Do You think the moon landing happened?


May 15, 2017
thought I posted this here but Seen I didn't so I am
since it's on topic being about the moon

this could explain why the moon is acting erratically
it also makes me wonder if that light that the moon is
running from in the video in my original post has anything
to do with him "rehearsing"

he even says
"He extended an invitation to all, saying, "So, if anybody [at] home sees anything weird up in the sky, please let me know by tagging me on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook"

Seen someone in a video Speaking on how they were
looking into the moon missing and noticed the moon was
lined up with the sun on 11/11/23(looking for the video)
but no one is Speaking about any eclipse
I couldn't find anyone in msm talking about the lineup either

with all that We Know tptb do and some of what they're
capable of doing
this isn't that far outta the realm of reality for me
We have no idea of what they're fully capable of nor do
We Know every technology at their disposal

We also Know that some are not even human and there
are some that are snomed and some that are attached to
imho I Believe that's the magicians like coperfeeld,blayne,
mindfreak how else could they do what they do

it's also the way it's worded(word association)using his
"powers of enchantment"the world will "bare witness"
it's weird that he even looks the same as he's always looked
he barely aged

I think We'll See a lot weirder yet to come as he has a few
months to rehearse w/e for this "illusion"
I'm wondering could this somehow bring about the ten days
of darkness or maybe worse

idk We've never Seen anyone do anything like this before and
We Know it's all a distraction to bring about something else but
what's the something else

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Sep 4, 2023
Copperfield was debunked years ago because he used camera trickery to make things disappear on TV, so if he wants to debunk the debunkers all he has to do is make the moon disappear to our naked eyes the world over, because at the moment he's just talking the talk..:)


May 15, 2017
Copperfield was debunked years ago because he used camera trickery to make things disappear on TV, so if he wants to debunk the debunkers all he has to do is make the moon disappear to our naked eyes the world over, because at the moment he's just talking the talk..:)
I agree a 100%
imho I think it's a distraction from tptb pushing more of their
end goals new world going through while everyone is being
"entertained"with bread and circus

if by chance it's the actual making of the moon disappearing
cause again We don't Know the extent of the technologies tptb
have at their disposal look at some We do Know about such as the dew,v2s,harp,nrec etc..and what all they're capable of causing in
Our World

what could the moon disappearing affect in Our World with the animals,Peoples etc..
since We do Know that the moon affects many things in Our World

he says it's been thirty years in the making why so long or is it
tptb had to wait for certain times to do the lautir needed to do
again idk I'm just trying to look from all angles and throwing out
some thoughts popping into my head
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Sep 11, 2023
I love Dave Mcgowan. I have read his Laurel Canyon tome. Utterly brilliant.
Dave is/was a modern day prophet. I read it also, plus his other books. His website is great too. I posted a link to it on Fox news once, and the comment got deleted within a minute. I posted again, taken down again. Then, prank phone calls. Then, more erm....harassment..... that tells me Dave did not die organically.


May 15, 2017
meant to update that again the moon has disappeard
i havent Seen a trace in Our area since the last post
that i Seen it
I Know it has phases but again in my area the phases
seem to be off

i have no explanation do any of Y'all
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May 15, 2017
think it's just a coincidence it's right before coperfeeld
is supposed to make it disappear



May 15, 2017
lmbo omgosh i can't stop laughing
i thought the west was plainly faked but china definitely
beats the wests fakery out

they got theirs just floating around no tethers nothing got
them sailing past earth going who Knows where lol
ok just watch if Ya wanna have a Good laugh



