Sam Smith. Gay man to non binary.


Jul 10, 2023
what degenerate parents
Seeing more and more of this regularly.
It seems so many parents these days don't care. Just walking around and seeing how parents are these days is proof they aren't raising their kids right.
How could they have a conscience after allowing their kids to see anything Sam Smith comes out with these days?


Jun 26, 2022
Seeing more and more of this regularly.
It seems so many parents these days don't care. Just walking around and seeing how parents are these days is proof they aren't raising their kids right.
How could they have a conscience after allowing their kids to see anything Sam Smith comes out with these days?
I remember that I posted in the kpop thread a video of someone that brought a little boy on stage during a concert..


Jul 24, 2022
615 many parents these days don't care.... they aren't raising their kids right.
How could they have a conscience after allowing their kids to ....
There was once upon a time a popular song ... I forget the artistes, I think it was Crosby, Stills & Nash ... and the refrain (?) ran something like, "Teach ... your children well ...." Sixties or seventies tune. I guess that's considered "classic Rock" now, but in my day it was a top 100 tune. My how the arts have fallen. I don't know any current popular song (nor do I care to.) But I'm sure one would be hard pressed to find one that expresses any sentiment even close to "teaching well" in any scenario (at least in "popular" American music ... maybe in Christian music or in other cultures, I don't know.)

But yes, most parents now do not care one whit after they breed. Why should they? The day care facilities raise their children until time to hand them over to the State for 12 years to prepare them for a lifetime of slavery. During those first 18 years of their childrens' lives, they need do nothing--outside of school, the television / computer / "smart" phones will babysit them and keep them quiet while Mummy (and maybe Daddy, if he's around) sips wine and/or blows weed back in their little cave of a bedroom. They needn't cook dinner. McDonalds will provide that. If they all share whatever meal they get from the drive-thru, they will share it with their constant companions of television or "electronic friends" via text. Then it's time for bed, and everyone retires to cuddle up with their tiny electronic screens. The next day is a repeat.

There is some variation of the routine during holiday, or summer vacation, but not much. This is ensured by the portability of their now-constant companion, the little "smart" phone ... or their little portable video game ... or their convenient tablet, or whatever device they might use to continue the constant stream of mind-numbing "music" so called and mind-numbing "video" "GAMES" that serves to quell any hint of independent thought. And that's just they way "THEY" want it. They want OBEDIENT SLAVES. And that's just what they got ... for the most part.

Yes, there are exceptions. But they are becoming fewer and farther between. Of course, it won't last. Eventually, there will come a tide change and this poor facade will come tumbling down. In my lifetime? No, I'm short (as we used to say.) It may take hundreds of years, even thousands. But the time will come. But no Man knoweth the hour.


Jul 10, 2023
There was once upon a time a popular song ... I forget the artistes, I think it was Crosby, Stills & Nash ... and the refrain (?) ran something like, "Teach ... your children well ...." Sixties or seventies tune. I guess that's considered "classic Rock" now, but in my day it was a top 100 tune. My how the arts have fallen.
And the funny thing is, music was even bad back then, but it wasn't so blatant and obvious. This message is nice, unfortunately the musicians behind the music still had an agenda/following the new world order.
This is why it's crazy how obvious things have gotten. The fact that the tv raises the kids now and there isn't as much home cooking really shows how bad our generation is even when things weren't amazing back then.
We can look back and still wish we were around at the time, or at least as adults.
I do get sickened by the idea of a little kid having a smart phone nowadays.
Miss when we just went outside to play as kids and didn't worry about this so damn much.


Mar 12, 2022
What happened to them? I don’t understand how they went from what they were before to now dressing as the devil, wearing red, having transgender people in cages and just disgusting content they show to others now. I feel sad they went like this….
I liked their older music but it’s a shame it’s become just pornographic content now


Jun 26, 2022
What happened to them? I don’t understand how they went from what they were before to now dressing as the devil, wearing red, having transgender people in cages and just disgusting content they show to others now. I feel sad they went like this….
I liked their older music but it’s a shame it’s become just pornographic content now
The answer is that they sold their soul, it's simple


Jun 26, 2022
Do you think it's likely that he sold his soul at the way beginning of his career, and was apart of a contract to do more outrageous things later on in his career?
don't know, some of these artists decided to do that to stay relevant in the industry , the ones that refused disappear, there's many talented singers that had some hit songs and it seems that they would became successfull and they refused to sold their sould and their careers ended ..
Jul 12, 2022


Oct 3, 2022
Wearing heels made out of telly rubbish. A show for toddlers. And a t-shirt with Epstein island strips and young boy eating an apple. I don't know why but I image the apple has links to sin

What’s sick and eerie too is the shirt he’s wearing and it’s symbolism because we know all these lucifarians don’t do anything by accident , tell us in plain sight and love their imagery to spell out who and what they are.

a little boy taking a bite out apple(forbidden fruit symbolism)

we all know these demons are abusing children, in this sick clip it seems like he’s screaming that’s what he is.

His eyes have always had that look to me , even before he went perverted in his style, there’s something truly evil and sick about his eyes.