Do You think the moon landing happened?


Sep 4, 2023
The rocket blast from this alleged view of the Apollo 14 lander blasting off surprisingly doesn't uproot the flag, it's as though the flagstaff must be in a hole drilled in a hangar floor under a small layer of 'moondust'-



Sep 4, 2023
Harrison Schmitt waltzing around on the moon with his sun visor up; wouldn't the sun's glare have damaged his eyes?
(his normal transparent helmet visor was in place or he'd have died of lack of air)

Sep 4, 2023
and in the end are we really going to get a solid answer to whatever gabrage we are trying to uncover? no all most people seem to do is assume that they are conquering some great secret that has been hidden from them bu the governments... the whole pointnof hoaxes is tokeep people hooked onto it and thats exactly what people have done is be hooked onto hoax after hoax to constantly guess what is or could be the answer or what if questions that ensue such events in the world yada yada yada
Sep 4, 2023
I like this saying of Buddha's-
"Believe nothing, no matter who said it - even if I myself have said it - unless it agrees with your own reason and your own commonsense" ..:)
i like that quote very much thanks! these days theres just so much bs its almost laughable how people are still trying toc onauer all the unanswered bs in the world.
Sep 4, 2023
why do we spend so much time on anything at all? if people arent fretting about past events then they are fretting about current events all of its load of bollocks so why do we have to keep filling our heads with all this useless "information" and junky opinions that no one else is going to accept anyway bc society been conditioned to be less accepting of varying persoectives so trying tof igure out the truth in all of it is rather wasting our already useless time


Sep 4, 2023
i like that quote very much thanks! these days theres just so much bs its almost laughable how people are still trying toc onauer all the unanswered bs in the world.
Yeah some people begin losing their grip on reality because of all the bullshine that's sloshing around, so we should copy Sgt Barnes tough mindset and think to ourselves-

Sep 4, 2023
Yeah some people begin losing their grip on reality because of all the bullshine that's sloshing around, so we should copy Sgt Barnes tough mindset and think to ourselves-

yeah but theres so many means not too, I mean shouldnt we all just be idfk stoic about shit? idfk i dont know why we are supposed to gove that much of a crap about wars pandemics and other minor things, even in schools they act like rhe wars are some great acheivements and that things like 9/11 and other events must be shoved in the minds of kids... schools are indeed a miserable place to be whether an event is faked or not


Sep 4, 2023
yeah but theres so many means not too, I mean shouldnt we all just be idfk stoic about shit? idfk i dont know why we are supposed to gove that much of a crap about wars pandemics and other minor things, even in schools they act like rhe wars are some great acheivements and that things like 9/11 and other events must be shoved in the minds of kids... schools are indeed a miserable place to be whether an event is faked or not
Yeah, my two years at one school aged 11 to 13 were the unhappiest years of my life because of all the useless bull they were trying to cram into our heads; and I used to sometimes lock myself in the toilet crying my eyes out with depression.
When I left school I decided I was never going to let anybody tell me what to do or think ever again, and I never have..:)
I also began drifting towards christianity because Jesus was a rebel too, and he became my role model, and his strength began downloading into me-
"Our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power"- (1 Thess 1:5)
and I've become one of the strongest people I know..:)



Sep 4, 2023
yeah but theres so many means not too, I mean shouldnt we all just be idfk stoic about shit? idfk i dont know why we are supposed to gove that much of a crap about wars pandemics and other minor things..
Right, even Riddick and Jesus said to chill and not to give a krap about wars and stuff or anything else..:)

Sep 4, 2023
Right, even Riddick and Jesus said to chill and not to give a krap about wars and stuff or anything else..:)

its all load of bollocks but then we still have to "learn" about it in schools and colleges. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if anything i despise the system that we are in and we know the wealthy families are as crooked its just not going to do anything unless all of their bs is epxosed but then again what is it going to do for most peoples lives? nothing.


Sep 4, 2023
its all load of bollocks but then we still have to "learn" about it in schools and colleges. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if anything i despise the system that we are in and we know the wealthy families are as crooked its just not going to do anything unless all of their bs is epxosed but then again what is it going to do for most peoples lives? nothing.
Look at it another way- the world is such a crazy wacko place that we can sit munching our popcorn and laughing at it for entertainment without getting involved with it or taking it seriously..:)

Sep 4, 2023
do i think the moon landing is faked? am i supposed to care enough really?

do i think modern society is retarded enough to make it such a serious topic of discussion yes?

itd be moronic enough like worshipping the royals then spending a whole day in a lockdown country moping about the queen

woe is some untalented rich people...

yes i question shit but come on might as well question our dumb pontless existence and wonder why society is the way it is


Sep 4, 2023
too true

look at this article another exampke of classic retarded modern society doing dumb shit

View attachment 93058
Yes, and check out this site for more dumb people having accidents etc..:)-
Sep 4, 2023
Yes, and check out this site for more dumb people having accidents etc..:)-
good lord.
Sep 4, 2023
when the india gov "landed" on the moon aka desert it was hysterical imho bc none of it surprises me anymore

its like the north korea threatens japan with missile but never does

or when they pretend that most celebrities are who they claim to be yknow

dumb shit like that

they should come up with some new things because most of it is yawn zzzz yawn zzzzzzzzzzz seen it before heard it before not even remotely surprising