500 Years Of Protestantism: The 38 Most Ridiculous Things Martin Luther Ever Wrote


Mar 15, 2017
Why JoChris?.....That statement is mean.:(
I disagree.
I think people can be truth-seeking and have doubts about paths and they may eventually find their true spiritual home.
Besides people gathering info on the members on this forum are wasting time....
I didn't mean to offend anyone. o_O
Etagloc introduced cactus PLANT, I used a pun. I was not making an observation about his character etc.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
That's why I call it an unholy old-testamentary alliance. Catholics have always emphasised the Gospel, not the Old Testament, which is why the Church had never been swayed by Jewish ambitions until after World War 2.
Why the change after World War 2? Genuinely curious for your reasons.


Jun 4, 2017
I'm sorry, but the author of this book used Adam Weishaupt as a pseudonym and the book itself dates from 2011.

The real Adam Weishaupt would never have written a book like that, nor would any Illuminati for that matter, because their obsession was to rid Europe of the universalist Catholic morale. Their hatred was for the Church. The Illuminati's descendants after they were banished from Bavaria, spearheaded by Illuminati leader Johann Bode, infiltrated French Masonry and sided with the Protestants against King and Church during the French Revolution. Nicholas Bonneville, one of Bode's lieutenants, founder of a handful Masonic lodges (Social Club, Society of the Friends of Truth, etc) underlined the vision of the Illuminati and the common interest of Protestants in his newsletter the Mouth of Iron:

"When the last king is hanged with the entrails of the last celibate priest, mankind may hope to be happy."

Yes, the Illuminati and Protestants greatly succeeded in that much needed turning point.
Nevertheless, the new Weishaupt has a growing collection of pro-Masonic literature that encourages us to embrace the liberation of freemasonry. Same guy; different century.

And they hate Protestants too. But they LOVE Pope Francis.
Apr 13, 2017
Pope Francis is an anti-Pope. Yes, High Masonry doesn't like Christianity, so that would include Protestantism. Doesn't change the fact that Protestants historically sided with Freemasonry the Illuminati against the Church.


Jun 4, 2017
Pope Francis is an anti-Pope. Yes, High Masonry doesn't like Christianity, so that would include Protestantism. Doesn't change the fact that Protestants historically sided with Freemasonry the Illuminati against the Church.
When? And where? Not the French Rev nor in the US.
Apr 13, 2017
Not speaking of the US, but France definitely so. Common interest. Both Freemasonry and Protestants were, while legal, not recognised and criticised by the Catholic Church and thus faced a lot of intolerance. There was a major boom of Protestants joining Freemasonry during the 18th century while membership of Catholics to the lodge was strictly forbidden by the RCC. Both the RCC and the Orthodox Church have always been staunch opponents of Freemasonry since its conception, both for its secrecy and ideological views. If you look at the masonic lodges in France now, they are dominated by Protestants (even though only 2% of French identify as such) due to this historical common interest to be free from Catholic and royal authority and together build the new world.

I'm not saying the active role of Protestants was crucial in the French Revolution, but you brought up Adam Weishaupt. He wasn't an anti-Protestant Jesuit agent, he was an anti-Catholic Jew who loathed his Jesuit upbringing so much that he banned Jesuits from joining his society. Weishaupt's followers subverted Freemasonry as a refuge from Catholic dogma, and together with Huguenots, bankers, physiocrats and other haute-bourgeois classes lamenting the mainly Catholic nobility, facilitated, supported, encouraged the revolution against King and Pope.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I'd like to know your thoughts why this turning point was much needed and/or beneficial.
Hi Artful,

I didn't reply as I don't believe in just arguing and banging out a narrative...
Looking at what actually Luther posted up in his 95 theses and the historical and theological context he was addressing is an interesting place to start.

If you get the time to watch this, it appears that understanding Luther as an "end point" is simply historical revisionism. In many ways he was a Catholic monk with some questions...

When you are deep in a dream and just before you wake up to a dog washing your face, you may in the process of waking up believe you are eating an ice-cream! Luther was waking up to the gap between a Catholicism which looked to Popes for guidance and a Christianity based on scripture and the Holy Spirit indwelling true believers.

There are still those today who treat the Bible with suspicion. They approach it as a message that can only be explained by those who can interpret it's message for ordinary people.
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Apr 25, 2017
That's why I call it an unholy old-testamentary alliance. Catholics have always emphasised the Gospel, not the Old Testament, which is why the Church had never been swayed by Jewish ambitions until after World War 2.
Absolutely disagree with this statement. The RCC is a creation of Crypto- Jews, the RCC is a front for the Pharisees. For someone who is so Anti-Jew you ought to hate and reject everything to do with the RCC. I suggest reading this article, which is long but gives much detailed information on how the Pharisees highjacked and control the RCC. Why do you think they are working together to bring in the AntiChrist?



The “Synagogue of Satan” which is the subject of this series must not be confused with the “Remnant” of Jews, who will receive the Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming and be saved by Him. The Synagogue of Satan are an occult power elite which, having rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel, conspire to substitute another messiah made in the image of their master, Satan, and to establish a world kingdom under Satan. The Synagogue of Satan claims Jewish descent, but does not fit God's definition of a Jew, either in the Old Testament or the New: “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Romans 2:29)

The Synagogue of Satan have contempt, not only for Jesus Christ, His Church and the Gentile masses, but for the Jewish “Remnant” who are Torah-observant and anti-Zionist and are, therefore, awaiting the kingdom of Israel to be restored when the Messiah appears, and not before. As well, the Synagogue of Satan have conspired to eliminate all people, whether Jew or Gentile, who stand in the way of their world kingdom. To this end they have developed a staggering number of fronts, as well as the capacity to create blinds and diversions, to obscure the fact that they are Cabalist Jews with an anti-Christ agenda. Through the centuries, the Synagogue of Satan have, by means of false identities, infiltrated Gentile institutions where they act as agents provocateurs—undercover agents who provoke violence and beget scandals, which are used to bring reproach upon Jesus Christ and His Church.


