The Fat Acceptance Movement is a Red Herring

Jul 12, 2022
I did say that I was no longer posting, but this really had to be mentioned as this is a very important topic that most just ignore or don't even realize what is happening.
Alright, so we all know that obesity is wrong and unhealthy, right? The fact that the top elites are promoting this means that it has to be propaganda; one of their many ways to manipulate minds and have more control over the masses. What most don't realize, is that this movement is also serving another purpose. It is meant to actually confuse the masses from what they are really doing, and have been for as long as we can even imagine.
For the longest time, the most promoted image of a woman has been thin, fashionable, lots of makeup and perfect hair. I have even seen ads and movie posters from the forties that have been advertising the perfect image of a woman. Tip top shape, tiny waist, outrageously beautiful. So why suddenly, is this fat acceptance movement a thing? How long has it been out for, maybe five years or so? And that's compared to at least a hundred or longer for the pressure for women to be beautiful?
So, this got me thinking. The top elites and satanists are using the fat acceptance movement to distract people from what they are really wanting to achieve. There's no way a bunch of horrible elites would want women to be obese (seeing as how the F movement focuses mostly on women if people have not noticed), they want women to be sex slaves! It's all in the programming. With Marilyn Monroe, and so many after her, it's all about us being sexually attractive and enticing men so they can get turned on, and treat women like their decorations.
Many will argue, especially on the controlled opposition, that women not wanting to go by the so called "feminine norm" are considered feminists. No, this is just another way to control people.
This distraction and confusion is no different from the left/right narrative that they push. There are many ways that the satanists will use to confuse us so it's easier to control us. And if people actually think that the women on the left are all blue haired land whales, that's just a stereotype that they keep pushing for more control. It may be true in some cases, but not in all. If anything, there are many feminists and left wing activists who actually take too much care of their appearances, and sadly, they are also like this in the right. There are many right wing narratives that say we have to be thin and beautiful to be feminine.
This comes to my next point..why does it always have to be two extremes? If I am saying this about the pressure of women having to be outrageously beautiful, I will get accused of being into the idea of obesity and thinking it's alright to be fat and unhealthy. Definitely not! I know there's a middle ground, and so many people ignore the fact that a woman (and a man, too!) can be healthy just by pure necessities. Why do we need to kill ourselves at the gym? Why do we need to dress to the nines? Why all the makeup and hair product? What's the need for trends and fashion?
God loves His children, right? We are born in His image and that should be enough. If we are into the idea of love, isn't it important to love the person on the inside, too? And aren't we all born differently, with different bone structure, face structure, personality and all the like? People are different because everyone should have different tastes.
How long has it gone where women (and sadly men sometimes, now) have to go by a cookie cutter image to be noticed? Again, one of the main reasons for the Fat Acceptance movement, to distract so people continue to think women have to be beautiful all the time.
Here's a good example of a superhero where the portray both extremes so nobody understands how they should think:
The fact that she goes from thin supermodel to obese blob just goes to show there's no middle ground according to the elites!
Please don't get suckered into this, and realise there is more than meets the eye when it comes to what they promote. There's still much more for us to learn, and I would like to think I'm helping to expose this truth to help others open their eyes.
Thanks for this! What do people think?
Aug 12, 2020
I think a lot of it comes the usual reason and that is money. Plus no one wants to be fat because it is simply not good for the health regardless of looks. No one wants to drag around excess weight. But there is money to be made off fat people. I live around a lot of government buildings and most of the workers are disgusting and very overweight. There is nothing good that comes from being overweight. And now the Evil Ones are trying to normalize being fat and overweight for various reasons.
Jul 12, 2022
I think a lot of it comes the usual reason and that is money. Plus no one wants to be fat because it is simply not good for the health regardless of looks. No one wants to drag around excess weight. But there is money to be made off fat people. I live around a lot of government buildings and most of the workers are disgusting and very overweight. There is nothing good that comes from being overweight. And now the Evil Ones are trying to normalize being fat and overweight for various reasons.
I understand being fat isn't good..I did mention this in my main post. But you sadly still misunderstood the message I was portraying. Sure, being fat isn't good, but neither is the opposite. How long have women had pressure on them to be super thin? It's not easy to do. Everytime someone makes mention of this topic people have to say, "but being fat is the worst" just dismisses the whole thing, I'm sorry. Thanks for the input, though!