May 15, 2017
clear skies still no moon,it's not the phases We're not Seeing
the moon period

this is a strange moon
there's more and more videos coming out about weird things in
the sky,idk what it is just that it's not normal

example of some the strangeness


May 15, 2017
With all the failed rocket launches/moon missions in recent months and rendering the global public brain dead or apathetic from the vaccines, TPTB can now put this out. At this point, iam just waiting for the 9/11 movie

at this point anyone who thinks the moon landing actually
happened is either very naive or deep in sleep or both

tptb have been gloating over this lie since they pulled it


May 15, 2017
posting here as it's as close to a main moon thread
I can See if I have to move I will

this is a few thoughts that popped into my head while reading

why so much time between each country?
makes me think they're gonna be running the moon landing
illusion on a whole new generation for the next few years to
reprogram that global,We can leave this "planet" system thinking

what's different that they can supposedly finally be able to send
humans back to the moon,the video,tech etc.. manipulation that
allows them to blur the lines between reality/fiction with the younger

did anyone else Know this,that ice melt is affecting time that much
that We would have to adjust time because of ice. I didn't

could this be why so many feel like time has been speeding up?

it would be as simple as tptb changing all the time in the digital
now a days right
most Peoples look to their phones today for the time or another
digital source that's usually connected someway

even if they're not digital and Ya have old school clocks and Ya
saw Your clocks being fast/slow Ya wouldn't question it at all
Ya would turn to a digital source to set it

Ya now have a new time for Us without Us ever Knowing We shifted
it would affect the dates/times of histories,everything that happened
before the new time

is this part of the reset for that purpose?
they're killing all the older generations that could contradict their new narrative
if Ya change time and how it's perceived,could Ya rewrite history?
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Sep 21, 2021

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
meant to update that again the moon has disappeard
i havent Seen a trace in Our area since the last post
that i Seen it
I Know it has phases but again in my area the phases
seem to be off

i have no explanation do any of Y'all
There is no explanation for the video. It's utter nonsense.

People have been trying in vain to use combinations of numbers (kabbalah, gematria, etc.) to unveil some mystical message for thousands of years. It's an ego-driven, anti/fake-spiritual exercise, which is why it always involves someone discovering things in the numbers that seem to agree with their particular worldview. It doesn't work.

There are countless lessons and tests built into our natural environment for anyone genuinely interested, including the celestial bodies. And these lessons and tests are provided for us in writing via Scripture, which defines the "codes" it uses so that anyone who reads it with genuine interest in the truth can easily decipher its meaning from a true, spiritual point of view.

One such very obvious "code" defines the Davidic Throne of Israel throughout history as "the sun", so that the prophecies about what is presently happening to the Throne during these end-times can be understood by those who seek the truth.

Psalm 89:34-37
89:34 My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
89:35 Once have I sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David.
89:36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as "the sun" before me.
89:37 It shall be established for ever as the moon, and [as] a faithful witness in heaven. The rock.

The "moon" reflects the sun's light, and thus would be representative of the countries under the Throne (the Commonwealth - Gen. 48:16-19; Eph. 2:12), which should reflect the light of the Throne.

Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the "sun" be darkened (Ps. 89:34-36), and the "moon" shall not give her light (Rev. 8:12; Rev. 12:1), and the "stars" shall fall from heaven (Deut. 1:10), and the "powers of the heavens" shall be shaken (Isa. 13:9-13):

Understanding this seems infinitely more important, at least to me, than speculating whether a bunch of professional liars may have hoodwinked us about going to the moon, when they have been misleading "the moon" for thousands of years.


Sep 11, 2023
Former astronaut William Anders, who took iconic Earthrise photo, killed in plane crash

This photo: Real or Fake?

By APToday, 8:31 am
This Dec. 24, 1968, file photo made available by NASA shows the Earth behind the surface of the moon during the Apollo 8 mission (William Anders/NASA via AP, File)
This Dec. 24, 1968, file photo made available by NASA shows the Earth behind the surface of the moon during the Apollo 8 mission (William Anders/NASA via AP, File)

I believe the photo is fake. And the 90 year old victim seems a little old to 'dramatic fatal accident/suicide'- but... NASA.... is the 'astronaut plane crash' a real accident or a ?