Roe V. Wade To be overturned

Jun 26, 2022
While i dont know of youre just an argumentative troll with anger issues, i will address your points

It doesn't matter whether abortion have to do with r*pe and incest or not. Women will get abortions FOR ANY REASON THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE. ON DEMAND AND WITHOUT APOLOGY. Women's body, woman's health, woman's choice. Understood? Your clump of cells has NO SAY IN IT and neither do you. :)
It DOES matter, since all you pro baby murder people keep screaming about those cases whem the issue is brought up.

Also, it would be nice if all you "my body my choice " people cared about body autonomy, but you actually are just pro baby murder. Suddenly when its time to force people to get v@xxed there's no body autonomy huh?

Pregnancy is extremely taxing and difficult on the body. It takes a toll on women's health and damages the body. There are life-long side effects. Women have cracked ribs in later stages of pregnancy. They vomit daily from morning sickness. Sometimes have to be hospitalised with hydration IVs and meds to counter the morning-sickness and make sure they are getting enough fluids. They can develop gestational diabetes. Prolapsed uterus. Infections, weakened immunity, preeclampsia, preterm labor, horrible depression and anxiety, join pain, swollen feet, bleeding, placental complications etc. These are just a handful of side-effects. There are MANY more.
Those side effects dont apply to ALL women. And the rare ones that are truly life threatening, like preeclampia actually DO get treated by an early induced labor or c section.

Gestational diabetes (which ive gotten every single time) is as simple as eating a healthy lower carb diet and exercising for the rest of the pregnancy.

And swollen feet? Are you kidding me? A life is worth temporarily swollen feet? Wow.

Childbirth is TORTURE. And many women have severe Tokophobia. Absolute fear and terror of pregnancy and childbirth. Many women has lasting PTSD symptoms after enduring the horror of childbirth.
Some women (not me btw) would disagree about it being torture.

Many women suffer ptsd because of how they were treated by the hospital staff, had their body violated without consent, "birth r*pe", not the childbirth itself.

Perhaps the body autonomy crowd should be fighting for women's rights to be treated with dignity and respect during the act of birthing. For women's rights to decline invasive pelvic exams during labor. For women who wish to use pharmaceutical pain management to have access to it no questions asked.

If a woman is truly afraid of the act of birthing she should be able to request a c section with no pushback from the medical establishment. Unfortunately, many times the medical establishment will deny these requests. Once again, why is the "my body my choice" crowd not fighting for women to have these CHOICES?

Post-partum recovery is brutal. Vagina stitched up from tearing. Horribly painful recovery from pain at the c-section incision site. Bending, stretching etc. can be painful and reopen the wound. The weakened site can cause hernias even after healing. Bleeding for 40 days. No big deal right?
I have had children. Have you?

While i have to acknowledge that some people minimize or deny the fact that childbirth can be very dangerous, these things are not guaranteed to happen. Not every woman ends up with stitching or tears. Some women bleed as little as 10 days.

I do think there should be more support and help for women recovering from childbirth. Some other countries have a visiting nurse or helper come by and it's covered by insurance/the medical system.

According to you stinking conservates women are just here to breed against their will right? Forget that they feel pain, terror, fear and then have to put up with this pain and torture. All for your stinking clump of cells. Because conservatives don't view women as living, breathing human beings.
Im not a "conservative" or "republican ". I guess you missed the part where i said that there should be what the republicans would call "handouts" to help the poor.

No one should breed against their will. But unless we're talking about r@pe, we're talking about a predictable voluntary act. These women CHOSE to have s*x. The logical outcome of that act is pregnancy.

Women are dying from ecoptic pregnancies. Countless news reports of women being denied medication for their chronic health issues because "they're of childbearing age" or the drug can be used as an "abortifacient".
Ectopic pregnancies are not viable and are not considered an abortion. They are treated at a hospital, not an abortion clinic.
If you mean birth control pills, i believe they should be legal (thought they are harmful to the woman's health, but i see it as lesser of two evils).