Aug 11, 2021
I did say that I was no longer posting, but this really had to be mentioned as this is a very important topic that most just ignore or don't even realize what is happening.
I have found your posts to be refreshing and thoughtful. You look for the good in things. :)

There's no way a bunch of horrible elites would want women to be obese (seeing as how the F movement focuses mostly on women if people have not noticed), they want women to be sex slaves! It's all in the programming.
The elites are a special class who have access to food that is not full of chemicals, fresh air, the best medicine. THEY don't want to be obese but the general public should be especially unhealthy in our bodies and minds. BTW There is a sexual fetish called "feeding" where men like to have women gain so much weight they cannot leave their rooms! Women are sexualized by the media forced on us like Cardi B.

Thin = beautiful is a western trend at this time. It used to be women wanted to look plump.

In some cultures an obese woman is ideal.
The Tradition Of Leblouh In Africa: Force-Feeding Girls For Marriage
"It is thought to have started centuries ago among the moors (an ethnic group of mixed Arab and Amazigh origins) who respected men who kept their women plump in the harsh environment. A "fat wife" was considered a sign of wealth as a man was seen to have enough wealth to generously feed his wife while others starved in the drought-prone region."​
Forced to be Fat
"The practice is re-emerging because men still find mounds of female flesh comforting and erotic," explains Seyid Ould Seyid, a Mauritanian male journalist. "The attraction is ingrained from birth."​
I think taking care of your appearance is healthy. It is part of self-grooming all animals do. People used to get dressed up to go on airplanes.

It's not ok to be fat and unhealthy. When I was a kid really no one was fat in my school. Now it seems everyone everywhere is fat! A natural consequence of eating good food and exercise is a healthy body. Being fat comes from doing the opposite. How does one get fat? Sit around and eat. A sick flabby body is not attractive. A person who cannot move their body due to eating too much is not. It shows a person does not have discipline. A healthy body is attractive to us on an instinctual level. Men are not supposed to have boobs. Women should not look pregnant when they are not.

There is a reason you will not see this:

I read that wearing makeup started with sickly prostitutes trying to look sexually aroused. Other women would see the men attracted to them and use makeup to look like them. The lips of the face symbolize the lips "down there." Having glossy (wet), plump lips in colors suggesting increased blood flow are signs of arousal that are attractive. Blue, black, and white lipstick are not. For flawless, healthy looking skin? Use "concealer"!

Some people are artistic and love fashion. I am not trendy but I know not to wear pajamas out in public.

Working out and exercising should be enjoyable and not a chore. Our bodies NEED exercise. Your circulation slows when you don't move around. Blood pools. Your digestion is sluggish. It is not healthy to sit around. It is amazing what the human body is capable of!

Have you heard the expression "Real women have curves"? Or thin women look like boys? When I was a kid it was understood that once a woman has a baby her body will never be as thin as it was before. REAL WOMEN have curves. Thin women are not REAL women? It is a sign of virility to have a baby. I think that's why there is emphasis on being a REAL woman - is there anything more womanly than having a baby? I think that is also why women "without curves" are transformed into "boys."

Please don't get suckered into this, and realise there is more than meets the eye when it comes to what they promote. There's still much more for us to learn, and I would like to think I'm helping to expose this truth to help others open their eyes.
Thanks for this! What do people think?
I agree!

The Ideal Man Photoshopped By Country

Ideal Woman
Aug 12, 2020
I also think a new breed of fat morbidly obese women has been spawned that are aggressive and even proud of their repulsive bodies and are arrogant . People like Whoopi Goldberg and BLACK LIES MATTER people come immediately to mind. They are Satan's children. In the bible it says be humble and of good cheer which is the opposite of the way they behave. But I will say this I saw a picture of Jessica Simpson in a thread and she looked like the living dead so being too thin is bad news. But I still would rather be too thin than too fat because it is easy to gain weight but losing weight is very hard. But they are definitely promoting being fat now is normal and I will never accept it.
Jun 26, 2022
Im going to go ahead and repost a reply i had made in a different thread that i think is relevant to this topic.

Main takeaway/tldr: supposedly "unwoke" "journalism" is trying to glorify women starving themselves and trying to create no distinction between a few extra pounds and morbid obesity, effectively erasing healthy weight bodies, its either anorexic skinny or morbidly obese.