Alexandria, Egypt was a center of interchange of religious ideas as well as the intellectual meeting point between the Jews and the Greeks. After the fall of Jerusalem, Alexandria would become the epicenter from which the Cabalist Jews, who had synthesized their Chaldean witchcraft with Neo-Platonic philosophy, would cloak the new Cabalism in Christian terminology and attempt to penetrate the fledgling Church with heresy. As the origins of the Cabala were documented in the Chaldean mystery religion, the Jewish Encyclopedia locates the source of Gnosticism in Jewish Cabalism:

“But especially does Gnosticism testify to the antiquity of the Cabala. Of Chaldean origin... Gnosticism was Jewish in character long before it became Christian... Gnosticism—that is, the cabalistic ‘Hokmah’ (wisdom)—seems to have been the first attempt on the part of the Jewish sages to give the empirical mystic lore, with the help of Platonic and Pythagorean or Stoic ideas, a speculative turn; hence the danger of heresy…of which the systems of Philo, an adept in Cabala...show many pitfalls...

Jewish gnosticism unquestionably antedates Christianity, for Biblical exegesis had already reached an age of five hundred years by the first century C.E. Judaism had been in close contact with Babylonian-Persian ideas for at least that length of time, and for nearly as long a period with Hellenistic ideas. Magic, also, which,...was a not unimportant part of the doctrines and manifestations of gnosticism, largely occupied Jewish thinkers. There is, in general, no circle of ideas to which elements of gnosticism have been traced, and with which the Jews were not acquainted.” (Jewish Encyclopedia)

Since the “secret doctrine” of the Alexandrian Gnostics was simply a Christianized version of that found in the Cabala, we are not surprised to find many correspondences. In a nutshell, the Gnostic gospel is based on the Cabalistic quest for liberation from the material world, with the assistance of angels, of course.

“Closely connected herewith is the doctrine that the pious are enabled to ascend toward God even in this life, if they know how to free themselves from the trammels that bind the soul to the body (see Ascension). Thus were the first mystics enabled to disclose the mysteries of the world beyond. According to Anz, l.c., and Bousset, …the central doctrine of Gnosticism—a movement closely connected with Jewish mysticism—was nothing else than the attempt to liberate the soul and unite it with God. This conception explains the great prominence of angels and spirits in both the earlier and the later Jewish mysticism. Through the employment of mysteries, incantations, names of angels, etc., the mystic assures for himself the passage to God, and learns the holy words and formulas with which he overpowers the evil spirits that try to thwart and destroy him. Gaining thereby the mastery over them, he naturally wishes to exercise it even while still on earth, and tries to make the spirits serviceable to him.” (Jewish Encyclopedia)

Contemporary with Jesus Christ was Philo Judaeus (c. 30 BC-45 AD), a Hellenized Jew of Alexandria who is credited with first allegorizing Scripture and applying the mystical method to the Mosaic writings. Unrivaled in esoteric knowledge, according to Blavatsky, Philo was a member of the elitist Alexandrian society called the Therapeutae, also called “an esoteric circle of ‘illuminati’ of ‘wise men’.”

“Therapeutae. (Gr.) or Therapeutes. A school of Esotericists, which was an inner group within Alexandrian Judaism... They were ‘healers’ in the sense that some ‘Christian’ and ‘Mental’ Scientists, members of the [Theosophical Society], are healers, while they are at the same time good Theosophists and students of the esoteric sciences. Philo Judeaus calls them ‘servants of god’...‘an esoteric circle of illuminati,’ of ‘wise men’... They were contemplative Hellenistic Jews.’” (Theosophical Glossary, p.329)

The Jewish Encyclopedia states concerning the Therapeutae, “The members of the sect seem to have branched off from the Essene brotherhood.” Both of these Gnostic orders were Jewish ascetics who practiced celibacy based on the Gnostic belief that, since the material world is was created by an evil Demiurge, to reproduce is to merely to populate and perpetuate Satan’s evil world system. Professor Constantine Scouteris of the University of Athens describes the differences between the strict celibacy of the Therapeutae and less rigid Essene community:

“In his De Vita Contemplativa the Alexandrian Philo makes an extremely remarkable description of an ascetic community with which he was familiar and which was settled not far from Alexandria, namely above Lake Mareotis. Philo's intention in this treatise is...to sketch the way of life of a specific monastic community of Egyptian Jewish ascetics. At the very beginning of his treatise, Philo notes the substantial contrast between the Therapeutae and another Jewish ascetic sect, the Essenes. The Essenes led a more practical and active life, while the Therapeutae were dedicated to contemplative life. One could observe also other differences between the two ascetic traditions. The Essenes were exclusively male communities while women participated in the communal gatherings of the Therapeutae communities. Although the Essene’s highly organized communal life involved great frugality, there is no conclusive evidence that it denied the lawfulness of marriage. The ascetic tradition of the Therapeutae, on the other hand, insisted on absolute sexual abstinence. The Therapeutae did not practice the Essene communistic way of life but lived separately as anchorites. They practiced renunciation of property, living a life of severe discipline, fasting and praying daily according to an established horarium.” (The Therapeutae of Philo)

illumiGnosis, quoting Mackey II, p. 636)