Also, in the case of r@pes, i do hold the men responsible and think they should be punished with court ordered castration the minute the paternity test comes back positive. But rather than fight for r@pists to be more severely punished, especially those who r@pe minors, you would rather just have women murdering unborn children.

By the way, your stupid "it's a clump of cells" argument may fly very early on in the pregnancy, but anyone who can claim a fully formed, viable, just smaller unborn child is "a clump of cells" is BLIND as well as ignorant and evil.
Jun 26, 2022
You're straight up retarded and disgusting. You can go eat shit. After you crawl on your knees and suck the patriarchy's dick like a good little whore of course. Then you can go and fart out another baby like the stinking breeding animal you are.

I think I have found a way to find out your identity and I'll be warning every single women's rights organization about you, as well as my big tech contact who, while not particularly high up themselves, but has access to execs. They're going to be monitoring all your internet activity. And if you and your stinking cult DARE interfere in abortion rights... well. You're not going to like it. :D

I hope people keep their kids away from your nasty children - who will no doubt be indoctrinated with your disgusting rapist pedo-cult pro forced birth shit. Will they grow up to be stinking pro forced-birthers? Or will they see reason and be utterly repulsed by you and your pro forced-birth shit?

Go whine about vaccinations like a fool LOL. While you worship your precious little clump of cells of course. And if you and your pedo religious cult get off on torture then by all means get on your back and fart out another baby.

As for the rest of the world, women will have abortions on demand and without apology. Eat shit. I hope the elites come for your nasty pathetic ass LOL!
Ooh im shaking in fear of your doxxing LOL

I'll be sure to go erase all my social media posts now! Better stop donating to all those pro-life groups huh.
Probably should stop voting too. Dont wanna make the baby murderer mad LOL

No one can take you seriously. Stupid little troll who throws a tantrum about not wanting vaccines, then turns around and thinks women have to pump out babies against their will. We're all laughing at you. And while you bark, women are getting the abortion care they need. What are you gonna do about it, you sad little tantrum thrower? Cry about it? Rant about it? Tsk tsk. Too bad for you and your pedo forced-birth cult. While you bark women are getting the abortion care they need. Stay mad! :D
Oh no! The angry feminist doesnt take me serious, whatever will i do?
Laughing at me too, im devastated LOL

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It looks like she's horrified and disgusting after smelling the stink of the pedo, misogynistic old white man sitting in England. Stinking up the atmosphere and generally repelling people with his pro forced-birth shit. Then the pedo stinking old white man got mad as he realized how women view him with revulsion and he can't get attention from the opposite gender. Tsk tsk. How sad for the stinking old white pro forced-birth "christian taliban" bible thumper!
May 18, 2018
Stinking bible thumpers. Who's surprised? They love toruturing women and their "bible" even condones slavery and tells women to submit to men like subservient whores. The "christian" taliban can eat shit tbh. I hope the elite come for your nasty pathetic ass. Oh, and keep barking like a stinking mutt. Women are getting the abortion care they need while you bark. Stay mad stinker! :D
The jews support child sacrifice like you, its not a religious question, baby killer.


Mar 15, 2017
you actually are a good person Red, stupid but a decent guy.

so why do you keep company with all the evil
Nazi fucks who call this place home? You don’t even have the balls to call them out because you’re a coward at heart.

thats Christianity to its core. It comes pretending peace with a sword taped behind its back.
I know you are bitter from never having children of your own, but the only person who is suffering from your bile is YOU. You know the only way for spiritual healing is to repent of your sins and to turn to Jesus.


Mar 15, 2017
shut up cunt
I was one of the few Christians who understood you and despite that tolerated you. So I won't keep quiet. Not sorry.

From your responses I am truly thankful that God prevented you from having children for the potential CHILDREN's sake. It must be so hard, never being able to move on past personal hurts and strifes with adults online; God literally knows what you would been like with poor children.


Mar 15, 2017
you have no idea who you’re talking to which shows how stupid you are

your Nazi pal lightseeker might be the only to get it as usual
If you're the other one, why does this thread matter to you personally?