Coincidentally (this is not from the article, just my commentary) both obesity and being underweight cause fertility problems. Depopulation agenda at full speed.

I came across this article recently and i think it really drove home the OPs point for me.

There is A LOT to unpack, but the relevants parts to the thread i noticed were that the author keeps setting up this either/or between "starving yourself" to be a size 4 and being morbidly obese. This article showed me that there IS in fact an agenda to erase a healthy middle ground.

While the "body-positivity, love yourself at every size" crowd is presented as insufferably woke (perhaps accurately), it sets up this brainwashing that therefore the opposite MUST BE the truth. But that's wrong too, there is NOTHING healthy about starving yourself to fit into a stupid designer dress, and it shouldn't be a "rite of passage".

Some select quotes
At one time, women would happily go on the cabbage soup diet for a week just to fit into their size 4 designer dress. It was a rite of passage—a “war” story you shared with your girlfriends, and everyone understood the sacrifice.

Today, that same dress is available in a size 24.

You don’t have to work for it anymore, so go ahead and eat that pint of ice cream and two sleeves of Oreos. Who cares?

There’s no skimping and sacrifice—no more crash diets, or putting money away each week for that special Isaac Mizrahi dress you saw at Saks.

Now, you can just waddle to Target and pick one up in a 4XL for $19.99 because Isaac cut a deal with the big box store to peddle his “brand” to the unwashed masses.

First off, there is a huge range in between size 4 and 24 or 4xl. A size 6 woman is not obese, neither is a size 8, 10, 12. Some women are taller and have larger pelvic bones and can never fit into a size 4 without looking like a reanimated skeleton, nor should they have to. Me saying this is in no way glorifying or condoning actual obesity.

But to the author, it's either/or. Either happily starve yourself or eat a whole bag of oreos so you can waddle around. How oversimplified and ignorant!

Also, nice dig at people who are not rich.
Overall, fashion is no longer about pushing the limits of creativity or framing an elegant and slender woman’s body like a piece of art. It exists to churn out Regime-approved political and social statements—and if that means creating ugly size 22 clothes, so be it.

There’s no exclusivity anymore. Everyone must be allowed to partake in fashion regardless of size. Soon, you’ll see a 4XL Chanel suit—mark my words.

Now, I’m not suggesting fat people should go without clothes, but elevating obese women to hero status and bringing them into the “designer world” gives their obesity a false sense of acceptance and glorifies poor health.

Today, the fashion industry is a slave to overweight frumpy progressive women who spent their high school years lurking in the shadows, constantly outshined and shunned by the “beautiful girls”—the girls who actually put in the effort to look stunning in designer clothes.

However, now, we’re supposed to believe that morbid obesity is beautiful.

We’re told these morbidly obese women deserve a seat at the fashion table because they’re brave for overeating and abusing their bodies.

This is the new crusade fashion is undertaking — worshiping grossly unhealthy women who are one chicken nugget away from cardiac arrest.

But the catwalk image of perfectly rounded boobs and jaw-dropping beauty has been replaced by an emotional eater with back fat and stretch marks—the exact look so many women are determined to avoid.

But we’re told by the fashion industry that women want to see that.

I don’t.

I don’t want to see someone who looks like a random lady at Target on the runway. I’d rather see the hot girl.

Today’s modern progressive women encourage fat girls to wear their sadness, loss of control, and insecurities like a badge of honor. That way they can force innocent bystanders like me and you to pretend these women look “beautiful” and “stunning,” when they clearly don’t.

It’s yet another left-wing control mechanism.

Instead of lying to these poor girls, and telling them they look gorgeous, how about getting them into a program that can set them free and add decades to their lives?

Women are not ornaments or scenery or art. We are human beings.

The author flip flops between "morbidly obese" and "overweight". There is a huge difference between BMI of 26(a few pounds overweight) and BMI of 35 and up, which would correspond to a size 22. But to the author, anything that is not an "elegant and slender" size 4 is the same, worthless and lazy.

The agenda being pushed very visibly by the left is to glorify obesity, i think we can all agree on that. But there is an underlying agenda to glorify unhealthy "starving" for vain purposes that have nothing to do with health. And if anyone speaks out against it they will be branded a woke leftist.

