Weird Stuff In Food Now Includes MRNA Vaccines?

Jul 12, 2022
Organic fruits containing APEEL coating...

This goes very well with a friend of mine saying recently that everything is contaminated, there's no escape. This is why I feel the whole organic thing can be a scam at times..what a world we live in!


Jul 28, 2018
I have seen a few of the posts about what you actually see in the ingredient lists. I am sure this has been said, but that list can be very misleading. A few things I've learned:

MSG: There is a website I got from an alternative news website that talked about the dangers of MSG. The problem was not just when you see that most "flavored" processed foods contain MSG listed on the label, but a lot of other ingredients were actually alternative names for MSG, or for chemicals causing the same kind of damage that MSG did. One of which was "Natural Flavoring."

Fake Flavors: This I got from Adam Ruins Everything. There is one episode that explain how commercially processed orange juice at some point was injected with "orange perfume" flavor made by the folks who make CK perfume. Other things on the list is the various fruit flavor (I remember specifically raspberry, but I think there was at least one other) coming from some gland on a rodent.

Other Additives: This I learned from high school biology. In the 1980-90s US there was the fad of "soft baked cookies" for sale in the same aisle as Oreos, and the rest of their crunchy cousins. It made the cookies feel like they came fresh from the oven, and were usually in flavors like chocolate chip. Our teacher said the additive that made them soft was plastic. And yes, this edible plastic was listed on the label, but you'd have to know the alternative name for this plastic to know that's what you were actually eating.

Fluoridated Water: Does this even need a discussion on this, and how it's spun to aid tooth health?

A few years ago one region where I lived gave use the option of voting on upgrading food labels. Sounds like a great idea...

One of the nice this about this region is that when measures to vote on were introduced, there was often allowed a section where both sides got to give their opinions on what they thought were the positives and negatives about the measure/bill/proposal, etc. You expect propaganda both ways, but some times you found out stuff you'd probably never know with causal research.
This measure, for example "increased" the cost of creating this new ingredient list, but was NOT required to list EVERYTHING in the food. Even though that's what the measure purported to do.

So not only do the owners of the frankenfood tell half truths about what's actually in the food, they help support laws that get you to agree that you don't really need all the information about what you eat, no matter which way you vote on their bill.

Nicely done, minions.


May 15, 2017
I know of Blaylock, but it wasn't him, at least not directly. The person who provided it, however, probably adapted it from him, or some one similar.

Thank you. I am committing this one to memory.
my little one came home awhile back saying
did Ya Know when We eat vanilla its from the beavers butt yuckkk
of course I corrected and told them that it's anything artificially
flavoured vanilla that is made from the butts

she was sooooo upset thought I been feeding it to them
never mind that would mean everyone in the house is eating
it too

she was not eating anything vanilla until I showed her when We
buy anything vanilla,which not often maybe few times in summer
for berries and ice cream

that Ya have to look for made with vanilla bean instead of artificial
then Ya Know no beaver butt lol


Jun 17, 2017
I know of Blaylock, but it wasn't him, at least not directly. The person who provided it, however, probably adapted it from him, or some one similar.
well, in every newsletter he talks about it. he, by and large, started that, "MSG: the excitotoxin that kills" movement.


Jun 28, 2020
not sure if this belongs here or somewhere else

When i was young i remember adults debating worms being put in hotdogs and this was in the 80's.
The ingredients literally had "earth bait" listed. To this day idk what "earth bait" is. Nor do i want to know.

For sure they are putting alot of negative things in foods today. But you have to remember there is a meat bad / bugs good agenda being pushed so don't believe everything you read. Such as humans in hotdogs. Remember a lot of "conspiracy stuff" is actually put out by the powers that be to discredit people.

At the same time regulators (back when they weren't corrupt anyway) allowed disgusting things in food such as fecal matter because on the molecular level, its impossible to avoid.

Copy paste job below......

Here’s a taste of what you can expect to find on the table. Bon appétit!

