Former Witch Speaks On Halloween


Oct 24, 2021
Most of those accused of being witches had nothing to do with witchcraft. Even if they were they didn't deserve to be killed.
Its a fact they did. Their own testimony can be read. What they were doing was a capital crime. Whether they deserved it or not is only your opinion.


Oct 24, 2021
It was called Oestre and was observed in pre Christian Europe.
That word has nothing to do with the word Easter. Its all word play. Easter in the bible is another name for the feast of unleavened bread as the bible clearly says.


Oct 24, 2021
The modern wiccans of today are the druids of old nothing new people...
Druids are a separate order. There have been a long line of Druidic families all along the Hudson river in new York. Wicca was brought to the US in the 1960s.


Jun 28, 2020
You are a prisoner and subject to a territorial spirit that has no empathy, compassion, or regard to the people who pray to it.
If i had no empathy or compassion then I'd let you and those like you continue upon your man worship path with your ultimate final destination being the eternal hellfire.

I highlight the flaws such as your "god" saying he can do nothing by himself while OUR God calls yours his slave.. IN YOUR OWN BOOK.
I have highlighted these verses and many more but we see them fall on deaf ears.

What more can i do? It is God who guides, the same one you refuse to submit to.

Like i said Lyfe, why do you wish to continue this? It is clear to me God has sealed your heart. You will find truth on judgement day.

But no, lets continue this because Your ego must be vindicated.

I say let us wait, truth awaits both of us.



May 11, 2020
If i had no empathy or compassion then I'd let you and those like you continue upon your man worship path with your ultimate final destination being the eternal hellfire.

I highlight the flaws such as your "god" saying he can do nothing by himself while OUR God calls yours his slave.. IN YOUR OWN BOOK.
I have highlighted these verses and many more but we see them fall on deaf ears.

What more can i do? It is God who guides, the same one you refuse to submit to.

Like i said Lyfe, why do you wish to continue this? It is clear to me God has sealed your heart. You will find truth on judgement day.

But no, lets continue this because Your ego must be vindicated.

I say let us wait, truth awaits both of us.

You are the one who initially addressed me, remember?

Matthew 22:41-45

41 (A)Now while the Pharisees (B)were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question,42 saying, “What do you think about (C)the Christ? Whose son is he?” They said to him, (D)“The son of David.” 43 He said to them, “How is it then that David, (E)in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying,
44 (F)“‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand,

until I put your enemies under your feet”’?
45 If then David calls him Lord, (G)how is he his son?”

Every knee will bow to lordship of Christ.


Mar 23, 2021
Druids are a separate order. There have been a long line of Druidic families all along the Hudson river in new York. Wicca was brought to the US in the 1960s.
No sorry its the same philosophy just fancied up to be more palatable.(same evil BS just different mask is all)

Druids are more of a Solar and the product-of-creation people where Wiccans are more Lunar and the making-of-the-creation people. There are things that they agree on and things that they don’t. A love of nature is generally within them both.

Quoted from a new age druid.


Jun 28, 2020
You are the one who initially addressed me, remember?

Matthew 22:41-45

41 (A)Now while the Pharisees (B)were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question,42 saying, “What do you think about (C)the Christ? Whose son is he?” They said to him, (D)“The son of David.” 43 He said to them, “How is it then that David, (E)in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying,
44 (F)“‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand,

until I put your enemies under your feet”’?
45 If then David calls him Lord, (G)how is he his son?”

Every knee will bow to lordship of Christ.
Nah, i just mentioned you refuse to pray the way those of your own religion did. I tagged you so it couldn't be taken as backbiting.

Go ahead, post again, verify that ego Lyfe.


May 11, 2020
Nah, i just mentioned you refuse to pray the way those of your own religion did. I tagged you so it couldn't be taken as backbiting.

Go ahead, post again, verify that ego Lyfe.
Everytime you respond to me is another oppurtunity to witness to you the blessedness of Christ. May you come to him and know his love and compassion. May you come to the father so that the light of his countenance may shine upon you. :D


Jun 28, 2020
Everytime you respond to me is another oppurtunity to witness to you the blessedness of Christ. May you come to him and know his love and compassion. May you come to the father so that the light of his countenance may shine upon you. :D
Thats funny, while i see every response from you as a desperation to get the last word, as in Ego vindication.