And then, mentions of high school and "putting in the effort to look good". High school girls are underage and under parental control, so if their parents say no dieting, it's no dieting. It has nothing to do with "putting in effort". Perhaps the author resents having one of those mothers that constantly forces her daughter to diet and calls her fat?

Also, women who starve themselves don't have "perfectly rounded boobs" unless it's through surgery. Another stupid agenda-pushing statement by the author.

The rest of the long article is really idiotic too, lol. Just veers too far off topic from the thread.
Jun 26, 2022
why does it always have to be two extremes? If I am saying this about the pressure of women having to be outrageously beautiful, I will get accused of being into the idea of obesity and thinking it's alright to be fat and unhealthy. Definitely not! I know there's a middle ground, and so many people ignore the fact that a woman (and a man, too!) can be healthy just by pure necessities. Why do we need to kill ourselves at the gym? Why do we need to dress to the nines? Why all the makeup and hair product? What's the need for trends and fashion?
I agree 100%
So much of that stuff is so unhealthy for us too.

The fact that she goes from thin supermodel to obese blob just goes to show there's no middle ground according to the elites!
Wow, i did not know this superhero existed, thats crazy! And a great example of this 2 extremes thing theyre trying to push.
Jun 26, 2022
Thin = beautiful is a western trend at this time. It used to be women wanted to look plump.
Have you heard the expression "Real women have curves"? Or thin women look like boys? When I was a kid it was understood that once a woman has a baby her body will never be as thin as it was before. REAL WOMEN have curves. Thin women are not REAL women? It is a sign of virility to have a baby. I think that's why there is emphasis on being a REAL woman - is there anything more womanly than having a baby? I think that is also why women "without curves" are transformed into "boys."
The problem with this is that not all women (and i only mean biological women, not men pretending to be women) gain weight in "socially acceptable places". Extra weight on some women will give the big butt aesthetic, but on some of us it is back flab and a gut. So gaining some weight to be plump and more attractive is not a realistic outcome for all women, some women do look better at a lower weight. And even though the "beauty standard" changed, it's still that notion that women need to alter their physical appearances instead of just trying to be healthy.

Also, that expression is so disrespectful. I dont mean to seem like I'm personally attacking you, or saying you meant to be disrespectful, by the way.

Not all real biological women have a curvy shape, and not all women keep their pregnancy weight gain. Thin women do not become men. I dont agree wih the glorification of anorexic body types, and I'm aware that many of the celebrities are trans, but that doesn't mean that there is no such thing as a thin female. It is wrong to expect women to starve themselves to look a certain way, but if a woman does look that way it doesn't automatically mean she's a man.

People used to get dressed up to go on airplanes...wear pajamas in public.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but i really dislike the idea that people should dress up for things. As long as nothing inappropriate is showing and the clothing is not offensive, the idea of people feeling like they have to get dressed up "dress to impress" bothers me.

I also dont mind if people wear pajamas in public and don't think its other people's business. A bigger problem is women wearing bras as shirts or shorts so small their butts are hanging out. Or men wearing skin tight pants. Just my opinion...

I read that wearing makeup started with sickly prostitutes trying to look sexually aroused. Other women would see the men attracted to them and use makeup to look like them. The lips of the face symbolize the lips "down there." Having glossy (wet), plump lips in colors suggesting increased blood flow are signs of arousal that are
That is so disgusting and sad that women felt the need to compare themselves to prostitutes. If a man is attracted to prostitutes instead of a decent woman that it his loss. Unfortunately the trend of women emulating prostitutes continues to this day.
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Jul 12, 2022
I do thank everyone for the replies! I appreciate it :)

And thank you @Sibi for that, it's nice for you to say!

