Pick A Word, Drop A Word


May 15, 2017
gotta The and out sorry Line better
do it fast as Polymoog is always
watching lol


Jun 17, 2017
Aliens projet blue beam
thats a -10 for a repeat offense.

ok, lets start with basics. two (2) words are needed for this game.
lets try it with your entry.


alien is 1.. ''projet" is 2... blue is 3... beam is 4. 4 is more than 2. that means you have two (2) words too many.

so you can either go with "alien projet" as your entry (once you explain what a ''projet'' is), or you can choose a different pair of words. pair meaning 2.


Apr 25, 2021
Yas Yas sire but since there was alien mentioned and we are mainly on a so called conspiracy site theory and not one to idle chatter in the first place at least, I couldn’t resist to myself and make some goo’ old prevention on this huge scam.

Are you telling me that’s all of you on this forum forgot about this one huge scam? When it will be quit important during the end of times with the elite who will fool lot of people like usual but in greater amount this time around!
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Jun 17, 2017
Yas Yas sire but since there was alien mentioned and we are mainly on a so called conspiracy site theory and not one to idle chatter in the first place at least, I couldn’t resist to myself and make some goo’ old prevention on this huge scam.

Are you telling me that’s all of you on this forum forgot about this one huge scam? When it will be quit important during the end of times to fool lot of people like usual but in great amount!

idle chatter is fine, but business first -- select your two terms. then speak your mind. that way, the game play is not really interrupted and the other players do not have to search around for your entry

that was my business... now my idle chatter:
recalling the last threads on this subject, most of the forum is in agreement with you in that aliens do not exist BUT are demons. some will say that they may be interdimensional creatures or from within the earth. i think its universally agreed in the truth community that there is a superior source of intelligence far more clever than man organizing and controlling the NWO agenda. men may be pulling the strings, but there is a non-human intelligence planning the evil agenda. jordan maxwell and michael tsarion have both mentioned this in their talks.

personally, i think many of these aliens are demonic entities, but there is plenty of evidence of UFOs. so either these demons use UFOs, or there are demonic entities in addition to "space aliens" which utilize UFOs.