Here we see that the false doctrine of the so-called “Christian” Gnostics resembled the “salvation by works” taught by the Gnostic Jews at the Platonic schools in Alexandria. It is worth noting here that the Gnostic heresiarchs were Jews, a fact well-known to the true Church Fathers who were their contemporaries. This huge piece of the puzzle has been missing in the sanitized accounts of the Gnostics disseminated to the Gentile world, but is readily available in the Jewish Encyclopedia:

“It is a noteworthy fact that heads of gnostic schools and founders of gnostic systems are designated as Jews by the Church Fathers. Some derive all heresies, including those of gnosticism, from Judaism ... It must furthermore be noted that Hebrew words and names of God provide the skeleton for several gnostic systems... This fact proves at least that the principal elements of gnosticism were derived from Jewish speculation, while it does not preclude the possibility of new wine having been poured into old bottles.” (“Gnosticism”)

Irenaeus, whose treatise, Against Heresies, was directed against the Gnostics, indicted apostate Jews as the inventors of this heresy:

“Arising among these men, Saturninus (who was of that Antioch which is near Daphne) and Basilides laid hold of some favourable opportunities, and promulgated different systems of doctrine—the one in Syria, the other at Alexandria… These men, moreover, practise magic; and use images, incantations, invocations, and every other kind of curious art… They declare that they are no longer Jews, and that they are not yet Christians; and that it is not at all fitting to speak openly of their mysteries, but right to keep them secret by preserving silence.” (Against Heresies, Book I, Ch. XXIV)

The Plot Against the Church, a history of Jewish infiltration of the Catholic Church by Maurice Pinay (a pseudonym for a team of Catholic priests), documents from various sources the foundation of Gnosticism to be the Jewish Cabala, and the Alexandrian Gnostics to be Jewish Cabalists.

“Matter, the renowned historian of Gnosticism reports to us that the leading Jewish personages, the Alexandrian philosophers Filon and Aristobulus, who were completely and utterly true to the religion of their fathers, resolved to deck themselves out with the remains of other systems and make a way clear to Jewry for enormous conquests; both were also leaders of Gnosticism and Cabbalists…

“The said author explains: ‘that ‘The Cabbala’ existed before Gnosticism, is an opinion which the Christian writers little understand, but which the scholars of Judaism admit with true certainty’; they also assert, that Gnosticism was not exactly a falling away from Christianity but a compilation of systems, in which several Christian elements were taken up…

“In his confirmation that Cabbalists founded Gnosticism, the famous historian of Freemasonry, Ragon, reports that: ‘The Cabbala’ is the key of the secret sciences. The Gnostics emanated from the ‘Cabbalists’. The ‘Jewish Encyclopedia’ asserts that Gnosticism had a ‘Jewish character,’ before it was transformed into the Christian…

“…On the other hand, the ‘Encyclopedia Judaica Castellana’ alludes to the fact, that:

“The original Gnosticism, both the Christian as well as the Jewish, used Hebrew names in its system and that it even based its opposition upon Biblical ideas, points to Jewish origin. It says in addition that it influenced the later development of the ‘Cabala’…” 525:262-3


During the time of Christ and the early Church period there was a sizeable Jewish community in Rome, estimated at 40,000 Jews. Josephus mentioned a lawsuit that involved 8,000 Jews in Rome during the reign of Caesar Augustus (44 BC-14.AD), presumably adult men each with a family of at least four or five members. (Jewish Antiquities, Vol. II, p. 80) The number of Jews in Rome increased considerably after the mass deportation of captives from Jerusalem following its destruction in 70 A.D.

There was also a thriving Jewish community in the area which became the Vatican. According to “The Vatican & Rome as elements of apocalyptic discourse”: “The origins of the ‘Cittá del Vaticano’ are as an unpleasant neighborhood outside the city walls populated by Jews and beginning in the first century by (Jewish) Christians and still later by the persecuted Gentile converts to the Christian sect.” The Latin word “Vatican” means “divining serpent” (see Papal Crest Dragon):

“The word ‘Vatican’ literally means ‘Divining Serpent,’ and is derived from Vatis=Diviner and Can=Serpent. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. Coins minted in Vatican City often bear the inscription ‘CITTÁ DEL VATICANO’, which means City of Prophecy.” (The Wine of Babylon)

The Jewish community in Rome dates at least as far back as the Maccabees, who had cordial relations with Rome and received pledges of Roman friendship and protection. (See: Jews become allies of Rome) Jewish culture prospered in Rome during the early centuries of first millennium, even to the extent that Jews held government positions and received favored treatment from the Caesars. It was not until Constantine the Great, who reigned as emperor from 306 to 336, that Jews were proscribed from holding state offices, owning slaves or testifying in court against Christians, among other restrictions. The Jewish Virtual Library reveals the influence and status of the Jewish community in Rome.

“The Jewish community in Rome is known to be the oldest Jewish community in Europe and also one of the oldest continuous Jewish settlements in the world, dating back to 161 B.C.E. when Jason ben Eleazar and Eupolemus ben Johanan came as envoys of Judah Maccabee. Other delegations were sent by the Hasmonean rulers in 150 and 139 B.C.E. After the Romans invaded Judea in 63 B.C.E., Jewish prisoners of war were brought to Rome as slaves, Jewish delegates came to Rome on diplomatic missions and Jewish merchants traveled to Rome seeking business opportunities. Many of those who visited Rome stayed and the Jewish population began to grow.
“While the treatment of Jews by the Romans in Palestine was often harsh, relations with the rulers in Rome were generally much better. Julius Caesar, for example, was known to be a friend of the Jews; he allowed them to settle anywhere in the Roman Empire. According to historians, when Caesar was assassinated by Brutus in 44 B.C.E., Roman Jews spent day and night at Caesar’s tomb, weeping over his death. His successor, Augustus, also acted favorably toward the Jews and even scheduled his grain distribution so that it would not interfere with the Jewish Sabbath. Two synagogues were founded by slaves who had been freed by Augustus (14 C.E.) and by Agrippa (12 B.C.E.)...