I think though, sadly, most are still believing that I advocate for fat women or fat acceptance in general. I just need to point out that this is NOT true. I don't condone the idea of being fat/obese as it is unhealthy, and I wouldn't even want to be fat, myself. I do understand that it's not good that some of these men apparently force the girls to eat before leaving the room, and in some countries (surprised to hear this) they are expected to be highly overweight. I guess where I'm from, it's much different than that..I sadly see too much pressure to be thin/perfect, and that's not healthy, either. As @Doomsday Cult Mom cult mom pointed out with Jessica Simpson.
I am here more to say that the top elites are using this fat acceptance as a way to confuse people. They are showing both extremes instead of the middle ground, which is what I advocate for. Being a middle grounder myself, we tend to get ignored by society and erased. But, I still see the constant nagging to be thin. Seeing all the tv shows, movies, video games and app games, the images of very thin women are still highly portrayed..I'm not saying they should start having fat people, I'm saying, why not portray just what these people look like naturally? Everyone's bone structures and faces are different, right? I can't be thin even if I starve myself, but I also can't be obese. My bone structure doesn't allow either.
I think if we saw what the top elites are really doing and advocate for what God has given us, this world would be a much better place.
I also agree not all thin women are men like @ToxicFemininitySucks says, there ARE some women who have thinner bone structures it does happen, but this also doesn't happen alot. So, we shouldn't be expected to be this way, either, if we don't have the structure for it. I also think the article she posted about how we have to starve ourselves to be the ideal woman is horrible. I love how she makes a point about how it's no middle ground.
There are so many rules and so many different ways the elites are brainwashing people. Maybe people need to stop being labels and start being themselves. There's a revolution, right there.
Jul 12, 2022
I agree 100%
So much of that stuff is so unhealthy for us too.

Wow, i did not know this superhero existed, thats crazy! And a great example of this 2 extremes thing theyre trying to push.
It sadly is, it's so hard to know where we stand if we don't know where to go.

I couldn't believe this myself! Never hearing of this super hero, either, I was baffled. Where is the middle ground? Seems this keeps sadly getting dismissed for mass confusion


Aug 11, 2021
I dont agree wih the glorification of anorexic body types, and I'm aware that many of the celebrities are trans, but that doesn't mean that there is no such thing as a thin female. It is wrong to expect women to starve themselves to look a certain way, but if a woman does look that way it doesn't automatically mean she's a man.
I totally agree! I am not saying thin women look like men but that it is acceptable to insult thin women.

A bigger problem is women wearing bras as shirts or shorts so small their butts are hanging out. Or men wearing skin tight pants. Just my opinion...
Good point!
Aug 12, 2020
I think that there are a lot of socio-economic reasons and that the rich use this for their advantage. Models and rock stars and the elite can afford and have access to lots of drugs which is one way they stay thin. Also people that have not much money tend to eat a lot of comfort food which is very fattening. But I think the main reason reason they are encouraging and trying to make being fat accepted is the pharmaceutical companies make billions off selling pills for diabetes and other maladies caused by overeating and bad diet and the FDA purposely allows putting crap in our food that makes people fat and unhealthy. Look at all the fat kids around now because they are eating breakfast cereal that is really just candy and fast food that is very fattening and unhealthy. I've learned to always follow the money trail and when you do you realize the fat acceptance conspiracy is just another scam by the Evil Ones to make money off our misery and also psychological warfare. Also I wouldn't be surprised if they make a law that allows calling someone fat to be punished for using hate speech. I don't believe in being cruel but we must never accept being fat or too thin to be normal. And look at Orange Man who is always promoting eating at McDonald's and drinking diet coke. When you can golf all day on your own golf course it's easy to stay thin even if you eat a lot of crap. But even after all the golf he still pretty fat. Poor Melania but she always looking good even after the FBI rummaged through her underwear drawers a while back and I bet those sick bastards enjoyed that job too LOL.
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Jul 24, 2022
I like watching those fat shows like 600 pounder woman and "TOO HUGE!!!" shows. I smack my lips when it shows them taking a bite of trashy "food", I "OOO" and "AWWWW" when it shows them rolling over in bed or jiggling on a scooter running about in the grocery store. My favorites are the ones they catch falling down on some cement (and those poor firemen having to lift 'em back upright) heh well I guess my enjoyment of those fatumentaries stems from the good ol' days of going to the carnival and seeing the Fat Man in the Freak Show. How I miss those days, I remember one year they had a Lobster Man and of course they always had a Bearded Lady. Good times.


Aug 11, 2021
I am here more to say that the top elites are using this fat acceptance as a way to confuse people. They are showing both extremes instead of the middle ground, which is what I advocate for. Being a middle grounder myself, we tend to get ignored by society and erased.
Being balanced is not allowed! ;)

But, I still see the constant nagging to be thin. Seeing all the tv shows, movies, video games and app games, the images of very thin women are still highly portrayed..
I think there has been more of a push towards showing all body types in recent years.

