalyptic/meteor imagery in this new music video created for the late Juice WRLD -

And here's another post-death song his label released for him today:

The frequency of this imagery now appearing in music videos is quite clear evidence of us being programmed for the event itself.

Unfortunately most people will not be consciously aware of it until the thing does actually appear in the sky.

All is mind.



Jan 22, 2018
More apocalyptic/meteor imagery in this new music video created for the late Juice WRLD -

And here's another post-death song his label released for him today:

It's just a matter of when....not if.

What does JC have to say on the matter?

*warning* horrendous music with even more horrendous lyrics.

Take note of another "randomer" who was able to side step YouTubes stringent copywrite rules and make their very own video for the song.

It's a shame we don't all have that privilege.

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Jan 22, 2018
So after nearly 10 years of toil in the music industry The Dead South finally make it into the big time by amassing 1 million YouTube subs.

With the band now commanding high volume exposure they are now faced with a new problem. You get a call from some high powered record company executive saying they are giving the band some money to make a video.

Great! The band thinks...naively.

"OK your video has to have spaceships in it" says the record exec.

"Spaceships?" replies the band.

"Yes, spaceships....and's part of this agenda we have got going. Says the record exec.

"But we are re-doing People Are Strange, that's got fook all to do with spaceships and aliens" The band reply.

"We don't care what song your doing, just make sure there's spaceships and aliens in the video or you'll be back doing bluegrass gigs in barns before you know it.....capich? Threatens the record exec.

"Sure, sure leave it with us" the band reply nervously.

So after weeks of pure turmoil testing the bands creative capabilities to the limit here is what they turned out to keep them upstairs happy.

Here Hugo gives a good explanation of how these events are inserted into our minds first. All is mind. The event has to be in our minds before it happens. It's all part of the programming process.



Jan 22, 2018
Nov 5, 2021
Yeah I'm wondering when the time will be that an apocalyptic meteor smashes into the earth. Feels like it's not far off now with the build-up of many references in the news, films and music.

The main thing I can't decide is if it will be a huge impact for real causing mass devastation, or if it will be a minor one that the media lie about to hype up into something far bigger than it actually is using CGI and actors.


Jan 22, 2018
The main thing I can't decide is if it will be a huge impact for real causing mass devastation, or if it will be a minor one that the media lie about to hype up into something far bigger than it actually is using CGI and actors.
The chaos required to implement major societal changes would need to be substantial so I don't think it will be some harmless light show with light collateral damage. I'm getting the feeling this plan will be implemented at some time during mass civil unrest on the worlds streets.

At this point we now have a growing number of people who are now starting to question the narrative a d these numbers will continue to grow until there becomes a tipping point.

I personally feel that this was their plan all along and now more people are beginning to notice these not so subliminal messages.

Here Woodward TV gives his take on it.

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Jan 22, 2018
We are expected to believe that we now have the capability of sending a spacecraft, travelling at 15,000 mph, hundreds of millions of miles into space which will then rendezvous with a selected asteroid, which is travelling at the same speed in the opposite direction. The spacecraft will also be taking a full album of pictures of the asteroid that it will beam back to earth before smashing into it which then adjusts the asteroids trajectory.

....I mean....really?

It wouldn't surprise me if some point soon Bruce Willis gets a call.

How on earth (pun intended) can anybody believe this type of fairy-tale? It's preposterous!

I just went back a bit further and found Woodward's previous video on this asteroid narrative. I think the question got asked on this thread a good few pages back....what will arrive first? Aliens or asteroids?

Here he gives you his forecast.

Nov 5, 2021
I forgot to post this when I saw it back in December, not sure if its been posted already:

2:49 - Ariana Grande: "Cause you're about to die soon everybody!"
3:00 - Ariana Grande: "Wake up!"


Jan 22, 2018
Yep, she just came out and said it.

I've found that the more embroiled a "star" becomes promoting a certain agenda, coupled with their potential reach, the more open they are with the messaging. Like Madonna giving it the "your not all going to make it" line at Eurovision.

It both cases the message was quite explicitly the same....a lot of people are going to get killed.

Even DDN is using footage (with a very dodgy asteroid looking thumbnail) from Netflix's Don't Look Up to try and push the climate change disaster narrative.....unbelievable.



Jan 22, 2018
More doom mongery from Shinedown

....and if they do make a proper video I guarantee it will have an astetoid in it.


Jan 22, 2018
This post was made in April 2018

Just to add to that. If you look at the image of the heart shaped hand grenade. This is very very pertinent.

It simply implies the death of many an act of LOVE.... it's their justification for their actions.

If you study the Hermetic Principles in the Kybalion the whole picture becomes much much clearer....and much more disturbing.
Chillingly, they have now dug up long dormant Simple Minds to help push with the programming.

Taking into account how many artists have now inserted this subject matter into their output it would be foolish not to see the big picture.

It's coming from above....loud and clear.

If the video gets scrambled you can access it on YT

Just type in Simple Mind's Act Of Love lyric video.


Jan 22, 2018

Here is a quote from one of the co writers of the song.

Carina Round:
‘Apocalyptical’ was one of the very first musical ideas for the new record that we put our voices on out in Arizona in late 2019. It was simultaneously very fresh and also felt like we had never been apart.
There’s also this statement from Keenan accompanying the new song/video:
“Manipulated information disseminated by kings, queens, dictators, so called leaders, supposed professionals or outliers and conspiracy theorists living underground, or in basements, is not new or unique to this generation. Misdirection is Power Struggles’ conjoined twin but the speed at which it now travels in this digital age is dangerous and destructive on many levels. This rapid distribution of poison and its immediate impact will be the hallmark of our generation. Even In light of all this, and all the noise the digital landscape generates, all I keep asking myself is ‘what is it with the whole hoarding toilet paper thing?’”
So the lyrics to this song were written pre convid in 2019 then the video was produced early 2020.

Again it's important to point out the asteroid imagery inserted just after the 4 minute mark, it didn't get there accidentally.

I don't think people will believe this until it's far too late.


Jan 22, 2018
And here is the latest forecast from crystal ballers Killing Joke....all very apocalyptical to don't you think?



Jan 22, 2018
I can't believe I haven't posted this here before.

I reckon in a year or two the lyrics will be bang on.

As stated elsewhere...just ahead of their time.