Mar 15, 2017
Who gives a shit what Jesus allegedly said lol
You were alleging Christians supported child sacrifice. Christians follow Jesus.
I therefore asked what does Jesus say about little children.... and then you said the above.

If you don't care, why ask what the Christian belief is?


Mar 15, 2017
don’t play word games with me bitch. Nazi lightseeker repeats Nazi propaganda about Jews sacrificing children because he is Nazi fuck who should die, and you go out of your way to defend him
Is that individual doctor calling herself a Jew - yes or no? (whether or not she is for real, only she knows)


Mar 15, 2017
you can’t help but walk into it na8 bitch my work is done . Anyone who chooses this makes a conscious decision.

the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi you all know what you signed up for and you know what awaits you
what is your personal definition of a Nazi?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

or that just the standard Christian belief?
Many Christians who accept Replacement Theology can be drawn into antisemitism by degrees . Also many Christians who believe that God has not finished with Israel find it very hard to reconcile the fact that some Jews hate God, others are secular, others are searching etc.

To the wider question of “why bother” being here…. I can answer that simply. I know where I’m going and sometimes catch glimpses of eternal joy - I would want to see as many people cheat Satan’s schemes for their destiny as I could, and I believe the Lord can break through the mess of peoples hearts to break them out. I will never look back and wish I did less for God. I’m not perfect and probably not even be all that good at reaching others but these words have never left me.

God loves the people far away, crouching from His presence:

The Parable of the Great Supper
15Now when one of those who sat at the table with Him heard these things, he said to Him, “Blessed is he who shall eat [e]bread in the kingdom of God!”

16Then He said to him, “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many,17and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘Come, for all things are now ready.’ 18But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.’ 19And another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.’ 20Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ 21So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the [f]maimed and the lame and the blind.’ 22And the servant said, ‘Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.’23Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24For I say to youthat none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.’ ”


Mar 15, 2017
You have failed to explain how posting pictures of war crimes from second world war is relevant to abortions done today Anon77777.
Calling anyone you dislike a Nazi really makes your arguments look weak.
Jun 26, 2022
This is ridiculous. The babies are already BORN alive, therefore all arguments of the woman's body autonomy are irrelevant.

The House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on Wednesday, with votes at 220-210. If approved, the legislation would require health practitioners to care for an infant that is born alive after a failed abortion, according to the law.
In order to become law, the bill would need to be approved in the Senate and signed by President Joe Biden, which is unlikely. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Wednesday that the bill, along with a second anti-abortion bill, are "doomed in the Senate" and "extreme."

"American women deserve to have their right to healthcare protected, not undermined," Schumer said in a statement.
Mothers seeking abortion care would not be subject to criminal prosecution, according to the law.
Even IF we were to look at abortion as healthcare, how does providing medical aid to the already-born infant possibly undermine women's right to "healthcare"?

Only an evil individual would call providing care to an already-born baby "extreme".


Apr 24, 2022
Gold abortion blood goddess installed on roof of New York City courthouse
The statue is meant to commemorate Ruth Bader-Ginsburg's "work" in the fight for abortion. The “work of art” by the Pakistani emigrant Shahzia Sikander shows a satanic-looking female figure with braids of hair twisted into ram's horns and eight tentacles instead of arms. The “artist” wants to depict the current reality of power and social mores. The figures on the roof of the Manhattan Courthouse are traditional representations of lawmakers.


The new statue atop the courthouse in Manhattan, New York City, is a stark departure from previous lawmakers in US history. "Feminist" artist Shahzia Sikander declared that this is part of an "urgent and necessary cultural reckoning underway as New York reconsiders traditional depictions of power in public spaces and reshapes civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores." . The New York Times quoted it as “ an urgent form of resistance ”.

The social mores of the 21st century are patently satanic and abortion-worshiping to the supporters of a new world order. The lace collar, part of a judge's uniform, is reminiscent of the abortion fanatic, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The statue is part of a cycle - there is also a similar female demon in Madison Square Park. 1674731618356.png