“From the second half of the first century C.E., the Roman Jewish community became firmly established. A majority of the community were shopkeepers, craftsman and peddlers, but other Jews became poets, physicians and actors... Evidence has been found that twelve synagogues were functioning during this period.”

Always industrious and enterprising, the Jews used Rome as a base to gain influence throughout Europe,. Their success was largely achieved through finance, and especially usury, the charging of excessive interest on loans by means of which wealthy Jews would eventually enslave the European monarchies. As the headquarters of the empire, Rome was strategic to the European operations of the Jewish elite. The scheme employed in the takeover of Rome is revealed by the two Jewish “converts” to Roman Catholicism who became priests:

Usury for Power...

“The human causes of [the persecution of Jews], unique in history, are witnessed by the Jews’ insatiable appetite for turning to usury to gain power through betrayal in order to dominate, and whenever possible, to take over and overthrow the State.

“In every country, this immutable law of Hebrew prosperity in every country is always to the detriment of the well being and liberty of the inhabitants. Many years before Rome fell into the claws of history, the famous Lemann brothers, who converted from Judaism and became priests of the Catholic Church, in one of their works, which merits meditation, wrote:

“‘O Israelites of Rome, we understand the attitude of our people. If you are conceded the right of possession which you invoke, we wager that, within thirty to fifty years from now, Rome will be in your hands.’ (ff. Rome et les juives. ‘Rome and the Jews’)

“And so the prophecy came to pass. The city of Rome fell quickly into the abyss, and was economically and materially subjugated to the Jews, as were all of the major cities of the great nations of Europe.” (La Civilta Cattolica)

A maelstrom indeed ensued when Claudius was succeeded by the Emperor Nero who, in A.D. 64, launched the fierce persecutions of Christians that would continue for two hundred and fifty years. A World History website ascribes the Great Fire of Rome to Jewish fanatics, who shifted the blame to the Christians:

“An official investigation concluded that the fire had been started by Jewish fanatics. This put the Jewish community in Rome in danger, and Jewish leaders in Rome may have tried to avert this danger by describing to authorities the difference between themselves and the Christians. The leaders of Jews in Rome could reach the emperor, Nero, through his new wife, Sabina Poppaea. Nero learned of the separate identity of those Jews who were followers of Jesus, and he put blame on them for the fire.”

Having failed to eradicate Christianity by way of extermination, is it possible the Jews then tried to destroy the Christian faith by other means? In very fact, this was the case, according to Maurice Pinay:

“Gnosis…for rising Christianity was a more threatening internal danger than the grave external intrigues which were then represented through the frontal attacks of the synagogue and its intrigues. The latter attained, as we have already observed, that the whole power of the Roman Empire was applied with its terrible persecutions, as a result of which there were so many martyrs for Christianity. These facts prove, that from its first beginnings onwards the activity of the Jewish ‘Fifth Column’ which had penetrated into its interior, was far more dangerous than that of external foes.” (The Plot Against the Church, p. 268)


Did the abovementioned Jewish “liturgical customs” which started in Rome somehow find their way into the Church at Rome? Were they little by little incorporated into its worship, which gradually developed into the Roman Catholic Mass? It may come as a surprise to many Catholics that the Catholic Encyclopedia officially defines the Catholic liturgy as a carryover from the Mosaic Law:

“...the word liturgy...is used for the public service of the temple...the function of the priests, the ritual service of the temple... So in Christian use liturgy meant the public official service of the Church, that corresponded to the official service of the Temple in the Old Law.”

After which we find a startling admission, viz., that the Mass was “a Christianized synagogue service” conducted by “learned elders”:

“The Eucharist was always celebrated at the end of a service of lessons, psalms, prayers, and preaching, which was itself merely a continuation of the service of the synagogue. So we have everywhere this double function; first a synagogue service Christianized, in which the holy books were read, psalms were sung, prayers said by the bishop in the name of all (the people answering ‘Amen’ in Hebrew, as had their Jewish forefathers), and homilies, explanations of what had been read, were made by the bishop or priests, just as they had been made in the synagogues by the learned men and elders (e. g., Luke, iv, 16-27)... The likeness between the prayers of thanksgiving (ix-x) and the Jewish forms for blessing bread and wine on the Sabbath (given in the ‘Berakoth’ treatise of the Talmud; cf. Sabatier, ‘La Didache’, Paris, 1885, p. 99) points obviously to derivation from them.”

Little wonder that one Jewish convert to Roman Catholicism made the astounding statement that entering the Catholic Church was not a “conversion” experience for him, but rather a continuation of Judaism. Roy Schoeman, the author of Salvation is from the Jews, confirms as well that the Mass is based on the Jewish ceremonial worship and that Catholic theology is based on the Old Testament!