Take if Lyfe, the last word that is. I'll cya on judgement day.


Jan 29, 2018
Do you believe under no circumstance a witch should be killed?
Their point was that the vast majority of victims were not, in fact, witches. Civilized society doesn't say "Mass torture & public execution of masses of people... because a few of them might be guilty." Not so much outwardly anyways...


May 11, 2020
Their point was that the vast majority of victims were not, in fact, witches. Civilized society doesn't say "Mass torture & public execution of masses of people... because a few of them might be guilty." Not so much outwardly anyways...
In Fritz Springmeiers book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati he said that the Salem witch trials were a hoax and it was acctually an elitist family that practiced witchcraft that put Christians to death claiming they were witches.


Jan 29, 2018
In Fritz Springmeiers book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati he said that the Salem witch trials were a hoax and it was acctually an elitist family that practiced witchcraft that put Christians to death claiming they were witches.
That could be 100% possible regarding salem... but it does not change the fact that what went down in Western Europe at the behest of the Anglo-Judeo-Christian cartel was apparently a straight up holocaust which gets glossed over to benefit certain "religious sensibilities". It was maurauding mass-r*pe, torture and death, often publicly executed. Like Saw or Hostel, just done in the town square and if you didnt attend and cheer it on one might end up answers questions like "They must sympathize with the accused if they aint there eh?"


May 11, 2020
That could be 100% possible regarding salem... but it does not change the fact that what went down in Western Europe at the behest of the Anglo-Judeo-Christian cartel was apparently a straight up holocaust which gets glossed over to benefit certain "religious sensibilities". It was maurauding mass-r*pe, torture and death, often publicly executed. Like Saw or Hostel, just done in the town square and if you didnt attend and cheer it on one might end up answers questions like "They must sympathize with the accused if they aint there eh?"
The crusades werent a Christian operation. It was more of the same type of psychopathic satanic royal bloodline wickedness that the world has always been accustomed to. Bush said he was Christian yet he was worshipping a giant owl behind closed doors and doing who knows what kind of wickedness at the skull and bones tomb at yale.


Jan 29, 2018
The crusades werent a Christian operation. It was more of the same type of psychopathic satanic royal bloodline wickedness that the world has always been accustomed to. Bush said he was Christian yet he was worshipping a giant owl behind closed doors and doing who knows what kind of wickedness at the skull and bones tomb at yale.
Crusades? Im referring to the European, primarily Catholic and Protestant effort of inquisition/witchcraft trials via terror campaign.


Oct 24, 2021
No sorry its the same philosophy just fancied up to be more palatable.(same evil BS just different mask is all)

Druids are more of a Solar and the product-of-creation people where Wiccans are more Lunar and the making-of-the-creation people. There are things that they agree on and things that they don’t. A love of nature is generally within them both.

Quoted from a new age druid.
The very first Wiccan order established in the United States was in 1962 by Raymond and Rosemary Buckland. This is a known fact. The "new age druid" has their facts wrong. The Bucklands were Gardenians.
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Oct 24, 2021
You are the one who initially addressed me, remember?

Matthew 22:41-45

41 (A)Now while the Pharisees (B)were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question,42 saying, “What do you think about (C)the Christ? Whose son is he?” They said to him, (D)“The son of David.” 43 He said to them, “How is it then that David, (E)in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying,
44 (F)“‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand,

until I put your enemies under your feet”’?
45 If then David calls him Lord, (G)how is he his son?”

Every knee will bow to lordship of Christ.
You can't argue with people who fudge facts and skew bible verses to promote an agenda. These are all ex "christians" who rejected the real gospel long ago. In favor God has rejected them. They're reprobates.


Oct 24, 2021
Crusades? Im referring to the European, primarily Catholic and Protestant effort of inquisition/witchcraft trials via terror campaign.
Its was civil law that said witchcraft was punishable by death. If you've ever read the testimony of those put to death most were in fact guilty. They were all practitioners of what would be known today as folk magic. Some claimed to have familiars and much more. Read a book for once in your life. There's quite a few to choose from. You can even read the original testimonies still on record.

Any and all persons who practised anything other than Islam would be put to death during that time. That is unless they choose to be slaves paying outrageous taxes. Either that or you die in 17th century islam. Hypocrites