There are so many rules and so many different ways the elites are brainwashing people. Maybe people need to stop being labels and start being themselves. There's a revolution, right there.
Yes exactly! We are objects to them and need our labels then our behavior is predictable. As Biden said, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"


Aug 11, 2021
I also think a new breed of fat morbidly obese women has been spawned that are aggressive and even proud of their repulsive bodies and are arrogant . People like Whoopi Goldberg and BLACK LIES MATTER people come immediately to mind. They are Satan's children. In the bible it says be humble and of good cheer which is the opposite of the way they behave. But I will say this I saw a picture of Jessica Simpson in a thread and she looked like the living dead so being too thin is bad news. But I still would rather be too thin than too fat because it is easy to gain weight but losing weight is very hard. But they are definitely promoting being fat now is normal and I will never accept it.
If you don't like that you are RACIST!

Body Mass Index is RACIST!!! - HuffPost
Weight Bias Is Rooted in RACISM!!! and Hurting Us All
The RACIST!!! Roots of Fighting Obesity Prescribing weight loss to Black women ignore - Scientific American



Nov 8, 2022
I, on the other hand, will give you a different perspective.

For some time I have been trying to analyze the imposed new (and also old) trends, rules, laws, especially from the perspective of the world sought by the elites, let's say this world of goals for 2030 (although 2035 is the more accurate target year). One of the firmest goals for the future-which has long been stated and is consistently and relentlessly pursued - is a world that is dotted with high-tech smart devices everywhere that are connected to "smart" networks analyzed in real time by AI, connected supercomputers. Something like that, it's hard to describe even one of these things exactly in a nutshell. But let's say-a "smart" world connected and synchronized with nature.

The budgets for technological advances in this world are practically limitless. This world is a firmly sought-after primary goal (and, if you ask me, the most basic goal). So everything today (and for a long time before today) must, from the point of view of the elites, have meaning and benefit in the context of this future world. Everything.

And people are definitely on the list connected to the network via devices, maybe the most basic of it. So, what would make sense of what you're thinking about in the context of a step toward "World 2035"? For example, one of the most sought-after and blatantly and constantly stated at the highest level goals for "transformation" is the achievement of a unified view around common global goals, a "new global social contract" so-called "trust building" (and other elitist nonsense), part of which is "combating harmful content", "disinformation", "unverified / unscientific authenticated information", etc.

And we have all these continuous "scientific" certifications of this and that. It was scientifically proven that water is wet, and also why it is wet. But, also, much more complex scientific studies are carried out, such as the number of points on ladybirds and the differences between the number of points of different ladybird species. It has been proven that sugar is sweet and why. Also: why farts actually smell bad and what is the difference between different types of farts.

How would you understand these mysteries without scientific evidence? How do you know you're right? Are you have unscientific assumption? (And maybe you'll share your unscientific assumption with someone else and confuse them? Please don't do this.)

So, nowadays, for some time now, we have been fortunate to live in a world and society that has been scientifically analyzed and verified in detail from the lowest level to the highest - for example, climate change and the viruses of the PCR test. The efficacy of protective injections has also been scientifically proven. First they proved 100% efficiency; then 90%; then 70%; then 30%; then 5%; then they proved that they were ineffective and we needed re-inoculation; then they proved that regular boosters were needed.. But medical science was always quick and accurate and proved all this as scientific fact.

So, science is in its greatest bloom (even Putin declared in Russia a "Decade of Science and technology"). Every single thing, every detail - from the smallest to the largest-is proven scientifically. This builds trust; one can relax in good hands. Man may also, if science has established that it is well, strive for weight loss; but if science finds the contrary, man may strive for weight gain.

So, for example, one thing that sticks deep in the human mind is that it can calm its thinking in trying to understand the world around it, and just trust the science. In the future, the role of" advisor "will be performed by a wearable" super-smart "device, for example, that is connected to a central database; but, also, maybe a device built into the body, or, much more likely, a" super-smart " bionanotechnology network, with interface and everything else.

If in this connected world there is not a high level of trust, then these "personal smart advisors" will have to very often "correct" the relevant person with "inappropriate thinking"; this can cause some disruption in the synchronous work of the unified network. So you need high trust.