“As a Jew coming to the Catholic Church, it was natural for me to find the relationship between Judaism and the Catholic Church among the most interesting things in the world. It was obvious to me that for a Jew to enter the Catholic Church wasn’t a matter of conversion at all, but was rather simply coming into the fullness of Judaism — into the form that Judaism took after the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

“Although Catholics are aware of this in principle, they often don’t think of the Catholic Church as the continuation of Judaism after the Messiah... It’s everywhere you look. It’s obviously in the Sacrifice of the Mass and the way the Mass is prefigured in Jewish ceremonial worship. It’s in the role that the Old Testament, Jewish Scripture have in Catholic theology and the structure of the Catholic Faith.” [Seattle Catholic]

One commentarycompares the Roman Catholic teaching on salvation to that preached in Judaism:

“The Catholic perspective on salvation is largely ‘judaized’ Christianity. In the days of the Apostles, many Jewish Christians believed that Christians had to follow all the requirements of the Mosaic Law, e.g., circumcision, the system of offerings, going to a priest to have sins forgiven, making sacrifices as atonement for sins, etc. A system that requires some type of ‘priest’ to act as an intercessor between the layperson and God is known as a sacerdotal system (from the Latin word sacerdote, meaning ‘priest’.)”

That is just some excerpts from Part I, there are 4 Parts all together, with some pretty compelling evidence that Catholicism is simply another branch controlled by the same people that control the Banks, Illuminati, the World Governments and most everything else in this World... I highly recommend reading the whole article...
Apr 13, 2017
Goodness, has it been 2 years already.

This source is completely inaccurate. Kabbalah is a 13th century AD invention. It originates in Occitania where the last of the Christian Gnostics were executed (you won't see Jewish Hollywood make a film about the Last of the Cathars). They took the mystical principles of Christian Gnosticism and inverted them to fit their Judaic mythology (read Kabbalah by Gershom Scholem, undisputed leader in the field).

The Jewish attempt to sell Kabbalah as the "Wisdom of all time" is a deliberate con to fool people into forgetting Christian gnosis, accepting the Judaic vision of the world's future, their self-proclaimed role as healers of the universe, and the ushering in of a 1,000 year reign of Israel and her Lord.

The RCC is not a Pharisaic front. The Jews subverted the RCC only after World War 2, culminating in Vatican II. The Pharisees established rabbinic Judaism after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. They wrote the Talmud in response to the - to them misunderstood - Christian interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. They wrote the Masoretic version of the Hebrew Bible that most English translations we now possess are based on.

Martin Luther however, had a true friend in Philipp Schwartzerdt, intellectual leader of the Reformation. He is nephew to Hebraist and Kabbalist Rabbi Johann Reuchlin whom influenced Melenchthon into reforming the dominant scholastic theology and whom Martin Luther tried to impress and win over to the cause due to his fascination of the Jews and the Hebrew language as the "best and richest" language.

"The Jews," he says, "are of the best blood on earth"; "through them alone the Holy Ghost wished to give all books of Holy Scripture to the world; they are the children and we are the guests and the strangers; indeed, like the Canaanitish woman, we should be satisfied to be the dogs that eat the crums which fall from their master's table".

It's only after having dealt with Jews for many years and their unchangeable and relentless hatred for Christianity that Luther became the raging antisemite we see in his later writings.


Apr 25, 2017
Kabbalah is a 13th century AD invention.
You are willfully ignorant to believe that the ideology of Kabbalahism was invented in the 13th century. Could it have been written down and given to the masses at that time possibly but the fact is the ideas and beliefs, actually stem from Babylon and it was the Jews who pulled it from there, threw Jewish names on top of it and then preserved it and passed it down thru out the centuries.

As I have stated before over and over, whether you wish to accept it or not, Gnosticism and Kabbalahism is essentially the same things, just one is using Jewish terminology and one is using Christian terminology. Both are just taking the Ancient Mystery Religions, which btw are despised by Paul and the Early Church and True Christians (read Christians that opposed the Gnostics) and throwing their Christian/Jewish terminology on top, reinventing the same Satanic Religion for those who lean towards that flavor of Religion to be subverted into that False Religion. Just as we have the New Age Movement today, once again an extension of the AMR with a Modern Twist on it to appeal to people today. They are all the same exact False Religion and it is a shame that you after all these years remain willfully ignorant of this fact...

The Jewish attempt to sell Kabbalah as the "Wisdom of all time" is a deliberate con to fool people into forgetting Christian gnosis, accepting the Judaic vision of the world's future, their self-proclaimed role as healers of the universe, and the ushering in of a 1,000 year reign of Israel and her Lord.
If that is the case then it is a pretty retarded plan as zero Christians (read Biblical adhering Christians) accept or believe in Kabbalahism. We can all see it for the Witchcraft False Ancient Mystery Religion that it is, just as we can see that Gnosticism springs from the same Tree that Kabbalahism branches from. The only people into Kabbalahism are Jews and other ignorant people who prefer Witchcraft and hate the True Gospel, which is why its of no dismay that other Gnostics are willing to accept Kabbalahism. The facts are, you have created your own little Cult of Gnostic belief in which almost no other Gnostics would accept as being the Truth. Most of them understand that Kabbalahism and Gnosticism stem from the same Tree. Just read the works of the most prolific Gnostics and Kabbalahists of the past 250 years, they all say what I am saying.

So either my understanding which is backed up by the mass majority of Gnostics and Kabbalahists is correct or your understanding which is basically you and an absolutely tiny as in essentially non existent followers is correct. I have and will continue to maintain that your understanding is an invention of yourself for your own little Cult and that what I have expressed on this site, which is consistent with almost all the Gnostics and Kabbalists going back 2000 yrs is correct. And again the real issue isnt the semantics between Gnosticism and Kabbalism, its understanding where they both derive from and that is clearly from Babylon and the Ancient Mystery Religion, of which is specifically rejected by Paul and the authors of the New and Old Testament.