1. Canned mushrooms can include more than 20 maggots “of any size” and 75 mites, per 100 grams. Same goes for 15 grams of dried mushrooms. No more than 10% of your mushrooms can be “decomposed.”

2. For every 100 grams of ground cinnamon, it’s OK to include 400 or more insect fragments (legs, heads, wings, thoraxes, etc.), and 22 or more rodent hairs—a substance the FDA charmingly refers to as “rodent filth.”

3. Brussels sprouts can include 30 or more tiny insects, called aphids, per every 100 grams of veggie.

4. Up to 60 percent of frozen berries can be moldy, with an average of 4 or more larvae, or 10 or more whole insects, per 500 grams. To give you an idea of what that means for you: most pie recipes call for about 550 grams (5 cups) of berries.

5. The FDA says it’s OK if 15 percent of a can of cranberry sauce is moldy.

6. Apple butter is allowed to be 12 percent moldy. For every 100 grams of apple butter, it’s OK to have four or more rodent hairs and an average of 5 or more “whole or equivalent” insects. The average serving size of apple butter is about 30 grams, so no worries: you’re only ingesting a little more than 1 rodent hair and 1.6 insects per serving!

7. The turkey meat in turkey burgers, turkey dogs, turkey patties and nuggets has been “mechanically separated” from the bone. That’s code for: an entire turkey, bones and all, has been forced through a sieve under high pressure, oozing—to quote the FDA—a “paste-like and batter-like poultry product” on the other side. That “paste-like” poultry product contains a high percentage of “ground, crushed and pulverized bones,” evident in high levels of calcium, which is cool with the FDA.

8. Meat of all sorts—ground beef, chicken nuggets, taco filling, etc.—must include at least 35 percent actual meat. The other 65 percent doesn’t have to be meat, and can be made up of any mixture of edible fillers and chemicals, including cornstarch, water, soy, maltodextrin, silicon dioxide, food colorings and artificial flavoring.

9. Tomato paste, pizza sauce or other sauces can include 30 or more fly eggs per 100 grams. Alternatively, you can have 15 or more fly eggs and one or more maggots, OR two or more maggots, but not all of the above.

10. Cocoa beans can be 4 percent moldy or insect infested, but only 6 percent moldy and insect infested. More than 10 milligrams of “mammalian excreta” is permitted per pound of cocoa beans.

11. In 100 grams of corn meal—that’s roughly the amount required by your average corn bread recipe—the FDA says it’s OK to have two or more “whole insects,” 100 or more insect fragments, and either 4 rodent hairs or 2 or more chunks of rodent poop. Yum!



Jul 28, 2018
So, basically we are back to that one chapter from The Jungle, complete with end and its solicitation to socialism/communism from the WEF.


Jul 24, 2022
I think Upton Sinclair ran for governor of California?
I think he also made a run for the presidency, too. Can anyone here clue me in on what to look for as "ingredients" to those Protein Powder things (the cans of the protein powder that you then mix with milk or whatever). I am getting the feeling that maybe I ordered bug powder labelled as protein powder. It was an impulse buy. I forget the brand.


May 15, 2017
tptb have contaminated the breast milk and
baby formula,there is nothing safe to give Your baby
anymore and it's all so billieboy can come in with his
solutions he already as ready to go down the road

Ya could go old school with the carnation milk(condensed)
like they did back in my grammas days and I have had to do
at times with my own because there was no other option

than again what are the chances that's still a Good option

Jun 26, 2022
tptb have contaminated the breast milk and
baby formula,there is nothing safe to give Your baby
anymore and it's all so billieboy can come in with his
solutions he already as ready to go down the road

Ya could go old school with the carnation milk(condensed)
like they did back in my grammas days and I have had to do
at times with my own because there was no other option

than again what are the chances that's still a Good option

Id like to add that i started supplementing one of my kids with organic grassfed whole milk (not formula, but actual milk) when she was 8 months old, and it was fine. No allergies or other issues.

Often times parents are scared to give milk before the first year, but if the baby can eat solids and cheese then there isn't much of a difference.

Just in case this helps out anyone.