In another sense, for example, if we think about the problem of the elites with the multitude of "useless eaters" who will be out of work in a world where they will be replaced by robots and devices. What could the elites use them for? What technological opportunities are there and what are being developed for the future? Some kind of biological battery, maybe? Are there any developments for such miracles? Would fuller people have higher "energy productivity"?..

Perhaps none of this is true and the explanation is much simpler. I was just thinking, and I decided to share.:)
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Oct 20, 2021
Don't re
I, on the other hand, will give you a different perspective.

For some time I have been trying to analyze the imposed new (and also old) trends, rules, laws, especially from the perspective of the world sought by the elites, let's say this world of goals for 2030 (although 2035 is the more accurate target year). One of the firmest goals for the future-which has long been stated and is consistently and relentlessly pursued - is a world that is dotted with high-tech smart devices everywhere that are connected to "smart" networks analyzed in real time by AI, connected supercomputers. Something like that, it's hard to describe even one of these things exactly in a nutshell. But let's say-a "smart" world connected and synchronized with nature.

The budgets for technological advances in this world are practically limitless. This world is a firmly sought-after primary goal (and, if you ask me, the most basic goal). So everything today (and for a long time before today) must, from the point of view of the elites, have meaning and benefit in the context of this future world. Everything.

And people are definitely on the list connected to the network via devices, maybe the most basic of it. So, what would make sense of what you're thinking about in the context of a step toward "World 2035"? For example, one of the most sought-after and blatantly and constantly stated at the highest level goals for "transformation" is the achievement of a unified view around common global goals, a "new global social contract" so-called "trust building" (and other elitist nonsense), part of which is "combating harmful content", "disinformation", "unverified / unscientific authenticated information", etc.

And we have all these continuous "scientific" certifications of this and that. It was scientifically proven that water is wet, and also why it is wet. But, also, much more complex scientific studies are carried out, such as the number of points on ladybirds and the differences between the number of points of different ladybird species. It has been proven that sugar is sweet and why. Also: why farts actually smell bad and what is the difference between different types of farts.

How would you understand these mysteries without scientific evidence? How do you know you're right? Are you have unscientific assumption? (And maybe you'll share your unscientific assumption with someone else and confuse them? Please don't do this.)

So, nowadays, for some time now, we have been fortunate to live in a world and society that has been scientifically analyzed and verified in detail from the lowest level to the highest - for example, climate change and the viruses of the PCR test. The efficacy of protective injections has also been scientifically proven. First they proved 100% efficiency; then 90%; then 70%; then 30%; then 5%; then they proved that they were ineffective and we needed re-inoculation; then they proved that regular boosters were needed.. But medical science was always quick and accurate and proved all this as scientific fact.

So, science is in its greatest bloom (even Putin declared in Russia a "Decade of Science and technology"). Every single thing, every detail - from the smallest to the largest-is proven scientifically. This builds trust; one can relax in good hands. Man may also, if science has established that it is well, strive for weight loss; but if science finds the contrary, man may strive for weight gain.

So, for example, one thing that sticks deep in the human mind is that it can calm its thinking in trying to understand the world around it, and just trust the science. In the future, the role of" advisor "will be performed by a wearable" super-smart "device, for example, that is connected to a central database; but, also, maybe a device built into the body, or, much more likely, a" super-smart " bionanotechnology network, with interface and everything else.

In another sense, for example, if we think about the problem of the elites with the multitude of "useless eaters" who will be out of work in a world where they will be replaced by robots and devices. What could the elites use them for? What technological opportunities are there and what are being developed for the future? Some kind of biological battery, maybe? Are there any developments for such miracles? Would fuller people have higher "energy productivity"?..

Perhaps none of this is true and the explanation is much simpler. I was just thinking, and I decided to share.:)
Don't really know what the heck that was all about but give you an A for effort lol.


Nov 8, 2022
That's what I was hoping for, thank you! With this "A" you certified the quality of my comment, according to the scientific criteria of the forum. I'm pleased.:cool:

//And this is in other people's topics. Imagine what will happen in my topic (I'm still wondering which end to start with).
Oct 20, 2021
That's what I was hoping for, thank you! With this "A" you certified the quality of my comment, according to the scientific criteria of the forum. I'm pleased.:cool:

//And this is in other people's topics. Imagine what will happen in my topic (I'm still wondering which end to start with).
Not only quality but quantity also lol.