The RCC is not a Pharisaic front. The Jews subverted the RCC only after World War 2, culminating in Vatican II. The Pharisees established rabbinic Judaism after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. They wrote the Talmud in response to the - to them misunderstood - Christian interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. They wrote the Masoretic version of the Hebrew Bible that most English translations we now possess are based on.
I have a feeling you didnt read that entire article because it lays out very clearly how the Jews subverted the Catholic Church and it only takes basic logic to look at the underlying ideologies of Gnosticism/Kabbalahism and see how the Catholic Church has incorporated them into their Religion. The most glaring example is the elevation of Mary to Represent the Mother-Father-Son false Trinity, as is seen in both Gnosticism and Kabbalahism. Sophia/Mary/Holy Spirit - Demiurge (or Monad)/Father - Christ/Jesus/Jesus Christ the Son of God. The same concept is in Kabbalahism as well, all of which again stems from Babylon and the Ancient Mystery Religions false Trinity of Mother Father Son, Semiramus - Nimrod - Tammuz. And of course the Bible specifically denounces THAT Religion, the Religion that started it all as being 100% opposed to the One True God which of course makes no sense in the ideology you have tried to relay here over and over that the God of the Old Testament somehow IS the False Babylonian God...

And who cares if the Pharisees wrote the Talmud and tried to orthodox themselves once the fall of the Temple happened, that has zero against their desire to subvert Christianity and thus their move to undermine Christianity by taking it over via the Catholic Church and instituting all the same Pagan Anti Christ Gnostic Kabbalahist ideologies under the veneer of Christendom. Its rather obvious to see how all of these ideologies are at the core the same and all of them directly attack and undermine True Biblical Christianity...

As for Martin Luther, his like or dislike of the Jews doesnt matter whatsoever in context to the fact that the Pharisees have subverted Christianity by way of the Catholic Church. Sorry but nothing you have written amounts to any evidence that can overturn that article, you basically just said, thats wrong and didnt really debunk the actual evidence provided...

Gnosticism and Kabbalahism is the same False Religion from Satan I hope one day you wake up to this and turn to the one True Faith which is Biblical Christianity, given by God Himself thru the Bible, all of it from Genesis to Revelation.
Jul 20, 2019
You are willfully ignorant to believe that the ideology of Kabbalahism was invented in the 13th century. Could it have been written down and given to the masses at that time possibly but the fact is the ideas and beliefs, actually stem from Babylon and it was the Jews who pulled it from there, threw Jewish names on top of it and then preserved it and passed it down thru out the centuries.
"Kabbalah" (which is a metaphysical and theological system) does originate in the 12th century actually, you won't find Kabbalah prior to it. He's not incorrect, he's knowledgeable. It's that you desperately want there to be a big grand arch, much like Jews do with it. But there is no evidence of Kabbalah prior. And on top of that, it took a further 300 years + for what you would associate as the fully-formed system of Kabbalah to be complete. In the 12th century there was no single thing practiced as "Kabbalah", this cannot be overstated.
However Kabbalah does borrow elements from earlier systems, whatever similarities you may find are not surprising. It's gradual development and more recent crystallization has made it a unique system but there still remains several versions of it under different pretenses.

Kabbalah has very little to do with Babylon and more to do with Greece, just as the New Testament's theology does. Plato's influence cannot be underestimated. Father + Son + Holy Spirit = One + Logos + Nous. The entire Gospel of John, 1 Corinthians, 2nd epistle of John, Apocalypse of St John etc. This influence can also be found later in many of the writings of Church fathers such as Origen etc. The connection is strong. You should also study Philo of Alexandria who predates 99% of NT texts.

As I have stated before over and over, whether you wish to accept it or not, Gnosticism and Kabbalahism is essentially the same things, just one is using Jewish terminology and one is using Christian terminology. Both are just taking the Ancient Mystery Religions, which btw are despised by Paul and the Early Church and True Christians (read Christians that opposed the Gnostics)
Kabbalah is a late Jewish adaption of Neoplatonism with it's own vast originality put into the mix. "Gnosticism" (as if there is even some kind of definition to what it even is, aside from being a pre-Catholic pejorative to censor people) is a cosmological exploration of different metaphysical ideas already found throughout the entire New Testament canon and of which there was no differentiation on in early Christianity. Gnosticism itself though, just like many of the NT writers, was themselves influenced by the earlier Jewish mysticism of Merkabah and the Hekhalot literature (which resonates a lot with the Apocalypse of St John and Paul's visions etc)

The added irony being that the rhetoric of Platonist philosophy is stamped right into almost all Christian theology, philosophy and apologetics. I remember that Axl888 guy only a fortnight ago trying to defend the Trinity with Platonic and Aristotelian substance theory (albeit, forgetting the law of non-contradiction). The fact remains that Platonism is unavoidable in Christianity. Without Platonist rhetoric, you can't even begin to attempt to defend the Trinity, of which itself is an adaption of Platonic metaphysics mistranslated. If only Sabellianism had become standard Christian doctrine, the Trinity's problems would have disappeared, but no, even the Church fathers were a bit demented. Jesus' teachings make sense when you understand where the New Testament writers where taking from.

Paul was a Gnostic, so I don't know how he could have 'despised' it. Everyone in early pre-Christianity where at each others heads, kinda like Protestantism now. Everyone except for the person making a proclamation is a heretic. The one with the loudest mouth and the most force ends up getting to declare what is heretical and what isn't. Ephiphanius for instance is one later propagandist, taking from earlier propagandists like Josephus and Hippolytus.

and throwing their Christian/Jewish terminology on top, reinventing the same Satanic Religion for those who lean towards that flavor of Religion to be subverted into that False Religion. Just as we have the New Age Movement today, once again an extension of the AMR with a Modern Twist on it to appeal to people today. They are all the same exact False Religion and it is a shame that you after all these years remain willfully ignorant of this fact...
You seem to be talking about Protestantism here, which is good to see you speaking up against. Basically these kinds of people who think they have the "true religion" and nobody else have. Everyone before them didn't understand the Bible but now them and them only know the true interpretations of the Bible. I know charlatans when I see it. In order to subvert truth they have to make up conspiracies ("Vatican is the antichrist" etc) and pander to arbitrary subjective beliefs (sola fide, sola scriptura) to undermine and pervert the teachings of Jesus. 1500CE was the creation of Satanism/Protestantism/Secularism.
This kind of 'secret knowledge' stuff, where they claim they all of a sudden have the true Christianity and that "all Christians before us were following a false religion", etc.

If that is the case then it is a pretty retarded plan as zero Christians (read Biblical adhering Christians) accept or believe in Kabbalahism. We can all see it for the Witchcraft False Ancient Mystery Religion that it is, just as we can see that Gnosticism springs from the same Tree that Kabbalahism branches from. The only people into Kabbalahism are Jews and other ignorant people who prefer Witchcraft and hate the True Gospel, which is why its of no dismay that other Gnostics are willing to accept Kabbalahism. The facts are, you have created your own little Cult of Gnostic belief in which almost no other Gnostics would accept as being the Truth. Most of them understand that Kabbalahism and Gnosticism stem from the same Tree. Just read the works of the most prolific Gnostics and Kabbalahists of the past 250 years, they all say what I am saying.
You may want to read the Johannine texts in your NT canon, in particular. They will open to your eyes to what the Catholic church put in your canon.

Your talk of mystery religions reminds me of certain 80s evangelical preachers who are paranoid about how there are other religions in existence other than their own.

So either my understanding which is backed up by the mass majority of Gnostics and Kabbalahists is correct or your understanding which is basically you and an absolutely tiny as in essentially non existent followers is correct.
Mainstream Christian dogma propagated by the sword. Clearly that censorship must raise a few eyebrows?

I have a feeling you didnt read that entire article because it lays out very clearly how the Jews subverted the Catholic Church and it only takes basic logic to look at the underlying ideologies of Gnosticism/Kabbalahism and see how the Catholic Church has incorporated them into their Religion. The most glaring example is the elevation of Mary to Represent the Mother-Father-Son false Trinity, as is seen in both Gnosticism and Kabbalahism. Sophia/Mary/Holy Spirit - Demiurge (or Monad)/Father - Christ/Jesus/Jesus Christ the Son of God. The same concept is in Kabbalahism as well, all of which again stems from Babylon and the Ancient Mystery Religions false Trinity of Mother Father Son, Semiramus - Nimrod - Tammuz. And of course the Bible specifically denounces THAT Religion, the Religion that started it all as being 100% opposed to the One True God which of course makes no sense in the ideology you have tried to relay here over and over that the God of the Old Testament somehow IS the False Babylonian God...
I presume you've decided to reject the Trinity and Jesus as a deity? (well, I'd hope so given your above incoherence)

Also, what do you consider "the One True God"? I'd be interested to see your answer to that :)

Gnosticism and Kabbalahism is the same False Religion from Satan I hope one day you wake up to this and turn to the one True Faith which is Biblical Christianity, given by God Himself thru the Bible, all of it from Genesis to Revelation.
How can we be sure that Christianity itself isn't the "false religion from Satan"? I don't see much promising hints otherwise. If Satan is a real thing (of which you Christians have simply just adapted the Gnostic concept of a Demiurge, Satan as "God of this world" etc, the enemy of God, deceiver of mankind etc) then it would make sense that he would make a false religion worshiping an idol (as a massive middle-finger to Deuteronomy 6:4) and that it would become the world's largest religion. Makes sense to me.

Why do you trust the canon? Genesis through Revelation? surely you don't find much of those books to be questionable? remembering that the Bible itself is merely a collection and not a single thing and that the very concept of Non-canonical implies a lot of things.
Seriously, even determining the validity of the Pentateuch is a difficult thing if you even try to.
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Apr 13, 2017
You are willfully ignorant to believe that the ideology of Kabbalahism was invented in the 13th century. Could it have been written down and given to the masses at that time possibly but the fact is the ideas and beliefs, actually stem from Babylon and it was the Jews who pulled it from there, threw Jewish names on top of it and then preserved it and passed it down thru out the centuries.
And all of this happened orally without a shred of tangible evidence, and you believe it because Kabbalists say so. If you knew rabbinic Judaism (which commenced after Christian revelation) or pre-Christian Judaism, you'd know there was no mysticism, because the concept of a personal union between man and God in Jewish theology did not exist.

As I have stated before over and over, whether you wish to accept it or not, Gnosticism and Kabbalahism is essentially the same things, just one is using Jewish terminology and one is using Christian terminology.
The synopsis of someone who doesn't know either.

Both are just taking the Ancient Mystery Religions, which btw are despised by Paul and the Early Church and True Christians (read Christians that opposed the Gnostics) and throwing their Christian/Jewish terminology on top, reinventing the same Satanic Religion for those who lean towards that flavor of Religion to be subverted into that False Religion. Just as we have the New Age Movement today, once again an extension of the AMR with a Modern Twist on it to appeal to people today. They are all the same exact False Religion and it is a shame that you after all these years remain willfully ignorant of this fact...
Go find me the aeons/sephirot in ancient Babylon Mystery Religion. Go find me the pleroma / ein sof (which are intrinsically opposites btw). Go find the gnostic tripartite metaphysics in Ancient Babylon. Go ahead, try to squeeze water from a stone.

What Babylonian influence on Judaism can you find other than the enuma elish, the baal cycle, the debates between winter and summer, all Babylonian myths "plagiarized" in the Old Testament?

If that is the case then it is a pretty retarded plan as zero Christians (read Biblical adhering Christians) accept or believe in Kabbalahism. We can all see it for the Witchcraft False Ancient Mystery Religion that it is, just as we can see that Gnosticism springs from the same Tree that Kabbalahism branches from. The only people into Kabbalahism are Jews and other ignorant people who prefer Witchcraft and hate the True Gospel, which is why its of no dismay that other Gnostics are willing to accept Kabbalahism. The facts are, you have created your own little Cult of Gnostic belief in which almost no other Gnostics would accept as being the Truth. Most of them understand that Kabbalahism and Gnosticism stem from the same Tree. Just read the works of the most prolific Gnostics and Kabbalahists of the past 250 years, they all say what I am saying.

So either my understanding which is backed up by the mass majority of Gnostics and Kabbalahists is correct or your understanding which is basically you and an absolutely tiny as in essentially non existent followers is correct.
You could of course let yourself be fooled by the Kabbalist neo-Gnostics and European occultists à la Lévy, Pike and Blavatsky and continue down your road to perdition, or you could start doing some diligent research and start reading the actual texts of both early Christian apocrypha and later Kabbalistic writings with an open mind. Anyone who says Gnosticism and Kabbalah are the same because they're both mystical is on the same level as the atheist claiming all religions are the same because they believe in God.

of which is specifically rejected by Paul and the authors of the New and Old Testament.
As mentioned by Infinity, Paul was clearly a Gnostic himself, and as far as I'm concerned, so were Thomas, Philip, James and the others and pretty much every early disciple or theologian identifying as Christian.

As for Martin Luther, his like or dislike of the Jews doesnt matter whatsoever in context to the fact that the Pharisees have subverted Christianity by way of the Catholic Church. Sorry but nothing you have written amounts to any evidence that can overturn that article, you basically just said, thats wrong and didnt really debunk the actual evidence provided..
You clearly aren't very familiar with the history of the Catholic Church and the Jewish Question. After God entered history in the form of Jesus Christ the Jew no longer represented an etnic designation (Judean), but he who consciously rejected Christ, the Logos. The Jew has ever since rebelled against Christian civilization and the Catholic Church has combatted their continues rebellions until deep in the 20th century. The Church's Sicut Judaeis Non bulls in which the Church expressed the importance to safeguard the Christian nations against Jewish corruption was as much of a strength as a weakness, for their reliance on Jewish expertise regarding the Old Testament was the reason why the Church became vulnerable to corruption. Roman Catholicism allowed its own corruption from within through the Old Testament, the old law, from the very beginning, not some late medieval Jewish mysticism. But even then the gates of Hell remained closed, until Jews found revolutionary allies in Protestants, Freemasons, physiocrats, Jacobins, communists, combining efforts to overthrow Christian morale reigning in Europe and grab ownership over its hegemony by means of usury.

Even though the Catholic Church has finally bent the knee mid 20th century, the Jewish hatred for the Church remains to this day and won't rest until it sees the Vatican crumble into dust, as is outlayed in the Kabbalists' Noahide Laws.


Jan 10, 2019
"...A piece of paper was later found on which Luther had written his last statement. The statement was in Latin, apart from "We are beggars," which was in German. The statement reads:

No one can understand Virgil's Bucolics unless he has been a shepherd for five years.
No one can understand Virgil's Georgics, unless he has been a farmer for five years.
No one can understand Cicero's Letters (or so I teach), unless he has busied himself in the affairs of some prominent state for twenty years.
Know that no one can have indulged in the Holy Writers sufficiently, unless he has governed churches for a hundred years with the prophets, such as Elijah and Elisha, John the Baptist, Christ and the apostles.

Do not assail this divine Aeneid; nay, rather prostrate revere the ground that it treads. We are beggars: this is true

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
"...A piece of paper was later found on which Luther had written his last statement. The statement was in Latin, apart from "We are beggars," which was in German. The statement reads:

Actually, I read that one and quite like it - sometimes Christians think they have God all figured out, but there is depth upon depth in scripture. What we comprehend of it is by the grace of God, not by our own wisdom or merit, so we come the Lord in lowly form as beggars in search of food, not from the haughty position of critics.


Jan 10, 2019
Actually, I read that one and quite like it - sometimes Christians think they have God all figured out, but there is depth upon depth in scripture. What we comprehend of it is by the grace of God, not by our own wisdom or merit, so we come the Lord in lowly form as beggars in search of food, not from the haughty position of critics.
I'm sure you do. Luther shares the same warped spirit as establishment figures like Paul of Tarsus, John Darby, and William Graham who claim to represent Jesus the Messiah, but in reality have nothing in common with the teachings/life of Jesus or the Nazarenes of Palestine.

His last written verses show Luther was a Roman occultist through and through.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
His last written verses show Luther was a Roman occultist through and through.
Lol - I think it more probable that the allusion indicates that Luther had a received a good classical education, which was more common then than in modernity.


Jan 10, 2019
Lol - I think it more probable that the allusion indicates that Luther had a received a good classical education, which was more common then than in modernity.
His last writings show where his heart and mind were at- far from the Jewish Essenes, Therepeuts, and Nazarenes of Palestine/Damascus. There is nothing in common with Luther's mission in Germany to the actual life of Jesus and his disciples.

Glorify who you want but Martin Luther is as far from Jesus as the east is from the west. He's not a representative of the Way. He will forever be called out as the deeply disturbed and conflicted individual he was.


Mar 14, 2017
I am of a different mind ten times in the course of a day. But I resist the devil, and often it is with a fart that I chase him away. When he tempts me with silly sins I say, “Devil, yesterday I broke wind too. Have you written it down on your list?” -Martin Luther